SM409gb - rev 01/09
Centrifugal Brakes
Service Manual
We, WARNER ELECTRIC EUROPE, 7, rue Champfleur, B.P. 20095, F-49182 St Barthélemy d’Anjou Cedex
declare that the torque limiters made in our factory from St Barthélemy d’Anjou,
and hereafter designated : FC-G-C410
are exclusively designed for incorporation into a machine and to be assembled with other equipments to create a machine. The operation of
the product is submitted to the conformity of the complete equipment, following the provisions of the machinery directive 98/37/EC Drawn up
in St Barthélemy d’Anjou, July 2002
E. PRAT, General Managing Director
1 Technical specifications
1 Hub
2 Inertia Block
3 Spring
4 Axle
5 Spacer
2 Warner Electric Europe • +33 (0)2 41 21 24 24 P-2065-WE • 2/13
6 Flange
7 Fixing Screws
8 Closing Washer
9 Safety Ring
10 Drum
Fig. 1
The FC-G - C140 centrifugal brake is a device
operating with delayed actuation that is to say, the
pressure between the friction surfaces is achieved by
the centrifugal force resul ting from the rotation of the
driving input. The engagement or disengagement is
therefore driven only by action upon the input side.
The device has no wear adjustment ; it operates only
in dry conditions ; the friction is of cast-iron-againstpacking type.
Example of description for a centrifugal device used
as brake with a zero torque at n = 1650 revolutions
per minute and a nominal torque of 20 m, daN for N
= 2700 revolu tions per minute.
Centrifugal brake, type FC 20 G - 1650/2700
On our devices, hub and drum bores have
usually a H7 tolerance.
It can be mounted horizontally, vertically or in any
other position.
The device consists of two main parts:
2.1 - The driving part includes:
- a hub fixed on the driving-shaft by means of a
key ;
- one, two or three sets of inertia-blocks
depending on the type) which are made integral
with the hub by means of the teeth ;.
- springs , which draw the inertia-blocks back
into the “disengaged or de-braked” position, are
articulated on the axles , are laterally kept
in position by the spacers and the flanges
and are fixed on the inertia-blocks by means
of the screws .
- a closing-washer , centered on the hub
and laterally kept in position by the safety-ring .
For fitting the device on the shaft, we advise to use
the js6 tolerance.
The width of the hub is key groove has the P9
tole rance.
The g6 tolerance is quite proper for the
centering designed to receive the drum .
The shaft should not fall out of alignment with the
drum by a greater value than the one showed in
picture 3, while it should not be more eccentric than
in picture 2.
0,2 max.
2. 2 - The fixed part includes
- a drum centered on the driven member (clutch
use) or the frame o the machine (brake use) and
fixed by means of screws.
The device is rated to a zero torque for rotation
speeds of the driving-shaft below “n” revolutions per
minute, the iner tia-blocks being kept back by the
release springs .
For speeds greater than “n”, the inertia-blocks are
pushed into contact with the drum as a result of
the centrifugal force and the torque gradually grows
until it reaches its nominal value for “N” revolutions
per minute.
When the speed decreases, the torque gradually
decreases until it reaches its zero value for speeds
equal to or under “n” revolutions per minute.
NOTE - “n” and “N” values are engraved on every
device after the name of the type
Fig. 2
0,1 max.
Fig. 3
Warner Electric Europe • +33 (0)2 41 21 24 24 P-2065-WE • 2/13 3