Guidelines – Digital Tachographs
What does legislation require?
Since May of 2006, all newly licensed HGV’s of more than 3.5t and vehicles for the conveyance of more than 9 passengers including the driver must be equipped with a digital tachograph, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 561/2006.
All vehicle data from digital tachographs and driver data from driver cards must be archived in accordance with legislation. At least one company card must be available per company and every driver who drives a vehicle equipped with a digital tachograph must have his own driver card. Card validity and archiving time limit regula­tions are country-specific and must be adhered to accordingly.
In accordance with Regulation (EC ) No. 561/2006, Regulation (EEC) No. 3821/85,
Regulation (EC) No. 1360/2002 the following specific provisions apply:
The vehicle registration numbers
• of all newly licensed vehicles must be entered in the digital tacho- graphs by an authorised workshop within 14 days after vehicle registra­tion.
Driver card data must be down-
loaded and electronically archived every 28 days* at the latest.
The vehicle data from digital
tachographs must be downloaded and electronically archived every 3 months* at the latest.
The company transport officer must
check the downloaded data and ensure that driving times and rest periods are adhered to. If infringe­ments occur, he must inform the driver and warn him accordingly.
In order to ensure a high level of
• data security, the data archive must be regularly backed up to a sepa- rate data disk.
All vehicle and driver data must be
• stored for a period of 1 year* and, if necessary, made available to the authorities for inspection.
There are various systems on the market today which can accomplish all these tasks. The systems differ greatly as regards user friendliness, flexibility, reliability and additional functions – even if they do fulfil all the legal requirements.
You can of course equip older vehicles with digital tachographs as well – this is extremely useful if you wish to carry out really intensive comparative evaluations of vehicle and driver data in order to optimise your operations. Your VDO service partner will be pleased to provide assistance should you require it.
*Legislation may be country-specif ic and mu st be adhe red to according ly.
What changes have occurred due to the introduction of digital tachographs?
The data that used to be recorded on tachograph charts is now electronically stored in the mass memory of the digital tachograph and on the driver card.
The following table shows you the tasks and new responsibilities which are required since the introduction of digital tachographs.
Analogue tachograph
Company preparations
A sufficient number of the relevant tachograph charts must be on hand in each vehicle.
A secure filing location on company premises must be made available for the tachograph charts.
Archiving data
The tachograph charts must be stored for at least two years*.
Your vehicle dealer will gladly provide you with more information about authorised workshops in your vicinity, or you can visit www.vdo.com/dtco.
Digital tachograph
The digital tachograph is activated before the vehicle is commissioned. An authorised workshop must then calibrate the digital tachograph for the vehicle within 14 days and enter the vehicle registra­tion number.
Every company must have at least one company card.
Every driver must have his driver card on hand.
Printing paper must be inserted in the digital tacho­graph. We recommend that you keep sufficient replacement rolls of printing paper in the vehicle.
Driver card data must be downloaded and elec­tronically archived ever y 28 days* at the latest.
Digital tachograph data must be downloaded and electronically archived every 3 months* at the latest.
Archived data must be stored for at least 1 year*. Backup copies of data must also be made – and, if necessary, proof must be provided that backup copies exist.
In accordance with the pertinent regulation for driving crews, the data must be deleted upon expir y of the data storage time limit.
*Legislation may be country-specif ic and mu st be adhe red to according ly.
System solutions
How does the digital tachograph
Downloading data
(download solutions)
system function?
The DTCO® 1381
VDO has been a market leader in the tachograph business for many years – and the company was one of the first to start developing digital tachographs. This R&D resulted in the introduction of the market’s first digital tachograph in May of 2006. VDO’s DTCO® 1381 is a technologically superb and mature device – one which sets the standards for cutting edge perform­ance, user friendliness and data security.
Short profile – DTCO® 1381
Mass memory for approx. 365 days
• 23 EU languages possible
• Automatic driver warning after 4 hours and 15 min-
• utes of driving time (Regulation (EC) No. 561/2006) Display available in 7 colours
• Printouts of all vehicle and driver data, plus graphical
• rpm and speed profiles Data transfer via Downloadkey (DLK) or wireless
• (DLD®) Simple paper replacement – no tiresome feeding in
• Various data and functions available, depending on
• the card inserted Various interfaces for on-board electronics, instru-
• ment cluster, on-board computer and telematic systems; two status inputs
Visualising and archiving data
(archiving solutions)
Evaluating and managing data
(data management solutions)
The tachograph cards
Four different chip cards specify who can access specific DTCO
Driver cards save driver activities, events, faults and vehicle changes.
The company card authorises vehicle data to be downloaded from the mass memory.
The control card enables authorities to access data for legal purposes.
The workshop card switches on the calibration func­tion of the DTCO® – and it can also be used as a driver card for testing and inspection purposes.
digital data.
The validity of a card may differ according to the region in which it is being used and any relevant regulation must be adhered to.
DTCO® 1381
Electr onic tac homete r
KITAS 2171
Card Rea der
Drive r card Compa ny card Contro l card Workshop card
Downlo ad-
termin al
Tachograp h cards
Outdoor solution Wireless solutionsIndoor solutions Mobile solutions
Outdoo r Terminal
Shor t Range
DTCO® 1381 Printer paper
DLD® Wide Ra nge with Wireless Link
Mobil e
Card Rea der
Downlo adkey II
TIS-C ompact I I
TIS-O ffice
Star ter Kit
TIS-Web Star ter Kit
The printer paper
Printer paper is required for checks en route and for daily reports for the driver. According to the law, the paper must be inserted in the tachograph at all times. We recommend that you carry sufficient replacement rolls in the vehicle to create control printouts of the previous 28 days.
The Original VDO Printer Paper has been especially conceived for use in vehicles – its special coating guarantees excellent legibility and consistency, even with intensive fluctuations in temperature. It is available in authorised service workshops Europe-wide and can also be used in the digital tachographs of other manufacturers.
Downloading data
VDO offers a multitude of special download and storage media, all optimised for various company structures and working procedures (more on this from Page 6).
Visualising, archiving and evaluating data
VDO offers flexible solutions for visualising, archiving and evaluating data – from legally prescribed archiving to comprehensive data and fleet management (more on this from Page 11).
Original VDO Printer Paper
Download solutions
How does my data get to the office?
To comply with the legally prescribed archiving regulations, you must regularly download the data from the mass memory of the digital tachograph and driver card (more on this on Page 2).
Many different download solutions by VDO are available for data downloading, all customised for various applica- tions. They are also extremely user-friendly and possess the ultimate in data security systems.
Wireless solutions
DLD® Shor t Range
WLAN a ntenna
TIS-Web® / TIS-Of fice
DTCO® 1381
Wirel ess Lin k
DLD® Wide Ra nge
GPRS prov ider
VDO ser ver
Remote Download Device ( DLD®)
DLD® is the comfortable solution for transferring mass memory and driver card data by wireless. The down­load process is controlled from the office computer, which means that the company card can stay in the office. Driver and vehicle data can then be download ed in compliance with the legal deadlines for down­loading and transferred directly to the TIS archive. At no time does a company card have to be inserted in the digital tachograph.
The DLD® is available in two different versions:
DLD® Short Range – via WLAN on the fleet site
If the vehicle is in a defined area of the fleet site, e. g. the company petrol station, the DLD® Short Range can be used to transmit data via a local wireless net­work (WLAN). No fee is payable for data transfer, because data transfer takes place on the existing company network.
DLD® Wide Range – Europe-wide via GPRS
When you use the DLD® Wide Range, data is trans­ferred to a VDO download server via a mobile wireless network (GPRS). You can access the VDO server via a protected Internet access. Mass memory and driver card downloading can thus take place anywhere and at anytime.
DLD® Short Range
DLD® Wide Range
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