Remark: Some DMX con tr o l l er s h ave a reversed DM X po larity. Sw ap DATA+ and DAT A -
Opmerk ing: Bij sommige DMX controllers is de DMX polariteit omgekeerd, dan dient DATA+ en DATA- verwisseld te worden
Remarque : Certains contrôleurs DMX ont une polarité DMX inversée. Le cas échéant, inversez DATA+ et DATA-
Bemerkung: Bei manchen DMX-Controllern ist die DMX-Polarität umgekehrt. Wenn dies der Fall ist, wechseln Sie DATA+ und DATA- aus
Nota: Algunos controladores DMX tienen una polaridad DMX inversa. Si es el caso, invierta DATA+ y DATA-.
Warnings and contents
Thank you for purchasing this module. Please read the instructions carefully to ensure correct and safe use of this device.
This product is guaranteed against defects in components and construction from the moment it is purchased and for a period of TWO YEAR starting from the
date of sale. This guarantee is only valid if the unit is submitted together with the original purchase invoice. VELLEMAN components Ltd limits its
responsibility to the reparation of defects or, as VELLEMAN components Ltd deems necessary, to the replacement or reparation of defective components.
Costs and risks connected to the transport, removal or placement of the product, or any other costs directly or indirectly connected to the repai r, will not be
reimbursed by V E LLEMAN components Ltd. VE LLE M A N components Ltd will not be held resp onsible for any d amages caused by the malfunctioning of a unit.
FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS.....................................................................................................................................................................5
SETTING THE DMX CHANNEL .......................................................................................................................................................................6
Specifications & features
This module allows you to control a relay by means of the well-known DMX512 protocol. This is used to control dimmers,
scanners, moving-head spots and other lighting devices with a simple wiring.
In some cases, a simple ON/OFF selection is desired. there is where this module comes in. It is actually a bus-controlled
power driver. The relay will be activated when the DMX value of the set channel equals 140 or more and turns off when the
value is 120 or less.
Together with our VM116, a computer-controlled automation will be very easy to build.
system addresses: 512 unique addresses, DIP switch settable
LED indication for power supply, relay output status and error situation
"Safe DMX data stream" mode reducing interference to a minimum
"Relay hold" function in case of DMX signal loss
control: DMX-512, 3-pin XLR plug (incl.)
switching capacity: 10A (resistive load)
supply voltage: 12VDC non-regulated
power consumption: max. 100mA
dimensions : 105 x 60 x 30mm / 4,1 x 2,4 x 1,2"
DMX channel
Set up the DMX channel or “DMX address” by means of the DIPSWITCH, SW1. You can set up the DMX
channel between 1 and 511, channel 0 is not used. The switches from 1 to 9 generate a binary digit representing the DMX channel. Switch 1 is the LSB, switch 9 is the MSB. Only modify the DMX channel when the
modul e is not pl ug g ed in. Make sure to restar t th e after ever y mod i f ic ati on.
Please g o to our webs ite ( and c ons ult the hand y g raphical
help program showing the position of the switches. Setting up will become easy!
DMX channel
The DMX protocol implies that the last device in a series must be fitted with a 120 ohms terminator.
The modul e h as already been fitted wit h the termin at or . Activat e it as follows: p os ition DIP swi tc h nr 10 t o
ON. The ter mi n ator must b e deac ti vated in al l oth er devices w hich means it must be position ed t o OFF.
1. Position switch 10 of SW1 to ON when using the MODULE as sole connected DMX device or when this
module is the last device in a series (see “Terminator”).
2. Connect a 12V regulated power supply to input 12VDC (SK1) and switch on.
3. The green power LED LD 1 will light when the m odule is tur n ed on.
4. When increas i ng th e D M X value of the ch an n el ov er 14 0, the relay wi ll activat e an d LD 3 “O U T ” wil l lig ht .
LD3 will turn off and th e rel a y wi ll d eac ti v ate when decreasin g t h e DM X val u e un der 120. Values betw een
120 and 140 serve as hysteresis and keep the relay from cycling.
DMX channel
LED LD2 “Error” Functions:
LD2, the “Error” LED has following functions:
Flashes on ce at turn-ON of the module. Allows you to check if the CPU is functioning.
Flashes sl ow l y when there is no DMX signal reception, no connection between the DMX controller and
the module, a DMX si gnal error or no signal compatibility.
Flashes rapidly wh en the DMX addres s is positi oned on 0 and/ or th e manual over r id e f unc t i on has been
JP1: DMX Mode:
In normal m od e (JP 1 not m ounted) th e m odule will r eac t e very time t o th e DM X value.
When the error corr ect i on m od e is ac tivated (JP1 mount ed) , you will obtai n a higher degr ee of stabi lit y
which is useful when using some brands of DMX devices; This mode will check the DMX value twice before modifying the relay status. The drawback is that the relay will react slower when modifying the DMX
value rapidly.
JP2: Relay HOLD Status:
Mounted : the relay will deactivate when the DMX connection is disrupted.
Not mounted : the relay will keep its status when the DMX connection is disrupted.
DMX channel
Manual Override Function:
Excepti on ally, th e relay must be act i vated, even wh en t h ere is no DMX sig n al ( e.g . wh en t est in g a lig ht bu lb).
Proceed as follows:
Position the DMX address to 0
Mount jumper JP1
Switch on the 12V power; the relay will activate regardless of the DMX value.
Safety & warning instructions
All repairs should be executed by qual ified techni cians.
Handle the module gently and carefully. Dropping it can damage the circuit board.
Avoid the ins tal l ation of the m odul e i n l ocati ons with s tandi ng or r unni ng wat er or e xces si ve hum idi ty. Indoor
use only !
Never exceed the protection limit values indicated in the specifications.
As safety requirement vary, please check with your local authorities.
Facilitate the ope ra tio n of the device by familiarisin g y ou r self with its a djustments and ind i cat ions.
Velleman modules are not suitable for use or as part of life support systems, or systems that might create hazardous situations of kind.
Repair under warranty is only possible with date and proof of purchase.
Waarschuwingen en inhoud
Hartelijk dank voor de aanschaf van deze module. Lees de gebruiksaanwijzing aandachtig, zodat u het apparaat op de juiste
manier gebruikt.
Dit produkt is gewaarborgd wat betreft gebreken in materialen en vakmanschap op het ogenblik van de aankoop en dit gedurende een periode van TWEE
JAAR vanaf de aankoop. De waarborg geldt enkel indien het produkt voorgelegd wordt samen met het origineel aankoop bewijs. De ver plich tinge n va n
VELLEMAN COMPONENTS N.V. beperken zich tot het herstellen van defecten of, naar vrije keuze van VELLEMAN COMPONENTS N.V., tot het vervangen
of herstellen van defecte onderdelen. Kosten en risico’s van transport; het wegnemen en terugplaatsen van het produkt, evenals om het even welke andere
kosten die rechtstreeks of onrechtstreeks ver band houden met de herstelling, worden niet door VELLEMAN COMPONENTS N.V. vergoed. VELLEMAN
COMPONENTS N.V. is niet verantwoordelijk voor schade van gelijk welke aard, veroorzaakt door het falen van een product.
INSTELLEN VAN HET DMX KANAAL...........................................................................................................................................................13
VEILIGHEIDSAANWIJZINGEN EN WAARSCHUWINGEN.......................................................................................................................17
Eigenschappen en technische gegevens
Deze module laat u toe een relais te bedienen door middel van het alom bekende DMX512-protocol. Dit protocol werd in
1986 door USITT ontwikkeld met als doel dimmers, scanners, moving heads en andere verlichting met eenvoudige
bedrading te besturen. In vele gevallen is het in- en uitschakelen van het toestel vereist. Hier komt de module in het spel. De
module is eigenlijk een busgestuurde power driver. Het relais wordt bekrachtigd als de DMX-waarde voor het ingestelde
kanaal gelijk is aan 140 of meer. Waarden gelijk aan 120 of minder laten het relais afvallen.
Samen met onze VM116
systeemadressen: 512 unieke adressen met DIP-schakelaars configureerbaar
Led-aanduiding voor voeding, ui tgangstoes tand van het relais en toestand van de fout
“Safe DMX data stream" herleidt storing tot een minimum
“Relay hold”-functie in geval van een verlies van het DMX-signaal
besturing: DMX512, 3-pin XLR plug (meegelev.)
schakelvermogen: 8A
bouwt u zonder moeite een computergestuurd automatiseringsysteem.