Refer to the illustrations on page 2 of this manual.
1 power supply 3 SIM card (not included)
2 USB interface (optional) * 4 antenna connector
* HAMGSM133/USB, not included
O1 output 1 I1 input 1
O2 output 2 I2 input 2
LD1 relay 1 active
LD2 relay 2 active
LD3 input 1 active (logical condition reached)
LD4 input 2 active (logical condition reached)
LD5 GSM network connection status
U1 transmit LED U3 mini USB connector
U2 receive LED
6. Installation
•When applicable install the USB interface HAMGSM133/USB [2] (not included). The mini USB connector
must be on top.
•Insert a valid SIM card [3]. Make sure the PIN code of the SIM card is disabled. Use a normal mobile
phone for this.
• Connect the antenna to the antenna connector [4].
• Make all necessary connections (I1, I2, O1, O2). Only connect a SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) load
to the outputs. Tension applied to the contacts of each relay must not exceed 60Vdc; switching current
on the relays must not exceed 10A (short peak). The maximum tension applied to the digital inputs is
•Connect the power supply [1] (not included). Use a stabilized current-limited power supply (not
included) providing 9~32Vdc and at least 500mA current (able to deal with absorption peaks of 1A).
Note that the centre tip is positive.
•Close the housing (not included).
7. Introduction
•The HAMGSM133 is a bidirectional remote control module capable of remotely controlling two relays
(in monostable or bistable mode) through the use of special SMS commands sent from any mobile
•Memory for up to 8 telephone numbers to which SMS and/or ringtones can be sent when input status
changes (master list).
•It is also possible to use the HAMGSM133 as a gate control receiver controlled by up to 200 entered
phone numbers (gate control list).
•To facilitate programming, it is possible to connect a USB interface module and manage the device via
PC through downloadable software. This module must be purchased separately; order code
8. Configuration
There are 3 ways to set up the device:
• through call (only at start-up)
• through SMS
• through USB (USB interface required, not included).
8.1 Through call (only at start-up)
When the device is supplied with power, “LD5” will immediately flash at 1 Hz frequency. The HAMGSM133 will
try to connect to the GSM network. When connected, “LD5” will briefly flash every 2 seconds. After the system
initialization (which may take several seconds), the device alternately illuminates yellow LEDs “LD3” and “LD4”
to indicate the “configuration call” on hold mode for 3 minutes. If during this time the unit receives a call, it
stores the caller’s number (to which reply SMS will be sent) in the first memory location and LD3 and LD4 turn
Note: the caller ID of the used mobile phone must not be hidden (callers’ phone number must be visible when
calling another mobile phone).
At the end of the hold mode the yellow LEDs are switched off and the device waits for a configuration SMS.
With the same phone used to make the first setup call, it is also possible to switch the relay status.
8.2 Through SMS
This mode takes full advantage of the device with operations as output switch, output status query, inclusion of
additional phone numbers to activate the relay, inclusion of numbers for door opening function, reception of
reply messages; change output signals timing and, in general, set the HAMGSM133 with all parameters via
simple SMS. A full reset to restore the default settings can also be made via SMS. See below for the syntax for
all available commands.
8.3 SMS syntax
•Commands and settings can be sent from any mobile phone as long as the message includes the
•For some commands a password is not required when the message was sent from a telephone number
which is stored in the HAMGSM133. However, some commands that change critical information always
require a password.
• The HAMGSM133 replies with a confirmation or information SMS.
• Multiple commands can be combined in 1 SMS by placing a comma in between.
• Note: commands never contain spaces.
Refer to overview of all configuration SMS commands below.
Change password
Password required
Command PWDxxxxx;pwd
xxxxx = new password (5 digits)
pwd = current password (default = 12345)
Example PWD54321;12345
Store numbers
Password required for overwrite or from unknown phone
Command NUMx+YYnnnnnnnnnn;pwd
YY = country code
x = position of the number in the list (1~8)
nnnnnnnnnn = phone number (max. 19 digits)
pwd = current password (default = 12345)
Example NUM7+324851234567;12345
Result Number +324851234567 is stored on location 7 in the master list.
Remove numbers
Password Required
Command NUMx;pwd
x = position of the number in the list (1~8)
pwd = current password (default = 12345)
Example NUM5;12345
Result The number on location 5 is removed from the master list.
List stored numbers
Password required
Command NUM?;pwd
pwd = current password (default = 12345)
Example NUM?;12345
Result Show the master list.
Password required
Command RES;pwd
pwd = current password (default = 12345)
Example RES;12345
Enable SMS reception
Password required
Command SMSxxxxxxxx:ON;pwd
xxxxxxxx = position of the number in the list (1~8)
pwd = current password (default = 12345)
Example SMS15:ON;12345
Result Phone numbers on position 1 and 5 will receive an SMS when input status
changes. Other numbers are not affected. By default all eight phone numbers
receive an SMS.
Disable SMS reception
Password required
Command SMSxxxxxxxx:OFF;pwd
xxxxxxxx = position of the number in the list (1~8)
pwd = current password (default = 12345)
Example SMS27:OFF;12345
Result Phone numbers on position 2 and 7 will NOT receive an SMS when input
status changes. Other numbers are not affected.
Enable ringtone reception
Password required
Command VOCxxxxxxxx:ON;pwd
xxxxxxxx = position of the number in the list (1~8)
pwd = current password (default = 12345)
Example VOC15:ON;12345
Result Phone numbers on position 1 and 5 will receive a ringtone when input status
changes. Other numbers are not affected. By default all eight phone numbers
receive ringtones.
Disable ringtone reception
Password required
Command VOCxxxxxxxx:OFF;pwd
xxxxxxxx = position of the number in the list (1~8)
pwd = current password (default = 12345)
Example VOC36:OFF;12345
Result Phone numbers on position 3 and 6 will NOT receive a ringtone when input
status changes. Other numbers are not affected.
Set logic alarm level to HIGH (alarm when input under tension)
Command LIVx:A
x = 1 (input 1) or 2 (input 2)
Example LIV2:A
Result Set alarm level on input 2 to high, alarm is activated when input 2 is under
tension. Default both inputs are set to level HIGH.
Set logic alarm level to LOW (alarm when input tensionless)
Command LIVx:B
x = 1 (input 1) or 2 (input 2)
Example LIV1:B
Result Set alarm level on input 1 to low, alarm is activated when input 1 loses
Set logic alarm level to switching (alarm when input tension changes)
Command LIVx:V
x = 1 (input 1) or 2 (input 2)
Example LIV1:V
Result When tension changes on input 1, e.g. from low to high, the alarm is
Request logic alarm level
Command LIV?
Example LIV?
Result Get a list of logic alarm levels on both inputs.
Inhibition time input 1
Command INI1:mm
mm = time in minutes (00~59)
Example INI1:02
Result After alarm activation, the device will not check the alarm level on input 1 for
2 minutes (inhibition time). Default = 5 minutes
Inhibition time input 2
Command INI2:mm
mm = time in minutes (00~59)
Example INI2:15
Result After alarm activation, the device will not check the alarm level on input 2 for
15 minutes (inhibition time). Default = 5 minutes
Request inhibition times
Command INI?
Example INI?
Result Get a list of the inhibition time on both inputs.
Reset inhibition time input 1
Command TIZ1x
x = 0 (no reset) or 1 (reset)
Example TIZ11
Result Inhibition time reset on input 1 when input 1 is idle. Default = no reset
Command TIZ2x
x = 0 (no reset) or 1 (reset)
Example TIZ20
Result Inhibition time does not reset on input 2 when input 2 is idle. Default = no
Request status of reset function
Command INI?
Example INI?
Result Receive the status of the reset function on the inputs.
Alarm condition time-out input 1
Command OSS1:ss
ss = time in seconds (00~59)
Example OSS:08
Result The alarm on input 1 must remain for 8 seconds before the alarm is passed
on. Default = 1 second
Alarm condition time-out input 2
Command OSS2:ss
ss = time in seconds (00~59)
Example OSS2:15
Result The alarm on input 2 must remain for 15 seconds before the alarm is passed
on. Default = 1 second
Request alarm condition time-outs
Command OSS?
Example OSS?
Result Get a list of the alarm condition time-outs on both inputs.
Alarm SMS content when input 1 tension is high
Command TIN1A:xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx = message (max. 100 characters, all capitals)
Result When tension is detected on input 1, an SMS is sent out with text “TENSION
Note: a semi colon (;) is not allowed inside the message
Alarm SMS content when input 1 tension is low
Command TIN1B:xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx = message (max. 100 characters, all capitals)
Result When no tension is detected on input 1, an SMS is sent out with text “NO
Note: a semi colon (;) is not allowed inside the message
Command TIN2A:xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx = message (max. 100 characters, all capitals)
Result When tension is detected on input 1, an SMS is sent out with text “TENSION
Note: a semi colon (;) is not allowed inside the message
Alarm SMS content when input 2 tension is low
Command TIN2B:xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx = message (max. 100 characters, all capitals)
Result When no tension is detected on input 1, an SMS is sent out with text “NO
Note: a semi colon (;) is not allowed inside the message
Activate a relay output
Command OUTx:ON
x = 1 (output 1) or 2 (output 2)
Example OUT1:ON
Result Activate output relay 1
Deactivate a relay output
Command OUTx:OFF
x = 1 (output 1) or 2 (output 2)
Example OUT2:OFF
Result Deactivate output relay 2
Invert the condition of a relay for a certain time
Command OUTx:ss
x = 1 (output 1) or 2 (output 2)
ss = time in seconds (00~59)
Example OUT1:10
Result Deactivate (when already active) or activate (when deactivated) output relay
1 for the next 10 seconds.
Request condition of outputs
Command STA?
Example STA?
Result Get an overview of the condition of the output relays.
Store and restore relay status after power cut
Command RIPx
x = 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)
Example RIP1
Result Relay statuses are automatically stored when a power outage occurs and
restored when power is restored. Default: 1 (enabled)
Command RIP?
Example RIP?
Result Get an overview of the current setting for the output relay backup.
Start-up SMS content
Command TSU:xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx = message (max. 100 characters, all capitals)
Result When enabled (see AVVx command), this message is send to phone number
on the first position in the list. Default: SYSTEM STARTUP
Note: a semi colon (;) is not allowed inside the message
Activate start-up SMS
Command AVVx
x = 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)
Example AVV1
Result Enable sending an SMS to the phone number on the first position in the list
when the device is started or restarted. Default: 0 (disabled)
Gate control activation (relay 1)
Command TAC:ss
ss = time in seconds (00~59)
Example TAC:12
Result When receiving a call from any of the 200 gate control numbers or 8
numbers in the master list, the relay will remain activated for 12 seconds.
Default: 3 seconds
Note: When setting the time to 00, the relay operates in bi-stable mode;
relay 1 will switch status every time the device receives a call.
Store gate control phone numbers (max. 200)
Password required
Command MAC+YYnnnnnnnnnn;pwd
YY= country code
nnnnnnnnnn = phone number (max. 19 digits)
pwd = current password (default = 12345)
Example MAC+324851234567;12345
Note: There are no specific locations for gate control phone numbers.
Delete gate control phone numbers
Password required
Command DAC+YYnnnnnnnnnn;pwd
YY= country code
nnnnnnnnnn = phone number to delete
pwd = current password (default = 12345)
Example DAC+324851234567;12345
Disable reply SMS
Command RISP (commands)
Commands: series of commands separated by commas (,)
Example RISP, OUT1:ON, DAC, INI1:10
Refer to the illustrations on pages 3, 4 and 5 of this manual.
This mode allows setting up HAMGSM133 with a computer and software (English) you can download from the
Velleman website connected through a USB interface (not included, order ID HAMGSM133/USB).
Install the software on the PC before connecting the HAMGSM133 to the USB port.
With the software, you can manage all programming and settings as well as change the list of enabled users.
This speeds up the initial setup and saves on the cost of SMS.
After starting the software, make sure the communication speed is set to 9600 Baud (8, N, 1).
Refer to the full user manual for more information on the installation and use of the software.
Note: While the device is connected to a PC, managing via SMS is disabled.
Installing the software
• Go to
• On the product page, click Software and then Save.
• Run the setup file and follow the instructions on the screen.
• When installation is completed, start the software. The configuration window [A] appears.
• Connect the HAMGSM133 to the USB port of the computer using an appropriate cable (not included).
• Select the desired COM port (top left).
• Click on ‘Connect’ (top centre) to activate the connection. When data is already present inside the
module, it will be shown.
•If no master number is available in the module, the “Waiting for Call for Master Number Storage”
message appears in the log window [B] (at the bottom of the screen). Make a call to the HAMGSM133
before proceeding. A confirmation message is shown in the log window.
• The configuration window now shows a number of tabs.
• In the “Info” tab [C] you can find model number, firmware version and IMEI (International Mobile
Equipment Identity). It is also possible to change the password in this tab.
To be able to change the settings, enter the current password into the “system password” field and click
If the device does not react to commands from the computer, make sure the password stored in the PC
is the same as the one specified in the management program.
•The “Phone Number” tab [D] is used to manage phone numbers. Store or delete numbers, or request a
full list (shown on the right). The overview window has two tabs, one for “Master Numbers” [D] and
another for “Gate Control Numbers” [E].
Each action must be confirmed.
•Use the tab “Notice” [F] to enable or disable numbers on specific positions in the list. Enable to let them
receive SMS or alarm calls.
•Configure the activation logic (high/low/switch-over) of the two inputs in the tab “Inputs” [G].
Check the “Request timing” checkbox and click “Run” to see the current settings in a pop-up window
• The “Outputs” tab [I] is used to control the relays manually.
• In every window it is possible to see an extended log showing all communication that goes through the
communication port. Click on “Enable extended LOG” at the bottom of the screen. The extended log
window pops up [J].
Green LED LD5 is off No supply tension or inverted
Green LED LD5 flashes
cyclically at 1 Hz frequency
The device does not send a reply to the
configuration SMS
During the first start-up LEDs LD1 and
LD3 do not light up alternatively
The device does not react to the call
from an enabled number
The device cannot engage in the GSM
No GSM network available or signal
not strong enough
Reply to the message with
command RISP is disabled or there
is no credit in the SIM Card.
The device has already been
The mobile used for the call has a
hidden ID
The PIN on the SIM Card has not
been disabled
Check power supply cable
Change the position of the external
GSM antenna
Do not use the RISP command in
the SMS, or recharge the SIM Card.
Completely reset the device using
the RES command.
Enable sending caller ID on the
used mobile phone
Disable the PIN request from the
SIM Card
10. Technical specifications
GSM/GPRS module SIM900 Quad (850/900/1800/1900MHz)
GPRS multi-slot class 10/8
mobile station class B
output power class 4 2W @ 850-900MHz
class 1 1W @ 1800-1900MHz
power supply 9 to 32 Vdc stabilized (or Li-Ion battery 800~1000mAh (not included))
current 50mA (idle), 1A max.
relay outputs 2 (to control low tension loads), type SELV (<60Vdc)
max. current relay contacts 10A
digital inputs 2 (logic 1 = 5~32Vdc; logic 0 = 0Vdc
master users 8
dimensions 103 x 67 x 28mm (L x W x H)
weight ±100g
operating temperature -10 ~ 55°C (14 ~ 131°F)
Use this device with original accessories only. Velleman nv cannot be held responsible in
the event of damage or injury resulted from (incorrect) use of this device.
For more info concerning this product and the latest version of this user manual, please
visit our website
The information in this manual is subject to change without prior notice.
rights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic
medium or otherwise without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.
U1 zender LED U3 mini USB aansluiting
U2 ontvanger LED
6. Installatie
•Indien van toepassing, installeer de USB interface HAMGSM133/USB [2] (niet meegelev.). De mini
USB-aansluiting moet zich bovenaan bevinden.
•Schuif een geldige SIM-kaart [3] in het slot. Zorg ervoor dat de Pincode functie van de SIM-kaart
uitgeschakeld is. Gebruik een gewone GSM om dit te doen.
• Verbind de antenne met de antenneaansluiting [4].
• Maak de gewenste verbindingen (I1, I2, O1, O2). Verbind enkel een SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage,
extra lage veiligheidsspanning) belasting met de uitgangen. Spanning op de contacten van elk relais
mag maximaal 60Vdc bedragen, schakelstroom op de relais maximaal 10A (kortstondige piek). De
maximale spanning op de digitale ingangen is maximum 32Vdc.
•Sluit de voeding aan [1] (niet meegelev.). Gebruik een gesta biliseerde stroombegrensde voeding (niet
meegelev.) die 9~32Vdc en minstens 500mA stroom levert (moet bestand zijn tegen 1A
absorptiepieken). Merk op dat de centrale pin positief i s.
•Sluit de behuizing (niet meegelev.).
7. Inleiding
•De HAMGSM133 is een bi-directionele bedieningsmodule waarmee vanop afstand twee relais (in
mono-stabiele of bi-stabiele modus) kunnen bediend worden door gebruik te maken van speciale SMS
commandoberichten gestuurd door eender welke mobiele telefoon.
•Geheugen voor 8 telefoonnummers naar dewelke SMS berichten en/of beltonen kunnen verstuurd
worden wanneer de ingangsstatus veranderd (hoofdlijst).
•Het is ook mogelijk om de HAMGSM133 als automatische deuropener te gebruiken, bestuurd door tot
200 opgegeven telefoonnummers (deuropenerlijst).
•Om de programmatie te vereenvoudigen kan een USB interface module aangesloten worden. De
HAMGSM133 kan dan geprogrammeerd worden met behulp van een PC (niet meegelev.) en
downloadbare software. De module hiervoor dient echter afzonderlijk aangekocht te worden. Bestelcode
8. Configuratie
Er zijn 3 manieren om het toestel in te stellen:
• Via telefoon (enkel bij opstarten)
• Via SMS
• Via USB (USB-interface vereist, niet meegelev.)
8.1 Via telefoon (enkel bij opstarten)
Zodra de voeding aangesloten wordt zal LD5 beginnen knipperen (1x per seconde). De HAMGSM133 probeert
nu een verbinding te maken met het GSM netwerk. Zodra de verbinding gemaakt is knippert LD5 om de 2
seconden. Na de initialisatie (die enkele seconden kan duren) lichten beurtelings de gele leds LD3 en LD4 op
om aan te geven dat het toestel in ‘configuratie via telefoon’ wachtstatus staat. Indien binnen de 3 minuten
een telefoongesprek ontvangen wordt wordt het nummer opgeslagen (om later een antwoord-SMS te kunnen
sturen) in het eerste geheugen. LD3 en LD4 gaan uit.
Opmerking: de identificatie van de beller mag niet verborgen zijn op de gebruikte mobiele telefoon (nummer
van de beller moet zichtbaar zijn wanneer naar een andere GSM gebeld wordt).
Na de 3 minuten wachtstatus gaan de gele leds uit en wacht het toestel op een configuratie-SMS.
8.2 Via SMS
Deze mode benut alle voordelen van het toestel, onder andere schakelen van uitgangen, opvragen van de
status van uitgangen, toevoegen van extra telefoonnummers om de relais aan te sturen, toevoegen van
nummers voor de deur-open functie, ontvangen van antwoordberichten, wijzigen van uitgangssignaal-tijdstip
en meer algemeen, stel alle parameters van de HAMGSM133 in via eenvoudige SMS’en. Ook het volledige
terugzetten naar fabrieksinstellingen behoort tot de mogelijkheden. De syntax van de beschikbare
commando’s staat hierna.
8.3 SMS syntax
•Commando’s en instellingen kunnen vanaf eender welke mobiele telefoon doorgesturud worden zolang
het bericht het paswoord bevat.
•Voor sommige commando’s is een paswoord niet nodig indien het commando verstuurd werd vanaf een
telefoonnummer dat opgeslagen is in de HAMGSM133. Sommige commando’s die kritische informatie
wijzigen hebben echter altijd een paswoord nodig.
• De HAMGSM133 stuurt een bevestiging of de gevraagde informatie via SMS.
• Meerdere commando’s kunnen in één SMS gebundeld worden door ze te scheiden door een komma.
• Opmerking: commando’s bevatten nooit spaties!
Een overzicht van alle beschikbare SMS-commando’s is hieronder weergegeven.
Wachtwoord Vereist bij overschrijven of vanaf ongekend toestel
Syntax NUMx+YYnnnnnnnnnn;pwd
YY = landencode
x = positie van het nummer in de lijst (1~8)
nnnnnnnnnn = telefoonnummer (max. 19 cijfers)
pwd = huidige wachtwoord (standaard = 12345)
Voorbeeld NUM7+324851234567;12345
Result Nummer +324851234567 wordt opgeslagen op positie 7 in the hoofdlijst.
Telefoonnummer verwijderen
Wachtwoord Vereist
Syntax NUMx;pwd
x = positie van het nummer in de lijst (1~8)
pwd = huidige wachtwoord (standaard = 12345)
Voorbeeld NUM5;12345
Resultaat Het nummer op positie 5 wordt verwijderd uit de hoofdlijst.
Lijst opgeslagen nummers
Wachtwoord Vereist
Syntax NUM?;pwd
pwd = huidige wachtwoord (standaard = 12345)
Voorbeeld NUM?;12345
Resultaat Toon de hoofdlijst.