Vaisala Tiltable Masts DKP206W and DKP210W
Easily tilted down by one
person for equipment
installation and maintenance
Insulated guy wire and
lightning rod provide maximum
lightning safety
Can withstand winds of up to
50 m/s; up to 75 m/s with two
sets of guy wires
Suitable for wide range
of meteorological and
climatological automatic
weather station applications
Foundation set includes all the
necessary parts for quick and
easy installation
The Vaisala Tiltable Masts DKP206W
(6 m high) and DKP210W (10 m high)
are suitable for a wide range of
surface weather and climatological
applications. The mast tubes are
made of anodized aluminum. The
remaining parts of the main assembly
are made of stainless steel to resist
weathering. The mast is painted white.
One maintenance person can
effortlessly tilt the mast with the
optional, easily detached winch to
maintain the sensors and other
equipment installed on the upper
mast assembly. This signicantly
reduces the costs associated with
maintaining the automatic
weather station.
The basic mast delivery includes
the lightning rod with the grounding
cable, one set of guy wires, the lifting
rod and the foundation set. All the
components are packed in durable
cardboard boxes that are suitable
for airfreight.
The lightning rod protects the sensors
and other equipment by means of nonconductive holders and grounding
via one of the three guy wires which
is totally isolated from the mast. The
equipment is always grounded to a
separate grounding point.
With one standard set of guy wires,
the mast can easily withstand winds of
up to 50 m/s when the weather station
enclosure, solar panel and sensors are
installed on it. The optional second
guy wire set enables the DKP210W to
withstand winds of up to 75 m/s.
The foundation set includes all the
parts needed for constructing a steady
and correctly oriented base for the
mast. The only additional item needed
at the installation site is concrete or an
existing concrete block.

Technical data
Main mast assembly
DKP206W 6 m
DKP210W 10 m
Maximum wind speed (DKP210W)
With one set of guy wires 50 m/s
With two sets of guy wires 75 m/s
Lowest section (0 ... 1.9 m) 100 mm
Second section (1.9 ... 4.9 m) 75 mm
Third section 63 mm
Highest section 50/60 mm
Top of the mast 60 mm
Tube material Aluminum alloy
Base and hinge Stainless steel
Other parts, e.g. bolts Stainless steel
Guy wires
Material Stainless steel
Breaking strength 28 kN
Marking Black and yellow cable shrouds to a
height of 2 meters above the ground
Foundation set
Material Galvanized steel
Thread of foundation bolts M20
Length of foundation bolts 300 mm
Wedge bolts Cast or drilled into concrete
using the template provided
Aluminum parts Anodized and painted
Steel parts Galvanized
Stainless steel parts
Base and hinge Painted
Other parts Uncoated
Material Cardboard
(packaged with DKF200, DKL200, DKW200)
105 kg
125 kg
Maximum length < 3.1 m,
suitable for airfreight
Order information
DKP210W 10 m mast with guy wire set
and basic accessories
DKP206W 6 m mast with guy wire set
and basic accessories
Basic accessories
Foundation set
Passive lightning rod
Lifting rod
Tilting support
Additional guy wire set
for DKP210W
Mast concrete base
Soil bearing capacity must exceed 45 kPa
For more information, visit
www.vaisala.com or contact
us at sales@vaisala.com
Ref. B210369EN-B ©Vaisala 2010
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.