Vaisala Optimus OPT100 Installation Manual

Vaisala Optimus™ DGA Monitor f
or Transformers
24 May 2017
Vaisala Oyj Street address: Vanha Nurmijärventie 21, FI-01670 Vantaa, Finland Mailing address: P.O. Box 26, FI-00421 Helsinki, Finland Phone: +358 9 8949 1 Fax: +358 9 8949 2227
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Table of Contents

1. About This Document........................................................................................ 5
1.1 Version Information............................................................................................... 5
2. Planning The Installation...................................................................................7
2.1 Installation Safety...................................................................................................7
2.2 Installation Phases................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Required Personnel................................................................................................8
2.4 Required Materials................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Recommended Tools........................................................................................... 10
2.6 Storing and Transporting the DGA Monitor....................................................... 11
2.7 Preparations for Reinstalling a DGA Monitor..................................................... 11
2.8 Installation Site Requirements............................................................................. 11
2.8.1 Installation Location of DGA monitor...........................................................11
2.8.2 Recommended Locations of Oil Connections............................................ 13
3. Mechanical Installation.....................................................................................15
3.1 Unpacking DGA Monitor......................................................................................15
3.2 Mounting with Ground Mounting Set.................................................................15
3.2.1 OPT100 Parts with Ground Mounting Set................................................... 17
3.2.2 OPT100 Dimensions with Ground Mounting Set........................................19
3.3 Mounting with Wall Mounting Set.....................................................................20
3.3.1 OPT100 Parts with Wall Mounting Set........................................................22
3.4 Installing the Oil Lines.........................................................................................23
3.5 Attaching the Power Supply Unit...................................................................... 24
3.6 Attaching the Radiation Shield.......................................................................... 25
Table of Contents
4. Electrical Installation........................................................................................27
4.1 Cable Glands and Connectors............................................................................ 27
4.2 Grounding the DGA Monitor.............................................................................. 28
4.3 Connecting DC Power to DGA Monitor.............................................................29
4.4 Connecting Relay Control to Power Supply Unit..............................................31
4.5 Connecting RS-485............................................................................................. 33
4.6 Connecting Ethernet........................................................................................... 35
4.7 Connecting Relays...............................................................................................36
4.8 Connecting AC (Mains) Power........................................................................... 38
4.9 Verifying Tightness of Cable Glands.................................................................40
5. Commissioning...................................................................................................43
5.1 Turning On the DGA Monitor............................................................................. 43
5.2 Connecting to the User Interface...................................................................... 43
5.3 Initializing the DGA Monitor...............................................................................44
5.4 Starting Measurement Mode..............................................................................45
5.5 Finalizing the Installation....................................................................................45
6. Installation
6.1 Installation Checklist........................................................................................... 47
6.2 Safety Checklist................................................................................................... 48
Technical Support
Warranty......................................................................................................................... 51
OPT100 Installation Guide M211857EN-A

List of Figures

Figure 1 Possible Locations of Oil Connections..........................................................13
Figure 2 Assembly of the Mounting Stand...................................................................16
Figure 3 OPT100 Front Parts with Ground Mounting Set........................................ 17
Figure 4 OPT100 Rear Parts with Ground Mounting Set..........................................18
Figure 5 OPT100 Dimensions with Ground Mounting Set....................................... 19
Figure 6 OPT100 Front Parts with Wall Mounting Set..............................................22
Figure 7 OPT100 Rear Parts with Wall Mounting Set...............................................22
Figure 8 OPT100 DGA Monitor Cable Glands and Connectors..............................27
Figure 9 OPTPSU1 Power Supply Unit Cable Glands and Connectors.................28
Figure 10 Terminal Block Y3 Wiring................................................................................ 29
Figure 11 Terminal Block X5 Wiring................................................................................ 30
Figure 12 Terminal Block Y2 Wiring................................................................................ 32
Figure 13 Terminal Block X4 Wiring................................................................................ 33
Figure 14 Terminal Block Y1 Wiring Example................................................................35
Figure 15 Terminal Block X3 Wiring for Normally Open (NO) Relay
Figure 16 Terminal Block X1 Wiring.................................................................................40

List of Tables

Table 1 Document Versions.................................................................................................5
Table 2 Terminal Block Y3 Wiring....................................................................................29
Table 3 Terminal Block X5 Wiring....................................................................................30
Table 4 Terminal Block Y2 Wiring.................................................................................... 32
Table 5 Terminal Block X4 Wiring....................................................................................33
Table 6 Terminal Block Y1 Wiring..................................................................................... 35
Table 7 Terminal Block X3 Wiring.................................................................................... 37
Table 8 Terminal Block X1 Wiring....................................................................................40
List of Tables
OPT100 Installation Guide M211857EN-A

1. About This Document

1.1 Version Information

Table 1 Document Versions
Document Code Date Description
M211857EN-A - First version.
Chapter 1 – About This Document
OPT100 Installation Guide M211857EN-A
Chapter 2 – Planning The Installation

2. Planning The Installation

2.1 Installation Safety

you encounter the following marking during installation, consult product documentation to have to be taken to avoid them:
adhere to local and state legislation and regulations.
regulations at all times.
Read the installation instructions carefully before installing the product. If
find out the nature of the potential hazards and any actions which
Only licensed experts may install electrical components. They must
Make sure that you prepare only de-energized wires.WARNING!
Keep away from live circuits. Operating personnel must observe safety
Verify the grounding before and after performing maintenance on the unit.
documentation. perform according to specification, or decreased equipment lifetime.
Ground the DGA monitor chassis as instructed in the wiring instructions.
Do not modify the DGA monitor or use it in ways not described in the
Modifications may lead to safety hazards, equipment damage, failure to
OPT100 Installation Guide M211857EN-A
heat up during normal operation. Avoid touching the hot surfaces and wear protective gloves when working inside the enclosure. Whenever possible, allow the device to cool down before starting the work.
Follow the safety regulations of the installation site.
The safety of any system incorporating this equipment is the responsibility of the assembler.
Surfaces inside the DGA monitor that are marked with the symbol below
Wear protective eyewear and gloves.

2.2 Installation Phases

Perform the installation of the DGA monitor in the following phases:
• Planning
• Mechanical installation
• Electrical installation
• Commisioning
• Installation
These phases correspond to chapters of the Installation Guide. As part of the final installation verification phase, use the provided installation checklists to make sure you have done all of the required installation steps.
Installation of the DGA monitor requires two persons. While most of the installation and commissioning tasks can be done by a single person, safe carrying and lifting of the DGA monitor requires two persons.
Installers must have the necessary training to legally perform all required tasks. For example, connecting the DGA monitor to mains power must be done by a licensed electrician.

 Required Personnel

Applicable legislation and site safety guidelines may require additional personnel to be present in the installation.

2.4 Required Materials

In addition to the items delivered by Vaisala, installation of the DGA monitor requires various materials that you must supply yourself.
Items Delivered by Vaisala
• DGA Monitor (Vaisala item OPT100)
• DGA Monitor enclosure
• Swagelokâ fitting SS-10M0-61-6M (2 pcs)
• Protection shell for Ethernet connector
• Relay control cable (marked RELAY, Vaisala cable CBL210539)
• Enclosure key
• Power Supply Unit (Vaisala item OPT100PSU)
Chapter 2 – Planning The Installation
• Power Supply Unit enclosure
• DC power cable (Vaisala cable CBL210544)
• Enclosure key
Optional items (must have either Wall Mounting Set or Ground Mounting Set):
• Wall Mounting Set (Vaisala item OPTMSET1)
• Installation beam (2 pcs)
• Cradle for Power Supply Unit
• Screws and washers
• Ground Mounting Set (Vaisala item OPTMSET2)
• Mounting stand (delivered in three parts)
• Wedge anchors (6 pcs) for securing the mounting stand to ground
• Screws, washers, and nuts
• Radiation Shield (Vaisala item OPTSHLD1)
• Radiation shield (delivered in three parts)
• Screws and washers
DGA Monitor Installation and Commissioning
• Grounding cable with max 16 mm2 conductor. Enough to reach from the DGA monitor and the power supply unit to the grounding point(s).
• AC power cable with 2.5 mm2 (AWG10) wires and 9 ... 16 mm external diameter. Must be compliant with local regulations for mains power cables.
• Relay cable
• RS-485 cable
OPT100 Installation Guide M211857EN-A
• Shielded outdoor Ethernet cable with a RJ-45 connector for the permanent Ethernet connection
• Laptop computer with:
• RJ-45 Ethernet connector
• Web browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox)
• Ethernet cable with RJ-45 connectors for temporary use
Oil Pipe Construction
The amount of required oil pipe construction materials depends on the intended pipe length. Two pipes are needed, one for intake and one for returning the oil. Using the recommended pipe material, the maximum allowed length of a single pipe is 10 m (33 ft). If you are using a smaller pipe (minimum inner diameter 4 mm (0.157 in)), the maximum length is 5 m (16 ft).
• Recommended oil pipe material: stainless steel pipe with 10 mm (0.393 in) outer diameter, at least 6 mm (0.24 in) inner diameter. Enough to connect the inlet and outlet valves to the DGA monitor.
• Adapters for connecting the oil pipes to the valves on the transformer
• Adapters for connecting the oil pipes to the DGA monitor (if not using recommended oil pipe size). For 3/8 inch pipe, use Swagelokâ adapter SS-600-R-10M.
• Pipe
• Pipe supports
• Oil pipe insulation (if necessary)
• Oil absorption material for controlling possible leaks
• Rags for wiping
fittings for joining pipe sections
o oil
• Personal safety equipment as required by installation site and applicable legislation
Hand Tools
Tools for Oil Pipe Construction

 Recommended Tools

• Screwdrivers with slotted and Phillips heads
• Wrenches of various sizes
• Socket wrench and socket set
• Hex keys
• Cutting tools
• Cable stripping tool
• Metal
• Measuring tape
• Impact drill and bits
• Bubble level
• Multimeter
• Pipe bending tool
Chapter 2 – Planning The Installation
• Pipe cutting tool
• Pipe deburring tool
• Pressurized air, either a bottle or a compressor
• Degreasing cleaning spray
• Container for waste oil (at least 5 liter capacity)

2.6 Storing and Transporting the DGA Monitor

Keep the DGA monitor and any installation accessories in their original packaging during storage and transport. Keep the items dry and in conditions allowed by the storage specification. Honor any handling instructions marked on the outside of the packaging.
After installation, store the packaging in a dry place. You can reuse it if the DGA monitor is stored and/or transported again.
2.7 Preparations for Reinstalling a DGA
If you want to relocate an already installed DGA monitor, you must prepare it for transport and reinstallation by following the uninstallation procedure. See OPT100 User Guide for details.
DGA monitor can be installed and successfully operated in a wide variety of environments. Operation in cold environments may require trace heating elements and thermal insulation to be placed over the exposed sections of the oil pipes. If you have any questions, contact Vaisala for more information.

2.8.1 Installation Location of DGA monitor

 Installation Site Requirements

Performing a site inspection in person is a good idea. Take photographs of the intended installation location, oil connections, and electrical connections. Measure the amount of cable and oil pipe needed.
The DGA monitor can be attached to the transformer chassis or to its immediate vicinity. The location must
• The location must be close to the oil connections to minimize the length of the oil lines. The maximum length of the lines is 10 m (33 ft) each.
• The location must be safely accessible from the floor without the need to climb or reach.
fulfill the following requirements:
OPT100 Installation Guide M211857EN-A
• There must be enough room and suitable supporting structures to install the DGA monitor in a vertical orientation. The DGA monitor must not be tilted more than 5 degrees.
• If the Ground Mounting Set will be used to install the DGA monitor, there must be a level concrete surface that is at least 100 mm thick.
If you have many suitable locations, prefer the following:
• Locations that are protected from rain and solar radiation.
• Locations where the vibration and heat from the transformer are not directly conducted to the DGA monitor.
Chapter 2 – Planning The Installation

2.8.2 Recommended Locations of Oil Connections

You must build two oil lines between the DGA monitor and the transformer: one for intake of fresh oil, and an outlet line for returning the measured oil. Make sure you have appropriate adapters for connecting the oil lines to the valves. The maximum allowed length of an oil line is 10 m (33 ft). The location of oil connections on the transformer impacts the performance of the DGA monitor.
Figure 1 Possible Locations of Oil Connections
1 Oil reservoir. Not recommended. 2 Side of the oil tank, top level. Good for returning the measured oil. 3 Side of the oil tank, high enough from the bottom to enable proper oil movement. Good
for oil intake. Moisture response time is moderate depending on the oil volume.
4 Straight section in the radiator’s outlet pipe. Good location if the pipe has guaranteed
oil flow. Oil flow guarantees that the sampled oil is representative, and the cooling flow carries the outlet oil from the monitor away from the inlet. Compared to the radiator inlet pipe, oil in the outlet pipe is cooler, preventing unnecessary heating of the DGA monitor.
5 Drain valve of the oil tank. Not recommended.
Measurement response time is poor due to static oil flow. There is also risk of separated water (leading to wrong results) and oil sludge (risk of sensor contamination and clogged filter).
OPT100 Installation Guide M211857EN-A
DGA monitor needs to pump oil in both directions during initialization and maintenance. To make sure this is possible, check that:
• Intake and outlet valves are both below oil level in the transformer. There should be no risk of drawing gas into the pipes even when the flow is reversed.
• There are no flow direction control valves on the oil lines.
Chapter 3 – Mechanical Installation

3. Mechanical Installation

3.1 Unpacking DGA Monitor

• Wire cutters
Two persons are required to lift the DGA monitor out of the packaging.
1. Cut the packing straps and remove the cover.
2. Remove the top padding from the box.
3. Lift the DGA monitor out of the box and place it on a stable surface with the door pointing up.
on the bottom of the enclosure. When unpacking and moving the DGA monitor, avoid putting the bottom of the DGA monitor on the ground. Putting the weight of the unit on the cable glands and oil connections may damage them.
The cable glands and oil connections of the DGA monitor are located

3.2 Mounting with Ground Mounting Set

• Ground Mounting Set (Vaisala item OPTMSET2)
• Mounting stand (delivered in three parts)
• Wedge anchors (6 pcs) for securing the mounting stand to ground
• Screws, washers, and nuts
• 6 mm hex key
• 13 mm wrench
• Impact drill and bits
Use the Ground Mounting Set when a free standing installation of the DGA monitor is needed. The mounting surface must allow the use of wedge anchors to secure the mounting stand. A concrete surface that is at least 100 mm thick is recommended.
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