Refer to the Velleman® Service and Quality Warranty on the last pages of this manual.
Keep this device away from dust and extreme heat. Make sure the ventilation openings
are clear at all times. For sufficient air circulation, leave at least 1” (± 2.5 cm) in front
of the openings.
Protect this device from shocks and abuse. Avoid brute force when operating the
• Familiarise yourself with the functions of the device before actually using it. Do not allow
operation by unqualified people. Any damage that may occur will most probably be due to
unprofessional use of the device.
• All modifications of the device are forbidden for safety reasons. Damage caused by user
modifications to the device is not covered by the warranty.
• Only use the device for its intended purpose. All other uses may lead to short circuits, burns,
electroshocks, lamp explosion, crash, etc. Using the device in an unauthorised way will void the
• Damage caused by disregard of certain guidelines in this manual is not covered by the warranty
and the dealer will not accept responsibility for any ensuing defects or problems.
• A qualified technician should install and service this device.
• Do not switch the device on immediately after it has been exposed to changes in temperature.
Protect the device against damage by leaving it switched off until it has reach ed room
• This device is a professional audio amplifier for amplifying audio signals. This product is allowed
to be operated with an alternating current of 230VAC / 50Hz or 115VAC / 60Hz and was designed
for indoor use only.
• Important remark: the operation of an amplification system in public or industrial areas is subject
to specific safety instructions. Contact the proper authorities for more information.
• Choose an installation spot where the device will not be exposed to extreme heat, moisture or
dust. Don’t leave cables lying around. They only endanger your own safety and that of others.
• Only use the device in an ambient temperature of -5°C to +45°C. Keep away from direct
insulation and heaters.
• The relative humidity must not exceed 50%.
• Always disconnect the device from the mains during thunderstorms as overvoltage could destroy
the device.
• Never use solvents or aggressive detergents in order to clean the device. Use a soft and damp
• Removing the serial bar code from the device will void the warranty.
• The figures in this manual describe the VPA2100U1. Other models and their features are
comparable with the VPA2100U1.
• Use the original packaging if the device is to be transported.
• Keep this manual for future reference.
5. Legal Provisions
• Operating an amplification system can produce extremely high noise levels that may cause
permanent hearing loss. The legal instructions for using an amplification system vary from
country to country. The user is responsible for respecting the legal provisions applicable in his
• Always monitor the sound pressure level when operating an amplification system in discos,
concerts etc. Never exceed the permissible noise level as specified by the law.
• Hearing damage caused by high noise levels can be regarded as a physical injury and may lead to
criminal prosecution.
• Please note that the organiser is responsible for respecting maximum noise levels.
6. Information on Hearing Loss
• More and more younger people suffer from hearing loss of 25dB or more, mainly caused by
listening to loud music. Every person operating amplification systems sh ould know to what sound
pressure levels he is exposed to. In a discotheque, average levels of 75dB to 105dB are reached.
At a rock concert, the sound pressure levels can rise from 95dB up to 115dB. Individual peaks
can exceed the 130dB pain level. Such levels are typical for e.g. motor chain saws.
10dB – Heartbeat
25dB – Whisper
40dB – Average home
50dB – Light traffic
60dB – Normal conversation
70dB – Vacuum cleaner
80dB – Telephone ringing
90dB – Pneumatic drill
100dB – Power mower
120dB – Boom box in car
130dB – Pain level
140dB – Jet plane 30m overhead
• It is important to know that a 3dB increase will double the sound lev el. The human hearing only
recognises a doubling of the sound level when the noise level is increased by 10dB. Hearing loss
does not depend on the sound level but on the noise level and starts way before than the pain
• Many a one deceives himself by thinking that noise is somethin g you can get accustomed to.
Nothing is further form the truth!
• The reason why some people have got accustomed to a certain noise level and are no longer
disturbed, is that they have already suffered hearing loss. The damage makes the hearing
insensitive to the frequencies forming the loudest part of the noise. Getting accustomed to noise
does not mean anything other than trying to get along with hearing loss in everyday life. Hearing
loss cannot be recovered and can only be compensated with hearing aids. Subjectively, hearing
loss feels like having dampened ears. This effect weakens with time but loss in hearing sensitivity
is permanent.
• In order to relax your hearing sufficiently, the noise level should not exceed 70dB for 10 hours.
Higher noise levels during this relaxing period can prevent relaxation and promote permanent
hearing damage or hearing loss.
WARNING: Protect your ears if you want to prevent hearing damage!
7. Features
• outstanding tone
• original appearance and precise manufacturing
• protection circuits
• limiter to prevent speaker damage when the amplifier is overloaded
• high audio frequency performance
• amplifier-on time delay and amplifier-off mute protection protect the speaker from transients
8. Description
Refer to the illustrations on page 2 of this manual.
a. Front panel (fig. 1)
1. Power switch
To turn the unit ON or OFF, press this button. Before turning ON the amplifier check all
connections and turn down the level control. A momentary muting is normal when turning the
amplifier ON or OFF.
CAUTION: Always turn on your amplifier last, after all your other connected equipment, and
always turn OFF your power amplifier before your other connected equipment.
2. Power LED indicators
These LEDs illuminate when the power is turned ON.
3. Limit LED indicators
These LEDs illuminate if any section of the power amplifier’s input are within 3dB of clipping.
Occasional blinking of the LEDs are acceptable, but if they remain on more then intermittently
you should turn down the level on the amplifier or reduce the out put level of the preceding
component to avoid audible distortion.
4. Signal LED indicators
These LEDs illuminate to confirm the presence of an input signal greater than 100mV at that
channel of the amplifier.
• If you want to switch off the system, switch off the amplifier first and then the pre-amplifiers in
order to avoid transients on the speaker.
11. Troubleshooting
No power.
No sound.
Fan does not work; LEDs
do not light.
PROTECT LED stays lit.
The power cord is not connected. • Check the power cord and any
extension cables.
The power cord of the respective
device is not connected properly
or not connected at all.
• The connection socket or the plug
is dirty.
The input signal is too strong.
The power cord is not connected. • Connect the power cord.
Inputs receive DC voltage.
• Overheating due to clogged fan
• Impedance of speakers too low.
• Short circuit in speaker
connection or in speaker.
•Technical default of amplifier
Check if the power cord and the
plugs are tightly connected with the
•Clean the socket and/or the plug.
Reduce the input signal with the
gain control.
Switch amplifier off and have the
device checked by a service
• Clean the fan grille.
• Connect other speakers.
• Check speakers.
• Switch amplifier off and have the
device by a service technician.
12. Cleaning and maintenance
1. All screws should be tightened and free of corrosion.
2. The housing, visible parts, mounting supports and th e installation location (e.g. ceiling,
suspension, trussing) should not be deformed, modified or tampered with e.g. do not drill extra
holes in mounting supports, do not change the location of the connections.
3. Moving mechanic parts must not show any signs of wear and tear.
4. The electric power supply cables must not show any damage. Have a qualified technician
maintain the device.
5. Disconnect the device from the mains prior to maintenance activities.
6. Wipe the device regularly with a moist, lint-free cloth. Do not use alcohol or solvents.
7. There are no user-serviceable parts.
8. Contact your dealer for spare parts if necessary.
13. Technical Specifications
Power Supply 230VAC / 50Hz or 115VAC / 60Hz selectable
Power Output Stereo 8 ohms 70W
Frequency Range 25Hz ~ 25KHz, ± 1dB ~ 3dB
S/N Ratio > 100dB
Input Sensitivity 0.77V
Input Impedance 10K ohms unbalanced
Input Connectors 2 x ¼” jack (6.3mm)
Output Connectors 2 x Speakon® (stereo)
Protection Circuits full short-circuit, DC and terminal overload protection;
Controls power switch, input level control for each channel
LED Indicators SIGNAL 2 x green LED
• Steeds meer jongeren hebben een gehoorverlies van 25dB of meer, te wijten aan te luide muziek.
Iedere persoon die een versterkingssysteem bedient, moet op de hoogte zijn van het
geluidsdrukniveau waaraan hij is blootgesteld. In een discotheek loopt het gemiddelde niveau van
75dB tot 105dB. Op een rockconcert kan het geluidsdrukniveau oplopen van 95dB tot 115dB.
Pieken kunnen de pijngrens van 130dB overschrijden. Dit niveau is typisch voor bvb.
Een overzicht van verscheidene geluidsniveaus
10dB – Hartslag
25dB – Fluistergesprek
40dB – Gemiddeld huis
50dB – Licht verkeer
60dB – Normaal gesprek
70dB – Stofzuiger
80dB – Rinkelende telefoon
90dB – Pneumatische boorhamer
100dB – Grasmaaier
120dB – Boom box in een wagen
130dB – Pijngrens
140dB – Straaljager op een hoogte van 30m
• Belangrijk om weten is dat een stijging van 3dB het geluidsniveau verdubbelt. Het menselijke
gehoor erkent een verdubbeling van het geluidsniveau enkel bij een stijging van
geluidsdrukniveau met 10dB. Gehoorschade is echter afhankelijk van het geluidsdrukniveau en
niet van het geluidsniveau. Gehoorschade komt al voor onder de pijngrens.
• Menigeen denkt dat men aan hoge geluidsniveaus kan wennen. Niets is minder waar!
• De reden waarom sommigen aan hoge geluidsdrukniveaus gewend zijn en er niet langer door
gestoord zijn, komt doordat zij al gehoorschade hebben opgelopen. De schade zorgt ervoor dat
het gehoor de frequenties die het luidste gedeelte van het geluidsniveau vormen niet meer kan
waarnemen. Aan geluid gewend geraken, wil zeggen dat men met gehoorschade in het dagelijkse
leven overweg kan. Gehoorschade is niet te herstellen en kan enkel dor gehoorapparaten
verholpen worden. Algemeen kan gehoorschade worden ervaren als verstopte oren. Dit kan met
tijd verminderen. Toch is het verlies van het gehoor permanent.
• Om het gehoor voldoende rust te geven, verblijft u best gedurende 10 uur in een omgeving waar
het geluidsdrukniveau 70dB niet overschrijdt. Een hoger geluidsdrukniveau kan het gehoor
permanente beschadigen.
WAARSCHUWING: Bescherm uw oren om gehoorverlies te vermijden!
7. Eigenschappen
• Schitterende klank
• originele look en precieze constructie
• veiligheidsschakelingen
• begrenzer voorkomt beschadiging van de luidsprekers bij overbelasting van de versterker
• krachtige audiofrequentie
• time-delay bij inschakeling en mute-beveiliging bij uitschakeling van de versterker beschermen
de luidsprekers tegen ploppen
8. Omschrijving
Raadpleeg de afbeelding op pagina 2 van deze handleiding.
a. Voorpaneel (zie fig. 1)
1. Voedingsschakelaar
Druk op deze knop om het toestel in of uit te schakelen. Controleer alle aansluitingen en draai
de volumeregeling volledig naar links vóór u de versterker inschakelt. Het is normaal dat,
tijdens het in- of uitschakelen, het geluid kortstondig wordt gedempt.
OPGELET: Schakel de versterker in nadat u de aangesloten toestellen hebt ingeschakeld en uit
voor u de aangesloten toestellen uitschakelt.
2. Voedings-LED
Deze LEDs lichten op wanneer u het toestel inschakelt.
3. Limit LED
Deze LEDs lichten op wanneer het ingangsgedeelte van de versterker binnen 3dB zal
oversturen. De LEDs mogen nu en dan eens oplichten. Draai echter het niveau van de