Watlow 96 User Manual

Series 96

Calibration Manual
1/16 DIN Temperature Controller
with Custom Toolbar (patentpending)
Watlow Controls
1241 Bundy Blvd., P.O. Box 5580, Winona, Minnesota USA55987-5580
Phone: (507) 454-5300, Fax: (507) 452-4507 http://www.watlow.com
3 Year Warranty
ISO 9001
Registered Company
Winona, Minnesota USA
January 1999 (1627)
Made in the U.S.A.
2 Calibration Watlow Series 96

Table of Contents

Calibrating the Series 96.......................................................3
Thermocouple Input Procedure.............................................4
Voltage Process Input Procedure.........................................5
Current Process Input Procedure .........................................5
Process Output Procedures..................................................6
Calibration Parameters .........................................................8
Ordering Information ...........................................................11
How to Reach Us .................................................Back Cover
Warranty, Returns.................................................Back Cover

Technical Assistance

If you encounter a problem with your Watlow controller, see the Trouble­shooting Table in the Appendix of the Series 96 User’s Manual and review all of your configuration information to verify that your selections are consistent with your application: inputs; outputs; alarms; limits; etc. If the problem persists after checking the above, you can get technical assistance from your local Watlow representative, or by dialing (507) 454-5300, ext. 1111.
An applications engineer will discuss your application with you. Please have the following information available when calling:
• Complete model number • All configuration information
• User’s Manual • Diagnostic menu readings

Your Feedback

Your comments or suggestions on this manual are welcome. Please send them to: Technical Writer, Watlow Controls, 1241 Bundy Blvd., P.O. Box 5580, Winona, MN 55987-5580; phone: (507) 454-5300; fax: (507) 452-4507. The Series 96 Calibration Manual is copyrighted by Watlow Winona, Inc., © January 1999, with all rights reserved. (1627)
Watlow Series 96 Calibration ■ 3

Calibrating the Series 96

Warm up the unit (20 minutes). To enter a calibration menu, enter the Factory Page by holding down the ˆ and ‰ keys for six seconds. Once in the Factory Page [Fcty] use the Up-arrow ¿ or
Down-arrow ¯ Key to select a menu. The last three menus on the Factory Page are Calibration 1 Menu [cin1], Calibration 2 Menu [cin2] and Process Output Calibration Menu [cout].
You can restore the original factory calibration with Restore Factory Calibration [`rSt] (Calibration 1 Menu) or revert to the default parameter range selections with Default Settings [dFLt] (Calibration 1 Menu).
Figure 3 – The Calibration Menus.
[CUSt] Custom Menu

Factory Page

[Fcty] Factory Page [`rSt] Restore Factory Calibration [dFLt] Default Settings [tc50] Thermocouple Calibration, 50mV [tc00] Thermocouple Calibration, 0mV [tc32] Thermocouple Calibration, 32mV [`gnd] Set Ground [LEAd] Lead Resistance Calibration [r`15] RTD Calibration, 15 [r380] RTD Calibration, 380 [A`0u] Process Calibration 1, 0V [A10u] Process Calibration 1, 10V [A`4A] Process Calibration 1, 4mA [A20A] Process Calibration 1, 20mA
[Fcty] Factory Page [b`0u] Process Calibration 2, 0V [b10u] Process Calibration 2, 10V [b4A`] Process Calibration 2, 4mA [b20A] Process Calibration 2, 20mA
[Fcty] Factory Page [1``4] Output Calibration 1, 4mA [1`20] Output Calibration 1, 20mA [1``1] Output Calibration 1, 1V [1`10] Output Calibration 1, 10V [2``4] Output Calibration 2, 4mA [2`20] Output Calibration 2, 20mA [2``1] Output Calibration 2, 1V [2`10] Output Calibration 2, 10V [4``4] Output Calibration 4, 4mA [4`20] Output Calibration 4, 20mA [4``1] Output Calibration 4, 1V [4`10] Output Calibration 4, 10V
[`LOC] Lockout Menu
[dIAg] Diagnostics Menu
[cin1] Calibration 1 Menu
[cin2] Calibration 2 Menu
[cout] Process Output Calibration Menu 1
4 Calibration Watlow Series 96

Thermocouple Input Procedure

Type J reference compensator with reference junction at 32°F/0°C, or type J thermocouple calibrator to 32°F/0°C.
Precision millivolt source, 0 to 50mV minimum range, 0.002mV resolution.
Input 1 Setup and Calibration
1. Connect the correct power supply to terminals 8 and 9 (see Series 96 User’s Manual).
2. Connect the millivolt source to terminals 6 (-) and 7 (+) with copper wire.
3. Enter 50.000mV from the millivolt source. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Set Thermocouple Calibration, 50mV [tc50] (Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the Advance Key to store 50.000mV input and move to the next prompt.
4. Enter 0.000mV from the millivolt source. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Set Thermocouple Calibration, 0mV [tc00] (Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the Advance Key to store 0.000mV input and move to the next prompt.
5. Disconnect the millivolt source and connect the reference compensator or thermocouple calibrator to terminals 6 (-) and 7 (+). With type J thermocouple wire, if using a compensator, turn it on and short the input wires. When using a type J calibrator, set it to simulate 32°F/0°C. Allow 10 seconds for the controller to stabilize. Set Thermocouple Calibration, 32° [tc32] (Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the Advance Key ‰ to store type J thermocouple calibration and move to the next prompt.
6. Rewire for operation and verify calibration.

RTD Input Procedure

Equipment Required
•1kΩ decade box with 0.01Ω resolution.
Input 1 Setup and Calibration
1. Connect the correct power supply to terminals 8 and 9 (see Series 96 User’s Manual).
2. Short terminals 5, 6 and 7 together with less than 0.1. Set Ground [`gnd] (Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the Advance Key to store ground input and move to the next prompt.
3. Short terminals 5 and 7 together with less than 0.5. Set Lead Resistance Calibration [LEAd] (Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the Advance Key to store the lead resistance and move to the next prompt.
4. Connect the decade box to terminals 5 (S2), 6 (S3) and 7 (S1), with 20- to 24-gauge wire.
5. Enter 15.00from the decade box. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Set RTD Calibration, 15[r`15] (Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the Advance Key ‰ to store the 15.00input and move to the next prompt.
6. Enter 380.00from the decade box. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Set RTD Calibration, 380[r380] (Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the Advance Key ‰ to store the 380.00input and move to the next prompt.
7. Rewire for operation and verify calibration.
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