VEGA BAR87 User Manual

Operating Instructions
Pressure transmitter with metallic measuring cell
Slave sensor for electronic differential pres­sure
Document ID: 45053
1 About this document
1.1 Function ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Target group ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Symbolism used ............................................................................................................... 4
2 For your safety
2.1 Authorised personnel ....................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Appropriate use ................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Warning about incorrect use ............................................................................................. 5
2.4 General safety instructions ............................................................................................... 5
2.5 CE conformity ................................................................................................................... 5
2.6 Measuring range - permissible process pressure ............................................................. 6
2.7 Environmental instructions ............................................................................................... 6
3 Product description
3.1 Conguration .................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Principle of operation........................................................................................................ 8
3.3 Packaging, transport and storage ................................................................................... 11
3.4 Accessories and replacement parts ............................................................................... 12
4 Mounting
4.1 General instructions to use the instrument ..................................................................... 13
4.2 Ventilation and pressure compensation .......................................................................... 14
4.3 Combination Master - Slave ........................................................................................... 15
4.4 Dierential pressure measurement ................................................................................ 16
4.5 Interface measurement .................................................................................................. 16
4.6 Density measurement .................................................................................................... 17
4.7 External housing ............................................................................................................ 19
5 Connecting to power supply
5.1 Preparing the connection ............................................................................................... 20
5.2 Connecting ..................................................................................................................... 20
5.3 Single chamber housing ................................................................................................. 21
5.4 External housing with version IP 68 (25 bar)................................................................... 22
5.5 Connection example ...................................................................................................... 24
6 Set up with the display and adjustment module
6.1 Parameter adjustment - Quick setup .............................................................................. 25
6.2 Parameter adjustment - Extended adjustment................................................................ 28
7 Diagnosis, asset management and service
7.1 Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 38
7.2 Rectify faults ................................................................................................................... 38
7.3 Exchanging the electronics module ................................................................................ 38
7.4 Exchange process assembly with version IP 68 (25 bar) ................................................ 38
7.5 How to proceed in case of repair .................................................................................... 40
8 Dismounting
8.1 Dismounting steps.......................................................................................................... 41
8.2 Disposal ......................................................................................................................... 41
9 Supplement
9.1 Technical data ................................................................................................................ 42
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
9.2 Dimensions .................................................................................................................... 47
Safety instructions for Ex areas
Please note the Ex-specic safety information for installation and op­eration in Ex areas. These safety instructions are part of the operating instructions manual and come with the Ex-approved instruments.
Editing status: 2013-10-09
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure

1 About this document

1 About this document

1.1 Function

This operating instructions manual provides all the information you need for mounting, connection and setup as well as important instruc­tions for maintenance and fault rectication. Please read this informa­tion before putting the instrument into operation and keep this manual
accessible in the immediate vicinity of the device.

1.2 Target group

This operating instructions manual is directed to trained specialist personnel. The contents of this manual should be made available to these personnel and put into practice by them.

1.3 Symbolism used

Information, tip, note
This symbol indicates helpful additional information.
Caution: If this warning is ignored, faults or malfunctions can result.
Warning: If this warning is ignored, injury to persons and/or serious
damage to the instrument can result.
Danger: If this warning is ignored, serious injury to persons and/or
destruction of the instrument can result.
Ex applications
This symbol indicates special instructions for Ex applications.
The dot set in front indicates a list with no implied sequence.
This arrow indicates a single action.
1 Sequence of actions
Numbers set in front indicate successive steps in a procedure.
Battery disposal
This symbol indicates special information about the disposal of bat­teries and accumulators.
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure

2 For your safety

2 For your safety

2.1 Authorised personnel

All operations described in this operating instructions manual must be carried out only by trained specialist personnel authorised by the plant operator.
During work on and with the device the required personal protective equipment must always be worn.

2.2 Appropriate use

VEGABAR 87 is a slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
You can nd detailed information on the application range in chapter
"Product description".
Operational reliability is ensured only if the instrument is properly used according to the specications in the operating instructions manual as well as possible supplementary instructions.

2.3 Warning about incorrect use

Inappropriate or incorrect use of the instrument can give rise to application-specic hazards, e.g. vessel overll or damage to system components through incorrect mounting or adjustment.

2.4 General safety instructions

This is a high-tech instrument requiring the strict observance of stand­ard regulations and guidelines. The user must take note of the safety
instructions in this operating instructions manual, the country-specic installation standards as well as all prevailing safety regulations and accident prevention rules.
The instrument must only be operated in a technically awless and reliable condition. The operator is responsible for trouble-free opera-
tion of the instrument. During the entire duration of use, the user is obliged to determine the
compliance of the necessary occupational safety measures with the
current valid rules and regulations and also take note of new regula­tions.

2.5 CE conformity

The device fullls the legal requirements of the applicable EC guide­lines. By axing the CE marking, we conrm successful testing of the product.
You can nd the CE Certicate of Conformity in the download section of our homepage.
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
2 For your safety

2.6 Measuring range - permissible process pressure

The permissible process pressure is specied on the type label with "process pressure", see chapter "Conguration". For safety reasons, this range must not be exceeded. This applies also if a measuring cell with higher measuring range (order-related) than the permissible pressure range of the process tting is installed.

2.7 Environmental instructions

Protection of the environment is one of our most important duties.
That is why we have introduced an environment management system
with the goal of continuously improving company environmental pro­tection. The environment management system is certied according
to DIN EN ISO 14001.
Please help us fulll this obligation by observing the environmental
instructions in this manual:
Chapter "Packaging, transport and storage"
Chapter "Disposal"
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
Type plate

3 Product description

3 Product description
3.1 Conguration
The nameplate contains the most important data for identication and
use of the instrument:
4 5
7 8 9
Fig. 1: Layout of the type label (example)
1 Instrument type
2 Product code
3 Field for approvals 4 Power supply and signal output, electronics 5 Protection rating 6 Measuring range 7 Permissible process pressure 8 Material, wetted parts 9 Hardware and software version 10 Order number 11 Serial number of the instrument 12 Symbol of the device protection class 13 ID numbers, instrument documentation 14 Reminder to observe the instrument documentation 15 Notied authority for CE marking 16 Approval directive
Serial number
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
The type label contains the serial number of the instrument. With it you can nd the following data on our homepage:
Product code of the instrument (HTML)
Delivery date (HTML)
Order-specic instrument features (HTML)
Operating instructions at the time of shipment (PDF)
Order-specic sensor data for an electronics exchange (XML)
Test certicate pressure transmitters (PDF)
Go to, "VEGA Tools" and "Serial number search".
As an alternative, you can nd the data via your Smartphone:
Download the smartphone app "VEGA Tools" from the "Apple App
Store" or the "Google Play Store"
Scan the Data Matrix code on the type label of the instrument or
Enter the serial number manually in the app
3 Product description
Scope of this operating instructions manual
Scope of delivery
pressure measurement
Measured variables
This operating instructions manual applies to the following instrument
Hardware from 1.0.0
Software version from 1.0.0
The scope of delivery encompasses:
VEGABAR 87 pressure transmitter
Connection cable to the master sensor
Cable gland for the master sensor
this operating instructions manualTest certicate measuring accuracy (optional)Supplementary instructions manual "Plug connector for con-
tinuously measuring sensors" (optional)
Ex-specic "Safety instructions" (with Ex versions) – if necessary, further certicates

3.2 Principle of operation

The VEGABAR 87 slave sensor is combined with a sensor from the
VEGABAR 80 series for electronic dierential pressure measurement.
The sensors are connected via a screened four-wire cable. The measured value from the slave sensor is read in and factored into the calculations. Parameter adjustment is carried out through the master sensor.
The dierential pressure measurement is suitable for the measure­ment of the following process variables:
Dierential pressure
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
3 Product description
Fig. 2: Electronic level dierence measurement through Master/Slave combina­tion
Application area
The VEGABAR 87 is a pressure transmitter for pressure and level measurements of liquids with higher temperatures in the chemical, food processing and pharmaceutical industry.
Measured products
Measured products are liquids.
Depending on the instrument version and the measurement setup, the measured products can be also viscous.
Measuring system
The process pressure acts on the sensor element via the stainless steel diaphragm and an internal transmission liquid. The process pressure causes a resistance change which is converted into a cor­responding output signal and outputted as measured value.
The METEC® measuring cell is the measuring unit. It consists of
the ceramic-capacitive CERTEC® measuring cell and a special, temperature-compensated isolating system.
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
3 Product description
Fig. 3: Conguration of the METEC® measuring cell with VEGABAR 87
1 Process diaphragm 2 Isolating liquid 3 FeNi adapter 4 CERTEC® measuring cell
Pressure types
Measuring system
The measuring cell design depends on the selected pressure type.
Relative pressure: the measuring cell is open to atmosphere. The ambient pressure is detected in the measuring cell and compensated. It thus has no inuence on the measured value.
Absolute pressure: the measuring cell is evacuated and encapsu­lated. The ambient pressure is not compensated and does hence inuence the measured value.
Relative pressure, climate-compensated: the measuring cell is
evacuated and encapsulated. The ambient pressure is detected through a reference sensor in the electronics and compensated. It thus has no inuence on the measured value.
The process pressure acts on the sensor element via the stainless steel diaphragm and an internal transmission liquid. The process pressure causes a resistance change which is converted into a cor­responding output signal and outputted as measured value.
The METEC® measuring cell is the measuring unit. It consists of
the ceramic-capacitive CERTEC® measuring cell and a special, temperature-compensated isolating system.
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
3 Product description
Fig. 4: Conguration of the METEC® measuring cell with VEGABAR 87
1 Process diaphragm 2 Isolating liquid 3 FeNi adapter 4 CERTEC® measuring cell

3.3 Packaging, transport and storage

Your instrument was protected by packaging during transport. Its
capacity to handle normal loads during transport is assured by a test
based on ISO 4180.
The packaging of standard instruments consists of environment­friendly, recyclable cardboard. For special versions, PE foam or PE foil is also used. Dispose of the packaging material via specialised recycling companies.
Transport inspection
Storage and transport temperature
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
Transport must be carried out in due consideration of the notes on the
transport packaging. Nonobservance of these instructions can cause
damage to the device.
The delivery must be checked for completeness and possible transit
damage immediately at receipt. Ascertained transit damage or con­cealed defects must be appropriately dealt with.
Up to the time of installation, the packages must be left closed and
stored according to the orientation and storage markings on the outside.
Unless otherwise indicated, the packages must be stored only under
the following conditions:
Not in the open
Dry and dust free
Not exposed to corrosive media
Protected against solar radiation
Avoiding mechanical shock and vibration
Storage and transport temperature see chapter "Supplement -
Technical data - Ambient conditions" Relative humidity 20 … 85 %
3 Product description
Protective cap

3.4 Accessories and replacement parts

The protective cover protects the sensor housing against soiling and
intense heat from solar radiation.
You will nd additional information in the supplementary instructions
manual "Protective cover" (Document-ID 34296).
Welded socket
Electronics module
Screwed anges are available in dierent versions according to the
following standards: DIN 2501, EN 1092-1, BS 10, ANSI B 16.5, JIS B 2210-1984, GOST 12821-80.
You can nd additional information in the supplementary instructions
manual "Flanges according to DIN-EN-ASME-JIS" (Document-ID
Welded sockets are used to connect the sensors to the process.
You can nd further information in the supplementary instructions
"Welded socket VEGABAR series 80" (Document-ID 45082).
The electronics module VEGABAR series 80 is a replacement part for pressure transmitters of VEGABAR series 80. There is a dierent version available for each type of signal output.
You can nd further information in the operating instructions "Elec-
tronics module VEGABAR series 80" (Document-ID 45054).
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
Suitability for the process conditions

4 Mounting

4 Mounting

4.1 General instructions to use the instrument

Make sure that all parts of the instrument exposed to the process are suitable for the existing process conditions.
These are mainly:
Active measuring component
Process tting
Process seal
Process conditions are particularly:
Process pressure
Process temperature
Chemical properties of the medium
Abrasion and mechanical inuences
You can nd the specications of the process conditions in chapter "Technical data" as well as on the nameplate.
Protection against mois­ture
Screwing in
Temperature limits
Protect your instrument further through the following measures
against moisture penetration:
Use the recommended cable (see chapter "Connecting to power
supply") Tighten the cable gland
Loop the connection cable downward in front of the cable gland
This applies particularly to:
Outdoor mounting
Installations in areas where high humidity is expected (e.g. through
cleaning processes)
Installations on cooled or heated vessels
On instruments with process tting thread, the hexagon must be tight­ened with a suitable screwdriver. Wrench size see chapter "Dimen-
The housing must not be used to screw the instrument in! Applying tightening force can damage internal parts of the housing.
In case of strong vibrations at the mounting location, the instrument
version with external housing should be used. See chapter "External housing".
Higher process temperatures often mean also higher ambient temperatures. Make sure that the upper temperature limits stated in chapter "Technical data" for the environment of the electronics hous-
ing and connection cable are not exceeded.
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
4 Mounting
Filter elements
Fig. 5: Temperature ranges
1 Process temperature 2 Ambient temperature

4.2 Ventilation and pressure compensation

Ventilation and pressure compensation are carried out with VE­GABAR 87 via a lter element. It is air permeable and moisture-
The lter element causes a time-delayed pressure compensation. When quickly opening/closing the housing cover, the measured value can change for approx. 5 s by up to 15 mbar.
For eective ventilation, the lter element must always be free of buildup.
Do not use a high-pressure cleaner. The lter element could be dam­aged, which would allow moisture into the housing.
The following paragraphs describe how the lter element is arranged in the dierent instrument versions.
Instruments in non-Ex and Ex-ia version
The lter element is mounted into the electronics housing. It has the
following functions:
Ventilation electronics housing
Atmospheric pressure compensation (with relative pressure meas-
uring ranges)
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
4 Mounting
4 4 4
1 2 3
Fig. 6: Position of the lter element - non-Ex, Ex-ia version
1 Housing plastic, stainless steel precision casting 2 Housing aluminium 3 Housing stainless steel, electropolished 4 Filter element
With the following instruments a blind plug is installed instead of the lter element:
Instruments in protection IP 66/IP 68 (1 bar) - ventilation via capil-
laries in x connected cable Instruments with absolut pressure
Instruments in IP 69K version
The lter element is mounted into the electronics housing. It has the
following functions:
Ventilation electronics housing
Atmospheric pressure compensation (with relative pressure meas-
uring ranges)
Fig. 7: Position of the lter element - IP 69K version
1 Filter element
Instruments with absolute pressure have a blind plug mounted instead of the lter element.

4.3 Combination Master - Slave

In principle, any sensor combination within the VEGABAR 80 series is allowed. The following requirements must be fullled:
Conguration, Master sensor suitable for electronic dierential
pressure Pressure type is identical for both sensors, i.e. relative pressure/
relative pressure or absolute pressure/absolute pressure The master sensor must always measure the higher pressure
Measurement setup as shown in the following chapters
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
4 Mounting
Measurement setup
4.4 Dierentialpressuremeasurement
With the Master/Slave combination, a gauge dierent measurement can be realized.
Measurement setup
Fig. 8: Measurement setup with a level dierence measurement

4.5 Interface measurement

With the Master/Slave combination also an interface measurement
can be realised.
Requirements for a functioning measurement are:
Vessel with changing level
Products with steady densities
Interface always between the measurement points
Total level always above the upper measurement point
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
4 Mounting
Measurement setup
Fig. 9: Measurement setup with interface measurement, h = distance between the two measuring points
1 VEGABAR 87 2 VEGABAR 87 - Slave sensor
The interface measurement is possible in open as well as in closed

4.6 Density measurement

With the Master/Slave combination also a density measurement can
be realised.
Requirements for a functioning measurement are:
Vessel with changing level
Product with consistent density
Distance between the measurement points as large as possible
Level always above the upper measuring point
VEGABAR 87 • Slave sensor for electronic dierential pressure
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