This manual provided only the basis operator’s information on the control and operation
of the Fire Alarm System. To ensure continuous reliability of the system, the owner or
owner’s representative should establish an agreement to carry out regular maintenance
of the installation with the manufacturer or manufacturer’s representative or a
competent and qualified contractor trained to service and maintain this system.
The arrangements for maintenance should be such as well ensure that a qualified
person is available on call at all time to provide service in the event of any fault that
develops at the installation. For the requirements of the Regular Testing and
Inspection, please refer to the section covered in this manual.
1.2 System Description
This Fire Alarm System utilises theV5 Fire Alarm Panel. The system may
comprise one or more alarm panel networked together witch performs the task of
processing the input signals and thereafter transmit the output signals or initiates other
auxiliary functions. The alarm panel (s) are usually sited in the building fire command
centre or any prominent location clearly visible from the main entrance.
Input devices are used to cause a change in panel status. These devices may be the
combination of Manual Call Points (as in manual and automatic alarm system),
Heat/Smoke Detectors (as in automatic alarm systems).
Output devices are used to provide an audio & visual warning. Output devices
commonly used are alarm bells although sirens and strobe lights are sometimes used.
These three components: Input Devices, Control Panel and Output Devices form the
backbone of a Fire Alarm System.
Non-addressable Fire Alarm Systems operates on a “Zone” basis. These zones are
groups of input devices grouped in accordance to the locality they are protecting. In the
event of a Fire/Fault condition, the location where the signal had originated will be
defined by the respective indication on the panel. It is therefore important to be familiar
with the zoning of the protected area. A zoning diagram (or zone chart) is usually
provided for this purpose.
The Alarm Panel is provided with a feature that continuously monitoring the continuity of
the input/detection, output/sounder circuits to ensure integrity of the system. It is also
equipped with a battery back-up supply (lasting at least 24 hours) in the event of an
incoming supply failure.
a) Fire (Red) : Zone in fire condition
b) Fault (Amber) : Zone detection circuit open/short fault condition
c) Disable (Amber) : Zone in disabled condition
d) Disable Switch (Blue) : To disable zone fire & fault detection circuit
(Note: Zone disable function only prior to an alarm activation.)
1.2.2 System Control Module
Model No.
Alarm CounterAlarm Counter
System Control Module - SCM
a) Power On (Green) : System energised by Mains and/or Standby Battery
b) Fire (Red) : General Fire Indicator, system in fire condition
c) Fault (Amber) : General Fault Indicator, system in fault condition
d) Disabled (Amber) : General Disabled Indicator, system in disabled
e) System Fault (Amber) : Indicate Programmable Micro Controller failure
f) Fire Sent (Red) : Fire Signal to Alarm Remote Monitoring Station
activated (Optional)
g) Fire Line Trouble (Amber) : Fire Signal Line open/short (Optional)
(Note: It shall not be suppressed during the Fire Alarm condition)
h) Fault line Trouble (Amber) : Fault Signal Line open/short (Optional)
i) Sounder Fault (Amber) : Alarm sounder line open/short
(Note : It shall not be suppressed during Fire Alarm condition)
j) Earth Fault (Amber) : Field input/output wires shorted to ground
k) Auxiliary Fault (Amber) : Auxiliary supply / auxiliary supervised line open/short
l) Mains Failure (Amber) : 230V AC Mains supply failure
m) Charger fault (Amber) : Charger Fuse blown / charger voltage (low / high)
n) Battery Fault (Amber) : Battery supply disconnected / battery fuse blown /
battery voltage (low / high)
o) Alarm Counter (3x7Seg.) : Indicate that number of alarm (false) been activated
(for FALSE Alarm Management)
p) AVF Off (Amber) : Indicate that AVF function been set off
q) Retard State (Amber) : Indicate that system in Retard State
r) Confirmation State (Amber) : Indicate that system in Confirmation State
Control Switches
a) Buzzer Silence (Black) (1) : To silence fault buzzer (Audio & Visual)
b) Sounder Silence (Amber) (2) : To silence alarm sounder (Audio & Visual)
c) System Reset (Brown) (3) : To normalise the system
(Note: Silence alarm sounder before RESET)
d) Indicators Test (White) (4) : To test the working condition of all LED
indicators and buzzer
e) Auxiliary Disable (Blue) (5) : To disable auxiliary output control function
(Audio & Visual)
f) Sound Alarm (Red) (6) : To raise alarm sounder manually for
a) Power On (Green) : System energised by Mains and/or Standby Battery
b) Processor Fault (Amber): Indicates that Micro Processor Unit failure in processing
c) LCD Display : To display the Panel Status and the Alarm / Fire event c/w
date and time (20 Characters x 4 Lines)
Control Switches
a) Escape (Yellow) : To exit from current function / screen
b) Menu (1) (Green) : To access other level of function or password key as “1”
c) Up (2) (White) : To move cursor up / page up or password key as “2”
d) Down (3) (Blue) : To move cursor down / page down or password key as “3”
e) Enter (Red) : To select / accept the function / setting
2.1 Normal Operating Conditions
Under normal operating conditions
a) The “POWER ON” LED (Green) lighted
b) No other indicator shall be lighted
c) The panel and all alarms should be completely silent
d) LCD display shown as
The panel / system shall enter into an alarm condition when an input device (such as
smoke/heat detector, call point; or pressure/flow switch) is activated.
Under Fire Alarm conditions:
a) Twin “FIRE” LEDs (Red) of the alarm zone lighted
b) General, “FIRE “ LED (Red) lighted
c) A “Fire sent” LED (Red) lighted (If Alarm Monitoring Station is connected)
d) Panel Alarm Buzzer sound
e) External alarm bells/sounders activated
f) Signal sent to alarm monitoring station (If Alarm Monitoring Station is connected)
g) Auxiliary functions activated (eg: Lift homing, AHU shutdowns)
h) LCD display shown as (Individual Fire event – latched and recorded)
(01: 1st event of 001EC, M00Z002: “Main” panel address “000” Zone “002” Fire, at 14:49: 2:49PM)
i) For multiple fire events, it shall be displayed by manual action (Up / Down key)
2.2.1 Silencing the Alarm Bells / Sounders
It is a requirement under the Singapore standard Code of Practice CP 10: 2005 that the
first alarm can only be silenced after 3 minutes of continuous operation and any
subsequent alarms may be silenced immediately. Any attempts to silence the first alarm
during the initial 3 minutes of operation will have no effect on the system.
The Sounder Silence LED will flash when the 3 minutes is lapsed; to indicate alarm
silencing is permit-able. To silence the alarm upon expiry of the initial 3 minutes and any
subsequent alarm, carry out the following procedure:
a) Press “SOUNDER SILENCE” Switch (Amber) (2)
b) Sounder Silence LED becomes steady
c) External alarm bells/sounders silence
d) To silence Alarm Buzzer, press “BUZZER SILENCE” Switch (Black) (1)
e) Panel remains in fire state until reset