PMB100 Barometer Module
for OEM Applications
P.O. Box 26, FIN-00421 Helsinki, FINLAND
Tel: +358 9 894 91
Fax: +358 9 8949 2485
Email: industrialsales@vaisala.com
• 800…1100 hPa pressure range
• -5…+45 °C (+23…+113 °F) operating
temperature range
• Pressure dependent voltage output:
0…2.5 VDC
• Accuracy:
- ±0.5 hPa total accuracy over the
entire operating range
- ±0.3 hPa at room temperature
• Compact size: 2.5 cm x 5 cm
silicon absolute pressure
• Pressure connector for 1/16 in. tube
The Vaisala BAROCAP® Barometer Module PMB100 offers reliable barometric pressure
measurement in a compact size.
The Vaisala BAROCAP® Barometer
Module PMB100 is a compact
barometric pressure transducer. The
module can be used in a variety of
applications, such as simple weather
stations, laser interferometers and
barometric data buoys.
A compact OEM module
The PMB100 module for OEM
applications is a circuit board
mountable barometric pressure
transducer that is designed to interface
with an AD converter and a
microprocessor. All compensations are
performed by the software of the host
system. The PMB100 module can be
incorporated into the customer’s
Individual pressure calculation
coefficients are delivered with each
PMB100 module and stored in an
EEPROM that uses the I2C interface.
All the user needs to do is to measure
the temperature of the module and the
two voltage outputs and calculate the
compensated pressure reading with the
help of coefficients. A final offset
correction against a high-class
pressure standard is recommended.
Vaisala BAROCAP® Sensor
The PMB100 module uses the Vaisala
BAROCAP® Sensor, a silicon capacitive
absolute pressure sensor developed by
Vaisala for professional meteorological
measurements. This sensor has
excellent hysteresis and repeatability
characteristics and outstanding
temperature and long-term stability.
The PMB100 modules can be incorporated
into data buoys to report barometric
pressure at sea.
114 Vaisala Instruments Catalog 2005
Ref. B210435en rev. A

Technical Data
Operating range (1hPa=1mbar)
Pressure range 800...1100 hPa
Temperature range -5...+45 °C (+23…+113 °F)
Humidity range <80% RH
After OFFSET correction performed by the customer
+20 °C (+68 °F) 1000 hPa:
Linearity ±0.25 hPa
Hysteresis ±0.05 hPa
Repeatability ±0.05 hPa
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.3 hPa
Temperature hysteresis ±0.3 hPa
Total accuracy -5...+45 °C (+23…+113 °F) ±0.5 hPa
Without the OFFSET correction performed by the customer:
Total accuracy -5...+45 °C (+23 …+113 °F) ±1.00 hPa
Long term stability ±0.20 hPa (typical)
Effect of thermal or mechanical shocks <0.20 hPa
An error of 1° C in temperature measurement causes an error of 0.14
hPa in pressure.
Dimensions in mm (inches)
Supply voltage 9…16 VDC
Shut down control with TTL level trigger
<0.7 V ON
>2.0 V OFF
Supply voltage sensitivity less than 0.1 hPa
Current consumption
operation mode 2 mA (typical)
shutdown mode 150µA (typical)
Output voltage
output 0…2.5 V
reference 2.5 V
Resolution 0.1 hPa
Load resistance 10 kohm minimum
Load capacitance 100 nF maximum
Settling time at power-up 200 ms
Response time 100 ms
Warm-up shift less than 0.05 hPa
Pressure hose 1/16”, vinyl hose, 300 mm
Maximum pressure limit 2000 hPa
Electrical connectors two 6-pin headers,
2.54 mm grid
Weight 70 g
BAROCAP® is a registered trademark of Vaisala.
Specifications subject to change without prior notice.
©Vaisala Oyj
Ref. B210435en rev. A
115Vaisala Instruments Catalog 2005