VOLTCRAFT SEM-5000 PRO Operating Instructions

User guide Voltcraft SEM-PRO 5000


Main menu

The main menu can be found in the lower part of the window. Here you can choose between the items Home, Compare, Chart, Overview and Settings.

Time window

You can choose between the time periods Day, Week, Month or Year. In the calendar you can pick the desired time. The present day is shown in boldface. Below the calendar you can choose the unit in which the values are shown, possible units are costs (in the configured currency), energy consumption (in kWh) or emission (in CO2). The user interface reloads automatically after clicking a button.

Main window

You can show or hide the views Consumption, History, Overview, Target performance and Budget by clicking on the respective buttons. Multiple views can be selected at the same time.

Consumption: The three doughnut charts show how the consumption is distributed to the 3

phases, to base load and active load and to the different consumption classes (heat, cooling, washing, media and light and “not assigned”).

History: The bar chart shows the energy consumption within the selected time period in the next smaller unit. Clicking on one of the bars shows the bar chart in the next smaller unit.

Overview: The left column shows the total consumption within the selected time period and the minimum, maximum and mean within this period. The right column shows the currently


measured values for the total power and the individual phases. The user interface reloads automatically every 3 seconds.

Target performance: In the chart, the target value for the selected time period is shown in

green and the actual consumption is shown in red. The target value is calculated as monthly advance payment minus the consumption in the current month up to now (until 11:59 pm of the previous day).

When you move the mouse over the chart, a small pop-up window opens in which the target value, the consumption and the difference between these two values is shown for the respective points in time.

Budget: The upper part of the graphics (in advance payed power per hour and tachometer) refers to the current consumption and is independent of the settings in the time window.

In advance payed power per hour: The power which is payed in advance for an hour

(=monthly advance payment / (number of days in the month * 24 hours * price per kWh)).

Circular gauge: The gauge reaches from 0 kW to twice the hourly advance payment, so

that the hourly advance payment is exactly in the middle of the gauge.

The red pointer shows the power which is currently measured. If the pointer is right of the middle, the currently measured power exceeds the advance payment.

Remaining advance payment: The calculation of the remaining advance payment depends on which time period is selected:

Selection day: remaining advance payment = target value / number of days remaining in the current month

Selection week, month or year: the remaining advance payment is the advance payment for the selected time period

Linear gauge: The green part of the gauge reaches from 0 kWh to the value of the

remaining advance payment (2/3 of the gauge). The part right of this value is shown in red. The green bar below shows the consumption in the selected period (until now).


VOLTCRAFT SEM-5000 PRO Operating Instructions


Time window

As in the other menus, you can choose between the time periods day, week, month and year in the calendar. In the upper and lower calendar you can select the two time periods you would like to compare. As default values the current day and the same day in the previous week are preselected. Below the calendar you can choose the unit in which the values are shown.

Main window

Bar chart: The chart shows the energy consumption (resp. the costs or the CO2 emission) within the two selected time periods in the next smaller unit. The bars referring to the first time period are shown in red, the grey bars belong to the comparison time period. Clicking on one of the bars opens the chart in the next smaller unit.

Consumption: The table shows the total consumption and the average, maximum and

minimum values together with the time of their occurrence for the two selected time periods. The last column shows the differences between the two time periods.



Main window

In the main window there are the tabs chart and pattern, further tabs are opened upon viewing patterns.

In the tab chart the energy consumption can be shown for a maximum time period of 24 hours. Per default the energy consumption of the current day is shown. When you move the mouse over the chart, a small pop-up window opens which shows the time and the power measured at this point in the chart.

Functions of the tab chart:

Phase selection: In the drop down menu in the upper right part of the main window, you can

choose between the three phases. When “All 3 phases” is selected, the sum of the three phases is shown.

Zoom: With the time scale below the chart one can zoom into parts of the chart and out

again. Alternatively, one can also zoom into the chart by clicking on a start and end time directly in the chart.

Pattern creation: In order to create a pattern, continue zooming into the chart until you

reduced the view to the desired part. Then click on the button “Create pattern” below the time scale and scroll down. Here you can fill in the fields Name, Category and Phase for the pattern. Choose “mobile appliance” if the pattern belongs to a device that can be run on different phases (e. g. in different rooms).

When you choose a section for pattern creation it is important, that this section contains both the switching-on and the switching-off of a certain device. If you want to create a pattern for the recognition of your washing machine, for example, you should choose the section such that the complete washing procedure is contained. For switching devices like e. g. the


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