VTech AlphaBit's Letters 'n Lights Owner's Manual

User's Manual
AlphaBit’s Letters ‘n Lights
AlphaBert’s Learn-to-Read System
Dear Parent,
At VTech®, we know how important learning to read is to your child’s future. That’s why we created AlphaBert’s Learn-to-Read System™ - a progressive line of interactive learning products uniquely designed to teach your child how to read, while making the experience fun and rewarding.
This progressive system eliminates the guesswork when selecting learning toys for your child. Learning to read is a step-by-step process, and AlphaBert’s Learn-to-
Read System™ provides the necessary building blocks in focused stages. Each stage
has its own unique learning milestone, and builds on existing skills with an extensive curriculum that is personalized to your child’s age and ability.
Beginning Reader Stage: teaches letters, letter sounds and letter-object associations Growing Reader Stage: teaches blends, phonics to sound out words and simple spelling Advancing Reader Stage: teaches independent reading, comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, creative writing
Most importantly, AlphaBert and his friends make learning to read fun, not frustrating. Your child will meet AlphaBert, Sprocket, AlphaBit, AlphaBetsy and AlphaBerto, the reading robots who love to learn and want your child to share their excitement and curiosity. AlphaBert & Friends are your child’s learn-to-read coaches who provide encouragement to fill your child with confidence and pride.
As with all VTech® learning products, AlphaBert’s Learn-to-Read System incorporates advanced technologies that are easy-to-use and reinforce learning. Our hands-on, multi-sensory toys engage diverse learning styles and promote productive play.
Reading has the power to enlighten, entertain and develop young minds. We thank you for trusting VTech
with the important job of helping your child learn to read! Sincerely, Your Friends at VTech
To learn more about AlphaBert’s Learn-to-Read System™ and other VTech® toys, visit www.vtechkids.com
AlphaBit’s Letters ‘n Lights


1. T o begin play, press the ON/OFF BUTTON. You will hear
a short opening tune followed by “Wanna crank out some letter fun? Pick a game.”
2. Select one of the 8 activities by sliding the activity selector.
AlphaBit will guide you through each of the following activities:
1. Learn the Letters 2 .Learn the Sounds
3. Letter Order
4. Big ‘n Small
5. Find It
6. Follow Me
7. Mystery Letter
8. Juke Box
3. Press the HELP BUTTON to receive clues to help find
the correct answer.
4. Press the REPEAT BUTTON to hear the last phrase
5. To turn the unit OFF, press the ON/OFF BUTTON. You
will hear “My gears are winding down” followed by a short closing tune.
AlphaBit’s Letters ‘n Lights™ - ACTIVITIES


1. Slide the activity selector to Learn the Letters. You will
hear a short tune followed by “Press the buttons to learn letters.”
2. Press the Letter buttons to hear the letter and object
identified. The corresponding letter will appear on the light­up screen showing the correct stroke order for both uppercase and lowercase letters.
3. After 30 seconds without input, the unit will ask you to
find a specific letter, “Can you find the letter A?” The unit will repeat the question every 10 seconds until the unit powers down.
4. You will have 3 chances to select the correct answer.
When an incorrect answer is selected, you will hear “Feelin’ rusty? Try again!” then the unit will repeat the question. After the third incorrect response, you will hear “Oops, I’ll help you!” AlphaBit will show the correct answer on the light-up screen.
5. When a correct answer has been selected, you will hear
“Yahoo! You’re crankin’ now!” A positive animation will play on the light-up screen.
6. Press the Help button to hear clues that will help guide
you to the correct answer.


“Can you find the letter A?”
1. Slide the activity selector to Learn the Sounds. Y ou will
hear a short tune followed by “Press the buttons to learn letter sounds.”
2. Press the Letter buttons to hear the letter sounds
identified. The corresponding letter will appear on the light­up screen.
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