VDO DOWNLOAD SOLUTIONS, Downloadterminal II, DLD Wide Range, DLD Short Range, Downloadkey II Brochure

Download solutions – efficient and user-friendly
Customised for a wide range of applications
DLD® Wide Ra nge*
Downlo adterm inal II
Shor t Range*
Downlo adkey II
Mobile C ard Rea der (with D ownloa dkey II)
Card Rea der TIS-Web
Scann er
What solutions do I have for downloading data?
Many different innovative download solutions by VDO are available for data downloading, all customised for a wide range of applications. Impressively simple to operate and powerfully efficient, they also possess the ultimate in data security systems.
To fulfil your legal archiving obligations, you must regularly download the data from the mass memory of your digital tachographs and driver cards.
Mobile solutions
Downloadkey II
The Downloadkey II is the mobile solution for down­loading and transferring mass memory and driver card data. A company card must be inserted in the digital tachograph during the download procedure (more on this on Page 3).
Mobile Card Reader
With the Mobile Card Reader you can transfer driver card data to a Downloadkey II at any time. There is no need for a company card (more on this on Page 4).
Wireless solutions
DLD® Wide Range and DLD® Short Range*
You’ll find more DLD
information in the relevant
product information sections at:
*You’ll find mor e inform ation in t he DLD® Shor t Range
and DLD
Wide Ra nge broc hures.
Indoor solutions
Downloadterminal II
The Downloadterminal II is the stand-alone solution for downloading driver cards and for transferring data from a Downloadkey II (more on this on Page 6).
Card Reader
With the Card Reader you can download driver cards in the office and transfer the data directly to the com­puter (more on this on Page 5).
This scanner digitises analogue tachograph charts and automatically uploads the results to TIS-Web
Downloadkey II (DLK II) – simple data handling
The VDO Downloadkey II is the ideal transport medium for fleets, work shops and authorities – it downloads and transfers mass memory data from digital tachographs and from driver cards inserted in the tachograph.
The DLK II can also be used as an archiving tool for small fleets and owner-drivers. To protect data from unauthorised access, a company card is required for data download.
Downloadkey Por table Set
The Downloadkey Portable Set consists of a Downloadkey II and a Mobile Card Reader (more on the Mobile Card Reader on Page 4). This enables drivers to download data from their driver cards without the need for
a company card.
• The serial 6-pin interface is compat­ible with all digital tachographs and enables data downloading via the front interface of the tachograph.
• The USB 2.0 interface enables fast data transfer to the office computer.
• The DLK II weighs less than 50 g, is no larger than a mobile telephone and fits in any shirt pocket.
• The DLK II requires neither a power supply nor a puffer battery to retain its data – so you can use it in vehicles or on your computer at any time.
• An optical display indicates memory capacity and download status for maximum comfort and ease of handling.
• The memory capacity is sufficient for around 4,000 quarterly down­loads.
Features of the Downloadkey II
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