Model HB-3Plus
Headset Adaptor Panel
Technical Manual
For use with Software Versions 2.00 or Higher
December 12, 2006 P.N. 804138 Rev C

HB-3Plus Headset Adaptor Box i
Table of Contents
General ...................................................................................4
1.1 Accessories ..................................................................................................................... 4
2 Installation..............................................................................5
2.1 HB-3Plus Mounting........................................................................................................ 5
2.2 HB-3Plus Setup............................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 HB3Plus Jumper Positions ..................................................................................... 5
2.2.2 PC/Console Mode................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 Headset I and II Connections..................................................................................5
2.2.4 Desk Microphone Connection ................................................................................6
2.2.5 Headset ON/OFF switch......................................................................................... 6
2.2.6 Radio Rx Mute w/PTT – Version 2.1 or Higher..................................................... 6
2.3 Rear Panel Connections.................................................................................................. 7
2.3.1 Power Supply Connection....................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Serial Connection.................................................................................................... 7
2.3.3 Relay Connections.................................................................................................. 7
2.3.4 AUX IN Connections.............................................................................................. 7
2.3.5 Recorder Connections.............................................................................................8
2.3.6 Footswitch Connections.......................................................................................... 8
2.3.7 +9VDC Output Connection ....................................................................................8
2.3.8 PC Sound Card Connections................................................................................... 9
2.3.9 Console Connections .............................................................................................. 9
2.3.10 NENA Phone Connections ................................................................................... 10
2.4 Software Version .......................................................................................................... 10
2.4.1 Software/Hardware Match Up.............................................................................. 10
2.4.2 Determine The Software Version .........................................................................10
3 Audio Level Adjustments....................................................11
3.1 Desk Microphone TX Level .........................................................................................11
3.2 NENA Phone Level ......................................................................................................11
3.3 Recorder Level.............................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Headset Transmit Level................................................................................................ 11
4 Component Location and Parts Lists................................12
5 Warranty, Service, Repair, and Comments:......................13
6 HB-3Plus Specifications .....................................................14
Table of Figures
Figure 1 HB-3Plus Front View....................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2 Desk Mic Connector......................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3 HyperTerminal Screen...................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4 HB-3Plus Rear View........................................................................................................ 7
Figure 5 Relay Connections............................................................................................................ 7
Figure 6 Recorder and AUX IN Connections................................................................................. 8
Figure 7 Footswitch Connections ...................................................................................................8
Figure 8 HB-3Plus to PC Connection Diagram.............................................................................. 9

HB-3Plus Headset Adaptor Box iii
Figure 9 HB-3Plus To Console Connector Pin-out ........................................................................9
Figure 10 NENA to HB3Plus Connections and Pinout................................................................ 10
Figure 11 HB3Plus Hardware Identification Jumper.................................................................... 10

4 HB-3Plus Headset Adaptor Box
1 General
The Vega HB-3Plus Headset Interface Box is a reliable method for connecting a desk microphone,
headsets and footswitch controls to any computer running Vega’s C-Soft program or any Vega dispatch
console. A bi-color front panel LED indicates power (green) or active PTT (red).
The HB-3Plus connects directly to the handset jack of the dispatch control console or a PC operating with
the Vega C-Soft dispatch software. In the console mode, an RJ11 4 conductor cable provides the
connection from the HB-3Plus to the console. Connections to the PC serial port and sound card provide
PTT, monitor, relay and Aux input control in the PC mode.
The HB-3Plus also provides a connection to any telephone device with a NENA I/O port, allowing for a
single headset to be shared by the radio and phone system. When the phone set is taken off-hook, the
headset microphone audio is routed to the phone system and selected radio is transferred back to the
SELECT speaker. Telephone audio is routed to the headset as long as the system is off-hook.
The HB-3Plus Features:
• 2 Dual ¼’ headset jacks
• Independent SELECT volume controls
• Switch selectable headset on/off
• 1 Desk microphone input
• 3 Independent footswitch inputs
• Power and PTT LED indicator
• 1 NENA I/O port
• 2 AUX relays (Form C contacts)
• 2 AUX IN TTL inputs
• Balanced common recorder output
• Separate balanced UNSELECT audio recorder output
• +9VDC 50mA output
Jumper Selectable Options:
• PC/Console Mode
• C-Soft mic output level set (Mic/Line)
• Electret/Dynamic desk mic select
• Route UNSELECT audio to headsets
• Route UNSELECT audio to common recorder output
• +9VDC/GND (Pin 6 of footswitch terminal block)
1.1 Accessories
Several optional accessories are available for the HB-3Plus.
Part Number
0108024 FS-1 Footswitch.
24901611 Stereo Headset with Microphone and inline PTT switch.
302070100 DH2000 Dispatcher Headset – Mono
302070200 DH2200 Dispatcher Headset – Dual sided Mono
302068000 LC1500 Lower cord, 15 ft.
302068001 LC2500 Lower cord, 25 ft.
0118022 MD-MS Electret Desk Microphone
301905000 6513C Dynamic Desk Microphone
: Description:

HB-3Plus Headset Adaptor Box 5
2 Installation
2.1 HB-3Plus Mounting
The HB-3Plus may be mounted either under or along the side of a dispatch position, choose a
location that allows for easy headset connection and is free of direct hits from chair arms and
personnel knees.
2.2 HB-3Plus Setup
2.2.1 HB3Plus Jumper Positions
Jumper Function Factory Set Position
JMP1 PC Mode Mic Output Level Set – Mic/Line Level A – Mic Level
JMP2 Electret/Dynamic Desk Mic Set A – Electret Desk Mic
JMP3 SELECT/UNSELECT Headset II Audio B – SELECT Audio Only to Headset
JMP7 Pin 6 Relay Block Function – GND/+9VDC A – GND
JMP8 PC/Console Mode Select A – PC Mode
JMP9 Route UNSELECT Audio to Common Recorder A – UNSELECT Audio to Recorder
JMP12 SELECT/UNSELECT Headset I Audio B – SELECT Audio Only to Headset
Table 1 HB3Plus Jumpers
2.2.2 PC/Console Mode
Operation of the HB-3Plus with Vega C-Soft or tone remote consoles is set by JMP8.
A – PC Mode
B – Console Mode
Note: The HB3Plus Must Be Reset When Changing Modes.
Figure 1 HB-3Plus Front View
2.2.3 Headset I and II Connections
The HB-3Plus operates with either 4 or 6 wire Dual ¼” Phone Jack plugs. The standard
configuration for the HB-3Plus is for operation with a 6-wire plug configuration. The horizontal lines
adjacent to the right phone jack of each headset pair indicate the negative polarity of the mic bias.
Headset I
JMP12 – Routes SELECT or UNSELECT audio to the headset I
A – UNSELECT and SELECT audio to headset I
B – SELECT only audio to headset I
Cutting the small trace between JMP13 disables the PTT function for 4-wire headset operation
Headset II
JMP3 – Routes SELECT or UNSELECT audio to the headset II
A – UNSELECT and SELECT audio to headset II
B – SELECT only audio to headset II
Cutting the small trace between JMP6 disables the PTT function for 4-wire headset operation.

6 HB-3Plus Headset Adaptor Box
2.2.4 Desk Microphone Connection
The HB-3Plus is designed to operate with the MD-MS electret
desk microphone or the Model 6513C dynamic desk
microphone. Internal jumper JMP2 selects the electret or
dynamic microphone configuration.
A – Electret
B – Dynamic
When using a desk microphone the Headset On/Off switch
should be in the OFF position to route SELECT audio to the
Figure 2 Desk Mic Connector
2.2.5 Headset ON/OFF switch
The headset ON/OFF switch is used to provide hook signaling to a Vega dispatch console or CSoft application. When OFF, SELECT audio is routed from the headset to the speaker. When
using a desk microphone the switch should be in the OFF position.
2.2.6 Radio Rx Mute w/PTT – Version 2.1 or Higher
With the release of software Version 2.1, the Windows ® HyperTerminal application may be used
to set, as a programmable option, if radio Rx is muted with PTT. Usually, the radio Rx is muted
when the radio PTT is active. However, full duplex and cell phone Direct Connect applications
require audio (i.e. go ahead tones) to be heard by the user after PTT is pressed.
With the PC connected to the HB3Plus and HyperTerminal running, press “M” on the PC
keyboard. The HB3Plus will respond with “MUTE RADIO RX WITH PTT [Y/N]” as shown in
Figure 3.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Desk Mic Connector
1) GND
2) Mic
3) GND
4) PTT Sw
5) MON Sw
6) +Bias
Figure 3 HyperTerminal Screen
Press “Y” or “N” (upper or lower case), depending on your application. The HB3Plus will save the
selection, check for accuracy and, if saved with no errors, respond with “OPTIONS SAVED”
Reset the HB3Plus.