Information in this manual is subject to change without n otice. No part of this publication m ay be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without written permission
from Watlow-Anafaze.
Watlow-Anafaze, Incorporated warrants that the products furnished under this Agreement will be
free from defects in material and w orkmanshi p for a per iod of t hree yearsf rom the dat e of shipm ent.
The customer shall provide notice of any defect to Watlow-Anafaze, Incorporated within one week
after the Customer's discovery of such defect. The sole obligation and liability of Watlow-Anafaze,
Incorporated under this warranty shall be to repair or replace, at its option and without cost to the
Customer, the defective product or part.
Upon request by Watlow-Anafaze, Incorporated, the product or part claimed to be defective shall
immediately be returned at the Customer's expense to Watlow-Anafaze, Incorporated. Replaced or
repaired products or parts will be shipped to the Customer at the expense of Watlow-Anafaze,
There shall be no warranty or liability for any product s or parts that ha ve been subject to m isuse,
accident, negligence, failure of electric power or modification by the Customer without the written
approval of Watlow-Anafaze, Incorporated. Final determination of warranty eligibility shall be
made by Watlow-Anafaze, Incorporated. If a warranty claim is considered invalid for any reason,
the Customer will be charged for services performed and expenses incurred by Watlow-Anafaze,
Incorporated in handling and shipping the returned unit.
If replacement parts are supplied or repairs made during the original warranty period, the warranty
period for the replacement or repaired part shall terminate with the termination of the warranty
period of the original product or part.
The foregoing warranty constitutes the sole liability of Watlow-Anafaze, Incorporated and the customer's sole remedy with respect to t he products. I t is in lieu of all other warranties, liabilities , and
remedies. Except as thus provided, Watlow-Anafaze, Inc. disclaims all warranties, express or
implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Please Note: External safety devices must be used with equipment.
Getting Here ....................................................................71
Function Keys .................................................................73
R/S Time Base ................................................................73
R/S Loop Face Plate Display ..........................................73
Power Failure Recovery ..................................................74
ANASOFT User’s Guide iii
iv ANASOFT User’s Guide
Using This Guide
This manual describes how to install, setup, and operate ANASOFT.
ANASOFT is a DOS-based software program that allows you to
program and monitor multiple controllers from a single PC. Included is
data logging and trend plotting.
This guide is intended for both experienced and inexperienced users.
Experienced users may find some parts of this guide very simplistic; if
that’s you, please at least skim these parts to make sure you don’t miss
anything vital. If you’re an inexperienced user, please read this guide
The following describes each section.
Introduction: Describes ANASOFT 3 and ANASOFT4 dif ferences
and computer requirements.
Installation: Covers how to install and setup ANASOFT.
Startup: Describes program loading and startup errors.
General Screen Displays: Provides an overview of the screen and
typical screen responses.
Loop Overview: Describes loop overview screen.
Edit: Describes the edit screen.
Loop Setup: Gives an overview of the loop setup screen. Included
are descriptions of control parameters.
System Setup: Describes the system setup screen.
Job Setup: Describes the job setup screen.
View Alarms: Describes alarms and how to view them.
Trend Plot: Covers tre nd plotting and reviewing trend plots.
Appendix A: Gives tips on tuning and control features.
Appendix B: Describes input scaling examples.
Appendix C: Describes the Ramp and Soak option.
ANASOFT User’s Guide v
System Block Diagram
The following shows how the PC interface (with ANASOFT) to several
Software Key (parallel port)
Cable (serial port 1 or 2)
1 or more controllers
Parts List
The following parts are included with ANASOFT.
ANASOFT on 3.5 inch Diskette. (5.25 in diskettes are available
upon request)
Software Key
RS-232 or RS-485 communications cable
vi ANASOFT User’s Guide
Watlow-Anafaze has made efforts to ensure the reliability and safety of
ANASOFT. Note that in any application failures can occur.
Good engineering practices, electrical codes, and insurance regulations
require that you use independent external safety devices to prevent
potentially dangerous or unsafe conditions. Assume that ANASOFT can
fail or that other unexpected conditions can occur.
For additional process safety, program a computer or other host device
to automatically reload your desired operating parameters after a power
failure. However, this safety feature does not eliminate the need for
other external, independent safety devices in dangerous conditions.
In the event of a controller reset, ANASOFT will reload the controller
with the current values in computer memory. The user must ensure that
this reset will be safe for the process. Use of ANASOFT does not
eliminate the need for appropriate external, independent safety devices.
Please contact Watlow-Anafaze immediately if you have questions
about system safety.
ANASOFT User’s Guide vii
viii ANASOFT User’s Guide
ANASOFT is a user friendly, menu driven software package. It
provides a powerful computer supervised measurement and control
system with data acquisition.
ANASOFT is the general name for two products: ANASOFT3 and
ANASOFT4. This User’s Guide is for the two products. It uses the
general name ANASOFT when referring to both.
Each product communicates with different controllers, as shown below:
The choice of controller type is selected when the installation program
is run. At present, controllers cannot be mixed on the same system.
Watlow-Anafaze controllers are purchase d with vari ous options for mounting, input/output configurability
and application options. Make sure your controller’s
version and options match your ANASOFT v ersio n.
The system may have only one Watlow-Anafaze controller or a plant
wide system with numerous controllers. ANASOFT includes numeric
and graphic displays, data and alarm printing, data and alarm logging in
text or LOTUS compatible files, and graphic trending. It runs on an
IBM AT 286, 386, or 486, and true compatible computers. A question
and answer format enables users to quickly define and setup any
measurement or control application.
ANASOFT is sold with a license agreement and can
be operated only on one computer. The license agreement requires registration with Watlow-Anafaze.
Watlow-Anafaze will send updates at no charge only
to registered users.
Graphic trend plotting of process variabilities points and output val-
ues in real time
Definable startup sequences
Power failure recovery
Printer and disk data and alarm logging
This version is recommended for central process supervision, data
acquisition, or any application where the computer is operated on-line
with an Watlow-Anafaze system.
provides timed control of Setpoints. Use this version with WatlowAnafaze 8LS, 12LS, CLS Ramp and Soak controllers.
- Expanded Version - provides these features:
is the Ramp Soak version of the ANASOFT-EV; it
Computer Requirements
it provides control of carbon control systems as used in the heat treating
industry. Use this version with Watlow-Anafaze 8LS and MLS carbon
meet customer’s special requirements for any application. Please
contact Watlow-Anafaze or its representatives to provide pricing and
delivery on custom software packages.
Watlow-Anafaze sets these computer requirements for running
1. IBM AT 286, 386, 486 or other IBM Compatible Computer
2. DOS Version 3.3 or higher
is the Carbon Potential version of the ANASOFT-EV;
is a custom version of ANASOFT; it is designed to
2 ANASOFT User’s Guide
3. Speed: 25MHz or higher
This speed provides the best performance of the ANASOFT program; it enhances the response of the system to changes and maintains the best screen updates. However, it is not a factor in the
performance of the control system since this is maintained independently in each Watlow-Anafaze controller.
4. Memory: 580K bytes free memory or larger
5. Disk Drives: One 40MB hard disk. One 5.25 inch or 3.5 inch floppy
6. Graphics Interface: EGA/VGA
7. RS-232 or RS-485 Serial Interface
The serial communication link required to communicate with more
than one Watlow-Anafaze controller or with a communication cable
longer than 50 feet is RS-485. Watlow-Anafaze recommends using
the standard serial interface of RS-232 with an external RS-485 converter.
A converter recommended by Watlow-Anafaze is the B&B Electronics RS-232/RS-485 optically isolated converter P/N 485OIC. This
converter has screw terminals for connecting the RS-485 wires and
the DB-25 Male connector for the RS-232 side.
Another recommended converter is the B&B Electronics optically
isolated with surge suppressors P/N 485OISPR. This converter has a
DB-25 Male connector for the RS-485 communication wires and a
DB-25 Female connector for the RS-232 side.
These converters are for both 2-wire/4-wire systems and may be used
with all Watlow-Anafaze controllers. The optical isolation should be
used with the MLS and CLS controllers, and it must be used with the
16CLS controller.
Other recommendations are the Black Box RS-232/RS-485 non-isolated converter P/N ME-836A. The ME-836A connections are the
same except the terminals are labeled with an X instead of a D. The
converter is used for both 2-wire/4-wire systems.
To provide optical isolation, the addition of Black Box opto-isolator
P/N SP400A is highly recommended. The SP400A will normally use
the factory DIP switch settings. All that needs to be done is to connect the cable and the power supply. The SP400A has been used
without any power supplies required as it will draw its power from
the computer and the ME-836A. Always use equi pment m anuf acture
factory recommendations.
T o us e a PC internal m oun ted RS-4 85 card, the B l ack Box Corp. P/N
IC030 has been used successfully in Watlow-Anafaze installations.
Caution must be taken when other communication devices are
installed so as not to conflict with the address or interrupt.
Another recommended PC internal optically isolated RS-485 serial
card is the B&B Electronics 3PXOCC1A
ANASOFT User’s Guide 3
8. Printer Parallel Interface
The printer parallel interface port is required for the Watlow-Anafaze
software key . The Watlow-Anafaze software key must be installed on
the printer port. System operation of the controllers is not possible
without the software key. [See Software key installation].
9. Battery backed up real time clock (usually battery backed CMOS
10. EGA/VGA Monitor
The EGA interface card will allow color trend plotting even with a
CGA monitor. The EGA/VGA monitor used with the EGA/VGA
interface provides improved text displays making all the screens easier to read. For systems that require frequent operator changes and
frequent observation, full EGA or VGA is recommended.
11. IBM Graphics Compatible Printer
This graphics printer is required for printing data and alarm logging
features of ANASOFT-EV. The printer is not needed for the software
key to operate, but if the printer is used, it must be ON LINE to operate ANASOFT.
4 ANASOFT User’s Guide
Quick Installation
Create a new directory for ANASOFT.
Change directory to the one you have created and type Anasoft.exe. This self-extr actin g f ile contains the operating pr ogram
and the support files.
Type ANAINSTL from your ANASOFT directory. After pressing Enter, Installation Menu appears.
Change inputs in the Installation Menu by moving the cursor to
the desired parameters.
Install the Software Key.
You are ready for start up.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the entire
system is safe. Read the warning in the front of this
manual. If there is any possibility of an unsafe condition, use independent safety devices.
ANASOFT is provided on various floppy con figurations. Depen ding on
the version of ANASOFT, the disks include the following files:
README.BAT - contains information on how to install th e so ftwa re.
ANASOFT.EXE - a self-extracting file which contains
following files and all the support files:
ANA-EV.EXE - ANASOFT EV operating program
ANA-RS.EXE - ANASOFT-RS operating program
ANA-CP.EXE - ANASOFT-CP operating program
of the three
Support files:
ANAINSTL.EXE - ANASOFT installatio n program
INSTAL.DAT - installation parameters data file
LPGRP.DAT - loop group ing start up dat a file
SYSSU.DAT - system setup data file
ANASOFT User’s Guide 5
STATUS.DAT - system start up status file
DIGIO.DAT - digital I/O screen data
DLOG.DAT - data logging data file
GRPINFO.DAT - group set up data file
HDR.WK1 - Lotus header set up file
PLOT.DAT - plot parameters data file
The following list contains files created from the software:
XXXXXXXX.J## - group job directory data file
NEWXX.PLT - plot files which were created within the last 24 hours.
OLDXX.PLT - older plot files
PXXXXXXX.TXT or WK1 process logging files
File Locations
AXXXXXXX.TXT or WK1 alarm logging files
ANASOFT-RS also includes:
XXXXXXXX.R## - R/S program assigned data file
XXXXXXXX.PRF - R/S program data file
Make copies of disks before running the program,
and store the original ANASOFT disks in a safe
place. Use the copies to operate the system.
360k dual floppy disk system:
Watlow-Anafaze recommends that you store the ANASOFT operating
program file and the INSTAL.DAT file on drive A, and all other files on
drive B. Once the program ANAINSTL is run, you can remove
ANAINSTL.EXE from drive B to allow more room for data. Do not
remove files from the master disk.
6 ANASOFT User’s Guide
720k or higher floppy disk system:
Watlow-Anafaze recommends that you store all files of the ANASOFT
operating program on one drive such as A. Use the B drive to store all
recording data by setting up directories as shown in the hard disk
systems recommendations.
Installation Program
Hard disk systems:
Watlow-Anafaze recommends setting up directories as follows:
ANASOFT - to contain the operating program, system data and job files
DATALOG - to contain data logging files generated by ANASOFT
ALARMLOG - to contain alarm logging files generated by ANASOFT
For easy removal of recorded data, you may install the DATALOG and
ALARMLOG directories on the B drive. If you use A drive for data
recording, you will not be able to use the automatic reboot
Copy all the supplied files to the ANASOFT directory.
The installation program, ANAINSTL.EXE, customizes each
ANASOFT p rogram for the application. When typing C:ANAINSTL (if
it’s on the hard disk), or B:ANAINSTL (if it’s on drive B), The
installation screen appears and enables you to select parameters used by
ANAINSTL.EXE stores the program setup parameters in a file called
INSTAL.DAT. When Run, the ANAINSTL program reads the
INSTAL.DAT fil e from the defau lt disk direct ory. If both files are on the
same disk directory, enter the directory and type ANAINSTL.
If the ANAINSTL.EXE and INSTAL.DAT file are on different
directories, enter the disk directory containing INSTAL.DAT and type
ANAINSTL preceded by the path to the disk directory containing
ANAINSTL. For example, if INSTAL.DAT is on drive A and
ANAINSTL.EXE on drive B, type :
B:>A: [Enter] to change the current default drive to A
A:>B:ANAINSTL [Enter] to start the installation program
If the installation program cannot find INSTAL.DAT, an error message
appears. Verify the location of INSTAL.DAT file.
ANASOFT User’s Guide 7
Installation Menu
1 to 16
This value is fixed for
each controller. See
table on the next page.
The computer’s serial
communication port to the
controller. Can be only 1
Can be either
2400 0r 9600.
Set all controllers to the
same value.
Only one type. Chan ging
one controller’s type
would change all others’.
Change the
screen to the
Loop group Edit
screen. See
Grouping Loops
in this section.
Set to either BCC (Block Check
Character) or CRC (Cyclic
Redundancy Check). Use BCC
for standard applications. CRC
ensures a higher degree of security but decreases the overall
communication rate. Use CRC
only when you anticipate severe
communication noise.
For these paths see the
next page.
8 ANASOFT User’s Guide
Number of loops
controller’s type
SYSTEM32*16 or
* For SYSTEM 32, loop numbers greater than 32 are data acquisition
channels only, and cannot be used as control loops.
** In CLS controllers, the last loop is a pulse control loop.
ANASOFT d isplays the loops with system numbers. The system loop
numbers associated with the controller loops are indicated in the
installation program as the Begin Loop and End Loop for each
Number of
32 or
48 or
Directory Paths
Job/Parameters path
This is the path to the disk directory containing the Job and System
Parameters Data Files. The path would normally be:
B:\ANASOF T\ or .\ current directory (If the system files are on drive B)
C:\ANASOFT\ or .\ current directory (If the system files are on the
hard disk). Notice that the last “\” is added automatically.
Data logging path
This is the path to the disk directory containing the LOTUS or text
[ASCII] data logging files generated by ANASOFT. This directory must
exist before running ANASOFT and turning on data logging.
B:\ANASOFT\DATALOG\ (for floppy disks)
C:\ANASOFT\DATALOG\ or.\DATALOG\ (for hard disks). Notice
that the last “\” is added automatically.
ANASOFT User’s Guide 9
Software Key Installation
Alarm logging path
This is the path to the disk directory containing the Lotus or Text
(ASCII) alarm record files generated by ANASOF T. This directory must
exist before running ANASOFT and turning On alarm logging.
B:\ANASOFT\ALARMLOG\ (for floppy disks)
C:\ANASOFT\ALARMLOG\ or .\ALARMLOG\ (for hard disks).
Notice that the last “\” is added automatically.
Install the software key on the computer printer port.
Grouping Loops
If you are planning to use a pri nte r , f irst inst all the s oftwar e key and then
install the printer cable into the software key. Some computers require
that the printer should be O n Line before the software key will work.
When no software key is installed, an error message appears, and
ANASOFT termin ates.
Grouping inputs allows you to divide your system into subsystems. You
can group loops with a common purpose according to your specific
application requirements. One group might be for a furnace or a group
of furnaces; another group might be for common Jobs controllers share.
Only the loops of one group are displayed on the Overview screen at a
time. The job parameters are uploaded or downloaded to an individual
group independently. The number of controllers with their total number
of loops must match the number of loops in the grouping. The loop
numbering depends upon the type of controller selected in the
ANAINSTL program. The system loops are in a numerical sequence of
1 to 8 for the first 8LS controller and 9 to 16 for the second 8LS
controller, etc. The 12LS sequence is 1 to 12 for the first 12LS
controller, 13 to 24 for the second 12LS controller, etc. The SYSTEM
32 loop sequence is in units of 16 depending on the make-up of the
SYSTEM 32 Hardware. Loops of 16, 32, 48, or 64 may be available.
The same applies for the MLS, CLS and IRC2 controllers regardin g the
number of loops per controller.
10 ANASOFT User’s Guide
After assigning the loop numbers from any controller in the system to
the group, select a type number of two digits up to 99. This number is
the job directory number for th e gro up and i ts l o ops . Al l gro ups w it h the
same type number will be assigned to the same job directory. Creating a
new type number creates a new job directory number in the ANASOFT
Group menu
General grouping rules
Create a group when you need to have the loops on the same Over-
view screen.
Assign the loops to the group you want to have on the same Over-
view screen.
Create a new type number for the new gro up. This ty pe number may
be assigned to more than one group, when the jobs that are saved to
the Job Directory are to be common to the groups that it is assigned
When using the same type number for groups, the number of
loops must match. Otherwise a new type number must be used.
Grouping example
The application has two furnaces, one with four loops and one with two
loops in two separate areas. There are three presses with two loops each,
that share common ramp soak jobs. And, finally, an oven with two loops
of ramp soak control that has nothing in common with the presses ramp
soak jobs.
ANASOFT User’s Guide 11
The hardware consists of the following:
Two Watlow-Anafaze 8LS-P-RS controllers.
Controller #1 will be installed to handle furnace 2A with four loops of
PID control in Area A, two loops of R/S oven control also located in
Area A. The last two loops of controller #1 will be used to p rovide R/S
control for one of the presses located in Area A.
Controller #2 will be installed in Area B for two loops of PID control for
furnace 5B and four loops of R/S control of the two presses located in
Area B. Two loops of the controller will not be used at this time.
Create group AREA A with Loops 1 to 6 and the type number 01.
This will provide an overview screen with four loops from controller #1 for Fu rn 2A and two Loops from controller #1 for oven in
Create group AREA B with Loops 9 to 10 and the type number 02.
This will display two Loops from controller #2 for Furn 5B on an
overview screen in AREA B.
Create group PRESS with Loops 7 to 8 and 11 to 14 and the type
number 03. This will display two Loops from controller #1 for the
press in AREA A, with four loops from controller #2 for the two
presses in AREA B.
12 ANASOFT User’s Guide
Start Up
Quick Start Up
Start Up
Make sure the software key is installed.
Set correctly time and date in your computer.
Type: ANA-EV or ANA-RS or ANA-CP depending on your
ANASOFT version. Job Select screen appears.
Type a job’s name. When starting the first time, enter DEFAULT.
Type D for downloading parameters to the controller, or U for
uploading. For initial testing in the Edit mode, enter D.
Overview screen appears.
Start Up Optional Modes
You can s tart ANASOFT in certain modes by adding parameters to the
command at start up. These command line options include:
Operates the program in Edit mode. The program operates no rmally
but it does not communicate with the controllers or require the software key. You can operate the program in Edit mode without any
hardware connected to the computer. This mode is useful for initial
familiarization, training, and Off Line job editing.
Forces the graphics display into CGA mode. This is necessary on
some computers which are not truly IBM compatible.
Operates the program in the Debug mode. This is useful in debugging communications probl ems. Don’t use it for normal operations. All communications between the computer and controllers
are displayed on the printer. Therefore, in order to use this mode,
the printer must be connected and ready.
You can use capital or small letters in the command line, and more
than one command line option at a time. For example: Typing
ANA-EV /E /C [enter] will operate the program in Edit mode with
CGA graphics.
ANASOFT User’s Guide 13
Start Up
Start Up Sequence
The program checks the computer system hardware, the access to
the system disk files, and the presence of the software key.
The program verifies communications to the controllers in the sys-
tem and the version of the controllers.
Job Directory screen appears.
The program prompts for the job to run. ANASOFT program is sup-
plied with a j ob named DEFAULT which contains all default control parameters and sets all control outputs off. When starting the
first time, enter the job name DEFAULT.
For systems with 8LS, 12LS, CLS, or MLS contro llers, the program
prompts whether to download parameters to the controllers or
upload parameters from the controllers. When SYSTEM 32 controllers are in the system, it automatically downloads.
When controllers are in control of a process,
upload to install parameters into the ANASOFT
operating program. Downloading will install factory default values that will shut down the control
of the process. For Initial testing in the Edit mode,
enter Download.
After the downloading sequence is complete, the program displays
the Overview screen. If there is a problem in the program start up,
see start up errors in this section.
14 ANASOFT User’s Guide
Default Start Up Values
Start Up
The program is shipped to you containing several parameters which are
set to initial factory default values. These should be set to desired values
by supervisory personal, and they include:
Program startup sequences
Data logging parameters
Trend plotting parameters
See System Setup for detailed information.
ANASOFT User’s Guide 15
Start Up
Start Up Errors
During Start up, various error messages may appear. The following
tables describe these messages, their causes and solutions.
Memory allocation errors
ANASOFT al locates computer memory for the loop parameters, based
on the number of loops and options in the system. When ANASOFT
reads in the system data files and finds there isn’t sufficient memory,
these messages may appear:
Insufficient Memory
Not enough memory to allocate
data arrays required to run the program. The program cannot run and
it terminates.
Check the memory by
running the DOS command CHKDSK. At least
580K should be free.
Make sure your computer
has 640K memory, and
remove any memory resident programs and drivers. Check
see if it runs any memory
resident programs. After
removing these programs,
re-boot the computer.
Alarm Queue
Trend Logging
Not enough memory to allocate the
alarm log memory . The prog ram
operates, but the view alarms
screen doesn’t display alarm queue.
Not enough memory to allocate
some or all of the trend logging
memory queues. The program
operates normally, but the trend
plotting i s not available.
Same as above.
Same as above.
Try running the program
and turning off scan outputs. This will save some
memory, but the program
will not plot the. Control
output values.
16 ANASOFT User’s Guide
Disk file errors
While reading in the system files, several reading errors can occur. The
system files are SYSSU.DAT, INSTAL.DAT, and PLOT.DAT.
ANASOFT can not run without these files.
Start Up
FILE: xxxxxxxI
Drive not ready
Read fault
General failure
Access failure
Path not valid
Invalid disk drive
The system file does
not exist on the indicated disk and directory path.
There is a disk drive
hardware access failure.
The data disk path
that you set in the
ANAINSTL installation program is not
There is corrupted or
invalid data in the
disk file.
The INSTAL.DAT file should be on the
default drive and directory. The other system files should be on the data file drive
and directory path as set in the installation
program. If these files are not in the right
directories, copy the system files from the
backup disks to the appropriate directories .
Run CHKDSK or other diagnostic program in order to verify that there is no disk
drive error.
For a floppy drive: make sure that there is
a disk in the right drive and that the drive
door is closed.
Run ANAINSTL and verify that the drive
and directory path exist and are valid.
Don’t forget to verify that “\” is at the end
of the path entry.
Copy the original data file sent with ANASOFT from the backup disks.
ANASOFT User’s Guide 17
Start Up
Extended start up sequence errors
ANASOFT reads in the status file STATUS.DAT which contains
information saved by ANASOFT th e last time it was running. Several
errors can occur when reading this file.
Could not
start up file
Invalid data
value on
start up file
Power Failure Recovery
clock Error
The file could
not be found
on the data file
disk directory
set by
The file may
have been
erased or corrupted.
The file contains some
invalid data,
and ANASOF T assumes
that the file
was corrupted.
The current
system time/
date as saved
in the STATUS.DAT file
were not in a
valid range .
The computer
system clock
is not set to
valid time a nd
ANASOF T continues with the start
up, but since there
is no power failure
information available, ANASOFT
assumes the Over
Power Failure
Recovery time
Limit action and
starts in that mode.
Same as above.Same as above
Same as above.The automatic power failure
As the program is running, the
STATUS.DAT file will be established. Therefore, subsequent
starts shoul d have no problem.
recovery feature of ANASOFT
requires a correct clock/calendar
system. While the computer boots
up, verify the following:
There is a battery backed up
clock/calendar in the system.
The battery is good.
Time and date values are correctly loaded.
18 ANASOFT User’s Guide
Software key problems
Start Up
Software Key not
found on printer
Cannot operate
program without
1. Attempting to run the operating program without a software
key installed on the computer.
2. Installing the software key on
a computer connector other than
a valid printer port.
3. Installing an incorrect key
version. T here’s a single controller version and a multiple
controller version for accessing
more than one controller.
4. Attempting to run the program while the printer is not On
Line. (Rare).
Make sure you have installed the
software key properly on the
printer port.
Verify that you have the multiple
controller version if you want to
access more than one controller.
Communications problems
MessageCause Solution
failed Communications to
Abort start up
ANASOFT can not
communicate with
one of the controllers
during the initial system communications
check or during the
job downloading/
Verify that the communications por t set in
ANAINSTL is the one actually connected to
the controllers.
Verify that the communications parameter s
(baud rate and error checking mode) set in the
installation program are those set in the controllers. The 8L S, 12LS, MLS, and CLS communications parameters are set using the front
panel keys while in th e GLOBAL menu and the
SYSTEM 32, parameters are set by DIP
Verify that the address of each controller is
unique (for multiple controller systems).
Verify that you have the multi-controller key if
more than one controller is hooked up.
Verify that the correct version of ANASOFT is
running for the controllers being used.
Verify that the wiring is done correctly to the
controllers and the computer.
ANASOFT User’s Guide 19
+ 66 hidden pages
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