Vermont Casting 2008 User Manual

TA-VN-07a (d) INTERNET 8/07 JTB
The motorcycle is a popular and powerful machine which demands skill and attention. As motorcyclists we must exercise extra caution in preparing to ride and while riding. The motorcyclist is exposed throughout the entire ride and is subjected to the hazards of weather, road conditions and the actions of other drivers.
This manual will help you become a more knowledgeable rider, make you aware of your limits and those of your motorcycle and increase your safety awareness.
To learn to be a safe, defensive driver I would encourage all riders, especially beginners and those riders who haven’t ridden in some time, to take the State-sponsored Vermont Rider Education Program (VREP). VREP is a 20-hour comprehensive rider-training program designed to teach the basic skills necessary for safe motorcycle operation. VREP also has a program for advanced or experienced riders. This course will help build upon your experience and hone skills that you may already have. Both programs follow nationally recognized safety and training standards and involve both classroom and on-cycle training. Upon successful completion of the 20-hour course, the DMV skills test is waived and a motorcycle endorsement is provided by the Department. For course information please call 1-800-529-2535 (In Vermont only).
Bonnie Rutledge Commissioner
The Department of Motor Vehicles does not discriminate against
individuals with disabilities in the provision of services, programs,
activities or employment.
23 V.S.A. §202 and §203 1 Vermont State Holidays 3 Motorcycle Examination Locations 4 Do I Need An Appointment 5 Motorcycle Rider Training Program 6 Motorcycle Awareness Classroom Training 8 Liability Insurance Requirements 8
Part I
How to Obtain a Motorcycle Learner Permit 9 How to Obtain a Motorcycle Endorsement 10 How to Obtain a 3-Wheeled Motorcycle Endorsement 11 Motorcycles and Mopeds Defined 11 Vermont Regulations 12 Hand Signals 12 Motorcycle Care and Maintenance 13 Annual Inspection 14 Vermont Motorcycle Skills Tests 15 General Information – Skills Tests 17 Test Course Layout – Illustration 18 Illustration A – Run #1 19 Illustration B – Run #2 20 Illustration C – Run #3 21 Illustration D – Run #4 22 Alternate Motorcycle Operator Skills Test – Score Sheet 23 Eye and Face Protection (Clarification) 24 Helmet Required in Vermont 24 A Reminder – Deer and Moose on Vermont Highways 25
Part II
MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR MANUAL – from the “Motorcycle Safety Foundation”
y 23 V.S.A. §202 - Impersonating another in an application, or
aiding an applicant by false representation.
A person who falsely impersonates another in an application for operator license or learner permit, or in an application for a non­driver identification card, or in an application for motor vehicle registration, all terrain vehicle, snowmobile or motorboat registration, or vessel validation, or who obtains a learner permit or non-driver identification card by false representation, or who obtains a motor vehicle registration or a registration for any other type of vehicle or vessel by false representation, or who uses an assumed name or name not his or her own in an application for operator's license, or learner permit or in an application for non-driver identification card, or in an application for motor vehicle registration, or registration for any other type vehicle or vessel, or who knowingly aids an applicant in obtaining such a license, permit, registration or non-driver identification card by false representation as to the age or identity of such applicant, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both and shall have his or her privilege to operate suspended for 90 days.
y 23 VSA §203 ~ Counterfeiting or Misusing Number Plates,
Registration Certificates or Operating License.
(a) A person shall not:
(1) Counterfeit or cause to be counterfeited or have in his or her
possession any counterfeit number plate, validating sticker, marker, inspection sticker, registration certificate, learner's permit, nondriver identification card, insurance identification card, or operator license, or alter or have in his or her possession any altered number plate or marker; or
(2) Display or cause or permit to be displayed, or have in his or
her possession, any fictitious or fraudulently altered operator license, learner's permit, nondriver identification card or registration certificate, or display for any fraudulent purpose, an expired or counterfeit insurance identification card or similar document; or
(3) Lend his or her operator license to any other person or
knowingly permit the use thereof by another; or
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(4) Display or represent as his or her own any operator license,
permit or nondriver identification card not issued to him or her; or
(5) Permit any unlawful use of an operator license, permit or
nondriver identification card issued to him or her by the commissioner; or
(6) Obtain or attempt to obtain a registration plate, validation
sticker, registration certificate, operator's license, learner's permit, nondriver identification card, or duplicate copy of any of such documents by the use of fraudulently obtained, fictitious, or altered identity documents or by the use of identity documents not his or her own; or
(7) Lend his or her identity documents to aid an applicant in his
or her attempt to fraudulently obtain or actually obtain a registration plate, validation sticker, registration certificate, operator's license, learner's permit, nondriver identification card or duplicate copy of such documents.
(b) Upon conviction for a violation of subsection (a) of this section,
the person's privilege to operate motor vehicles shall be suspended for 60 days.
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New Year's Day January 1 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 3rd Monday in January Washington's Birthday 3rd Monday in February Town Meeting Day 1st Tuesday in March Memorial Day Last Monday in May Independence Day July 4 Bennington Battle Day August 16 Labor Day 1st Monday in September Veterans' Day November 11 Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November
Day After Thanksgiving
State offices are usually closed the day after Thanksgiving.
Christmas Day December 25
Any legal holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed on the preceding Friday. Any legal holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed on the following Monday.
At times only one individual may staff our offices. The examiner may not always be present due to road testing. Please be patient. The examiner will assist you as soon as possible.
On occasion it may be necessary to cancel or postpone driver testing due to poor road conditions. Call Central Scheduling at 802-828-2085 for information and to reschedule, if necessary.
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You should take the test at the testing office nearest your home.
The telephone number for scheduling appointments at all locations is:
802-828-2085 (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)
For general information please call: 802-828-2000
Telecommunications Relay Service TTY/TDD: 800-253-0191
215 North Street Monday – Friday 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Newport 100 Main Street Monday – Friday 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
DMV operates two mobile units that make scheduled visits in the following communities:
Dummerston St. Albans Middlebury St. Johnsbury
(Cash is not accepted at the mobile office locations.)
For further information relative to dates, times and a list of services the mobile units provide, please call 802-828-2000 or check the Vermont DMV website at:
State Office Complex 1193 North Avenue Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday 7:45 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
State Office Complex 101 State Place Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday 7:45 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
White River Junction
120 State Street Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday 7:45 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
100 Mineral Street, Suite 103 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday 7:45 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
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Skills Tests are given at the following locations:
Bennington - State Office Complex, 215 North Street Colchester - AOT Garage, Barnes Ave., Fort Ethan Allen Montpelier - AOT Site, Industrial Lane, Berlin, VT Rutland - State Office Complex, 101 State Place St. Johnsbury - State Office Building, Route 5 Springfield - State Office Building, 266 River Street
Motorcycle examination dates and times are determined by demand. Location of the skills test may be subject to change. Testing is usually conducted April through October, weather permitting. Skills tests are not available from the first of November through the end of March.
The Department of Motor Vehicles recommends that each person applying for a Motorcycle Learner Permit or motorcycle endorsement make an appointment. Making an appointment ensures that you will receive service in the least amount of time possible.
If you choose not to make an appointment, when you appear at the examination office you will be processed as a "walk-in". This means that all persons with appointments will be serviced first. If, after all appointments are done, there is sufficient time to administer the test you want, you will be tested. Motorcycle SKILLS TESTS are administered ONLY on certain days at the examination offices listed on the previous page. You will be able to apply for a skills test as a "walk-in" ONLY on the days the skills test is offered.
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The Vermont Rider Education Program was established in direct response to a bill passed by the General Assembly in 1990, calling for a motorcycle rider-training program.
The Vermont Rider Education Program (VREP) is a comprehensive rider-training program. The program is designed to provide the training necessary to enhance operator safety and reduce injuries that occur in motorcycle crashes.
VREP encourages people who are interested in riding motorcycles to take this training. The training provided through VREP is highly effective for novice as well as the most experienced riders.
The program is voluntary until such time as the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles determines the program shall be mandatory. After that date, all applicants for a Motorcycle Learner Permit or Operator License endorsement for operating a motorcycle shall successfully complete the training course.
The training program follows nationally recognized safety and training standards and involves both classroom and on-cycle training. The maximum tuition per student is set annually by the Department of Motor Vehicles.
For information on the Vermont Rider Education Program or to locate the nearest training site, you may call 1-800-529-2535 or check the Vermont DMV website at: Four courses are offered:
1. B
ASIC RIDER COURSE (BRC): This 18-hour course is for novice
riders and those with limited riding experience, as well as riders who haven’t ridden for some time. The course, which includes a combination of riding exercises and classroom discussions, teaches the basic skills needed to operate a motorcycle in traffic.
The course begins by familiarizing students with the location and operation of controls. Students learn riding skills by practicing on small motorcycles. Students must demonstrate they have the strength, balance and coordination to perform straight-line riding, shifting, turning and stopping exercises.
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