Figure 6 HB-3 To Console Connector Pin-out............................................................................... 4
Figure 7 NENA to PC Connections and Pinout..............................................................................5
Figure 8 HB-3 PLUS to PC Connection Diagram.......................................................................... 5
HB-3plus Headset Adaptor Box 1
1 General
The Vega HB-3PLUS Headset Interface Box is a reliable method for connecting a desk microphone,
headsets and footswitch controls to any computer running Vega’s C-Soft program or any Vega dispatch
console. A bi-color front panel LED indicates power (green) or active PTT (red).
The HB-3PLUS connects directly to the handset jack of the dispatch control console or a PC operating
with the Vega C-Soft dispatch software. In the console mode, an RJ-H 4 conductor cable provides the
connection from the HB-3PLUS to the console. Connections to the PC serial port and sound card provide
PTT, monitor, relay and Aux input control in the PC mode.
The HB-3PLUS also provides a connection to any telephone device with a NENA I/O port, allowing for a
single headset to be shared by the radio and phone system. When the phone set is taken off-hook, the
headset microphone audio is routed to the phone system and selected radio is transferred back to the
SELECT speaker. Telephone audio is routed to the headset as long as the system is off-hook.
The HB-3PLUS Features:
• 2 Dual ¼’ headset jacks
• Independent SELECT volume controls
• Switch selectable headset on/off
• 1 Desk microphone input
• 3 Independent footswitch inputs
• Power and PTT LED indicator
• 1 NENA I/O port
• 2 AUX relays (Form C contacts)
• 2 AUX IN TTL inputs
• Balanced common recorder output
• Separate balanced UNSELECT audio recorder output
Jumper Selectable Options:
• PC/Console Mode
• C-Soft mic output level set (Mic/Line)
• Headset electret mic DC polarity
• Electret/Dynamic desk mic select
• Route UNSELECT audio to headsets
• Route UNSELECT audio to common recorder output
1.1 Accessories
Several optional accessories are available for the HB-3PLUS.
Part Number: Description:
0108024 FS-1 Footswitch.
2490161 Single Muff Headset with Microphone and inline PTT switch.
24901611 Dual Muff Headset with Microphone and inline PTT switch.
0118022 MD-MS Desk Microphone
2HB-3plus Headset Adaptor Box
2 Installation
2.1 HB-3PLUS Mounting
The HB-3PLUS may be mounted either under or along the side of a dispatch position, choose a
location that allows for easy headset connection and is free of direct hits from chair arms and
personnel knees.
2.2 HB-3PLUS Setup
2.2.1 PC/Console Mode
Operations of the HB-3PLUS with Vega C-Soft or tone remote consoles are set by JMP8.
A – PC Mode
B – Console Mode
Figure 1 HB-3PLUS Front View
2.2.2 Headset I and II Connections
The HB-3PLUS operates with either 4 or 6 wire Dual ¼” Phone Jack plugs. The standard
configuration for the HB-3PLUS is for operation with a 6-wire plug configuration. The horizontal
lines adjacent to the right phone jack of each headset pair are a polarity symbol for stereo
headsets. Internal, selectable jumpers set the configuration of each headset port.
Headset I
JMP12 – Routes SELECT or UNSELECT audio to the headset
A – UNSELECT and SELECT audio to headset
B – SELECT only audio to headset
JMP10/11 – Sets the DC voltage polarity to the headset mic
A – DC+ to the horizontal line jack
B – DC- to the horizontal line jack
CAUTION – Both JMP10 AND JMP11 Must Be Set Together To A Or B
Cutting the small trace between JMP13 disables the PTT function for 4-wire headset operation
Headset II
JMP3 – Routes SELECT or UNSELECT audio to the headset
A – UNSELECT and SELECT audio to headset
B – SELECT only audio to headset
JMP4/5 – Sets the DC voltage polarity to the headset mic
A – DC+ to the horizontal line jack
B – DC- to the horizontal line jack
CAUTION – Both JMP4 AND JMP5 Must Be Set Together To A Or B
Cutting the small trace between JMP6 disables the PTT function for 4-wire headset operation.
HB-3plus Headset Adaptor Box 3
2.2.3 Desk Microphone Connection
The HB-3PLUS is designed to operate with Vega’s standard MD-MS desk microphone (electret)
or a dynamic desk microphone, for dispatch activities using Vega’s C-Soft dispatch software.
SELECT and UNSELECT audio is routed directly to the computer speakers. Internal jumper
JMP2 selects the electret or dynamic microphone configuration.
A – Electret
B – Dynamic
2.2.4 Headset ON/OFF switch
The headset ON/OFF switch is used to provide hook signaling to a Vega dispatch console or CSoft application. When OFF, SELECT audio switches from the headset to the speaker. When
using a desk microphone the switch must be in the OFF position.
2.3 Rear Panel Connections
Figure 2 HB-3PLUS Rear View
2.3.1 Power Supply Connection
The HB-3PLUS power requirements are 12 to 16 VDC, 500mA. A wall mounted power supply is
included with the HB-3PLUS. Power connection is made via a 2.5mm plug receptacle on the rear
panel of the unit. The positive terminal is the center conductor.
2.3.2 Serial Connection
The serial port is enabled in the HB-3PLUS when the PC Mode is set by JMP8. The serial port is
configured for 9600-baud, 1stop bit, no parity, and DCE connections. A serial cable is provided
for connection to the PC.
In the PC Mode, the HB-3PLUS provides the PC with serial data for PTT, Monitor, relay control
and AUX input functions.
2.3.3 Relay Connections
The HB-3PLUS provides two Form C relay contacts for
general use. Each relay is controlled by the C-Soft
application; please refer to the C-Soft manual for use of this
feature. A 1 Amp resettable fuse protects both sets of
A 6-pin screw terminal block provides connection to the
relays. Refer to Figure 3 Relay Connections drawing.
NOTE: The Relays Are Operational In The PC Mode ONLY
1 2 3 4 5 6
1) Relay 1 COM 2) Relay 1 N.O.
3) Relay 1 N.C. 4) Relay 2 COM
5) Relay 2 N.O. 6) Relay 2 N.C.
Figure 3 Relay Connections
4HB-3plus Headset Adaptor Box
2.3.4 AUX IN Connections
The AUX IN connections detect a contact closure to ground and send the information to the CSoft application. Each input is diode protected from voltages above +5VDC.
The two AUX inputs are located at pins 1 and 2 of the middle 6-pin screw terminal block.
Please refer to the C-Soft manual for use of this feature. Refer to Figure 4 Recorder and AUX IN
Connections. NOTE: The AUX IN Inputs are Enabled In The PC Mode ONLY
2.3.5 Recorder Connections
The HB-3PLUS provides two balanced recorder outputs. The impedance of each balanced output
is 600 ohms.
Common Recorder Output
The common recorder output sums and amplifies all sources
of audio passing through the HB-3PLUS to a balanced output
for a single position recorder capability. Internal jumper JMP9
sets the routing of the UNSELECT audio to the common
recorder output.
1 2 3 4 5 6
A – UNSELECT audio
B – No UNSELECT audio
The Common Recorder Output is provided at pins 3 and 4 of
the middle 6-pin screw terminal block marked RECORDER
UNSELECT Audio Recorder Output
The UNSELECT Audio Recorder Output provides UNSELECT audio to a separate balanced
output. The UNSELECT Recorder Output is provided at pins 5 and 6 of the middle 6-pin screw
terminal block marked UNSEL REC Out. Refer to Figure 4.
2.3.6 Footswitch Connections
The HB-3PLUS provides separate PTT footswitch inputs for
the desk mic, Headset I and Headset II. The PTT function is
activated by a contact closure to ground. Each input is diode
protected from voltages above +5VDC. Refer to Figure 5.
2.3.7 Console Connections
The HB-3PLUS connects directly to the handset port of a Vega dispatch console (C-5000, C1610, C-1616, C-2000, C-2002, IP1616 and C-6200) from the Console RJ-H CONSOLE
connector when the CONSOLE MODE is set by JMP8. A 4pin modular cable is provided for connection to the console.
1) AUX 1 IN 2) AUX 2 IN
3) Recorder Out 4) Recorder Out
5) UnSel Rec Out 6) UnSel Rec Out
Figure 4 Recorder and AUX IN Connections
1 2 3 4 5 6
1) Desk Mic IN 2) Ground
3) Headset I IN 4) Ground
5) Headset II IN 6) Ground
Figure 5 Footswitch Connections
1 2 3 4
The HB-3PLUS provides the audio paths for radio Tx from the
headset or desk mic and SELECT audio. System PTT and
SELECT audio routing are also controlled by the HB-3PLUS.
SELECT audio is routed to the console speaker when the
Headset Switch in the OFF position or when the NENA system
is off-hook. UNSELECT audio is NOT available to the HB3PLUS from the console. NOTE: The Handset Port On The
Console Must Be ENABLED. Refer To The Console
Technical Manual For Instruction
1) TX
2) G round
3) PTT
4) RX
RJ-H Connector Rear View
Figure 6 HB-3 To Console Connector Pin-out
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