Vanguard Accu-Ohm 200 S2 User Manual

Accu-Ohm 200
The Accu-Ohm 200 S2 is especially designed to accurately measure low resistances from 1 micro-ohm to 300 milli-ohms. Using a microproces­sor, the Accu-Ohm 200 S2 can accurately calculate and display a resist­ance reading at any current from 10A to 200A. The Accu-Ohm 200 S2 is designed for testing EHV circuit-breaker contact resistance, bushing con­tact joints, or for any low-resistance measuring application.
The Accu-Ohm 200 S2 applies an un-filtered direct current from 10A to 200A to the resistance load being tested. Any test current setting can be selected by using the current control dial on the front panel. The resist­ance reading is displayed directly in micro-ohms or milli-ohms. No cal­culations are required to compensate for lead resistances when using the Accu-Ohm 200 S2.
The Accu-Ohm 200 S2 features a back-lit LCD screen (1-inch high, 16 characters by 2 lines) that is viewable in both bright sunlight and low­light levels. The resistance reading is displayed on the screen until the next test is initiated. The last three resistance measurements are stored internally and can be displayed on the LCD screen. An RS-232C interface port is also provided for diagnostic testing.
• Reliable, inexpensive, and easy to use
• 10 to 200 Amperes DC test current
• Digital resistance readings from 1 micro-ohm to 300 milli-ohms
• Stores and can display last 3 readings
Ordering Information
Accu-Ohm 200 Series 2
Accu-Ohm 200 S2 with 30-ft Test Cables Part No: Accu-Ohm 200 S2 Accu-Ohm 200 S2 Shipping Case Part No: Accu-Ohm 200 Case 15-foot Test Cable Part No: Accu-Ohm 200 Cable-15ft 30-foot Test Cable Part No: Accu-Ohm 200 Cable-30ft C-Clamp Set (2 clamps) Part No: C-Clamps Alligator Clamp Set (2 clamps) Part No: Alligator-Clamps Hand Spike Set (2 probes) Part No: Handspike
The Accu-Ohm 200 S2 is furnished with two 30-foot test cables. Fifteen­foot test cables are also available as an option. Both cables are terminat­ed with quick disconnect clips. Heavy-duty, welding-type, C-clamps are available as an optional accessory. These can be used to connect the test cable leads to a wide variety of bushing sizes, bus-bars and other con­ductors requiring low-resistance test contacts.
The Accu-Ohm 200 S2’s power supply is thermally protected, and the con
tact-sensing inputs are protected against static-discharge damage.
Special-Purpose Micro-ohmmeter
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