Congratulations on the purchase of your Yaesu
amateur transceiver! Whether this is your first rig, or if
Yaesu equipment is already the backbone of your station, rest assured that your transceiver will provide many
hours of operating pleasure for years to come.
The MARK-V FT-1000MP is an elite-class HF transceiver providing exceptional performance both on transmit and receive. The MARK-V FT-1000MP is designed
for the most competitive operating situations, whether
you primarily operate in contest, DX, or digital-mode
Built on the foundation of the popular FT-1000MP
transceiver, the MARK-V FT-1000MP provides up to
200 Watts of power output on SSB, CW, and FM (50
Watts AM carrier). Additionally, a Yaesu-exclusive
“Class-A” SSB operating mode provides ultra-linear
signal output, at a power output level of up to 75 Watts.
Also new on the MARK-V FT-1000MP is the IDBT
(Interlocked Digital Bandwidth Tracking) System, which
automatically aligns the bandwidth of the EnhancedDigital Signal Processing (EDSP) receiver passband
to match the IF filter passband. This improves operating efficiency by removing the extra step of making
separate analog and DSP filter adjustments. This feature can be enabled or disabled with the press of a
button, for maximum flexibility.
And for exceptional protection from strong nearby
incoming signals, the new, Yaesu-exclusive VRF (Vari-
able RF Front-End Filter) serves as a high-performance
Preselector-ideal for multi-operator contest environments. This filter is manually tuned, allowing the operator to optimize sensitivity or signal rejection with the
twist of a knob.
In addition to the contribution of the VRF Preselector,
superb receiver performance is a result of direct lineage from the legendary FT-1000D and FT-1000MP.
New technology Direct Digital Synthesizers (two 10-bit
and three 8-bit) are used in the local oscillator (all driven
by a single TCXO master oscillator), resulting in extremely fine tuning resolution with thirteen selectable
tuning steps down to 0.625 Hz. You may select either
“Flat” or “Tuned” front end RF amplification (using four
FETs in a double push-pull, constant-gain stage), IPO
(Intercept Point Optimization) utilizing direct feed to the
first mixer, and/or three levels of RF attenuation in 6dB steps. The “Tuned” RF Preamplifier provides high
gain and low noise figure on the higher frequency
bands, with lower gain and greater selectivity on the
low bands, where strong-signal performance is critically important.
To battle QRM, the MARK-V FT-1000MP comes
equipped with a formidable defense. Fine tailoring of
the IF passband is made possible with individually-selected, cascaded 2nd- and 3rd-IF crystal filter banks.
World-renowned Collins® mechanical 500-Hz CW filters are available as options for the Sub Receiver 2nd
IF, and main receiver 3rd IF strip. An IF notch filter and
concentric IF Shift and Width controls are also provided. The IF Width circuit allows continuously narrowing receiver passband by selectively moving either the
upper or lower filter skirt just as much as needed to
reduce QRM while still preserving the maximum usable bandwidth. This extensive analog IF filtering protects the EDSP circuits that follow it, ensuring unmatched performance during crowded band conditions.
page 1MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
Yaesu’s Enhanced Digital Signal Processing
(EDSP) circuitry, pioneered in the FT-1000MP, provides
a wide array of interference-rejection and signalcustomization features. On receive, three different signal “Contour” enhancements, in addition to narrowbandwidth peaking filters for CW and Data modes, help
dig out weak signals from the noise. Combined with
the EDSP Auto-Notch and Noise Reduction circuits,
the IF analog filters and EDSP response Contours are
without peer in the Amateur Radio industry for signal
enhancement. On transmit, the EDSP Microphone
Equalizer allows matching of the transmitter’s audio
response to your voice’s pattern, thereby maximizing
useful power output in the SSB envelope.
Advanced features include Dual Receive, Direct
Keyboard Frequency Entry and Band Change, RF
Speech Processor, RF Monitor for Voice modes, CW
Pitch control, CW Spot switch, Full CW QSK, adjustable IF Noise Blanker, Synchronous Tuning for AM,
and all-mode Squelch. And the Yaesu-exclusive
Shuttle-Jog tuning ring provides a spring-loaded
manual scanning tool, perfect for sweeping across a
band as you take a quick look for activity.
Frequency setup is extraordinarily simple on the
MARK-V FT-1000MP. Besides direct frequency entry
for both the Main and Sub VFOs, separate keys are
provided for band selection, and each band key accesses two independent VFO frequency/mode/filter
settings per band, so you can establish separate VFO
settings for two different parts of each band. The Sub
VFO has its own banks of VFOs for each band, and
you may copy frequencies from the Main to the Sub
VFO, or swap frequencies between the two, with a
single button push. The two VFOs allow simultaneous
reception and display of two different frequencies, even
in different modes and with different IF bandwidths.
Receiver audio can be completely or partially mixed,
or monitored separately in each ear.
In addition, 99 scannable memories are provided,
each of which stores its own mode and IF filter selection, in addition to frequency, Clarifier offset, and scanskip status. What’s more, five quick-recall (“QMB”)
memories can instantly store operational settings at
the push of a button.
The built-in automatic antenna tuner includes 39
memories of its own, automatically storing antenna
matching settings for quick automatic recall later.
A unique feature of the MARK-V FT-1000MP is the
rear panel’s “REMOTE” jack, a multi-featured port
which allows a number of possible control functions.
When connected to the optional FH-1 Keypad (or a
home-made keypad), the REMOTE jack may be used
as a control pad for the contest message keyer, or for
memory/VFO control of the Main or Sub receiver.
Interfacing for digital modes is extremely simple with
the MARK-V FT-1000MP, thanks to dedicated AFSK
and FSK connection jacks on the rear panel. Optimization of the filter passbands, EDSP settings, carrier
insertion point, and display offset are all possible via
the Menu programming system.
The Yaesu CAT system provides a direct link to
the transceiver CPU for computer control and
customization of tuning, scanning and other operating
functions. The MARK-V FT-1000MP includes a builtin data level converter for direction connection to a
personal computer serial port. Yaesu products are supported by most all of the leading contest and DX logging programs, and the programming protocol is included in this manual, if you wish to write your own
Special options for the MARK-V FT-1000MP include
the TCXO-6 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator module, and a wide selection of IF filters to
complement the four already installed as standard.
External options include the DVS-2 Digital Voice Recorder; SP-8 External Loudspeaker with optional LL-7
Phone Patch module; YH-77STA Stereo Headset; FH-1 Remote Control Keypad; and the MD-100A8X Desktop Microphone. Rounding out your Yaesu station, the
VL-1000 1 KW Linear Amplifier is specifically designed
to match your MARK-V FT-1000MP, providing the convenience of fully automatic band change along with
1000 Watts of clean power output.
For safe transportation of the MARK-V FT-1000MP,
a supplied separate power, the FP-29, provides the 30
Volt and 13.8 Volt power required for 200-Watt operation. The reduced weight inside the transceiver case
provides a greater safety margin during the shipment
your MARK-V FT-1000MP via a parcel service, or when
checking it as baggage for a DX-pedition.
Advanced technology is only part of the MARK-VFT-1000MP story. Yaesu stands behind our products
with a worldwide network of dealers and service centers. We greatly appreciate your investment in the
MARK-V FT-1000MP, and we look forward to helping
you get the most out of your new transceiver. Please
feel free to contact your nearest dealer, or one of
Yaesu’s national headquarters offices, for technical
advice, interfacing assistance, or accessory recommendation. And watch Yaesu U.S.A.’s Home Page for
late-breaking information about Yaesu products: http:/
Please read this manual thoroughly, so as to gain
maximum understanding of the full capability of the
MARK-V FT-1000MP, simply the finest Amateur Radio transceiver available today!
page 2MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
Rx Frequency Range:100 kHz - 30 MHz
Tx Frequency Ranges:160 - 10m (Amateur bands only)
Frequency Stability:±0.5 ppm (after 1 min. @ 25 °C)
±0.25 ppm (after 1 min. @ 25 °C, w/TCXO-6)
Operating Temperature Range:–10 °C ~ +50 °C
Emission Modes:LSB, USB, CW, FSK, AFSK, AM, FM
Frequency Steps:0.625/1.25/2.5/5/10 Hz for SSB,CW, RTTY & Packet;
100 Hz for AM and FM
Antenna Impedance:50 Ohms, unbalanced
16.6 - 150 Ohms, unbalanced (Tuner ON, TX only)
Power Consumption:13.8 VDC30 VDC
Rx (no signal)2.3 A–
Rx (signal)2.7 A–
Tx (200 W)2.2 A14.5 A
Supply Voltage:30 VDC and 13.8 VDC (FP-29)
Dimensions (WHD):410 x 135 x 347 mm ( 16 x 5.3 x 13.7 inch)
Weight (approx.):14 kg. (31 lbs)
Power Output:Adjustable up to 200 watts (50 watts AM carrier),
Maximum FM Deviation:± 2.5 kHz
FSK Shift Frequencies:170, 425, and 850 Hz
Packet Shift Frequencies:200 and 1000 Hz
Harmonic Radiation:Better than –60 dB (Typical)
SSB Carrier Suppression:At least 40 dB below peak output
Undesired Sideband Suppression: At least 55 dB below peak output
Audio Response (SSB):Not more than -6 dB from 400 to 2600 Hz
3rd-order IMD:–31 dB @ 200 watts PEP, or better
SSB/CW (2.0 kHz)2 µV0.16 µV
AM (6 kHz)13 µV2 µV
FM–0.5 µV
(with preamp on, IDBT on, SSB/CW/AM for 10 dB S/N, FM for 12 dB SINAD,
0 dBµ = 1 µV)
Selectivity (–6/–60 dB):Band WidthModes
2.4 kHzall except FM2.2 kHz4.2 kHz
2.0 kHzall except FM1.8 kHz3.6 kHz
500 Hz
250 Hz
IF Rejection (1.8 ~ 30 MHz):80 dB or better (Main Rx), 60 dB or better (Sub Rx)
Image Rejection (1.8 ~ 30 MHz):80 dB or better (Main), 50 dB or better (Sub)
Maximum Audio Output:2.0 W into 4 Ohms with <10% THD
Audio Output Impedance:4 to 8 Ohms
Specifications are subject to change, in the interest of technical improvement, without notice or obligation.
AM (Wide)4 kHz14 kHz
FM8 kHz19 kHz
Minimum –6 dB BWMaximum –60 dB BW
500 Hz1.8 kHz
250 Hz700 Hz
page 3MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
page 4MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
AC Power Supply FP-29 and its accessories (Separate Carton) .........................................................................1
Hand Microphone MH-31B8 (depending on transceiver version) .........................................................................1
3.5 mm 2-contact Plug (P0090034)....................................................................................................................1
3.5 mm 3-contact Plug (P0091046)....................................................................................................................1
4-pin DIN Plug (P0091004)................................................................................................................................1
5-pin DIN Plug (P0091006)................................................................................................................................1
For special applications and environments where
extra frequency stability is essential, such as for longterm HF packet monitoring under wide temperature
variations, the TCXO-6 provides ±0.25-ppm stability
the master reference oscillator (after 1 min. @ 25 °C).
Designed especially to match the electrical and cosmetic features of the MARK-V FT-1000MP, the MD-100A8X has a 600 Ohm impedance, and includes an
up/down scanning ring and a large PTT switch with
Selectable audio high- and low-pass filters together
with a large loudspeaker complement the superb audio characteristics of the MARK-V FT-1000MP with
your choice of 12 different audio filtering combinations.
Two input terminals are provided for multiple transceivers, with a front panel switch to select between them.
A (monaural) phone jack is provided on the front panel
to take advantage of the audio filters with headphones.
With the optional LL-7 Phone Patch Unit installed
in the SP-8, the MARK-V FT-1000MP can be patched
to the public telephone network. The LL-7 includes a
hybrid transformer circuit to assure proper impedance
matches, and front panel gain controls and level meter
to set proper audio levels on the telephone line.
Serving as either a continuous receiver recorder for
instant pushbutton playback, or microphone audio recorder for multiple on-air playback, the DVS-2 applies
the advantages of random-access solid-state digital
memory to serious communications. All data is stored
electronically, with no moving parts except your finger
and the pushbutton. More information is on page 81.
The FH-1 is a remote-control accessory designed
to enhance the operating flexibility of your MARK-VFT-1000MP. The FH-1 permits several remote control
features, which may be selected via Menu programming. More information is on page 76.
IF Crystal Filter Options
Five optional crystal filters may be installed in the
Main Receiver of the MARK-V FT-1000MP, and one in
the Sub Receiver.
Optional Main Receiver Filters
8.2 MHz (2nd IF)
YF-114SN: 2.0-kHz BW (for all modes except FM)
YF-114CN: 250-Hz BW (for all except AM & FM)
Dual samarium-cobalt transducers with sensitivity
of 103dB/mW (±2dB, @1 kHz, 35 Ohms) provide the
perfect match for the MARK-V FT-1000MP. During dual
receive with the YH-77STA, one receiver can be monitored in each ear, allowing easy separation of the signals from the two receivers (or the audio can be mixed,
if desired).
Availability of accessories may vary: some accessories are supplied as standard per local regulations and requirements, others may be unavailable in some regions. Check with your Yaesu dealer for additions to the above list.
Before initiating the installation of your MARK-V FT-
1000MP transceiver, please take the time to review
the following safety guidelines.
We strongly recommend that AC power for your
MARK-V FT-1000MP be provided only from the supplied FP-29 AC Power Supply, so as to ensure that the
voltage and current requirements of the MARK-V FT-1000MP are fully met.
If you do need to provide DC power to your MARK-V FT-1000MP, on an emergency basis, from a power
source other than the FP-29, please be absolutely certain to observe proper connections in your wiring. Note
that other manufacturers may use the same type of
DC power connector as does Yaesu, but the wiring configuration of the other manufacturer’s plug will almost
certainly be different from that specified for your transceiver. The correct wiring diagram is shown below.
Typically, the ground connection consists of one or
more copper-clad steel rods, driven into the ground. If
multiple ground rods are used, they should be positioned in a “V” configuration, and bonded together at
the apex of the “V” which is nearest the station location. Use a heavy, braided cable (such as the discarded
shield from type RG-213 coaxial cable) and strong
cable clamps to secure the braided cable(s) to the
ground rods. Be sure to weatherproof the connections
to ensure many years of reliable service. Use the same
type of heavy, braided cable for the connections to the
station ground bus (described below).
Inside the station, a common ground bus consisting of a copper pipe of at least 25 mm (1”) diameter
should be used. An alternative station ground bus may
consist of a wide copper plate (single-sided circuit board
material is ideal) secured to the bottom of the operating desk. Grounding connections from individual devices such as transceivers, power supplies, and data
communications devices (TNCs, etc.) should be made
directly to the ground bus using a heavy, braided cable.
Do not make ground connections from one electrical device to another, and thence to the ground bus.
This so-called “Daisy-Chain” grounding technique may
nullify any attempt at effective radio frequency grounding. See the drawing below for examples of proper
grounding techniques.
The MARK-V FT-1000MP HF transceiver, like any
other HF communications apparatus, requires an effective ground system for maximum electrical safety
and best communications effectiveness. A good ground
system can contribute to station efficiency in a number
of ways:
r It can minimize the possibility of electrical shock to
the operator.
r It can minimize RF currents flowing on the shield of
the coaxial cable and the chassis of the transceiver;
such currents may lead to radiation which can cause
interference to home entertainment devices or labo-
ratory test equipment.
r It can minimize the possibility of erratic transceiver/
accessory operation caused by RF feedback and/
or improper current flow through logic devices.
Inspect the ground system – inside the station as
well as outside – on a regular basis so as to ensure
maximum performance and safety.
Besides following the above guidelines carefully,
note that household or industrial gas lines must never
be used in an attempt to establish an electrical ground.
Cold water pipes may, in some instances, help in the
grounding effort, but gas lines represent a significant
explosion hazard, and must never be used.
An effective earth ground system make take several forms; for a more complete discussion, see an
appropriate RF engineering text. The information below is intended only as a guideline.
page 7MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
Be certain that all station wiring is properly insu-
lated so as to prevent short-circuits which could damage this transceiver and/or accessories connected to
it. Be sure to protect power cables from damage due
to abrasion by ensuring that they cannot be walked
upon nor crushed under rolling chairs, etc. Never route
power cables near sharp metallic edges which might
cut through protective insulation.
Never spill liquids into this transceiver, and do not
drop sharp metallic objects into the transceiver enclosure. Electrical shock may result when you attempt to
remove the object.
Unsupervised children should be kept away from
any electrical apparatus such as the MARK-V FT-
1000MP transceiver and its accessories.
Always install antennas such that they can never
come in contact with outdoor power lines in the event
of a catastrophic antenna support or power line support structure failure. An adequate safety margin is
usually provided by separating power lines from the
antenna and its support structure [1.5 times the height
of the support] plus [the length of any antenna or guy
wires attached to the support] plus [the height of the
power line support pole].
Ground the antenna support structure adequately,
so as to dissipate energy absorbed during a lightning
strike. Install appropriate lightning arrestors in the antenna lead-in and rotator cable (if used) according to
the arrestor’s instructions.
In the event of an approaching electrical storm, dis-
connect all antenna lead-in, rotator control, and power
cables completely from the station, but only if thestorm is not immediately in your area. Do not allow
disconnected cables to touch the case of your MARK-V FT-1000MP transceiver or accessories, as lightning
can easily jump from the cable to the circuitry of your
transceiver via the case, causing irreparable damage.
If a lightning storm is in progress in your immediate
area, do not attempt to disconnect the cables, as you
could be killed instantly should lightning strike your
antenna, tower, or a nearby power line.
If a vertical antenna is used, be certain that humans
and/or pets or farm animals are kept away both from
the radiating element (to prevent electrical shock and
RF exposure danger) and the ground system (in the
event of an electrical storm). The buried radials of a
ground-mounted vertical antenna can carry lethal voltages outward from the center of the antenna in the
event of a direct lightning strike.
This transceiver is capable of power output in excess of 50 Watts, so customers in the United States
may be required to demonstrate compliance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations
concerning maximum permissible exposure to radio
frequency energy. Compliance is based on the actual
power output used, feedline loss, antenna type and
height, and other factors which can only be evaluated
as a system. Information regarding these regulations
may be available from your Dealer, your local radio
club, from the FCC directly (press releases and other
information can be found on the FCC’s site on the World
Wide Web at <>), or from the American Radio Relay League, Inc. (225 Main St., Newington
CT 06111 or <>).
Remember to re-evaluate your station’s compliance
with these regulations during portable operations such
as Field Day or special-event stations.
Regarding electromagnetic compatibility: if this
transceiver is used with, or in the vicinity of, a computer or computer-driven accessories, you may need
to experiment with grounding and/or Radio Frequency
Interference (RFI) suppression devices (such as ferrite cores) to minimize interference to your communications caused by energy from the computer. Computer-generated RFI is usually a result of inadequate
shielding of the computer’s cabinet or I/O and peripheral connections. While computer equipment may
“comply” with RF emission standards, this does not
ensure that sensitive amateur radio receivers will not
experience interference from the device!
Be certain to use only shielded cables for TNC-toTransceiver connections. You may need to install AC
line filters on the power cord(s) of the suspected equipment, and decoupling ferrite toroidal chokes may be
required on interconnecting patch/data cables. As a last
resort, you can try installing additional shielding within
the computer’s case, using appropriate conductive
mesh or conductive shielding tape. Especially check
“RF holes” where plastic is used for cabinet front panels.
For further information, consult amateur radio reference guides and publications relating to RFI suppression techniques.
page 8MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
Inspect the transceiver upon opening the packing
carton. Check that all controls and switches work freely,
and inspect the cabinet for any damage. Ensure the
accessory fuses and plugs pictured on page 4 are included. If any damage is found, document it completely,
and contact the shipping company (or dealer, if you
purchased it over-the-counter) right away. Save the
packing materials in case you need to return the set
for service. If you have purchased optional internal
accessories separately, install them as described on
page 112.
The MARK-V FT-1000MP is designed to be used
in conjunction with the supplied FP-29 Dual-Voltage
Power Supply. Connect the Power Cable from the FP-29 to the DC IN Jack on the rear panel of the transceiver.
Note that other manufacturers may use the same
type of DC power connections as does your MARK-VFT-1000MP transceiver, but the wiring configuration of
the other manufacturer’s plug almost certainly will be
different from that specified for your transceiver. Serious damage can be caused if improper DC connections are made.
To assure long life of the components, a primary
consideration in setting up the MARK-V FT-1000MP
is providing for adequate ventilation around the cabinet. The cooling system of the MARK-V FT-1000MP
must be free to draw cool air in at the lower rear of the
transceiver, and to expel warm air out of the upper rear
panel. Do not place the transceiver on top of another
heat-generating device such as a linear amplifier, and
do not place equipment, books or papers on top of the
transceiver. Also, provide a few centimeters of space
on either side of the transceiver, if possible. Avoid heating vents and window locations that could expose the
transceiver to excessive direct sunlight, especially in
hot climates.
For protection from electrical shock, and to ensure
proper performance, connect the GND terminal on the
rear panel to a good earth ground, using a heavy
braided cable of the shortest length possible. All other
station equipment should be connected to the same
grounding cable, as close together as practical. If you
use a computer with or near the MARK-V FT-1000MP,
you may need to experiment with ground wiring to suppress computer noise in the receiver, and ground loops
during transmission.
DC Power Cable (Supplied with FP-29
Changing the AC Input Voltage Selector Switch on the FP-29 (U.S.A. Users only)
r Before changing the Voltage Selector Switch, dis-
connect the FP-29’s AC Power Cable from the AC
line outlet, then wait 10 minutes to allow the power
supply’s electrolytic capacitors to discharge (electrical shock hazard!).
r Locate the Voltage Selector Switch on the bottom
case of the FP-29; remove the protective clear cover
and its nylon rivets from the case.
r Move the Voltage Selector Switch to the appropri-
ate mains voltage for your country (either 230 V or
115 V).
r Change the fuse in the fuse holder on the rear panel
of the FP-29, as indicated below. Do not use slow-
blow type fuses.
AC Mains VoltageAC Fuse Rating
100 ~ 120 V10 A
200 ~ 240 V6 A
Also, change the voltage marking on the label on
the rear panel of the FP-29 to match the new voltage setting.
r Replace the protective clear cover and its nylon riv-
ets. This completes the voltage change procedure.
Warning: Our Warranty does not cover damage
caused by improper supply voltage nor use of an
improper fuse.
page 9MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
The MARK-V FT-1000MP is designed for use with
any antenna system providing a 50 Ω resistive impedance at the desired operating frequency. While minor
excursions from the 50 Ω specification are of no consequence, the transceiver’s Automatic Antenna Tuner
may not be able to reduce the impedance mismatch to
an acceptable value if the Standing Wave Ratio (SWR)
present at the Antenna jack is greater than 3:1. Among
the undesirable consequences that high SWR may
produce are:
r The transceiver’s power amplifier protection circuitry
will reduce power if the Automatic Antenna Tuner is
unsuccessful in reducing the SWR.
r Even if the Automatic Antenna Tuner successfully
normalizes the impedance presented to the radio,
feedline losses will escalate rapidly with increasing
SWR at the higher operating frequencies, especially
28 MHz.
r Although high SWR itself does not cause feedline
radiation, the sudden onset of high SWR may well
indicate a mechanical failure in a matching device,
leading to an electrical condition which may cause
excessive feedline radiation, which can cause in-
terference to nearby home-entertainment devices.
Every effort should, therefore, be made to ensure
that the impedance of the antenna system utilized with
the MARK-V FT-1000MP be as close as possible to
the specified 50 Ω value.
Loss figures are approximate; consult cable manufacturers’ catalogs for complete specifications.
Loss figures can increase significantly if high SWR is
present on the transmission line.
2 MHz
15 MHz
28 MHz
The two front feet of the MARK-V FT-1000MP can
be set in either of two positions. By turning the knurled
ring around a (retracted) foot clockwise, the middle of
the foot will extend about one centimeter. Turn the ring
as far as it will go (about ¼-turn) to lock the extended
foot in place. To retract an extended foot, turn the
knurled ring counterclockwise ¼-turn while pressing
on the center of the foot.
Any antenna to be used with the MARK-V FT-1000MP must, ultimately, be fed with 50 Ω coaxial
cable. Therefore, when using a “balanced” antenna
such as a dipole, remember that a balun or other matching/balancing device must be used so as to ensure
proper antenna performance.
The same precautions apply to any additional (receive-only) antennas connected to the RX ANT jack; if
your receive-only antennas do not have an impedance
near 50 Ω at the operating frequency, you may need to
install an external antenna tuner to obtain optimum
Use high-quality 50 Ω coaxial cable for the lead-in
to your MARK-V FT-1000MP transceiver. All efforts at
providing an efficient antenna system will be wasted if
poor quality, lossy coaxial cable is used. Losses in coaxial lines increase as the frequency increases, so a
coaxial line with only 0.5 dB of loss at 7 MHz may have
2 dB of loss at 28 MHz. For reference, the chart in the
next column shows approximate loss figures for typically-available coaxial cables frequently used in amateur radio installations.
To Extend
To Retract
The memory BACKUP switch on the rear panel is
turned on at the factory, allowing VFO and memory
data to be retained while power is off. Backup current
is miniscule, so it is not necessary to turn the BACKUP
switch off unless the transceiver is to be stored for an
extended period.
After five or more years of operation the transceiver
may fail to retain memories, at which time the lithium
battery should be replaced. Contact your dealer for
replacement of the battery; for instructions on how to
do so yourself, see page 114.
page 10MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
The MARK-V FT-1000MP can be used with the
optional Yaesu FL-7000 or VL-1000 Linear Amplifier,
providing automatic band switching via digital band data
output from the BAND DATA jack on the rear panel of
the transceiver. Most other amplifiers can be adapted
to operate with the MARK-V FT-1000MP; however, the
main points to be concerned with are the switching requirements of the amplifier, and if QSK (full break-in)
operation is desired. The linear amplifier Tx/Rx switching capability of the MARK-V FT-1000MP is described
in the table below.
DC Switching
DC Swiching
AC Switching
AC Swiching
Relay Disabled
< 40VDC
< 150 mA
Relay Enabled
< 60 VDC
< 200 mA
< 100 VAC
< 500 mA
Connect the RF output from the transceiver ANT
jack (A or B) to the RF input jack of the linear. Connect
the ALC output from the linear to the EXT ALC jack on
the rear of the transceiver (see the “About ALC” discussion below). After making the RF and Tx/Rx switching connections described below, you may need to
adjust the ALC output level of the linear so that it is not
overdriven by the MARK-V FT-1000MP. Your linear’s
manual should describe how to do this.
If using a VL-1000, connect the BAND DATA Cable
(supplied with the VL-1000) from the transceiver BANDDATA jack to the amplifier BAND-DATA 1 jack; this will
provide automatic band selection for the linear, as well
as QSK Tx/Rx switching control. You may also connect a user-constructed control cable (refer to VL-1000
manual for details) from the transceiver REMOTE jack
to the amplifier BAND-DATA 2 jack to provide automatic amplifier tune-up for the linear using the MARK-V FT-1000MP. Press the VL-1000’s front panel ATT
switch to activate the 3 dB input RF power attenuator,
to pad the 200 Watt (maximum) input power from the
page 11MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
If using an FL-7000, connect optional cable E-767
(P/N D4000019) from the transceiver BAND DATA jack
to the amplifier ACC-2 jack. This provides automatic
band selection for the linear, as well as QSK Tx/Rx
switching control. Turn on the FL-7000 rear panel ATT
switch to activate the 3 dB input RF power attenuator,
to pad the 200 Watt input power from the MARK-V FT-1000MP.
If using another manufacturer’s QSK linear, and if
its switching circuitry consumes less than 150 mA of
DC voltage below 40 V, you can connect the Tx/Rx
switching line for the linear to pin 2 (“TX GND”) of the
BAND DATA jack (use pin 3 for ground), and the linear’s
exciter-enable output to pin 8 (“TX INHIBIT”) of the
BAND DATA jack. This line must be switched to ground
to enable transmission once the linear is ready for excitation from the MARK-V FT-1000MP. If your QSK linear sinks more than 100 mA or uses more than 15 V
for T/R relay switching, you will have to provide a suitable external interface transistor, controlled by pin 2.
Be certain to make provision for suitable reduction of
the drive power from the MARK-V FT-1000MP, so as
not to damage your amplifier.
The TX GND jack on the transceiver rear panel is
connected to an internal relay, for non-QSK T/R switching of linear amplifiers that use AC switching voltage,
or DC voltage greater than +15 V, negative DC voltage
of any kind (such as the Heath® SB-220/SB-221 models), or if they are required to sink more than 100 mA
for T/R switching. A schematic diagram of the relay
circuit is provided below. If not using your linear amplifier in a full break-in environment, the use of this relay
for amplifier switching is highly recommended.
This relay comes disabled (rear-panel LIN set to
“OFF”) to avoid the clicking sound when the transceiver
is used alone or with a QSK linear. To enable the relay
for non-QSK linears that exceed the above T/R switching requirements, you will need to move the LIN switch,
located in the hole near the center of the rear panel, to
its right position (see the drawing). Use a thin, insulated, sharp object to move the switch. Then connect
the center contact of the TX GND jack to the positive
relay-control line to your linear, and the outer contact
to the “common” line or the linear’s chassis ground.
Refer to the diagram at the next page; in this example,
a older non-QSK amplifier (FL-2100B) is shown.
With the relay now enabled, the MARK-V FT-1000MP can support non-QSK linear T/R switching
voltages up to 100 VAC @ 500 mA, or DC voltage up
to 60 V @ 200 mA, or closed-circuit current up to 1 A
with DC voltage up to 30 V.
page 12MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
Caution - Please Read!!
The MARK-V FT-1000MP is designed for use with
the FL-7000/VL-1000 when QSK operation with a
linear amplifier is desired. If you are using a different amplifier, do not attempt QSK operation with
the linear if its switching circuitry requires that the
MARK-V FT-1000MP’s relay be enabled. Using
pins 2 and 8 of the BAND DATA jack for other
amplifiers will not work unless the control line signals are carefully matched, and damage may result otherwise.
During linear operation, be sure to account for the
MARK-V FT-1000MP’s maximum power capability of 200 Watts, and take care not to over-drive
your linear amplifier.
Your transceiver’s warranty does not cover damage resulting from improper connections to this
jack, so if you are not sure of the linear amplifier’s
break-in capabilities or switching requirements, the
safest approach is to enable the relay, use the TXGND jack (after setting the LIN switch to the “ON”
position) and resort to non-QSK operation. This will
help prevent possible damage to the amplifier or
The MARK-V FT-1000MP provides an external ALC
jack on the rear panel (RCA-type jack) for input of Au-
tomatic Level Control voltage from a linear amplifier.
ALC voltage is used to provide dynamic control of
the output of the transceiver, so as not to provide more
drive than is needed for full amplifier output. The ALC
control voltage range is 0 to –4 V DC, with the voltage
going more negative as the amplifier’s drive requirements are approaching fulfillment.
The MARK-V FT-1000MP’s ALC system is very typical of designs in the amateur radio industry, and consequently is compatible with many manufactured and
home-built amplifiers. However, ALC voltage may be
generated by an amplifier in a manner incompatible
with efficient ALC operation in the MARK-V FT-1000MP,
and it is important that you recognize the differences in
amplifier ALC circuits before proceeding with ALC line
r ALC circuits which detect Power Output from the
amplifier, and generate negative-going ALC control
voltage when maximum output power has been re-
alized, will generally work properly with the MARK-
V FT-1000MP.
The exact amount of ALC voltage fed to the MARK-
V FT-1000MP can usually be adjusted via a poten-
tiometer on the rear panel of the amplifier.
r ALC circuits which detect Amplifier Tube Grid Cur-
rent, and generate ALC voltage when excessive
grid current is present, may not work well with the
MARK-V FT-1000MP and other similar transceiv-
ers, as the ALC voltage may be generated because
of amplifier mis-tuning not related to an excessive-
drive condition. With amplifiers deriving their ALC
voltage in this manner, we recommend that you not
connect the ALC line, and rather let the amplifier’s
protection circuitry manage its ALC requirements
page 13MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
The MARK-V FT-1000MP can be used with the
optional Yaesu FTV-1000 50 MHz Transcverter, providing excellent receiver performance and up to 200
Watts of power output.
A FTV-1000 setup is shown below. Refer to the detail
regarding the interconnection and operation to the FTV-1000 Operating Manual.
page 14MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
The MARK-V FT-1000MP offers special features
for digital modes, such as a built-in digitally-synthesized
AFSK generator for RTTY and AMTOR terminal units,
IF bandwidth optimization and automatic display offsets, and an 18-ms transmit-to-receive turn-around
Low-level Main Receiver audio output is provided
from the rear-panel RTTY and PKT jacks, and is unaffected by front panel volume control settings. If you
prefer to use Sub Receiver audio for TNC input, switch
S3001 (located on the AF UNIT circuit board, inside
the transceiver, between the DVS-2 and PKT connectors) can be moved from the MAIN to the SUB position.
The explosion of new digital modes of amateur communication means that you will want to make connections to your TNC and/or computer as “standardized”
as possible. Generally, this will mean that you will want
to connect your transceiver in an “AFSK” environment.
On the MARK-V FT-1000MP, the PACKET jack is the
“AFSK” connection port, while the RTTY jack is an
“FSK” connection port. In the AFSK mode, the TNC or
computer generates the data signal as a set of audio
tones, while the FSK mode uses a closure to ground
(in the TNC or terminal unit) to cause the transceiver
to generate the “mark” and “space” tones.
Audio level is 100 mV from both jacks. The RTTY
level is fixed; however, PKT audio level can be adjusted
by potentiometer VR3010. In many cases, it is easier
to perform level adjustments at the TNC.
TNC Tone Pair
1070/1270 Hz
1600/1800 Hz
2025/2225 Hz
2110/2310 Hz
ø indicates default setting (used by normal convention)
Tone Center Frequency
1170 Hz
1700 Hz
2125 Hz
2210 Hz
page 15MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
Construct a patch cable or cables to make the nec-
essary connections between your TNC and the appropriate rear panel jack(s) (RTTY for FSK, PACKET for
AFSK). Refer to the pin-out diagram below, and the
wiring instructions included with your TNC. A description of the PACKET jack’s individual pins follows:
Pin 1 (DATA IN) - Connect this pin to your TNC’s
“AFSK Out” or “Mic Audio” output line. The optimum
input level is 30 mV rms, and the input impedance is 3
kΩ. Your TNC’s audio output level potentiometer will
allow you to set the level to the optimum value. This
pin may be used either for 300 baud SSB-mode digital
operation or for 1200-baud FM packet. The bandwidth
and frequency response are not, however, suitable for
9600 baud operation.
Pin 2 (Ground) - Connect this to the shield(s) of
the cable(s) used for connections between the TNC
and the MARK-V FT-1000MP.
Pin 3 (PTT) - Connect this pin to the PTT line from
the TNC. This pin, when grounded by the TNC, places
the MARK-V FT-1000MP into the Transmit condition.
Pin 4 (DATA Out) - Connect this pin to your TNC’s
“RX Audio” input line. This is a constant-level (100 mV
rms @ 600 Ω) audio output line which is not affected
by the position of the front-panel AF GAIN control.
For FSK operation using the RTTY jack, the fol-
lowing are the pin connections required:
Pin 1 (SHIFT) - Connect this pin to your TNC or
terminal unit’s “FSK Key” port. Closing and opening of
this line to ground causes mark/space keying.
Pin 2 (RX AF OUT) - Same as “DATA OUT” on
PACKET jack.
Pin 3 (PTT) - Same as “PTT” on PACKET jack.
Pin 4 (GND) - Same as “GND” on PACKET jack.
For operation on PSK31, connect your computer's
sound card to the PACKET jack (for “PKT” mode operation) or the MIC and EXT SP jacks (for “SSB” mode
operation). Also, use
the "User" mode (see page 110) for PSK31 operation.
For most operation, you will want to use the PS31U (for PKT mode) or PS31-SU (for USB mode) options under “East Set;” while BPSK operation is not
sideband-sensitive, QPSK operation, by convention,
utilizes USB-side injection.
The “User” mode is accessed, during operation, by
pressing and holding in for ½ second the [PKT] mode
menu selection 8-6 to configure
Pin 5 (BUSY) - This is a “Squelch Status” pin not
generally required for digital mode operation. This pin
is held at +5V when the squelch is open, and is
grounded when the receiver is muted by the squelch
(“no-signal” condition).
page 16MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
The MARK-V FT-1000MP cooling system is designed to handle continuous duty transmission at
200 watts output. However, for continuous-duty digital modes like RTTY, we recommend limiting your
transmissions to 3 minutes or less, with at least 3
minutes receive in between transmissions. Place
your hand on the transceiver occasionally to ensure that it’s not getting too hot, and try to keep
power output at 100 watts or less.
You can limit the maximum RF power output to 75
watts via programming, by recalling menu selection4-0 and choosing reduced power output.
page 17MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
When using a TNC connected to your transceiver,
or even having a PC located in the shack, the possibility exists that you may experience computer-generated
RFI (Radio Frequency Interference).
The CPU in a personal computer operates with a
crystal-controlled oscillator (clock) and timing circuits.
Common clock frequencies include 8, 12, 16, 20 and
25 MHz. In addition, high-speed digital data switching
uses square waves, which produce odd-order harmonic
Computer-generated RFI may appear at seemingly
random frequencies (usually right where a rare DX station is calling CQ!) throughout the range of your transceiver, and may sound like constant ticking or buzzing
that may change as you type or work within a program.
Severe RFI may have S-meter indications as much
greater than S-9, making copy of voice signals difficult
and data signals virtually impossible.
Computer-generated RFI is usually a result of inadequate shielding of the PC’s cabinet or I/O and peripheral connections. While computer equipment may
comply with RF emission approval standards, this does
not ensure that sensitive amateur radio receivers will
not experience RFI from the device.
There are a few steps you can take to reduce or
eliminate computer-generated RFI. The first step is to
ensure that only shielded cables are used for TNC-totransceiver connections, carefully check RF ground
connections and re-orient your station equipment in
relation to the computer. Try moving your PC and peripherals slightly and see if it has any affect on the RFI,
in some cases, this alone may be enough to correct
the problem.
If not, several additional steps to try include installing AC line filters on the power cord(s) of the suspected
equipment and inserting decoupling ferrite toroidal
chokes on interconnecting patch/data cables and
smaller ferrite beads on single wires.
As a last resort, you can try installing additional
shielding within the PC case, using appropriate conductive mesh/screening or conductive tape. Especially
check RF “holes” where plastic is used for cabinet front
panels. For further information, consult amateur radio
reference guides and publications relating to RFI suppression techniques.
page 18MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
This is a 3.5 mm miniature stereo phone jack which
provides constant-level (100 mV @ 600 Ω) for connection to a WeatherFax decoder, tape recorder, or
other accessory. The audio output level is not affected
by the setting of the front panel AF GAIN & SUB AF
controls, so you can turn the volume down, if you like,
without affecting the audio level being presented to your
decoding device. The tip connection of this jack is Main
receiver audio, while the ring connection is Sub receiver
The connections to the AF OUT jack are at the same
level as the connection to Pin 4 of the PACKET jack.
However, the two output ports use independent output
buffer amplifiers, so you can freely connect and disconnect devices to/from these ports without concern
over the impedances and levels.
This RCA jack is wired in parallel with the front
panel’s MIC jack, providing a handy connection point
for a footswitch for voice operation, allowing handsfree PTT operation.
For transmit audio input for SSTV (Slow-Scan Television) operation, you may connect the SSTV terminal’s
TX AUDIO line to the PATCH jack. You will need to dis-
connect the microphone, however, during transmission,
as the PATCH jack is connected in a “Y” configuration
along with the microphone input (from pin 8 of the MIC
The MARK-V FT-1000MP includes a host of features for the CW operator, the functions of which will
be detailed in the “Operation” section later. Besides
the built-in Electronic Keyer, two key jacks are provided,
one each on the front and rear panels, for convenient
connection to keying devices.
Both KEY jacks on the MARK-V FT-1000MP utilize
“positive” keying voltage. Key-up voltage is approximately +5V DC, and key-down current is approximately
0.5 mA. When connecting a key or other device to the
KEY jacks, use only a 3-pin (“stereo”) ¼” phone plug;
a 2-pin plug will place a short between the ring and
(grounded) shaft of the plug, resulting in a constant
“key-down” condition in some circumstances.
1. For everyday operation using the internal electronic
memory keyer, connect your paddle to the front
panelKEY jack, and activate the front panel [KEY
switch. If you wish to keep the keyer paddle’s cable
out of the way, connect the plug, instead, to the rear
panel KEY jack.
2. If two operators are using the MARK-V FT-1000MP
simultaneously (for a contest, Field Day, etc.), a
second keyer paddle may be connected to the rear
panelKEY jack. With the front panel [KEYER
switch pressed in, both operators’ paddles will have
access to the internal keyer.
3. If two operators are using the MARK-V FT-1000MP
simultaneously, but both wish to use a straight key,
outboard electronic keyer, or computer-driven key-
ing cables, the key plugs may be inserted into the
front and rear panel KEY jacks; now turn the front
panel’s [KEYER] switch off.
page 19MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
The MARK-V FT-1000MP’s three antenna connectors, plus innovative microprocessor-based memory
and switching circuits, provide excellent flexibility in
setting up your antenna connections.
Typical antenna configurations are shown below.
Remember that Antenna A and Antenna B (which are
“SO-239” or “M” connectors) may be used for transmission and reception, while the RX Antenna port
(which is an “RCA” type connector) may only be used
for reception.
Although surge suppression is provided on all antenna ports, you may wish to consider building a
simple external circuit which will disconnect, on TX,
any antenna connected to the RX ANT IN jack,
particularly if you are using a very long wire antenna such as a Beverage. Very long antennas can
build up very high RF and static voltages on them,
and the circuit below may provide better protection
for your receiver’s input circuitry.
7MHz Dipole
14/21/28 MHz Tribander
28 MHz 5el Yagi
7/14/21 MHz Tribander
page 20MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
The MARK-V FT-1000MP features a built-in level
converter, allowing direct connection from the rearpanel CAT jack to the serial port of your computer,
without the need for any external converter box.
When your software requests serial port configuration information, set it for “4800,N,8,2” (4800 baud, No
Parity, 8 Data Bits, and 2 Stop Bits). Be certain to configure and activate any required “TSR” (Terminate-andStay-Resident) utilities before beginning computer-controlled transceiver operation (your software’s instruction manual will describe any such requirement).
Details regarding the programming protocols for the
CAT system may be found beginning on page 86.
This chapter describes each control and connector
on the MARK-V FT-1000MP . You can just glance
through it quickly now, but some of the descriptions
will be more meaningful if you take the time to read
them in detail now. If questions arise later while proceeding through the operation chapter, you can return
to this chapter with the set powered up for control knob
clarification. Some controls and switches are disabled
under certain conditions.
page 21MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
1. POWER Button
This button turns the transceiver on and off.
2. MOX & VOX Buttons
MOX] may be used in place of a microphone PTT
switch or CW key to activate the transmitter, when depressed. It must be in the undepressed position for
VOX] enables automatic voice-actuated transmit-
ter switching in the SSB, AM and FM modes, and “semibreak-in” keying in CW mode. The controls affecting
VOX operation are located in the top access panel.
Menu Selection 7-5 sets the receiver recovery time during semi-break-in CW operation.
3. AGC Selector Knob
Selects main receiver Automatic Gain Control decay time for most comfortable reception, or disables
receiver AGC (off). Normally this switch is set to the
“AUTO” position. Strong signals will cause distortion if
this selector is set to “OFF.”
4. PHONES Jack
A ¼-inch and 3.5 mm, 3-contact jack accept either
monaural or stereo headphones with 2- or 3-contact
plugs. When a plug is inserted, the loudspeaker is disabled. With stereo headphones such as the optional
YH-77STA, you can monitor both receiver channels at
the same time during dual reception. In this case, the
headphone HP controls (page 32) beneath the top access panel adjust the levels for mixed, separate, or
monaural headphone operation.
5. KEY Jack
This ¼-inch, 3-contact jack accepts a CW key or
keyer paddles (for the built-in electronic keyer), or output from an external electronic keyer. You cannot usea 2-contact plug in this jack (to do so produces a constant “key down” condition). Pinout is shown on page
4. Key up voltage is 5 V, and key down current is 0.5
mA. There is another jack with the same name, connected in parallel with this jack, on the rear panel.
The inner MIC control adjusts the microphone input level for (non-processed) SSB and AM transmission.
The outer PROC control sets the compression (input) level of the transmitter RF speech processor in
the SSB modes, when activated by the button with the
same name.
7. MIC Jack
This 8-pin jack accepts input from the MH-31B8D
Microphone. MIC connector pinout is shown on page
4. Proper microphone input impedance is 500 ~ 600
page 22MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
The inner AF GAIN control adjusts the audio volume of the main receiver VFO in the speaker or headphones.
The outer RF GAIN control adjusts the receiver signal level in front of the main receiver 1st mixer (via PIN
diodes), and also the gain of the main receiver IF amplifiers.
It is normally set fully clockwise for maximum sensitivity. When rotated counter-clockwise, the S-meter
minimum deflection point will move up the scale. The
peak deflection for a particular signal will remain the
same if it is greater than the level set by this control,
but the main receiver will be less sensitive to weaker
This control also affects the SQL setting for main
VFO-A, and should be preset fully clockwise when setting the squelch threshold for the VFO or on a recalled
9. RF PWR Knob
This control adjusts the transmitter’s output power
in all modes. The adjustment range is from approximately 5 to 200 watts, except in the AM mode, where
the permitted carrier level is about 5 to 50 watts. This
knob also controls the carrier level for CW transmission. In setting the output power, the ALC function of
the meter should always be monitored, to avoid
overdriving the transmitter final amplifier.
13. MONI Knob
When activated by the [MONI] button (above), the
audio level of the transmit RF monitor during transmission (relative to the AF GAIN control) is adjusted by
this control.
14. SQL Knob
This control sets the signal level threshold at which
main VFO-A receiver audio is muted (and the green
“MAIN BUSY” display indicator turns off), in all modes.
This control is normally kept fully counter-clockwise,
except when scanning and during FM operation.
15. METER Selector Switches
These switches determine the function of the multifunction meter during transmission. The meanings of
the abbreviations are as follows:
IC/SWR -Final amplifier collector current
(Amps) and Standing Wave Ratio
(forward: reflected).
ALC/COMP - Relative Automatic Level Control volt-
age and RF speech compressor level
(in dB, for SSB modes only).
VCC/MIC -Final amplifier collector voltage and
microphone gain input level.
The meter indicates power output and the selected
parameter during transmission, and signal strength in
S-units during reception (on the main receiver). Each
S-unit is approximately 6 dB.
In the “Class A” SSB operating mode, the adjustment range for power output will be between approximately 5 and 75 watts.
10. PROC Button
This button enables the RF speech processor for
SSB transmission. Processing level is set by the outer
control with the same name. While activated, the LED
in this button glows red.
11. MONI Button
This orange button enables the transmit (RF) monitor in all modes (except CW, in which the monitor function is always on, to produce the sidetone). While activated, the LED in this button glows red.
12. SUB AF Knob
The SUB AF control adjusts the audio volume of
the sub receiver VFO in the speaker or headphones.
The AF GAIN control, located above, and this SUBAF control can be rotated to adjust the relative balance of receiver audio between the two receiver channels during dual reception.
16. ATT Selector Knob
This knob inserts 6, 12, or 18 dB (1, 2, or 3 S-units)
of attenuation before the mixer to suppress band noise
and reduce the possibility of overload from very strong
17. IPO Button
The Intercept Point Optimization button may be used
to set optimum receiver front end characteristics for a
strong environment. Selecting IPO bypasses the front
end RF amplifier and feeds the received signals directly to the first mixer.
18. ANT [A/B RX] Buttons
A/B] - Pressing this selects either the ANT A or B
jack on the rear panel, and allows convenient antenna switching at the press of a button. The selected antenna jack is also indicated at the top of the display (above the
channel group number).
- Normally, the antenna connected to the ANTA or B jack is used for receive (and always
used for transmitting). When this switch is
pressed (display indicator on), an antenna
connected to the RX ANT IN jack is used
during receive.
page 23MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
19.EDSP Filters
Selects and indicates the bandwidth for the EDSP
CW audio peaking filter. Pressing the [APF] switch selects the bandwidth to be used for the EDSP CW audio
peaking filter, with available selections of 240(Hz)/120(Hz)/60(Hz)/DATA (DATA is an optimized bandwidth
for FAX, PACKET or SSTV operation, user-optimized
via the Menu), or “OFF,” and the indicator changes according to the bandwidth selected. The most narrow
setting is highly useful for very-weak-signal CW work.
Selects and indicates the setting of the EDSP Noise
Reduction feature. Pressing the [NR] switch selects
one of four EDSP noise reduction settings, and the
indicator changes according to the selection chosen
(choose the selection providing the most effective reduction of noise under current operating conditions).
Press one of these four switches to select the desired EDSP (CONTOUR) filter.
: Low Cut Filter (
Pressing this button activates the EDSP Low Cut
Filter; the CONTOUR LED will glow green.
:Mid Cut Filter (
Pressing this button activates the EDSP Medium
Cut Filter; the CONTOUR LED will glow orange.
High-frequency emphasis
High- & Low-frequency emphasis
: High Cut Filter (
Pressing this button activates the EDSP High Cut
Filter; the CONTOUR LED will glow red.
EDSP filter is off; the CONTOUR LED will go out.
Low-frequencies emphasis
20. MODE Selection Buttons
These momentary buttons select the operating
mode, indicated by the LED in each button. Pressing
AM, CW, RTTY, or PKT multiple times will switch between the alternate operating features that can be used
by these modes (covered later). Also, when you press
and hold in the [PKT] key for one second, the userprogrammed custom function setting mode will be activated.
21. CLASS-A Button
This button changes the final amplifier operating
mode to Class-A. When operating the final amplifier
in the Class-A mode, the maximum output power will
be reduced to approximately 75 watts, and the LED
inside this button will glow red. Operating SSB in Class-A yields an ultra-clean signal waveform.
22. FAST Button
For fast tuning, press this button (the “FAST” icon
will appear), then rotate the main or sub tuning knobs
(or press the UP
rate will increase ten times.
button). The tuning
page 24MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
23. MAIN VFO-A Tuning Knob
This large knob adjusts the operating frequency of
Main VFO-A (or a recalled memory). Default tuning
increments are 10 Hz (100 Hz in AM and FM modes).
When the [FAST] button has been pressed, the increments are 10x these sizes. See the table on page 38
for a listing of all available steps.
24. Shuttle Jog and VRF & IDBT Buttons
The Shuttle Jog ring allows fine or rapid frequency
excursions with just a slight turn of your hand. Rotating
the ring slightly either to the left or the right tunes downward or upward a few steps. The tuning rate increases
the farther the ring is rotated.
Pressing the [VRF] button on the left side of the
Shuttle Jog activates the VRF (Variable RF Front-end
Filter), which adds a narrow input preselector filter into
the RF receiver circuit on the 160-20 meter Amateur
bands. Its passband can be tuned by rotating the VRF/MEM CH knob, located on the upper right corner of
the front panel, for maximum sensitivity and out-of-band
interference rejection.
Pressing the [IDBT] button on the right side of the
Shuttle Jog activates the IDBT (Interlocked DigitalBandwidth Tracking) System, which matches the EDSP
(Bandwidth) filter characteristics to the settings of the
SHIFT and WIDTH knobs. Thus, it is not necessary to
re-adjust the EDSP settings if you change the (IF)
WIDTH and/or SHIFT settings; the EDSP settings will
automatically follow those of the higher-frequency IF
25. LOCK Button
This button toggles locking of the main tuning knob
to prevent accidental frequency changes. “LOCK” is
displayed in a red box below and to the left of the main
frequency display field when this command is active
(the tuning knob can still be turned, but it does nothing). Press [LOCK] again to enable the tuning knob.
26. AF REV Button
Pressing this reverses the main/sub receiver audio
adjusted using the AF GAIN knob and SUB AF knob.
When activated, the LED inside this button glows red.
28. MAIN VFO-A [RX & TX Switch-LED
These combination lamp-switches select and indicate the transmit/receive status of the main tuning knob
and display. When the green “RX” lamp is lit, the re-ceiving frequency is under control of the main knob
and display (either VFO-A or a recalled memory channel). When the red “TX” lamp is lit, the transmitting
frequency is under control of the main knob and display. Thus, for “normal” (non-split) operation, both the
red and green lamps associated with the main tuning
knob will be illuminated.
29. VFO/MEM Button
This button toggles main receiver operation between
the memory channel and the main VFO-A. Either
“VFO,” “MEM,” or “M TUNE” will be displayed to the
left of the main frequency display field to indicate the
current selection. If a displayed memory has been retuned, pressing this button returns the display to the
original memory contents, and pressing it again returns
operation to the Main VFO.
30. [MuA] Button
Pressing this button momentarily displays the contents of the currently-selected memory channel for three
seconds. Holding this button for ½ second copies the
data from the currently selected memory to the Main
VFO-A, as two beeps sound. Previous data in the Main
VFO will be overwritten.
31. QMB Buttons
RCL] (Recall) - Recalls one of up to five Quick
Memory Bank memories for operation.
STO] (Store) -Pressing this copies operating pa-
rameters into consecutive QMB
32.[DUAL] Button
This button activates dual-channel reception with
the main and sub receivers. When this function is active, “DUAL” will be displayed in a box at the left edge
of the display.
27. DOWN
Pressing either of these buttons momentarily steps
the operating frequency down or up 100 kHz, respectively. Pressing and holding the [FAST] button while
pressing one of these buttons steps the frequency down
or up 1 MHz. Continue holding either button for repeated
& UP
page 25MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
33. VFO & Memory Control
AuB] Button:
Pressing this button for ½ second (until the double
beep) transfers data from the main display (either Main
VFO-A or a recalled memory channel) to Sub VFO-B,
overwriting any previous contents in the Sub VFO. Use
this key to set both Main and Sub Receivers to the
same frequency and mode.
B] Button:
Pressing this button momentarily exchanges the
contents of Main VFO-A (or a recalled memory channel), and Sub VFO-B. No data is lost.
M GRP] Button:
When more than one memory group has been en-
abled, pressing this button limits selection and scanning to those memories within the selected group.
M CK] (Memory Check) Button:
This key displays the contents of memory channels
without disturbing operation. When pressed, “M CK”
is displayed above the channel number, and each
memory channel can then be checked on the Sub
Receiver display by rotating the VRF/MEM CH selector. Empty memory channels display as two decimals,
with no frequency digits. Press this button again to
cancel memory checking.
AuM] Button:
Pressing and holding in this key for ½ second (until
the double beep) copies the current operating data from
Main VFO-A, or a recalled memory, to the currently
selected memory channel, overwriting any previous
data stored there. Also, pressing and holding this button after recalling a memory, without first retuning,
causes the memory channel to be “masked,” and repeating the process restores the masked memory.
RPT] Button:
For 29 MHz FM operation, this button activates the
standard HF FM repeater offset. Pressing [RPT] once
or twice while receiving causes the transmit frequency
to be shifted 100 kHz below or above the receiving
frequency, respectively. A selectable CTCSS
subaudible tone is also transmitted automatically when
using this feature, to allow access to repeaters that
require it. Pressing [RPT] a third time cancels repeater
shift operation.
34. BAND(Keypad
The keypad provides one-touch band selection, or
digital frequency entry. Normally, pressing one of the
ten white numbered keys selects the corresponding
(MHz) amateur band for operation (pressing the SUB
button first, followed by a [BAND] key, selects that band
for the Sub VFO). If you press the white numbered key
for the band you are already on, you will select the
alternate subband VFO on that band. See the “Opera-tion” chapter for details.
page 26MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
If the [ENT] key is pressed first, the yellow labels
on the keys become effective, for manually entering
any frequency one digit at a time; press [SUB(CE
then [ENT] to enter Sub-VFO frequencies directly.
35. SUB VFO-B [RX & TX Switch-LED
These lamps select and indicate the current status
of Sub VFO-B. When the green “RX” lamp is lit, the
receiving frequency is under control of SUB VFO-B.
When the red “TX” lamp is lit, the transmitting frequency
is under control of SUB VFO-B. During dual receive
operation, the green “RX” lamps above both tuning
knobs Main and Sub) will be illuminated.
36. SUB VFO-B Tuning Knob
This knob adjusts the Sub VFO-B operating frequency. The available tuning increments are the same
as described for the main tuning knob, although each
tuning knob’s increments may be set independently
(see page 38).
37.[LOCK] Button
This button toggles locking of SUB VFO-B tuning
to prevent accidental frequency changes. The red indicator in the display glows when this command is active (the tuning knob can still be turned, but it does
nothing). Press the [LOCK] button again to re-enable
the tuning knob.
38. SUB SQL Knob
This separate control sets the signal level threshold at which SUB VFO-B receiver audio is muted (and
the green “SUB BUSY” display indicator turns off), in
all modes. This control is normally kept fully CCW,
except when scanning and during FM operation.
41.[CLAR] Buttons
Pressing the [RX] button activates the CLAR knob,
to allow offsetting the receiving frequency temporarily
(see item 42 below). The [TX] button provides the same
function for the transmit frequency. If both buttons are
pressed, the receiver and transmitter are both offset
from the original frequency. Pressing the [CLEAR] button zeroes any offset tuned by the CLAR knob. Each
memory and VFO retains all Clarifier settings independently.
42. CLAR Knob
This knob tunes the Clarifier offset frequency up to
9.99 kHz when activated by the CLAR [RX] [TX] buttons just below it (a 3-digit display appears in the center of the display (if enabled) when the Clarifier is active).
43. NOTCH Knob
This knob adjusts the IF notch frequency when this
feature is activated by the [NOTCH] button located
above this knob. When activated, the LED inside the
NOTCH] button glows red.
44. IDBT Indicator
This red indicator lights up when the IDBT System
is activated by pressing the [IDBT] button on the ShuttleJog. When this indicator is illuminated, the EDSP (Contour) filter’s bandwidth and center frequency changes
according to the SHIFT and WIDTH knob settings.
45. SHIFT Knob
This knob offsets the center frequency of the IF
passband when rotated from its “normal” (center) position. This control functions in all modes except FM.
39. CW and Electronic Keyer Controls
SPOT] button turns the CW receiver spotting het-
erodyne oscillator on and off.
BK-IN] button turns full break-in (QSK) CW opera-
tion on and off.
KEYER] button toggles the internal CW keyer on/
off, as indicated by the LED above this button.
SPEED] knob adjusts the keying speed of the keyer.
40. PITCH Knob
Rotate this control to select your desired CW tone
pitch (from 300~1050 Hz, in 50 Hz increments), as
shown in the display. The Tx sidetone, receiver IF passband, and display offset from the BFO (carrier) frequency are all affected simultaneously.
When the IDBT System is activated by pressing the
IDBT] button on the Shuttle Jog, the EDSP (Con-
tour) filter’s passband offset changes according to this
knob’s setting.
46. WIDTH Knob
This knob, when turned from center, reduces the
overall IF bandwidth from either the lower or upper side,
from the maximum selected by the [BANDWIDTH] buttons.
When the IDBT feature is activated by pressing the
IDBT] button on the Shuttle Jog, the EDSP (Con-
tour) filter’s passband width is reduced according to
this knob’s setting.
page 27MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
48. BANDWIDTH Buttons
NOR/NAR1/NAR2) Buttons
These three buttons select the 2nd and 3rd IF filters for the receiver (except in the FM mode). The LED
inside each button glows red when the corresponding
bandwidth is selected.
The available 2nd and 3rd IF filters are as follows:
49. NB Button
Pressing this button activates the IF Noise Blanker,
which may help reduce many different types of manmade impulse noise (but not atmospherics). When the
Noise Blanker is activated, the LED inside button will
glow red.
You can select the Noise Blanker Type (for shortduration pulses or for long-duration pulses) and its
blanking level via menu selection 2-8.
2nd and 3rd IF Filter Bandwidth
ø1: You can select the bandwidth via menu selection 5-0. The first value (bandwidth) is factory default.
ø2: You can select the bandwidth via menu selection 5-2. The first value (bandwidth) is factory default.
ø3: You can select the bandwidth via menu selection 5-4. The first value (bandwidth) is factory default.
Note 1 - In the factory default condition, the SSB NAR 1 bandwidth is “2.0 kHz/2.0 kHz (2nd IF/3rd IF)” and the SSB
NAR 2 bandwidth is disabled. If you set the SSB NOR bandwidth to “ATT/6.0 kHz (2nd IF/3rd IF)” via menu selection 5-
0, the NAR 1 bandwidth will be set to “2.4 kHz/2.4 kHz (2nd IF/3rd IF)” and the NAR 2 bandwidth will be set to “2.0 kHz/
2.0 kHz (2nd IF/3rd IF)” automatically.
Note 2 - The 2nd IF (8.2 MHz) 2.0-kHz BW filter (Yaesu P/N YF-114SN) and 250 Hz BW filter (Yaesu P/N YF-114CN)
and 3rd IF (455 kHz) 2.0-kHz BW filter (Yaesu P/N YF-110SN), 500 Hz BW filter (Yaesu P/N YF-115C) and 250 Hz BW
filter (Yaesu P/N YF-110CN) are option.
Note 3 - The Sub Receiver use a double-conversion circuit with 47.21 MHz and 455 kHz intermediate frequencies. Both
the 6.0 kHz and 2.4 kHz filters are selected automatically according to mode, and with the optional 500 Hz Collins mechanical filter (Yaesu P/N YF-115C) installed and enabled via menu programming, it can be selected for CW operation.
2nd IF
2.4 kHz/ATT
2.0/2.4 kHz
2.4 kHz
3rd IF
455 kHz
2.4/6.0 kHz
2.0/2.4 kHz
6.0 kHz
2.4 kHz
2.0 (2.4) kHz
2nd IF
500 Hz
2.4 kHz
2.0 kHz
2.0 (2.4) kHz
3rd IF
455 kHz
500 Hz
2.4 kHz
2.0 kHz
N/A (2.0 kHz
250/500 Hz
2nd IF
250 Hz
2.0 kHz
N/A (2.0 kHz
250/500 Hz
3rd IF
455 kHz
250 Hz
2.0 kHz
page 28MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
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