Vaisala CP8000, CP7000 User Manual

CP Series™
CP7000™, CP8000™
April 2004
PUBLISHED BY Vaisala Oyj Tel. +358 9 8949 1
P.O. Box 26 Fax +358 9 8949 2227 FIN-00421 Helsinki Finland
Visit our Internet pages at FOR TECHNICAL INFORMATION Vaisala Inc. Tel. +011 520 806 7300
Tucson Operations Fax: +011 520 741 2848 2705 E. Medina Rd. Toll free (US) 1 888 424 9899 Tucson, AZ 85706-7155 USA
© Vaisala 2004 No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical (including photocopying), nor may its contents be communicated to a third party without prior written permission of the copyright holder.
The contents are subject to change without prior notice.
Please observe that this manual does not create any legally binding obligations for Vaisala towards the customer or end user. All legally binding commitments and agreements are included exclusively in the applicable supply contract or Conditions of Sale.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
GENERAL INFORMATION.................. ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ....................1
About This Manual...................................................................1
Contents of This Manual.......................................................1
Document Conventions..................... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ...2
Safety ........................................................................................3
License Agreement.............. ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ..........................4
Warranty ...................................................................................4
Technical Support...... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... .......................................5
Chapter 2
Manuals for the CP Series.......................................................7
Models in the CP Series ..........................................................7
Thunderstorm Information Systems......................................8
LF Thunderstorm Information System ................................10
LF/VHF TIS.........................................................................11
Functional Overview............... .............................................. .12
CP7000 Functions ..............................................................14
CP8000 Functions ..............................................................15
CP Software Operation..... ... ... .... ... ... .....................................16
Calculation of Lightning Locations......................................16
LF Locations ..................................................................16
VHF Locations ...............................................................17
LF/VHF (Total Lightning) Locations...............................18
LF Cloud Lightning Reporting........................................19
Process Interconnections....................................................19
CP7000 Processes...................................... .... ... ... ... .... .20
CP8000 Processes...................................... .... ... ... ... .... .22
Operating Specifications.......................................................26
Optional Modules...................................................................28
Processing Modules............................................................28
Software Modules...............................................................28
Chapter 3
OPERATING CP.................................. .......................................... ... ... ... .... .29
Core Processes ..................................................................29
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Utility Processes..................................................................30
GUI Processes....................................................................30
Starting and Stopping the CP...............................................30
Logging In ......... ... ... ... ... .......................................... .... ... .....30
Starting Core Processes.....................................................31
Starting Utility Processes....................................................32
Starting GUI Processes.......................................................32
Starting All CP Processes...................................................33
Stopping the CP............ .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... .....................33
Using the ApaControl GUI................ ... ... ...............................34
Using the Processes Panel.................. ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ..34
Using the Sensors Panel.....................................................35
Selecting Label Formats and Sort Sequence ................36
Determining Sensor Status............................................37
Displaying Additional Information about Sensors ..........40
Setting Audible Condition Alarms........................................43
Using the Archive File System Panel..................................45
Using the Overflow File System Panel........................ ... ... ..46
Using the LpaControl GUI .....................................................47
Chapter 4
CONFIGURING CP DATABASES...............................................................51
Overview .................................................................................51
Defining a URL .......................................................................52
Using the ApaConfig GUI ............. .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ..54
Changing a Device or Process Configuration.....................55
Adding a New Device Configuration Table .........................56
Saving Configuration Settings.............................................56
Reversing Changes to a Database.....................................58
Configuring the realtime Database.......................................58
Assigning Transport IDs......................................................59
Configuring an External Network ........................................60
Configuring Sensors............................. ... .... ... .....................61
Configuring Lightning Displays............................. ... .... ... ... ..66
Configuring the pdad Process.............................................69
Configuring the pandad Process .... .....................................69
Configuring the located Process.................................... ... ..71
Chapter 5
MANAGING SENSORS...............................................................................73
Overview .................................................................................73
Attaching to LPATS or SAFIR Sensors................................74
Using the Attach GUI ................. ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ........74
Setting Attach Options ...... ... ... ............................................74
Attaching to an IMPACT Sensor.........................................75
Attaching a VHF-ITF Sensor with AttachIt ..........................78
Attaching to LS LF Modules Using Telnet...........................79
iv ____________________________________________________________________M210557EN-A
Chapter 6
ARCHIVING SENSOR DATA ......................................................................81
Archive Operation..................................................................82
Normal Archive Operation...................................................83
Troubleshooting Archive Operations...................................83
Archiving to Recordable CD ...... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... .84
Normal Operation with a CD Writer ....................................85
Troubleshooting CD-R Archive Operations.........................86
Hold File Is Full..............................................................86
Spool Area Is Full ........................................ .... ... ... ... .... .86
Blank CD Is Required ....................................................87
CD Needs to Be Mounted..............................................87
Image File Failure........................................ .... ... ... ... .... .88
CD Creation Failure.......................................................88
CD Did Not Verify...........................................................88
Archiving to Tape.... .......................................... ... .... ... ... ... .... .89
Normal Operation with a Tape Drive...................................89
Troubleshooting Tape Archive Operations .........................90
Archiving to Removable Magneto-Optical Media................90
Normal Operation with Removable Media ..........................90
Changing Removable Media...............................................91
Changing Media after Switch to Overflow......................92
Changing Media before Switch to Overflow...................92
Recovering when Archive and Overflow are Full...........92
Formatting Media and Creating a UNIX File System..........93
Troubleshooting Removable Media....................................95
Chapter 7
REPROCESSING HISTORICAL DATA......................................................97
Reprocessing Archived Raw Data........................................98
Reprocessing LF Lightning Data.........................................98
Reprocessing VHF Lightning Data......................................98
Chapter 8
MONITORING SENSOR PERFORMANCE.................................................99
Overview ................................................................................ 99
Starting sensorqa Utilities...................................................100
Starting sensorqa for LF Sensors............................... ... ...100
Starting sensorqa for VHF Sensors..................................100
Commands for sensorqa.....................................................101
Statistics Measured by sensorqa.......................................101
Accumulating Sensor Statistics for located... ... .... ... ... ... ...103
Log Files for sensorqa.........................................................103
Resetting Sensor Statistics.................................................104
Configuring sensorqa..........................................................105
User’s Guide______________________________________________________________________
Using the sensorqa Process......................... ... ... ... ... .... ... ...105
Real-Time Viewing of Position and Sensor Data..............105
Displaying Current Stroke Rates.......................................107
Interpreting the sensorqa Report ......................................107
Detection Efficiency .....................................................107
Gain Calibration...........................................................108
Percent Uncorrelated...................................................109
Percent Recycled.........................................................109
Angle Deviations..........................................................109
GPS Time Deviations...................................................110
Signal Deviations.........................................................110
Viewing Real-Time Position and Sensor Data...................111
Correlated Sensor Data ....... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ...112
Uncorrelated or Rejected Sensor Data.............................113
Reprocessing with sensorqa ..............................................114
Reprocessing LF Data ......................................................114
Reprocessing VHF Data ...................................................115
Chapter 9
ANALYZING DETECTION ACCURACY ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ...117
Overview ...............................................................................117
Using intersect ..................... ... ... ... .......................................118
Starting intersect Using the GUI Icon................................118
Using the Mouse...............................................................120
Configuring intersect................................... ... ... ... ... .... ... ...121
Setting the Data Mode ...... .......................................... ... ...123
Saving Data to a File.........................................................123
Loading Data from a File...................................................124
Selecting Sensor Labels ...................................................125
Monitoring a Sensor............. ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ...125
Displaying Timing Information...........................................127
Using Sensor Time Circles ..........................................127
Using Time Deviation Crosses.....................................128
Controls for the Map Area.................................................129
Viewing the Base Map.................................................130
Zooming on the Map....................................................130
Displaying the Previous Map View......................... ... ...132
Displaying the Next Map View .....................................132
Replotting the Map.......................................................132
Configuring the intersect Maps ....................................133
Using the Range Finder...............................................133
Setting up the Map Display .................................................135
Defining a New Base Map.................................................135
Configuring the Base Map................................. ... .............136
Setting Units of Measure ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ......................137
Configuring Map Layers.......... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ...138
Displaying Map Layers......................................................140
Resetting the Base Map.... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ...141
Displaying ASCII Lightning and Sensor Data....................142
Using the Lightning Viewer ...............................................143
Understanding the Data....................................................143
vi ____________________________________________________________________M210557EN-A
Creating Maps for intersect.................................................144
Restrictions on Converting MIF to MDB............................144
Example of Converting MIF to MDB .................................145
Chapter 10
ANALYZING NETWORK REGIONAL QUALITY ......................................147
Configuring regionqc...........................................................147
Setting the Region Boundaries of regionqc ......................148
Setting the Frequency of regionqc....................................149
Running regionqc Manually................................................149
Interpreting the regionqc Report............... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ...150
Average Chi-Square .........................................................151
Percent Optimized ............................................................151
Stroke Count.....................................................................151
Median Semi-major Axis...................................................151
Average Number of Sensors.............................................152
Chapter 11
ADVANCED CP CONFIGURATION..........................................................153
Classifying Cloud Lightning for LF Sensors.....................154
Changing the Startup Configuration..................................155
Opening the startup.cfg File..............................................156
Configuring a Core Process..............................................157
Adding a New Core Process.............................................159
Removing a Core Process................................................159
Reverting to the Previous Configuration File ....................160
Saving a Configuration File to Disk....................... ... ... ... ...161
Exiting the StartupConfig GUI...........................................162
Using Automatic Disk Management...................................162
Managing Space Used by a Directory ..............................163
Managing the Number of Directory Files ..........................164
Remotely Accessing CP......................................................164
Using the ApaControl GUI ................................................164
Running sensorqa Remotely.............................................165
Starting sensorqa for LF Sensors................................165
Starting sensorqa for VHF Sensors.............................166
Configuring the CP Remotely ...........................................166
The Configuration Database Editor..............................166
The Configuration Database Command Shell .............167
The Configuration Database Replicator.......................167
The Configuration Database Sanity Checker...............167
Using Universal ASCII Lightning Format...........................167
Multicasting on a Local Workstation .................................169
Multicasting across Multiple Workstations ........................170
Using TCP/IP ........................................................................171
VAISALA________________________________________________________________________ vii
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Using TCP/IP to Communicate with Sensors....................171
Setting Up a TCP/IP Socket Server for a Display .............172
Sharing CP Data...................................................................172
Chapter 12
UNIX SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION...........................................................175
Overview ...............................................................................175
User Accounts......................................................................175
System Environment ...........................................................176
System Host Name Aliases.................................................176
System Backup ....................................................................177
Root Privileges.....................................................................177
Setuid Root Processes......................................................178
Sysadmin Privileges..........................................................178
Shutting Down the Workstation..........................................178
Shutdown Command to Power Off....................................179
Rebooting the Workstation................................................179
Automatic CP Startup and Shutdown ................................179
Chapter 13
Overview ...............................................................................181
Monitoring the CP System Functions ................................181
Monitoring GPS Time Synchronization.............................181
Monitoring System Error Messages........ .... ... ... ... ... ....... ...183
Troubleshooting Sensors with sensorqa ..........................183
Troubleshooting located Configuration.............................183
Troubleshooting with lpterm...............................................184
Troubleshooting GPS Clocks .............................................185
Arbiter GPS Clock............. ... ... ... .... ... ................................185
Network GPS Clock ..........................................................186
Troubleshooting Common Problems.................................186
Appendix A
CLOUD DETECTION EFFICIENCY...........................................................193
Appendix B
INTRODUCTION TO LIGHTNING DETECTION .......................................197
Lightning Phenomena ................................................... ... ...197
Anatomy of a CG Lightning Flash.....................................197
Radio Frequency Characteristics of Lightning ..................198
Uses of Lightning Data...... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ......200
LF/VLF Lightning Location Methods..................................201
A Brief History...................................................................201
Basic Direction Finding .....................................................202
Basic Time-of-Arrival.........................................................203
viii ___________________________________________________________________M210557EN-A
Improved Accuracy from Combined Technology..............205
Stroke Peak Current .........................................................207
VHF Detection.......................................................................208
Direction Finding Based on VHF Interferometry...............208
Wide Baseline TOA Methods Operating at VHF...............209
VHF Signal Strength......................... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ...210
Lightning Location System Performance..........................210
Measurement of Location Accuracy..................................210
Data Consistency..............................................................212
Detection Efficiency ..........................................................213
Use of Location Quality Indicators.....................................213
Appendix C
GLOSSARY ...............................................................................................217
INDEX ........................................................................................................229
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List of Figures

Figure 1 Lightning Sensors and Radiation Frequency Detection...........9
Figure 2 Example of an LF TIS ............................................................10
Figure 3 Example of an LF/VHF TIS....................................................11
Figure 4 Flow Chart of Total Lightning Location Processing................18
Figure 5 CP7000 Process Interconnections.............. ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... .20
Figure 6 CP8000 Process Interconnections.........................................23
Figure 7 Terminal Icon .........................................................................31
Figure 8 Typical Window for Accessing the GUIs................................33
Figure 9 APA Control Window .............................................................35
Figure 10 Managing Sensors with the ApaControl GUI .........................36
Figure 11 Sensors Menu........................................................................37
Figure 12 APA Control Window .............................................................38
Figure 13 Color Indicators for State of Sensor.......................................39
Figure 14 Sensor Information Button .....................................................41
Figure 15 Setting Thresholds.................................................................43
Figure 16 Data Archive Change Button .................................................46
Figure 17 Opening LP Archive Control ..................................................47
Figure 18 Opening the Devices Dialog Box ...........................................48
Figure 19 Storage Device Types for LpaControl....................................48
Figure 20 APA Config Window...............................................................55
Figure 21 Adding a New Device Configuration Table ............................57
Figure 22 Verification to Commit Database Changes to Disk................58
Figure 23 Transport Configuration Table Edit Panel..............................59
Figure 24 Network Configuration Table Edit Panel................................60
Figure 25 Sensor Configuration Table Edit Panel..................................61
Figure 26 Sensor Configuration Table Edit Panel..................................65
Figure 27 Display Configuration Table Edit Panel .................................67
Figure 28 Edit Panel for pdad Table ......................................................69
Figure 29 Edit Panel for pandad Table ..................................................70
Figure 30 Edit Panel for located Table...................................................71
Figure 31 Attach Options Dialog Box.....................................................75
Figure 32 Accessing the Attach GUI......................................................76
Figure 33 AttachImpact Window ............................................................77
Figure 34 AttachIt Window.....................................................................79
Figure 35 LpaControl Functional Diagram .............................................82
Figure 36 LP Archive Control Window ...................................................85
Figure 37 APA Control Window .............................................................91
Figure 38 Viewing of Sensor, Position, and ASCII Data ......................106
Figure 39 Fields for Position Data........................................................111
Figure 40 Sample of Correlated Sensor Data......................................112
Figure 41 Fields for Correlated Sensor Data .................................... ...113
Figure 42 Fields for Uncorrelated or Rejected Data.............................114
Figure 43 Typical intersect Window .....................................................119
Figure 44 Icon for intersect GUI...........................................................120
Figure 45 Opening the Intersect Configuration Dialog Box..................121
Figure 46 Intersect Configuration Dialog Box ......................................121
VAISALA________________________________________________________________________ xi
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Figure 47 Save Dialog Box for History Buffer.......................................124
Figure 48 Load File Into Dialog Box for History Buffer.........................124
Figure 49 Selecting a Sensor Label Format.........................................125
Figure 50 APA Control Window............................................................126
Figure 51 Selecting an Active Sensor..................................................126
Figure 52 Monitor Options....................................................................127
Figure 53 Displaying the Default Base Map.........................................130
Figure 54 Zooming to Area of Interest..................................................131
Figure 55 Range Finder Dialog Box.....................................................133
Figure 56 Map Configuration Dialog Box .............................................136
Figure 57 Layer Configuration Dialog Box ...........................................138
Figure 58 Lightning Viewer Dialog Box................................................142
Figure 59 Sample regionqc Report ......................................................150
Figure 60 Startup Configuration Editor Window...................................156
Figure 61 Opening a File......................................................................157
Figure 62 Opening the startup.cfg File.................................................157
Figure 63 Startup Configuration Editor Window...................................158
Figure 64 Adding a New Process.........................................................159
Figure 65 StartupConfig Message Dialog Box.....................................160
Figure 66 Confirm Revert Dialog Box...................................................161
Figure 67 File Changes Message .... .... ................................................161
Figure 68 Confirm Exit Dialog Box .......................................................162
Figure 69 Data Sharing from One CP to Another.................................173
Figure 70 CG and Cloud Flashes at Various Frequency Ranges........198
Figure 71 Relationship, Frequency and Lightning Detection Method...199 Figure 72 Optimal Location Algorithm for Magnetic Direction Finding .202
Figure 73 Hyperbolic Intersection.........................................................203
Figure 74 Ambiguous Location, 3-Sensor Hyperbolic Intersection ......204
Figure 75 Circular Intersection Using Three Sensors ..........................205
Figure 76 Circular Intersection Step Using Four Sensors....................205
Figure 77 IMPACT Method on a Baseline Between Two Sensors.......206
Figure 78 IMPACT Method: 3 LPATS TOA, 2 IMPACT Sensors.........207
Figure 79 Triangulation for Interferometric Location ............................209
Figure 80 Confidence Ellipse: Unfavorable Sensor Geometry.............211
Figure 81 Confidence Ellipse: Favorable Sensor Geometry ................211
Figure 82 Using Confidence Ellipse to Identify Most Likely Stroke ......214

List of Tables

Table 1 Document Conventions............................................................2
Table 2 Guide to Information by CP Model...........................................8
Table 3 Supported TIS Modules .........................................................12
Table 4 Supported Sensors ................................................................13
Table 5 Supported Display Programs.................................................14
Table 6 Processes Used by CP7000..................................................21
Table 7 GUIs Used by CP7000...........................................................22
Table 8 Processes Used by CP8000..................................................24
Table 9 GUIs Used by CP8000...........................................................25
Table 10 Physical Specifications ..........................................................26
Table 11 Data Processing Capabilities.................................................26
Table 12 CP to Sensors Communication Interfaces.............................27
Table 13 Output Protocols ....................................................................27
Table 14 Storage Capacity for Lightning Data......................................27
Table 15 GUIs.......................................................................................30
Table 16 Sensor Display Options in APA Control.................................36
Table 17 Status Characters and Their Meanings .................................38
Table 18 Sensor State Indicators............... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... .40
Table 19 Thresholds Dialog Box, Default Settings ...............................44
Table 20 Sensor Configuration .............................................................63
Table 21 Display Formats Supported ...................................................67
Table 22 Angles and Times for located Process ..................................72
Table 23 Data Archive Terms and Definitions ......................................83
Table 24 Commands for sensorqa......................................................101
Table 25 Statistics Measured by sensorqa.........................................102
Table 26 Possible Output Displayed by sensorqa ..............................105
Table 27 Optimal Detection Efficiency by Sensor...............................108
Table 28 Functions of Mouse Buttons in intersect Window ................120
Table 29 Options Used to Configure intersect....................................122
Table 30 Attributes to Configure Base Map........................................137
Table 31 Default Map Layers..............................................................138
Table 32 Options to Configure Map Layers ........................................140
Table 33 NLDN Use of regionqc.ksh Values ......................................148
Table 34 Cloud Classification Methods for LF Sensors......................154
Table 35 UALF Record Fields.............................................................168
Table 36 User Accounts......................................................................175
Table 37 Required Files......................................................................176
Table 38 Host Name Aliases ..............................................................176
Table 39 Common Problems and Their Solutions ..............................186
Table 40 The Scaling Constant and Probability Relationship.............211
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Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________General Information



About This Manual

This manual provides information for configuring, operating, and maintaining the CP7000™, and CP8000™ models of the CP Series™ central analyzers. The CP (Central Processor) controls, manages, and monitors a lightning location system.

Contents of This Manual

This manual consists of the following chapters:
- Chapter 1, General Information, provides important safety, contact, and warranty information for the product.
- Chapter 2, Introduction, provides an overview of the CP Series central processors and Vaisala thunderstorm information systems.
- Chapter 3, Operating CP, describes how to operate the CP Series software.
- Chapter 4, Configuring CP Databases, describes how to configure the CP database parameters.
- Chapter 5, Managing Sensors, describes how to attach to a sensor for control and diagnostic operations.
- Chapter 6, Archiving Sensor Data, describes procedures for archiving sensor data to storage media.
- Chapter 7, Reprocessing Historical Data, describes how to reprocess lightning stroke and event data after storage.
VAISALA________________________________________________________________________ 1
User’s Guide______________________________________________________________________
- Chapter 8, Monitoring Sensor Performance, describes how to use
the sensorqa utility to monitor sensor performance.
- Chapter 9, Analyzing Detection Accuracy, describes how to use the
intersect process to analyze lightning data.
- Chapter 10, Analyzing Network Regional Quality, describes how to
use the regionqc utility to evaluate the quality of LF stroke data within the nominal operating area of the lightning location system.
- Chapter 11, Advanced CP Configuration, provides information regarding CP Series software modification to accommodate specific system configurations.
- Chapter 12, UNIX System Administration, gives an overview of system administration tasks.
- Chapter 13, Troubleshooting, provides guidelines for diagnosing trouble with the CP Series.
- Appendix A, Cloud Detection Efficiency, provides brief definitions of the adjustable parameters used in cloud lighting detection.
- Appendix B, Introduction to Lightning Detection, provides a basic introduction to lightning detection and measurement.
- Appendix C, Glossary, defines terms used in this manual.

Document Conventions

Different typefaces, type styles, and phraseology indicate specific user interactions with the system as illustrated in Table 1 below.
Table 1 Document Conventions
Item Example
System prompts, source code, and program output are in a mono-spaced typeface.
User input is a bold, mono-spaced typeface. volcheck Optional entry is enclosed in square brackets
(for example, /v). Descriptive term used in place of user-specific
name is in italics and enclosed in angle brackets (for example, table). Key names are all capital letters. ENTER
Use of ENTER key at the end of a command <ENTER> Key combinations that are held down
simultaneously are all capital letters and separated by a plus symbol.
format a: [/v]
the <table>.map file
2 ____________________________________________________________________M210557EN-A
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________General Information
Table 1 Document Conventions (Continued)
Item Example
ASCII values are enclosed in angle brackets. <CR><LF> User interface items and command words are
in bold.
Click Cancel or use the
quit command.


Throughout the manual, important safety considerations are highlighted as follows:


Warning alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read and follow instructions very carefully at this point, there is a risk of injury or even death.
Caution warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read and follow instructions carefully at this point, the product could be damaged or important data could be lost.
Note highlights important information on using the product.
Vaisala and the Vaisala logo are registered trademarks of Vaisala Oyj in the United States and/or other countries.
CP Series, CP7000, CP8000, AP5000, IMPACT ESP, TED, PLWS, VIS, LPATS IV, FALLS, LTraX, NLDN, and National Lightning Detection Network are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vaisala Inc.
MapInfo, MapInfo Professional, MapBasic, and the MapInfo logo are registered trademarks of MapInfo Corporation.
Sybase, the Sybase logo, Sybase SQL, Open Client, and Open Client/Server are trademarks of Sybase Incorporated.
VAISALA________________________________________________________________________ 3
User’s Guide______________________________________________________________________
Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Sun Blade, Sun Ultra, Sun SPARCstation, and Solaris are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of Sun Microsystems, Incorporated in the United States and other countries.
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company Limited.
Linux is trademarked in the United States and other countries by Linus Torvald.
Storm TraX is a registered trademark of Sonalysts, Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
All other company, product names, and brands used herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.


getline.c is Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1993 by Chris Thewalt ( Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted. This software is provided “as is” without express or implied warranty.

License Agreement

All rights to any software are held by Vaisala or third parties. The customer is allowed to use the software only to the extent that is provided by the applicable supply contract or Software License Agreement.


For certain products Vaisala normally gives a limited one year warranty. Please observe that any such warranty may not be valid in case of damage due to normal wear and tear, exceptional operating conditions, negligent handling or installation, or unauthorized modifications. Please see the applicable supply contract or conditions of sale for details of the warranty for each product.
4 ____________________________________________________________________M210557EN-A
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________General Information

Technical Support

For technical support, return authorization (RMA), repair status, and spare parts, contact the Customer Response Center.
Tel: 1 888 424 9899 (within USA & Canada)
+011 520 294 2145 (international)
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Chapter 2 _______________________________________________________________ Introduction



Manuals for the CP Series

This manual provides instructions for operating the CP Series and interpreting sensor data. Use this manual to follow step-by-step procedures for both graphical user interface (GUI) and command line operation of the CP Series.
The CP Series™ Reference Guide provides concise information regarding all screens, panels, menus, options, and buttons related to the CP GUIs. Consult this manual to find information regarding a particular function or option of the CP graphical user interfaces.

Models in the CP Series

The CP Series consists of two models, CP7000 and CP8000. These models provide specific functions related to the type of lightning sensor providing data input—low frequency (LF) or very high frequency (VHF).
This manual is organized so that information about the two CP models is easy to access. At the beginning of each chapter, a table indicates the location of information specific to each CP model. Information not
VAISALA________________________________________________________________________ 7
User’s Guide______________________________________________________________________
listed in the table is common to all CP models. In this chapter, look for information specific to CP7000 and CP8000 in the following sections:
Table 2 Guide to Information by CP Model
For Information on:
Lightning location systems
CP functions Table 3 on page 12,
Lightning location calculations
Process interconnections
Reference Specific to CP7000 CP8000
Section LF Thunderstorm Information System on page 10
Section CP7000 Functions on page 14 Section LF Locations on page 16Section LF Locations on page 16,
Section CP7000 Processes on page 20
Section LF Thunderstorm Information System on page 10, Section LF/VHF TIS on page 11
Table 3 on page 12, Section CP8000 Functions on page 15
Section VHF Locations on page 17, Section LF/VHF (Total Lightning) Locations on page 18
Section CP8000 Processes on page 22

Thunderstorm Information Systems

A Vaisala Thunderstorm Information System (TIS) detects the existence of lightning discharges: cloud-to-ground lightning, cloud lightning, and breakdown events (see Appendix C, Glossary, for definitions). The TIS then determines the locations where cloud-to­ground lightning has struck the earth or where breakdown events have occurred.
Detection is accomplished through the use of multiple, remote sensors that detect the signals emitted by lightning discharges and filter out the signals from nonlightning sources (see Figure 1 on page 9). Each sensor detecting a lightning event sends data about that event to a Central Processor (CP) that determines event locations.
To ensure that the data set applies to the same event, CP collects lightning data from each sensor, compares the time at which the event was recorded by each sensor , then mathematically computes the precise location of the lightning event. CP also records several other descriptive characteristics of each lightning event. The CP processes the data to determine lightning locations and monitors sensor status. Output from CP can be sent to printers, lightning display programs, terminals, and/or archival databases. CP stores the data and disseminates the results to other TIS modules and users in a variety of formats.
8 ____________________________________________________________________M210557EN-A
Chapter 2 _______________________________________________________________ Introduction
Figure 1 Lightning Sensors and Radiation Frequency
The information provided by a TIS is useful in tracking the movement of electrified storms, in mobilizing the crews and equipment used to repair the damage that is caused by these storms, and in analyzing the effect of lightning on various systems and types of equipment.
Thunderstorm information systems help industries reduce the risks associated with the destructive effects of one of nature’ s most powerful forces. These industries include: communications, electric power utilities, industrial facilities that rely on stable electric power, airports and aviation companies, forestry organizations, and the meteorological industry. The TIS is designed to enhance the user’s understanding of lightning and to benefit those organizations affected by its occurrence.
Dependant upon the type of sensors employed (see Figure 1 above), three types of thunderstorm information systems are supported by the CP models:
- Low frequency (LF) lightning location, supported by CP7000 or CP8000
- Very high frequency (VHF) lightning location, supported by CP8000
- LF/VHF lightning location, supported by CP8000
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LF Thunderstorm Information System

A typical LF TIS provides stroke and flash locations (latitude and longitude) from CP7000 or CP8000. The sensor network detects lightning in the LF/VLF range using either magnetic direction finding, time-of-arrival, or a combination of the two location methods. All the sensors detect LF lightning return strokes, and some sensor models detect cloud flashes.
Figure 2 below illustrates a configuration for a lightning location system that uses several LF sensors, the CP7000 or CP8000 central processor, and an output device to display LF lightning location data.
Figure 2 Example of an LF TIS
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A typical LF/VHF TIS provides stroke and flash locations (latitude, longitude, and altitude) from CP8000. The sensor network detects lightning in the LF and VHF ranges. The LF lightning information for a flash combines all aspects of the event: ground strike points of the return strokes, cloud activity, and the radiation sources in between.
Figure 3 below illustrates a configuration for an LF/VHF TIS that uses VHF/LF sensors, VHF interferometry sensors, LF sensors, and network communication. This system supports a variety of displays.
Figure 3 Example of an LF/VHF TIS
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Functional Overview

In a TIS, CP provides the following functions:
- Collection of sensor data and calculation of lightning locations (see section Calculation of Lightning Locations on page 16)
- Configuration of TIS modules (see Chapter 4, Configuring CP Databases, on page 51)
- Command and control of sensors (see Chapter 5, Managing Sensors, on page 73)
- Storage and archiving of raw data (see Chapter 6, Archiving Sensor Data, on page 81)
- Simultaneous reprocessing of lightning locations from raw data (see Chapter 7, Reprocessing Historical Data, on page 97)
- Access to stored lightning location information (see Chapter 8, Monitoring Sensor Performance, on page 99)
- Accumulation of sensor and network performance statistics with the information available either from real-time or periodic log files (see Chapter 8, Monitoring Sensor Performance, on page 99 through Chapter 10, Analyzing Network Regional Quality, on page 147)
The functional differences of the CP models are described in the following sections. Table 3 below provides an overview of the TIS modules supported by the CP models. See Table 4 on page 13 for additional details about the supported sensors. See Table 5 on page 14 for supported display programs.
Table 3 Supported TIS Modules
CP Model
CP7000 LF
CP8000 LF/VHF CP IMPACT family
TIS Type
External Networks
IMPACT family LPATS family SAFIR 3000-2 LF LS7000 family LS5000
LPATS family SAFIR 3000-2 VHF/LF LS8000 family
1) Other displays supported: TED, TWXS, 24-Byte TIS, NDS, Storm TraX®, THUNDER, VIS™.
2) CP workstations can be connected using the share function and lpbridged process.
3) Displays real-time 2-D stroke and/or flash data.
4) Displays real-time 3-D VHF event data and 2-D flash data.
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Table 4 Supported Sensors
LS8000 LF TOA and LF MDF:
LS7500 LF TOA:
LS7200 LF TOA:
LS7000 LF TOA and LF MDF:
LS5000 LF TOA:
IMPACT family 141-T 141-TES
LPATS family Series III (with GPS) LPATS IV
Measured Parameters CP Model
CP8000 Bearing angle to strike point Peak signal strength Sensor signal arrival time Signal rise time Signal peak-to-zero time VHF-ITF: Azimuth Event signal arrival time Signal amplitude Signal density
CP8000 Sensor peak signal arrival time Peak field value Signal rise time Signal decay time VHF-ITF: Azimuth Event signal arrival time Signal amplitude Signal density
CP8000 Azimuth Event signal arrival time Signal amplitude Signal density
CP7000 Bearing angle to strike point
CP8000 Peak signal strength Sensor signal arrival time Signal rise time Signal peak-to-zero time
CP8000 Sensor peak signal arrival time Peak field value Signal rise time Signal decay time
Bearing angle to strike point
CP8000 Peak signal strength Sensor signal arrival time Signal rise time Signal peak-to-zero time
Peak signal strength
CP8000 Sensor signal arrival time Signal rise time Signal peak-to-zero time
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Table 4 Supported Sensors (Continued)
SAFIR 3000-2 LF TOA:
Measured Parameters CP Model
CP7000, Sensor peak signal arrival time Peak field value Signal rise time Signal decay time
Azimuth Event signal arrival time Signal amplitude Signal density
Sensor peak signal arrival time Peak field value Signal rise time Signal decay time VHF-ITF: Azimuth Event signal arrival time Signal amplitude Signal density
1) The maximum numbers for a TIS are 512 sensors and 1024 transports. In networks with both IMPACT and LPATS sensors, the minimum configuration is one IMPACT and three LPATS sensors.
Table 5 Supported Display Programs
LTraX Latitude, Longitude Latitude, Longitude,
PLWS Latitude, Longitude Latitude, Longitude,
PDM Latitude, Longitude Latitude, Longitude,
1) Other displays supported: TED,TWXS, 24-Byte TIS, NDS, Storm TraX, THUNDER, VIS.
Type of Lightning Data Displayed CP7000 CP8000
Total Lightning
Total Lightning
Altitude, Total LIghtning

CP7000 Functions

CP7000 processes lightning data from sensors that detect lightning in the LF range. CP7000 calculates lightning location; providing latitude, longitude, and time-of-arrival for each lightning event. The real-time locations are for cloud-to-ground (CG) return strokes and/or flash data. When configured for cloud lightning location, CP7000 calculates locations for cloud lightning detected by some sensor models (see section LF Cloud Lightning Reporting on page 19). Location
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information is displayed as latitude and longitude. CP7000 also provides remote diagnostics of sensor functions.
The operational state of the CP processes and related sensors can be determined, and network performance statistics gathered, logged, and analyzed. Over time, the log files can be analyzed and changes in the performance of the lightning network can be detected.

CP8000 Functions

CP8000 processes lightning signal data from sensors that detect lightning events in both LF and VHF ranges. CP8000 calculates the lightning location and time-of-arrival for each lightning event. CP8000 derives latitude and longitude from the raw data of LF sensors and latitude, longitude, altitude from the data of VHF sensors. CP8000 also provides remote diagnostics of sensor functions.
CP8000 supports all CP-compatible network displays; and can merge the LF flash data with VHF flash data to produce a total lightning output composed of cloud and cloud-to-ground data.
The operational state of the CP processes and related sensors can be determined, and network performance statistics gathered, logged, and analyzed. Over time, the log files can be analyzed and changes in the performance of the lightning network can be detected.
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CP Software Operation

CP uses Common Desktop Environment (CDE) for the graphical user interface (GUI). CDE eliminates the requirement for always using a command line interface, and allows use of the graphical interface over a network.
The CP software runs on a Sun workstation with a UNIX-based operating system that supports a single or multiprocessor configuration. All software in the CP models is based on the same code nucleus. CP functions as a single unit without software of other TIS modules running on the same workstation. Vaisala configures all workstations it ships for operating the appropriate CP software.

Calculation of Lightning Locations

CP receives raw sensor data through the input-output daemon. Sensor daemons take the raw sensor data, decode the lightning data contained, and create well-defined sensor data messages. Data collected from sensors can be processed as LF locations, VHF locations, and/or LF/VHF total lightning locations.
LF Locations
Data collected by LF sensors is used to calculate stroke location data. The location data can be used to calculate flash locations. The real­time lightning stroke and flash locations can be distributed to displays or collected for further processing as total lightning.
The processed data includes:
- Date, time to 100-nanosecond resolution with local time zone support (sensor clock accuracy varies by sensor type)
- Latitude, longitude (WGS-84)
- Signal strength and polarity, as either the average range normalized signal or estimated peak current in kiloamperes
- Multiplicity for flash data, or zero for stroke data
- Number of sensors participating in the lightning location
- Degrees of freedom when optimizing the location
- Semi-major axis of the 50% positional confidence ellipse in kilometers
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