Waves GTR User Manual

Waves GTR
Amp User Guide
Waves GTR Amp User Guide
CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................3
PRODUCT OVERVIEW ................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2 – QUICKSTART GUIDE..............................................................................5
CHAPTER 3 – CONTROLS AND INTERFACE ...............................................................6
AMP TYPES...............................................................................................................6
High Gain ..................................................................................................................8
AMP CONTROLS......................................................................................................10
CABINETS AND MICROPHONES.................................................................................11
Bass Cabinets.........................................................................................................12
CABINET AND MICROPHONE CONTROLS...................................................................13
AMP COMPONENTS .................................................................................................14
CHAPTER 4 – THE WAVESYSTEM..............................................................................16
THE WAVESYSTEM TOOLBAR ..................................................................................16
Toolbar Functions ...................................................................................................16
PRESET HANDLING..................................................................................................16
Preset Types...........................................................................................................16
Loading Presets and Setups...................................................................................17
Saving Presets and Setups.....................................................................................17
Deleting Presets......................................................................................................18
A/B Comparison and Copying.................................................................................18
INTERFACE CONTROLS............................................................................................18
Toggle Buttons........................................................................................................18
Value Window Buttons............................................................................................19
Hover Box ...............................................................................................................19
Multiple Selection of Controls..................................................................................19
TAB Functions.........................................................................................................20
Waves GTR Amp User Guide
Chapter 1 – Introduction
1.1 Welcome
Thank you for choosing Waves! In order to get the most out of your Waves processor, please take the time to read through this manual.
In conjunction, we also suggest that you become familiar with
www.wavesupport.net. There you will find an extensive Answer Base, the latest
Tech Specs, detailed Installation guides, new Software Updates, and current
information on Authorization and Registration. By signing up at www.wavesupport.net, you will receive personalized information
on your registered products, reminders when updates are available, and information on your authorization status.
1.2 Product Overview
Waves Amp is a primary component of GTR, which features an exceptional selection of virtual amplifiers, cabinets, and microphones. While GTR was designed to be used with electric guitar, it’s also a powerful set of tools for processing and re-amping drum or vocal tracks.
Each amp has two main sections:
Amp Type – With controls for amp selection and tone adjustment.
Cabinet & Mic – With controls for cabinet selection, microphone selection,
and microphone position.
Waves GTR Amp User Guide
1.3 Components
WaveShell technology enables us to split Waves processors into smaller plug­ins, which we call components. Having a choice of components for a particular processor gives you the flexibility to choose the configuration best suited to your material.
Waves GTR Amp includes Mono, Mono Dual Cabinet, Mono-to-Stereo, and Stereo configurations. The Mono Dual Cab, Mono-to-Stereo, and Stereo components can each accommodate one amplifier with two cabinets. In Mono-to­Stereo and Stereo configurations, the output of each cabinet can be panned independently.
Waves GTR Amp User Guide
Chapter 2 – Quickstart Guide
When you open the Waves Amp plug-in on a track insert, it’s ready to go with the default Clean amp.
Use the Drive control to crank up the gain for more intensity without changing your output volume.
For a more distorted tone, choose an amp with more Drive from the Amp Type menu. Amps are sorted in an escalating gain order.
Once you’ve selected your amplifier, open up a post-amp PedalBoard. Reverb, Vibrolo, Delay, EQ, and Compression all work well as post-amp effects.
Here’s an example of a possible full setup: Stomp 6 Mono-to-Stereo PedalBoard with its default preset, followed by a Stereo Amp, followed by a Stomp 2 Stereo PedalBoard with Vibrolo and Spring Reverb Stomps.
Waves GTR Amp User Guide
Chapter 3 – Controls and Interface
3.1 Amp Types
Select the amp model using the Amp Types menu. Amps are sorted into groups by application or drive rating. Each group has a unique skin.
CLEAN amps are displayed with a golden panel and tweed skin.
Direct Full-frequency, transparent tone
Clean Based on a 1959 tweed Fender® Bassman®.
Warm Based on a boutique amp from Paul Reed Smith's private collection.
Punchy Based on a 100W Marshall® head
Sweet Based on a 1968 Gibson® Skylark
Waves GTR Amp User Guide
DRIVE amps are displayed with a blue panel and gold threaded cloth skin.
Cream Based on a 1966 Ampeg® Gemini II
Edgy Based on a 1980 Vox® AC-30 TB-2
Drive Based on a 1964 blackface Fender® Super Reverb®
• Overdrive Based on a 1980 Marshall® JMP
• Scream Based on a custom amp from Paul Reed Smith's private collection
Waves GTR Amp User Guide
+ 15 hidden pages