Vitek VT-2509 User Manual [ru]

VT-2509 Y
Hot air brush
VT-2509.indd 1 19.09.2014 12:57:51
VT-2509.indd 2 19.09.2014 12:57:52
The hot air styler is intended for styling dry or slightly wet hair.
1. Attachment installation place
2. Operation indicator
3. Operation mode switch «0/1/2/C»
4. Body
5. Air inlet grid
6. Hanging loop
7. Attachment lock buttons
8. Nozzle
9. Attachment comb
10. Brush with pullout bristles Ø 30 mm
11. Lever
12. Brush attachment Ø 40 mm
Do not use the unit near containers filled with
water (such as swimming pool etc.).
After using the unit in a bathroom, unplug it by
taking the power plug out of the mains socket, as closeness of water is dangerous even if the unit is switched off.
For additional protection you can install a
residual current device (RCD) with nominal operation current not exceeding 30 mA into the bathroom mains; contact a specialist for installation.
Before using the unit, read this instruction care­fully and keep it for further reference. Use the unit according to its intended purpose only, as it is stated in this user manual. Mishandling the unit can lead to its breakage and cause harm to the user or damage to his/her property.
To avoid the risk of electric shock, observe the following safety measures.
Before switching the unit on, make sure that
your home mains voltage corresponds to the unit operating voltage.
Do not switch the unit on in places where
aerosols are sprayed or highly inflammable liquids are used.
Hair spray should be applied only after hair
styling is finished.
It is recommended to unwind the power cord
to its full length while using the unit.
The power cord should not:
touch hot objects,be immersed into water,
run over sharp edges of furniture,be used as a handle for carrying the unit.
Do not touch the unit, the power cord or the
power plug with wet hands.
Check integrity of the power cord periodically.
Never use the unit if the power cord or plug is
damaged, if the unit works improperly or after it was dropped. Contact an authorized service center for all repair issues.
Do not use the unit while taking a bath.
Do not put or keep the unit in places where it
can fall into a bath or a sink filled with water; do not immerse the unit body, the power cord and the power plug into water or any other liquids.
If the unit is dropped into water, unplug it
immediately and only then take it out of the water.
Never leave the operating unit unattended.
Do not use the unit when you are drowsy.
Do not use the unit to style wet hair or syn-
thetic wigs.
Install or change the brush attachments only
when the unit is switched off and unplugged.
Avoid contact of hot surfaces of the unit with
your face, neck or other parts of your body.
Do not put the operating unit on heat-sensi-
tive or soft surfaces (for instance, bed or sofa) and do not cover it.
Take the switched on unit by its handle only.
Do not touch the attachments while using the unit.
Be careful! The attachments remain hot for
some time after the unit is unplugged.
Before you take the unit away, let it cool down,
do not wind the power cord around the unit.
When unplugging the unit, pull the power plug
but not the cord.
Always unplug the unit after every usage and
before cleaning.
Clean the unit regularly.
Do not allow children to touch the unit body
and the power cord during the unit operation.
This unit is not intended for usage by children
under 8 years of age.
This unit is not intended for usage by people
(including children over 8) with physical, neu­ral and mental disorders or with insufficient experience or knowledge. Such persons may use this unit only if they are under supervision of a person who is responsible for their safety and if they are given all the necessary and understandable instructions concerning the
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safe usage of the unit and information about danger that can be caused by its improper usage.
Do not leave children unattended to prevent
using the unit as a toy.
For children safety reasons do not leave poly-
ethylene bags used as packaging unattended.
Attention! Do not allow children to play with polyethylene bags or packaging film. Danger of
Transport the unit in the original package only.
Keep the unit out of reach of children and dis-
abled persons.
BEFORE THE FIRST USE After unit transportation or storage at low temperature, it is necessary to keep it for at least two hours at room temperature before switching on.
Unpack the unit completely and remove any
stickers that can prevent unit operation.
Check the unit for damages, do not use it in
case of damages.
Before switching the unit on, make sure that
your home mains voltage corresponds to the unit operating voltage.
Install one of the attachments on the unit body
(4) so that the symbol «▼▼» is above the attachment lock button (7). Turn the attach­ment clockwise until clicking. If the attach­ment is set properly, you will hear the lock button (7) click.
To remove the attachment, press the button
(7) downwards and turn the attachment coun­terclockwise.
Note: Install or change the attachments only when the unit is unplugged.
Insert the power plug into the mains socket.
Make sure that the switch (3) is in the lower
position «0».
Select the required operation mode using the
switch (3): «0» – the unit is off, «1» – low air flow speed, «2» – high air flow speed, «С» – «cool shot» mode.
Notes: During the first operation some foreign smell and a small amount of smoke from the heat­ing element is possible, this is normal.
If the unit is switched on with the switch (3), the operation indicator (2) will be lighting.
Wind a small lock on the brush.
Switch the unit on and dry your hair for several
seconds, adjusting the air flow speed with the switch (3).
Remove the lock from the brush.
This model has a “cool shot” function, use it to
fix your hairstyle. To switch the «cool shot» on, set the switch (3) to the upper position «C».
After you finish styling, set the switch (3) to the
«0» position and unplug the unit.
Place the unit on a flat heat-resistant surface
and let it cool down completely.
Notes: Before making a break in operation, switch the unit off with the switch and put it on a flat heat-resistant surface. Avoid contact of hot surfaces of the unit with your face, neck or other parts of your body. Do not comb your hair right after styling, let it cool off. Carefully divide the locks with your fingers to make them look naturally. Do not block the air inlet grid (5) when using the unit. Avoid getting of hair into the air inlet grid dur­ing unit operation.
The nozzle (8) allows to direct a narrow high­intensity air flow at a definite hair lock.
Attachment comb (9)
The attachment comb (9) creates the effect of natural volume on hair of different length and provides soft drying.
Brush attachment with pullout bristles (10)
The brush attachment (10) makes it easier to unroll the lock after drying. To remove a lock from the attachment, move the lever (11) to the utmost right position.
Brush attachment (12)
The brush attachment (12) helps to add volume to your hair and to make curly locks.
Hair care
To get the best results, wash your hair with sham­poo (before drying and styling), dry it with a towel to remove excessive moisture and comb your hair.
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Start styling from the upper side of the head. Remember that hair should be dried from the roots; before starting to dry the next lock, make sure that you have dried the previous lock from roots to tips.
For easy storing there is a hanging loop (6),
you can store the unit by means of this loop provided that no water gets on the unit in this position.
Keep the unit away from children in a dry cool
Overheating protection
This unit has automatic protection from overheat­ing that will switch it off if the outgoing air is too hot. If the unit has been switched off during oper­ation, switch it off by setting the switch (3) to the «0» position and unplug the unit; provide that the air inlets and outlets are unblocked and let the unit cool off for 10-15 minutes; after that you can switch it on again. Do not block the air openings during operation of the unit and avoid getting of hair into the air inlet grid (5) openings.
Before cleaning, unplug the unit and let it cool
down completely.
Do not immerse the unit, the power cord and
the power plug into water or any other liquids.
Do not use detergents, abrasives and any sol-
vents to clean the unit.
Clean the unit body with a soft, slightly damp
cloth and then wipe it dry.
You can wash the attachments with warm
water. Always dry the attachments before installing.
Let the unit cool down completely and clean it
before taking away for storage.
Do not wind the power cord around the unit
body as this can damage the cord.
Hot air styler – 1 pc. Nozzle – 1 pc. Attachment comb – 1 pc. Brush-attachment – 2 pc. Instruction manual – 1 pc.
Power supply: 220-240 V ~ 50/60 Hz Power: 1200 W
The manufacturer preserves the right to change the specifications of the unit without a prelimi­nary notification.
Unit operating life is 3 years
Details regarding guarantee conditions can be obtained from the dealer from whom the appli­ance was purchased. The bill of sale or receipt must be produced when making any claim under the terms of this guarantee.
This product conforms to the EMC­Requirements as laid down by the Council Directive 2004/108/ЕС and to the Low Voltage Regulation (2006/95/ЕС)
VT-2509.indd 5 19.09.2014 12:57:52
Die Warmluftbürste wird fürs Styling von trocke­nem oder leicht feuchtem Haar benutzt.
1. Aufsatzaufstellplatz
2. Betriebskontrolleuchte
3. Betriebsstufenschalter «0/1/2/C»
4. Gehäuse
5. Lufteinlassgitter
6. Aufhängeöse
7. Aufsatzsperrtasten
8. Konzentratoraufsatz
9. Kammaufsatz
10. Bürste mit einziehbarer Borste Ø 30 mm
11. Hebel
12. Aufsatzbürste Ø 40 mm
Benutzen Sie dieses Gerät in der Nähe
von mit Wasser gefüllten Behältern (wie Wasserbecken usw.) nicht.
Nach der Nutzung des Geräts im Badezimmer
trennen Sie es vom Stromnetz ab, indem Sie den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose heraus­ziehen, weil die Nähe des Wassers gefähr­lich ist, wenn das Gerät sogar mittels Schalter ausgeschaltet ist.
Als zusätzlicher Schutz ist es zweckmäßig,
den FI-Schalter mit Nennstrom bis 30 mA im Stromversorgungskreis des Badezimmers aufzustellen; wenden Sie sich dafür an einen Spezialisten.
Vor der ersten Inbetriebnahme des Geräts lesen Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung aufmerk­sam durch und bewahren Sie diese für weitere Referenz auf. Benutzen Sie das Gerät nur bestimmungsmäßig und laut dieser Bedienungsanleitung. Nicht ord­nungsgemäße Nutzung des Geräts kann zu sei­ner Störung führen, einen gesundheitlichen oder materiellen Schaden beim Nutzer hervorrufen.
Um das Stromschlagrisiko zu vermeiden, sind folgende Empfehlungen zu beachten.
Vor dem Einschalten des Geräts vergewis-
sern Sie sich, dass die Netzspannung und die Betriebsspannung des Geräts überein­stimmen.
Schalten Sie das Gerät an den Orten, wo
Sprays oder leichtentzündbare Flüssigkeiten verwendet werden, nicht ein.
Tragen Sie den Haarlack nur nach Haarstyling
Es ist empfohlen, das Netzkabel bei der
Gerätenutzung auf die gesamte Länge abzu­wickeln.
Das Netzkabel soll nicht:
mit heißen Gegenständen in Berührung
ins Wasser getaucht werden,über scharfe Möbelkanten gezogen werden,als Griff zum Tragen des Geräts benutzt
Greifen Sie das Gerät, das Netzkabel oder
den Netzstecker mit nassen Händen nicht.
Prüfen Sie die Ganzheit des Netzkabels peri-
Es ist nicht gestattet, das Gerät zu benutzen,
wenn der Netzstecker oder das Netzkabel beschädigt sind, wenn das Gerät nicht rich­tig funktioniert oder heruntergefallen ist. Bitte wenden Sie sich an einen autorisier­ten (bevollmächtigten) Kundendienst, falls Probleme mit dem Gerät auftreten.
Es ist nicht gestattet, das Gerät während des
Bads zu benutzen.
Es ist nicht gestattet, das Gerät an solchen
Oberflächen zu stellen und da aufzubewah­ren, woher es in die mit Wasser gefüllte Wanne oder ins Waschbecken stürzen kann; tauchen Sie das Gehäuse des Geräts, das Netzkabel oder den Netzstecker ins Wasser oder jegli­che andere Flüssigkeit nicht ein.
Falls das Gerät ins Wasser gefallen ist, neh-
men Sie den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose unverzüglich heraus, erst danach holen Sie das Gerät aus dem Wasser heraus.
Lassen Sie das funktionierende Gerät nie
Benutzen Sie das Gerät nicht, wenn Sie
schläfrig sind.
Benutzen Sie das Gerät fürs Styling von nas-
sem Haar oder synthetischen Perücken nicht.
Das Aufstellen oder Ersetzen der
Aufsatzbürsten darf nur dann durchgeführt werden, wenn das Gerät vom Stromnetz abgetrennt ist.
Vermeiden Sie die Berührung von heißen
Oberflächen des Geräts mit Gesicht, Hals oder anderen Körperteilen.
Es ist nicht gestattet, das Gerät während des
Betriebs auf wärmeempfindliche und weiche Oberflächen (zum Beispiel, Bett oder Sofa) zu legen und es abzudecken.
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