Volvo NAVIGATION SYSTEM (VNS) Operating Manual

VOLVO S60, XC60, XC70 & S80
Types of roads Color
Main roads
Secondary main roads
Normal roads
Light gray
Local roads
Text and symbols on the screen
Direction to take at next guidance point
Distance to the next guidance point
Name of next street or road
Stored location
Symbol for Final destination
Remaining time to destination
Starting point
Remaining distance to destination
Intermediate destination
Speed limit (at the vehicle’s current location (18))
Traffic information (not available in all markets)
Extent of street/road with traffic problem (not available in all markets)
Current road (the vehicle’s current location (18))
Symbol for a Point of Interest – POI (Restaurant with Sea food)
Final destination
The vehicle’s current location
Completed section of the route
Next guidance point
Map scale
VNS is a navigation system developed by Volvo that is designed to help guide you to the destination of your choice and provide information along the way.
RTT1 (Real Time Traffic) is an information system developed by Volvo, which can detect roads/streets with traffic disruptions and make it possible to select an alternative route past the problem area.
The system includes features that enable you to set itineraries, search for certain types of points of interest along your route, store special destinations, obtain traffic informaton en route, etc.
The system indicates the vehicle’s current location, and shows part or all of the route to your destination, depending on the settings you have made. If at any time you should decide to deviate from the route originally set by the system, a new route to the destination will auto­matically be calculated.
By enabling you to reach your destination quickly and by the most direct route, Volvo's navigation system also helps contribute to improving the environment.
NAVTEQ DATABASE End-User License Agreement
See the information on page 78.
Option. Not available in all markets.
01 Quick guide
Getting started.......................................... 10
02 Getting to know your
navigation system
This manual............................................... 16
Before you begin....................................... 17
DVDs and the screen................................ 19
System overview ...................................... 22
Navigation system controls...................... 25
Voice control............................................. 28
On-screen keyboard................................. 31
Maps, types of roads and the compass... 34
Main menu, Scroll menu........................... 36
Menu selections........................................ 38
03 Planning your trip
Setting a destination................................. 44
Itinerary..................................................... 50
Current position........................................ 53
Settings..................................................... 54
Demo........................................................ 61
04 Traffic information
Introduction............................................... 64
Reading information.................................. 66
Dealing with traffic problems.................... 68
05 Symbols on the map
Points of interest (POIs)............................ 72
06 Questions & Answers
Frequently asked questions...................... 76
EULA – License agreement....................... 78
07 Index
Index......................................................... 82
Getting started........................................................................................ 10
01 Quick guide
Getting started
Activating the system
With the ignition switched on (see the section "Ignition modes" in the Owner's Manual):
1. Press the remote key fully into the ignition slot to activate ignition mode I.
2. If the navigation system does not start within a few seconds, press NAV on the center console control panel.
When the system is started, it displays the fol­lowing text, which must be confirmed:
Press the OK button.
For additional information, see page 17.
The system can be used even when the engine is not running. To help avoid battery drain, the system should be turned off when it is not in use.
Demo mode (simulated guidance)
The system has a Demonstration mode that can be used to help acquaint you with the nav­igation system, see page 61.
Navigation system options
The Volvo Navigation System can be operated in several ways:
With the right side steering wheel keypad
With the controls in the center console
With a remote control
With voice commands
See page 25 for a description of the func­tions.
The navigation system also contains options for adjusting map, guidance, and system set­tings. For detailed information, see page 54.
Main commands
The controls in the steering wheel keypad are used in both of the following examples (Guid­ance to a street address and Guidance to Points of Interest (POI)).
Navigate and make selections by turning the thumb wheel (1).
Confirm a selection by pressing the thumb wheel (written in the following examples as "+ OK").
Go back in the menus or cancel by press­ing EXIT.
Controls in the center console
The following apply if the center console con­trols are used instead of the steering wheel keypad:
01 Quick guide
Getting started
Steering wheel keypad
Center console controls
Turn the thumb wheel
Press the thumb
Press EXIT Press EXIT
Guidance to a street address
Screen/menu Action
Do as follows if a map is not displayed on the screen:
Press the NAV but­ton on the center console.
Press OK to display a menu.
Navigation menu Scroll to Set desti-
+ OK.
Set destination Scroll to Address +
Address: Scroll to City: + OK.
Screen/menu Action
Text wheel – see page 31.
Turn the thumb wheel to select characters and enter them by pressing OK. A list of alterna­tives will be dis­played successively.
Text wheel Select a destination
from the list + OK.
Navigation menu Scroll to Add to itin-
+ OK.
Itinerary Scroll to Start guid-
+ OK.
Map The system will
begin guiding you to your destination.
The system will now calculate the route and distance to the specified destination. You will be provided with guidance and instructions regarding intersections, etc.
If you leave the planned route during the trip, the system will automatically calculate a new route to the destination.
Guidance to Points of Interest (POI)
Screen/menu Action
Do as follows if a map is not displayed on the screen:
Press the NAV but­ton on the center console.
Press OK to display a menu.
Navigation menu Scroll to Set desti-
+ OK.
Set destination Scroll to Point of
interest (POI)
Point of interest (POI)
Scroll to e.g., Near
the car
+ OK.
Latest 5 POI types Scroll to e.g., All
+ OK.
All POI types Scroll to e.g., Air-
+ OK.
Results list
Scroll to the desired alternatives in the list + OK.
Navigation menu Scroll to Add to itin-
+ OK.
01 Quick guide
Getting started
Screen/menu Action
Itinerary Scroll to Start guid-
+ OK.
Map The system will
begin guiding you to your destination.
01 Quick guide
This manual............................................................................................. 16
Before you begin..................................................................................... 17
DVDs and the screen.............................................................................. 19
System overview .................................................................................... 22
Navigation system controls..................................................................... 25
Voice control........................................................................................... 28
On-screen keyboard............................................................................... 31
Maps, types of roads and the compass................................................. 34
Main menu, Scroll menu......................................................................... 36
Menu selections...................................................................................... 38
02 Getting to know your navigation system
This manual
Using this manual
A quick guide is available to help you get started with the basic functions as quickly as possible, see page 10.
The rest of the manual is divided into chapters and sections describing the navigation sys­tem's features and functions in greater detail.
Menu selections/Paths
Menu selections are shown in gray text in the manual, for example
Enter street.
Menu paths are written as follows:
Set destination
Address Street:
or Set destination Address Street:
Certain pages of this manual contain informa­tion in the form of footnotes at the bottom of the page. This information supplements the text that the footnote number refers to (a letter is used if the footnote refers to text in a table).
Options and accessories
Optional or accessory equipment described in this manual is indicated by an asterisk (*).
Optional or accessory equipment may not be available in all countries or markets. Please note that some vehicles may be equipped dif-
ferently, depending on special legal require­ments.
Contact your Volvo retailer for additional infor­mation.
Changes in the manual
The specifications, design features, and illus­trations in this manual are not binding.
We reserve the right to make modifications without prior notice.
© Volvo Car Corporation
02 Getting to know your navigation system
Before you begin
General information
The Volvo Navigation System uses the WGS84 reference system, which provides the vehicle's location in terms of longitude and latitude.
The VNS system can be used even if a desti­nation has not been specified.
Always use good judgment when fol­lowing navigation system guidance, and do not follow guidance that seems contrary to your own best judgment.
Never use the navigation system or any other feature in your vehicle in a way that distracts you from the task of driv­ing safely. Distraction can lead to a seri­ous accident.
Set and make changes in your naviga­tion system only with the vehicle parked.
Be aware of the current traffic situation.
Always comply with relevant traffic reg­ulations.
Map mode
When the system is started, it displays the fol­lowing text, which must be confirmed by press­ing the OK/MENU button:
This system provides route information to help you reach your destination. Due to road conditions, some recommendations may not be accurate. Obey all traffic laws and drive based on your own good judgment. Always concentrate on your driving by keeping your eyes and mind on the road.
When this has been done, a map showing the current area will be displayed with the vehicle shown as a blue triangle.
The system is delivered with default settings but after these settings have been modified by the user, it will start with the most recently used settings.
The system has a reset function that enables you to return to the default settings, see page 60.
1. Press the remote key into the ignition slot.
2. The display activates automatically when ignition is in mode I (see the section "Igni­tion modes" in your Owner's Manual for additional information).
Press the NAV button on the center con­sole control panel if the system does not start automatically.
Press OK when the start-up text is dis­played (see the previous section "Map mode").
It may take the system several seconds to determine the vehicle's location and direction of travel.
The system shuts down automatically when the remote key is removed from the ignition slot.
Once activated, the navigation system cannot be switched off manually and is always active in the background after the start-up sequence. However, if you prefer to not start the system when the ignition is switched on:
Press EXIT when the start-up text is dis­played (see the previous section "Map mode").
02 Getting to know your navigation system
Before you begin
The system can be used even when the engine is not running. To help avoid battery drain, the system should be turned off when it is not in use.
Demo (simulated guidance)
For an overview of how guidance functions, specify a destination.
If the vehicle is at a standstill, guidance can be simulated to the specified destination, see page 61.
02 Getting to know your navigation system
DVDs and the screen
Contents of DVDs
New DVDs are issued regularly with updated maps and the most current information. The latest DVDs can be purchased from a Volvo retailer.
The map information may not fully cover all areas/countries.
The area covered by the system is con­stantly being expanded, which is why occa­sional updates are required.
See also for addi­tional information about maps, etc.
Map areas
The areas included in the system's maps vary according to market/country. The following main maps are available:
Australia & New Zealand (Pacific)
Hong Kong
North America
South America
South Africa
Southeast Asia
The Middle East
If it is necessary to change the system's map information, contact a Volvo retailer for instruc­tions.
Map updates
The information on a new DVD must be trans­ferred to the vehicle's navigation system, which is done using the infotainment system's media player. To update the map information:
1. Start the engine.
2. Insert the DVD in the media player. If the update is on more than one DVD, insert the discs in numbered order.
Please enter license code: will be dis-
played. Enter the license code
with the number keys on the center console, see page 25.
4. The display will show the contents of the update and the approximate time that it will take.
5. Follow the instructions on the screen.
An update may contain new navigation sys­tem features and functions that are not described in this manual.
Interrupted updates
If an update is in progress when the ignition is switched off, the process will continue from where it was interrupted the next time the igni­tion is switched on.
The navigation system cannot be used while an update is in progress.
DVD care
When changing discs, make sure that they are kept free of oil, grease and other impur­ities.
The discs must not be exposed to mois­ture.
The discs must be kept in their packaging when not in use.
Avoid storing discs in excessive heat, direct sunlight, or in a dusty environment.
Contact a Volvo retailer for information about this code.
02 Getting to know your navigation system
DVDs and the screen
Screen care
Clean the display screen with a soft, non-static cloth or a moist paper towel and a mild window cleaning agent.
Never use petroleum based solvents or abra­sive substances when cleaning the screen.
Do not place any objects in front of the nav­igation system's screen. This could scratch its surface. Cell phones could also interfere with the screen's function.
02 Getting to know your navigation system
DVDs and the screen
02 Getting to know your navigation system
System overview
The above illustration is schematic; certain details may vary, depending on the car model and market
02 Getting to know your navigation system
System overview
* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
Global Positioning System (GPS)
The antenna is integrated into the roof module.
Voice control
A number of navigation system commands can be voice controlled. The microphone is near the driver's sun visor (2a) and the voice control button is located on the steering wheel keypad (2b). For additional information, see page 28.
Main unit
The main unit is located in and behind the cen­ter console and includes the following func­tions:
Determining the vehicle’s location.
Calculating a route to the selected desti­nation.
Voice guidance.
Processing traffic information.
The GPS and TMC receivers are integrated into the main unit.
Vehicle location
The navigation system uses signals from the Global Positioning System, the vehicle’s speedometer and a gyroscopic sensor to cal-
culate the vehicle’s current location and direc­tion.
This also helps the system calculate direction and location if the GPS signal is temporarily interrupted, such as when driving through a tunnel.
Traffic information (TMC)*
The Traffic Message Channel (TMC) is a stand­ardized code system for transmitting traffic information. The receiver automatically tunes to the correct frequency and reception is han­dled by the audio system’s FM antenna.
TMC is not available in all areas/countries. The area covered by the system is being steadily expanded, which makes occa­sional updates necessary.
See page 19 for information about updating maps and system software.
The screen displays the maps and provides detailed information about routes, distances, etc.
For information about caring for the screen, see page 20.
Center console controls
The number keys in the center console can be used together with the OK/MENU, TUNE and EXIT buttons to navigate in menus, confirm selections or to go back in a menu, see page 25.
Volume control and IR transceiver
Use the vehicle’s audio system volume control during voice guidance to raise or lower the vol­ume. See also page 35. The volume can also be adjusted in the MY CAR menu.
Point the remote control toward the center console, where the Infrared (IR) transceiver is located.
02 Getting to know your navigation system
System overview
Steering wheel keypad
The thumb wheel on the steering wheel keypad can be turned to navigate in lists and menus and pressed to confirm a selection. Use the EXIT button to go back in a menu or to cancel a selection.
For additional information, see page 25.
Sound from the navigation system comes from the infotainment system's front speakers.
02 Getting to know your navigation system
Navigation system controls
About Navigation system controls
The navigation system can be operated with the controls in the center console, the steering wheel keypad or with a remote control (certain models only). The buttons in all cases function similarly but differ in appearance and the way in which they are operated. There may also be differences from market to market.
The system can also be operated using voice commands.
Center console controls
NAV: activates the navigation system on
the screen. Press to toggle between on/off and to also display e.g., climate system
functions on the upper/lower sections of the screen.
Number keys: used to enter address and name information, and for map scrolling. See also pages 31 and 36.
Press OK/MENU to confirm or activate a selection. The button will be described in the manual as OK or "+ OK."
Turn TUNE to navigate through the menus.
Press EXIT to go back in the menu system or to cancel a selection.
Steering wheel keypad
Turn the thumb wheel to go up or down in
a list of menu alternatives.
Press the thumb wheel to confirm or acti­vate a selection.
Press EXIT to go back in the menu system or to cancel a selection.
02 Getting to know your navigation system
Navigation system controls
Remote control
The remote control can be used to control var­ious functions in the vehicle. The functions described in this section pertain to the naviga­tion system.
To use the remote control, point it toward the center console.
Buttons on the remote control
NAV: press to activate VNS on the center console screen. Press again to show/hide climate system information on the upper/ lower sections of the screen.
EXIT: go back one step in a menu, cancel a function or delete entered characters.
OK/MENU: confirm a selection. This but­ton is described in the manual as the "OK button" or "+ OK."
Arrow keys: use to move the cursor among menu selections.
Number key pad: use to e.g., enter a name/address or to scroll on a map.
The batteries' normal service life ranges from 1-4 years, depending on how often the remote is used. If the remote is not working properly, try replacing the four AA/LR6 bat­teries.
To help avoid the risk of injuries in the event of sudden braking or a collision, always stow loose objects such as the remote con­trol, cell phones, cameras, etc. in the glove compartment or other storage compart­ments when not in use.
Available in certain models only.
+ 60 hidden pages