Viking Gas Grill User Manual

Outdoor Gas Grills
Your purchase of this product attests to the importance you
place upon the quality and performance of the major appliances you use. With minimal care, as outlined in this guide, this product is
designed to provide you with years of dependable service. Please
take the few minutes necessary to learn the proper and efficient use
and care of this quality product.
We appreciate your choosing a Viking Range Corporation
product, and hope that you will again select our products for your other major appliance needs.
Table of Contents
Features of Your Outdoor Gas Grill ....................... 3
Important Safety Instructions ............................ 4
Before Lighting Your Grill .............................. 6
Using the Grill with Outdoor Approved Hoods ............. 6
Lighting the Grill ..................................... 7
Using the Grill ....................................... 9
Using the Smoker Burner and Smoker Box ................. 14
Using the Rotisserie ................................... 15
Cleaning and Maintenance ............................. 17
Battery Replacement .................................. 20
Troubleshooting Guide ................................ 21
Service Information ................................... 22
Warranty ..................................... Rear Cover
If you smell gas:
1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
2. Extinguish any open flames.
3. Open lid.
4. If odor continues, immediately call your gas supplier.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Propane/Butane (G31-G30) cylinder not connected for use
shall not be stored in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Features of Your Outdoor Gas Grill
2 3
1 Electronic Ignition
2 Side Burner Control Knobs
(If Applicable)
3 Rotisserie Control Knob 4 Grill Burner Control Knobs 5 Grill/Smoker Burner Control Knob
6 9V Battery (behind control panel)
5 6
Rotisserie Bracket
Rotisserie Motor
11 Spit Rod w/forks 12 Warming Rack
(If applicable)
13 Infrared Rotisserie Burner
7 Porcelain Grids w/Stainless Steel
Perforated Flavor Generators underneath
8 Smoker Box
Explosion Hazard
Do not use the grill as storage area for flammable materials. Keep area clear and free from combustible materials,
asoline, and other flammable vapors and liquids.
Failure to do so can result in death, explosion, or fire.
14 Broiler Pan 15 Side Burner
(If Applicable)
16 Canopy
_i WARNING - To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury, read and
follow these basic precautions before operal_ng your gas grill or side burners.
1. Your unit should be properly installed and connected to the gas for which it was designed. Do not use charcoal, wood chips, or other material in your
grill. The smoker tray is the only area designed to hold wood chips or other smoke flavor enhancers.
2. Have the technician show you the location of the gas shut-off valve so you can shut offthe gas supply in an emergency. Ifyou smell gas, the
connections are not properly sealed oryou may have a hole in the gas supply pipe or hose. Determining where the gas leak isshould be left to a
qualified technician. Warranty service must be performed by an authorized service agency.
3. Children should not be left alone or unattended in an area where the gas grill is being used. Never allow them to sit, stand or play on or around the
grill at any time. Do not store items of interest to children around the grill. Never allow children to crawl inside the carl or masonry enclosure.
4. Use a covered hand when opening the hood and do so slowly to allow heat and steam to escape. To avoid burns when cooking, use long
handled BBQ tools. Never lean over an open grill.
5. Use sturdy, properly insulated gloves or potholders. Dish towels or other substitutes can become entangled causing burns. Use dry potholders; wet
potholders create steam and cause burns. Keep potholders away from open flames when lifting or moving utensils. Do not touch portions of the
grill rack or burner grate with potholders until the hot surfaces have cooled.
6. Only certain types of glass, heat-proof glass ceramic, earthenware, or other glazed utensils are suitable for grill use. Use of these types of materials
may break with sudden temperature changes. Use only on low or medium heat settings.
7. Select the correct pan sizefor the burner. Be sure the pan is large enough to avoid boil-overs or spill-overs. This will both save cleaning, prevent
accumulations of food, heavy splattering or spill-overs that can catch fire.
8. Never leave the grill unattended. High flame and fatty meats will promote flare ups.
9. This unit isfor outdoor use only! Do not operate in enclosed areas. This could result in carbon monoxide build-up which would result in injury or
10. When using the grill, do not touch the grill grates, open burner grates or immediate surrounding areas. These surfaces become extremely hot and
could cause burns. Be sure all controls are turned off and the unit has cooled before touching or cleaning any surfaces.
11. Do not use aluminum foil to line drip pans or grill racks. This can upset
combustion air flow or trap excessive heat in the control area. The result of this can be melted knobs.
12. The handle of the utensilshould be positioned sothat itdoes not extend over adjacent surfaceburnersor interferewith closing the canopy. Thiswill
minimizeburns, ignition of flammablematerialsand possiblespillage. Let hot panscool in a safeplaceout of childreng reach.
13._, WARNING: Before lighting the burners inspectthe gas supply piping or hose. Ifthere isevidence of cuts,wear,or abrasion,it must be replaced
prior to use. Always keepyour faceand body asfar awayfrom the grill as possiblewhen lighting.
14. Never grillwithout the drip tray inplace. Make sure it ispushed allthe way to the back in proper position to catch the drippings. Letthe greasecool
before attempting to remove for cleaning or disposal. Do not allow large
amounts of greaseto accumulate in the drip tray asthey cancatch on fire.
15. Beforestoring, make surethe gas grill iscool. The gasmust be turned off at the supply tank,removed and stored outside in awell ventilated area
out of the reachof children.
16. Keep the rotisseriemotor cord awayfrom heated areasof the grill.
17. When cooking in windy conditions, provide a wind break. Locate the unit with proper clearancefrom combustible surfaces.
18. Spidersand insectscannestin the burnersof the grill and block the gas and airflow to the burner ports. Thismay causeafire from behind the
manifold cover. Inspectand cleanthe burners periodically.
19. Keep the ventilation openings atthe rearof the carl and cylinderenclosure free and clearto allow proper flowof air. Do not obstruct the flowof
combustion and ventilation air.
20. Clothing fires are potential hazards. Do not wear longflowing sleeves around the grill. They are easilycaughton pan handlesor ignited by
burnersand aregenerally inthe way. Highly flammable clothing, especially
syntheticfabrics,should not be worn while cooking.
21. Do not heatany unopened glassor metal containerson the grill. Pressure
may build-up and causethe containerto burst resultinginserious personal harmor damage to the grill.
22. Do not move the appliance during its use.
23. Besureall controls areturned off and the grill iscool before usinganytype of aerosolcleaner on or aroundthe grill. The chemical that produces the
spraying actioncould, inthe presenceof heat, ignite or causemetal paris to corrode.
24. Do not remove the plasticcoveron the rotisseriemotor switchdue to safetyconsideralJons.
25. Ifthe following instructionsarenot followed exactly,a firecausing death or seriousinjury mayoccur:
-Do not store aspare gascylinder under or near this appliance
-Never fill the cylinder beyond 80 percent full.
Priorto turning the gason, inspectthe gas supply tubing or hose.
Lookfor evidence of abrasion,cuts,wear and tear,or other damage which could require replacement priorto use. Make sureallburner control knobs areoff. Do not attempt to light the burners ifthe smell of gas ispresent.
Checkthe connection with asoap and water solutionafter attaching
the hose. Make surethere is gasinthe tank and the tank is upright.
_, CAUTION: Wait at least5 minutes before relighting a hot grillto
allow any accumulated gasto dissipate. Keep a spraybottle of soapy water
nearthe gassupply valveand checkthe connections for gas leaksbefore each
To properly installthe flavor generator plates:
Placethe stainlesssteel perforated flavorgenerator platessothat the frontand reartabs reston the grillframe. The flashtube must be accessiblethrough the
plates. Ifthe flashtube isnot accessible,the
flavor generator plates
are not properly installed.
Flash Tube
Using the Grill with Outdoor Approved Hoods
Outdoor approved hood models should be installed in a covered non- enclosed area. Theyshould also be protected from natural elements(suchas rain)asmuch aspossible.
Alwaysturn the outdoor hood onto the HI position before lighting the grill.
Keep the grill canopyclosed asmuch aspossiblewhen cooking so smoke is exhaustedout the backof the grill. This allowsfor optimum performance of
the hood.
During breezyconditions, the performance of the outdoor hood may be compromised.
Ughtingthe Grill(T-SeriesModels)
When lighting a burner,alwayspayclose attention to what you are
doing. Becertainyou are pressingthe battery ignition button (T-Seriesonly) corresponding to the burner you are lighting.
Battery Ignitor
(T-Series only) (line indicates
corresponding burners)
Side Burner Rotisserie Grill Burner Control Knob Control Knob Control Knob
To light grill/smoker burner:
Open the hood or remove covers, push and turn the control knob until
the High position on the knob aligns with the indicator line on the control panel
and continue to hold the knob in. Press the electronic ignition button
corresponding to the burner being lit. You will hear a clicking sound. After the
burner lights, hold the control knob in for about 5 seconds longer or until the burner remains lit. Turn the control knob to the desired setting. Ifthe burner
does not light in 4 seconds, turn the knob to "off" and wait 5 minutes before trying again. This will allow accumulated gas to dissipate. After several failed
attempts the burner can be lit with a paper book match. (See below).
Ifyou have just attempted to light the burner with the ignitor, allow 5 minutes for any accumulated gas to dissipate. Place the lit match through the grid next to the flash tube of the burner being lit. Keep your face asfar away
from the grill as possible. Make sure the match is adjacent to the flash tube.
Push and turn the control knob until the High position on the knob aligns with
the indicator line on the control panel. Make sure you are turning the control
knob that corresponds with the burner being lit. If the burner does not light in
4 seoonds turn the knob "off", wait 5 minutes and try again. Ifthe burner will
not light after several attempts, see the "Troubleshooting" section.
Flash tube
_i CAUTION:Thesideburnercovermaybehotif thegrillburners
areinoperation.PushandturnthecontrolknobuntiltheHigh positionalignswiththeindicatorlineonthecontrolpanel.
Immediatelypresstheelectronicignitionbuttoncorrespondingto the burnersbeinglit untiltheburnerislit or until4secondspass.Ifthe burnerdoesnotlightafterseveralattempts,wait5minutestoallow
anyaccumulatedgasto dissipate.Iftheburnerwillnotlightafter
severalattempts,thentheburnercanbematchlitbyholdingalit matchnexttothe burnerports.Pushandturnthecontrolknobuntilthe Highpositionontheknobalignswiththeindicatorlineonthecontrolpanel.
TolightTruSearTM infraredburner (ifapplicable):
Beforelighting the burner,remove the stainlesssteel cover. Pushin,turn the
TruSearTM infraredcontrol knob until the High position onthe knob aligns with the indicator lineon the control panel and continue to hold the knob in. Press
the electronic ignition button whichcorrespondsto the control knob. Youwill
hear aclicking sound.After the burnerlights, hold the control knob infor about 5 seconds longeror untilthe burner remainslit. Once lit,turn the
control knob to the desired setting. Ifthe burner does not light within4 seconds,releaseand turn the control knob to "off". Wait 5 minutes for any
accumulated gas to dissipate. After severalfailed attempts the burner can be
litwith a paper book match.
Ughting the Grill (E-SeriesModels)
To light the grill / smoker burners:
Make sure the unit is plugged into a properly grounded
receptacle. Turn the appropriate control knob counter clockwise to any position. This control is both a gas valve and an electric switch.
Burners will ignite at any "on" position with the automatic reignition
system. If the flame goes out for any reason, the burners will automatically reignite if the gas is still flowing. When gas is permitted
to flow to the burners, the electric igniters start sparking. On all surface igniters you should hear a "clicking" sound. If you do not, turn
off the control and check that the unit is plugged in and that the fuse or circuit breaker is not blown or tripped.
Within a few moments, enough gas will have traveled to the
burner to be able to light. When the burner lights, turn the burner control to any position to adjust the flame size.
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