VEC-514 AutoTuner Extender
Does your automatic antenna tuner have limited matching range? Can't autotune your antenna on all band s? Do you have to pre -tune your antenna with a
manual tuner?
The VEC-514 AutoTuner Extender
matching range. No w you can match nearly any antenna automatically!
The VEC-514 s a heavy duty, wide range impedence transforming device. It has
been carefully designed for the flattest frequency response and the lowest loss.
Vectronic's AutoTuner Extender
down -- by as much as 10 times! The VEC-514 puts nearly any antenna into the
matching range of your a utomatic tuner!
Extend your po wer range b y transfo rming your ant enna impe denc e so your tuner
can be used in a higher power Low-Q mode. The VEC-514 also extends
manual antenna tuners.
You can use any tranceiver from 160 through 10 meters with up to 300 watts.
greatly extends your automatic tuner's
transforms your ante nna impedence -- up or
The VEC-514 connects in-line between your transmitter and antenna. Connect
your transmitters antenna output to the SO-239 connector labeled Transmitter,
and your antenna to the Antenna connector. For maximum protection of your
tranceiver, a 50 Ohm dummy load should be connected to the plug labeled
Dummy Load, and the Ground stud connected to a good RF ground.
The VEC-514 AutoTuner Extender is easy to use! First, bypass your
transmitters auto-tuner. Then, while transmitting at a low output power, adjust
the knob (from position A through G) on the VEC-514 until you see minimum
SWR on your transmitter. Now you're ready to autotune. The Off / Dummy
Load position on the knob protects your tranceiver by connecting it to an
external dummy load, and by grounding your antenna to bleed off static. The
switch position D provides a through co nnection from your transmitter to your

VEC-514 Front Panel
If you have any problem with this unit first check the appropriate section of this
manual. If the manual does not reference your problem or your problem is not
solved by reading the manual you may call VECTRONICS at 601-323-5800.
You will be best helped if you have your unit, manual and all information on
your station handy so you can answer any questions the technicians may ask.
You can also send questions by mail to VECTRONICS, 1007 HWY 25 South,
Starkville, MS 39759 or by FAX to 601-323-6551. Send a complete description
of your problem, an explanation of exactly how you are using your unit, and a
complete description of your station.