Vivotek IP32133 User Manual

Before You Use
Surveillance devices may be prohibited by law in your country. Though Network Camera is not only a high per forma nce web equipped camera but also a fle xible surveillance system, ensure that the operation of such devices are legal before installing this un it fo r sur ve illance.
I t is im por tan t to ca ref ull y check the co ntents wi th the " Pac kag e Conten ts" ch apte r after opening the package. Fully read and follow the “Installation” chapter to prevent damage caused by abnormal usage and reduce most problem s during usage.
Bas ically Network Camera is a network de vice and should be easy to use for those wh o al re ady h a ve b as ic ne tw ork kn ow l ed ge. If t h er e i s a sys tem e r ro r an d i t do es not recover easily due to erroneous configuration, refer to the appendix "Troubleshooting” for appropriate operation.
Network Camera has been designe d to build various applications for video shar ing, general security or demonstration purposes. Understanding the meaning of each parameter in “How to Use” chapter can best utilize Network Camera and ensure correct operations. To those creative and professional developers, chapter of "URL Commands of Network Camera" will be a very h elpful ref erence to customize existing homepa ges or integrating with current web ser ver.
Those paragraphs preceded by should be fully understood and cautioned. Ignoring the wa rnings may result in serious hazards.
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Table of Contents
Before You Use..................................................................................... 1
Package Con tents................................................................................. 5
Installation.......................................................................................... 5
Hardware installation...........................................................................5
Software installation............................................................................8
First access to Network Camera..........................................................13
Check network settings even if connected alre ady............................13
Add p assword to protect from offense from strangers....................... 13
How to Use......................................................................................... 14
Ins talling p lug -in ..............................................................................15
Pr imary user’s capa b ility....................................................................16
Main screen with ca mera view.......................................................16
Connection type ..........................................................................17
Administrator’s capability...................................................................19
Tune the best perfor mance...........................................................19
Open accounts fo r users...............................................................21
Change homepage layout.............................................................22
Build a multimedi a web attraction site............................................29
Build a s ecurity application...........................................................33
Software revision up grade............................................................36
Def i nition of Conf igura tion................................................................. 37
System parameters...........................................................................38
Use r group administration..................................................................39
Network settings...............................................................................40
HTTP .........................................................................................40
WLAN Configu ration.....................................................................41
Mail & FTP settings............................................................................43
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FTP ...........................................................................................43
Video codec parameters.....................................................................45
Video codec parameters.....................................................................45
Motion dete ction...............................................................................47
App lication setup..............................................................................48
Weekly schedule .........................................................................48
Event operation...........................................................................48
Sequential operation....................................................................49
Homepage la yout settings..................................................................50
Viewing system log...........................................................................51
Viewing system parameters................................................................51
Re stor e factory default settings ..........................................................51
Appendix............................................................................................ 52
A. Trou b leshooting............................................................................52
Status LED................................................................................. 52
Reset and restore........................................................................52
B. Frequently asked questions............................................................53
C. URL comma nds of Network Camera.................................................56
Ca p ture upd ate Sna pshot of JPEG image........................................56
Query status of the digital input....................................................56
Drive the dig ital output................................................................56
Re stor e factory default settings.....................................................56
Restart system............................................................................57
Pa ge URL ...................................................................................58
System resource URL................................................................... 58
General format of command URL...................................................59
System configuration URL.............................................................59
Security configura tion URL............................................................60
Network configur ation URL ...........................................................61
Mail&FTP configuration UR L ..........................................................63
Video configuration UR L ...............................................................64
Im age qua lity configuration URL....................................................66
App lication configuration URL........................................................67
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Home page layout configuration URL...............................................68
D. Tec hnical specifications..................................................................69
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Package Co n tents
Network Camera IP3133
Power adapter
Software CD
Quic k insta llation guide
Camera stand
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Warranty card
Hardware installation
All necessary accessories can be found in the product pack ag e ex cept f or t h e E t hern et c abl e t hat depen d s on t he user’s environment. The Ethernet cable should meet UTP cate g ory 5 that cannot e xceed 100 meters.
C o nnec t the jack of the power adapter t
MiniAVServer prior to plugging the utility e nd i nto th
As s oon as the power adapter is plug ged into the utility socket, the f ront LED will switch betw een gre en and red for sever al tim es. Afte r pass ing the self-test, the LED will shut off and Network Camera will standby for software installation. Otherwise refer to Appendix A for troubleshoo ting.
utility power socket. It will reduce accidental electri surge shock.
To install in Ethernet,
Make sure the Ethernet is firmly connected to a switch hub. After attaching the Et h ernet cable plu g i n t he power adap ter. If th e L ED t urns out t o be stead y green after self-test, go to next paragraph “Software installation” . If the Ethernet is not availabl e, Network Camera will s witch to wireless LAN mod e.
To install in wireless LAN,
If the Ethernet is not available while power o n , Ne two rk C ame ra will search fo r any access point wit h the SSID “default” . Onc e an y access point is found, the LED will turn green to wait for installation. If the network environment cannot meet the default settings, install Network Camera in Ethernet to proceed with wireless LAN
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config uration.
Network Camera will automatica lly de tect and o perate in the availa b le network in terf ace with the priori ty of Ethernet tha n WLAN. Op eratin g in e ither network mode, the LED will f lash every seco nd as heartbeat to indicate a live .
Network Came ra provides a general I/O terminal bloc k with one digital input and one rela y swit ch f or d evi ce cont r ol. Pin 1 an d pin 2 c an be c on nected t o an e xternal sens or and the state of voltage will be monitored from the initial stat e 'LOW'. Th e relay switch of pin 3 and pin 4 can be used to turn on or off the ex terna l de vice.
Consult with the dea ler of the p eripherals f or correc t install ati on.
1 DI- INPUT (Initial state of DI is low) 2 DI+ INPUT (Max . 50mA, 12VDC) 3 SW_COM MON OUTPUT (open f rom SW_OPE N at initial st ate) (close with SW_OPE N whe n set DO to ON) 4 SW_NOPEN OUTPUT (M ax. 1A, 24VDC or 0.5A, 125VAC)
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T: 886-2-22404099 F: 886-2-22404097
Software installation
In the following content, "user" re fers to those who ca n a ccess Ne twork Camera and "admi nistrator" refers to th e supe rvisor who c an configure Network Camera and grant users access.
Wh en co m ple tin g the h ar dw are insta lla tio n, ad min istra tors need to run the I ns talle r program included in the product CDROM to locat e the newly install ed Network Cameras. Any Network Cam era standb y for softw are install ation will be captur ed by the Installer prog r am. Theref ore t h e re m ay b e s ev er a l en tr ies s h ow n i n t h e wi nd ow . Admi ni st rat o r s may differe ntiate the Netw ork Cameras with the serial number and cli ck on th e entry wit h "Assigned" field l abel ed "No" t o perf orm softwa re install at ion. Th e s erial nu mber is printed on the labels on the car ton and the rea r panel of Network Camera body.
To install Network Camera for wireless usage, it is recommended to install in Ethernet first. After successfully entering the network configuration page, input the correct W LAN s et t i ngs , remo ve t h e Et h e rnet cable an d r ecycl e t he p owe r t o work i n WLAN.
The IP address shown in "Current IP Address" field depends on t he local netw ork. It may get from the DHCP serv er for the administrator's reference . I f there is no DHCP server, administrators can choose any neighbor IP address of the PC. The Installer program will check the I P a d dr ess au toma tica lly; there will be a warning message if it conflicts with
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others. If adm inis trators wa nt to use ano the r IP address, modify the IP address text field.
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I f the ad ministrator wants to f ix the IP address of the unit, check the option "Use this IP whenever system boots" to skip future installation procedures. Otherwise the unit will need installation whenever it is restarted.
Click on “S et IP Address” butto n to proceed.
En ter the wire less LA N s etti ngs according to the access point in infrastructure or Ad Hoc master. The connection mode, SSID, WEP settings are required. If the settin gs are not sure a t this stage, click “Skip” to continue installation in Ethernet. All the settings can be entered later from the web configuration page.
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After clicki ng on “S ave”, a progressive bar will indicate the installation process.
Cong ra tula tio ns ! Now Network Camera i s ready for acc es s. Aft er clicki ng on
in the successful dialog, the "Assigned" field will be labeled "Yes". Administrators should keep the address information for users’ reque st.
If there is any error dialog rather than “Set IP OK”, please follow the next page.
Administrators may click directly on
newly installed server in the default browser.
to access the
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When administrators choose “Use this IP whenever system boots” or fill any wireless network settings, the local FTP server port and root password of Netwo rk Camera will be utilized. If they have b een changed prior to the installation, a con f irmation window will pop out to request correct settings. After ente ring the correct settings, press “Retry”.
If the “Server FTP Port” or “Server Root Pas sword” is lost, click “ Can cel” to exit. In this case, the IP address of Network C amera will still be installed though it is not fixed for furt her re boot . If t h e root passw o rd is correct , a dmin istrator can l og in to browse the correct local FTP server port in the network settings. Oth erwise re f er to Appen di x A T r ou bleshootin g to restore factory default settings and then use the installer to install ag ain.
Once installation is complete, administrators should proceed to the next section "First access to Network Camera" for necessary checks and configurations.
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First access to Network Camera
Check n etwork settings ev en if connected alread y
A ltho ug h Ne twork Camer a alre ady ca n be co nn ecte d a fte r so ftwar e ins ta lla tio n f rom Local Area Network, administrators should complete the network settings in the configuration page including the corre ct subne t mask a nd IP address of gateway and DNS. Ask for the network administrator or Internet service provider for the detail infor mation. By defa ult Ne twork Ca mera will need a dminis trator 's installation every time it reboots. If the network settings are sure to work all the time, disable the install option . Refer to “Network setti ngs” in system confi guration page f or detail s. Once any setting is entered incorrectly and thus hangs Network C amera, restore the factory settings according to the steps in troubleshooting.
Add password to protect from offense fro m strangers
Since the administrator’s p assw ord is blank by d efault, Network Cam era will not a sk for any password. However the administrator should change the password as soon as possible t o prote ct fro m n etw or k int rude rs. Once t he admin istrat or ’s pa ssw o rd is s av ed, Network Camera always needs user name and password before access. The administrator can setup at most twenty use r accounts. Each user is able to access Network C amera ex cep t f or sys tem configuration. S om e c ritica l functions are lim ite d only fo r ad ministrator s su ch as s yst em confi gu rat ion, us er admi nist r at ion an d soft wa re upgrade. The user name of the administrator is assigned to “root” permanently. Once the p ass wo rd is ch anged , the browser wil l di sp la y an au thenti cation win do w to ask for the new password. Ther e i s n o wa y to disco v er adm i nist r ator’s p a ssw ord. If t he pas s word is for g o tten, only r estor ing factor y de faults ca n he lp .
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How to Use
After opening the Web brows er a nd typing in the URL of Network Camera, a dia logue window ma y p op up to requ est a use rname a nd pa ssword e xc ept th at th e administ r ator does not save any password. Upon successful authentication, the main page will display like the figur e be low.
In the figure, the foreground is the login window and the background shows the message when authentication fails. The user may check the option to save the passwor d fo r futur e conv enience.
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Installing plug-in
If it is initial access to Network Camera in Windows, the web browser may prompt fo r permission to install a new plug-in that is provided by Ne twork Ca mera. Prompt or not and the prompt message depend on the Internet security settings of user’s PC or notebook. The highest security level may prohibit any installation and execution attempt even the plug-in is safe. This plug-in has been registered for certificate and is
us ed to d is pl ay th e moti on ed pi ctu res in the bro wser. Us er s ma y c lic k on
proceed. If the web browser does not allow the user to install, check the Internet security option to lowe r se curity le vels or contact network supervisors.
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Primary user’s capability
Main screen with camera view
There is a logo image shown in the upper left corner. It can link to other web sites or resou rce s dep endi ng on th e s ett ing s in conf ig u ration . The assi gn ed c apt ion and sy st em date/time will display in the banner above the image window. There might be some win dows enclosed b y red l in es sh own i n t he image as s oon a s mot ion is detected in th e re la te d w ind ows. C l ick on th e co nfi gu ra tio n l ink to the ri ght of th e im age w indo w to enter the c onfiguration page.
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C onnection type
If it is t he fi rst acce ss t o “Conn ect ion type” pag e in Win dows, th e web brow ser will ask to install a ne w plug-in that is provided by Network C amer a. This plug-in has bee n regist e red fo r cert ificat e and is used t o change t he pa ram eters at t he clien t si de. Use rs
may click on
to install the plug-in. If the web bro wser does not allow th e user
to i ns tal l, c heck the I nte rne t secu ri ty to lo we r the sec uri ty leve l or co nta c t ne twork supervisors.
There are two settings for the client side. One is “Me dia Option” for users to determin e if the audio sh ould be mut ed. The oth er is “P r ot o col O pt ion” to ch oo se th e connection protocol between client a nd server. There are three protocols to optimize your usage - UDP, TCP an d HTTP. Wit h U DP p rot oc ol, audio and vi d eo st r ea ms can be more real-time. But some packets may be lost due to network burst traffic and images will be o bscure. I f TCP pro to co l is selected, p acket los s would no t occur and v ideo
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display will more accurate. But the real-time effect is worse than UDP protocol. If the net work is p rote ct ed by a fi r ewall a nd i t op ens HTTP port (80 ) only, HTTP p rotocol mu st be selected. In this mod e, audio will not be sent and you can see the video only . If you have no special ne eds and no idea to choose one among them, simply choose UDP.
Generally the client will automatic ally try these protocols b y the f ollowing order, UDP TCP HTTP. After the cl ient connects to th e Netw ork Camera succe ssfully, “Protocol
Option” will show the work ing protoco l. The cho se n pro tocol will be r ecorded in the user 's PC an d used f or next con ne c ti on . If the net work en viron m en t is change d or u se rs wa nt to le t we b br owse r de tec t a ga in, se lec t UD P ma nu al ly to sav e and the n re tur n HOME to connect again.
http://<Network Camera>/protocol.html
<Network Camera> is the d omain name o r o rigina l IP addr ess of Network Cam era.
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Administrator’s capability
Tune the b est performance
The best performance means the image refresh ra te should be the fa stest as possible and the vide o quality should be the best a s possible at the lowest network bandwidth as possible. Three factors, “Maximum frame rate”, “Fix bit rate”, and “Fix quality ” in the Video config uration p age, ar e co rrelative to the perf orm ance.
My priority is real-t ime mo tioned images
To achieve the real-time visual effect, the network bandwidth should be large enough t o t ransmi t 20 imag e frames or m ore. If you ar e i n t h e bro ad b an d net w o rk ov er 1 Mbp s, yo u can f ix the bit ra te to 1000Kbp s or 1200Kbps , or fix the q uality to a chieve the ma ximum fra mes. The max imum fr am e rate is 25 in 50Hz sy stem and 30 in 60Hz sy stem. I f your network band width is mor e than 384Kbps, you can fix the bit rate according to your bandwidth and set the maximum frame rate to 25 or 30. If the images vary dramatically in your environment, you may slow down the maximum frame rat e to 20 to decrease the transmitted data for better video quality since human coul d n ot easily tel l t h e dif fer en ce bet ween 20 and 25 or 30 f rames pe r sec on d. If y ou r ne two rk b an dwi dth is be low 384 Kb ps , yo u s ho uld fix th e bit ra te a c cord ing to your
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ban dwidth a nd try out th e best performance by tuning the maximum frame rate. The lar ger fra me rate in s low ne twork will blur the images. Yo u ma y a lso try to cho os e “H al f” i n s ize op t ion for bet t er i m ages o r “H al fx2” for l arge r i mage si ze. N ot e t hat ev en yo u have well tuned th e para mete rs, the performance may still vary from pe rson to person when multiple users view at the same time. Because the network has burst constraint and everyone’s environment is not the same, any poor conn ection will drop the normal performance.
My priority is clear identification for each imag e
To have the best v ideo quality, yo u should fix the quality to detailed or excellent and tune the maximum fra me rate to suit for yo ur ne two rk bandwidth. If you get some brok en pi ctu re s in sl ow net work, you can choose T CP p rotocol in “Conn ecti on t yp e” for more accurate transmission but the recei ved images may have certain time delay. Note that any slow connection in multiple us ers will dro p the prope r pe rforma n ce.
I want to compromise between real-time and clear images
If you have a broadband network, choose fix qu ality to normal or better rather than fix bandwid th. Otherwise fix the b andwidth according to your actual network speed a nd set the fra me rate to 30. If the ima ges look bad, se lect the lo wer frame rate above 15. If the images are not improved, select the lower bandwidth.
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Open accounts for users
Protect Network Camera by passwords
Netwo rk C amera is shipped without any pa ssword by defa ult. That me ans everyone can access Network C amera including the configuration as lo ng as the IP address is known. It is necessary to assign a password if Network Camera is intended to be
acce sse d by ot hers. T yp e a new word t wi ce in
t o enabl e p r otect ion . This pa sswor d i s
used to identi fy the administrator. Then add an ac count with user name and pas sw ord
for your friends in
. Network Camera can provide twenty accounts f or your valuable
customers or friends. Each account identifies the access right rather than the real visitor. That allows multiple visitors share the same account of different level. An opt ion t o acce ss DI/ DO is pr ovided for each a ccou nt . So me us ers m ay ne ed t o prohi bit
from controlling your attached dev ices . You may d elete some users fr om
More flexible options for viewers
The f ir st o pt i on al low s anyone u s es “dem o” as t h e u s er n ame to vi ew w it h out passw o rd . A dm ini strato r s ca n a ls o dec ide if mo re v ie wer s are all ow ed to wa tch the v ideo if the viewers exc ee d the limit. The overloaded viewers will have snaps h ot mo d e instead .
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+ 49 hidden pages