measured values for the total power and the individual phases. The user interface reloads
automatically every 3 seconds.
• Target performance: In the chart, the target value for the selected time period is shown in
green and the actual consumption is shown in red. The target value is calculated as monthly
advance payment minus the consumption in the current month up to now (until 11:59 pm of
the previous day).
When you move the mouse over the chart, a small pop-up window opens in which the target
value, the consumption and the difference between these two values is shown for the
respective points in time.
• Budget: The upper part of the graphics (in advance payed power per hour and tachometer)
refers to the current consumption and is independent of the settings in the time window.
◦ In advance payed power per hour: The power which is payed in advance for an hour
(=monthly advance payment / (number of days in the month * 24 hours * price per
◦ Circular gauge: The gauge reaches from 0 kW to twice the hourly advance payment, so
that the hourly advance payment is exactly in the middle of the gauge.
The red pointer shows the power which is currently measured. If the pointer is right of
the middle, the currently measured power exceeds the advance payment.
◦ Remaining advance payment: The calculation of the remaining advance payment
depends on which time period is selected:
▪ Selection day: remaining advance payment = target value / number of days
remaining in the current month
▪ Selection week, month or year: the remaining advance payment is the advance
payment for the selected time period
◦ Linear gauge: The green part of the gauge reaches from 0 kWh to the value of the
remaining advance payment (2/3 of the gauge). The part right of this value is shown in
red. The green bar below shows the consumption in the selected period (until now).