Vaillant ecoMAX 646 Installation And Maintenance Manual

Installation and maintenance manual
ecoMAX 646
For the installer
Wall hung room sealed fan assisted condensing boiler
Notes on the documentation ...................................... 3
Other relevant documentation and service aids ..... 3
For the installer ..................................................................... 3
Symbols used .......................................................................... 3
1 Description of the appliance ........................... 4
1.1 Design .......................................................................... 4
1.2 Type summary ........................................................... 5
1.3 Data badge .................................................................. 5
1.4 CE marking.................................................................. 5
1.5 Intended use ............................................................... 5
2 Safety instructions and regulations .............. 6
2.1 Safety instructions ................................................... 6
2.1.1 Installing and setting the appliance ..................... 6
2.1.2 Smell of gas ................................................................ 6
2.1.3 Changes to the surroundings of the boiler ........ 6
2.1.4 Important instructions for propane appliances 6
2.2 General requirements .............................................. 6
2.2.1 Preliminary remarks for roomsealed appliances.. 6
2.2.2 Related documents ................................................... 6
3 Mounting ............................................................ 8
3.1 Scope of delivery and accessories ....................... 8
3.1.1 Unpack the boiler ...................................................... 8
3.2 Installation site .......................................................... 8
3.2.1 Select position of boiler .......................................... 8
3.2.2 Air supply .................................................................... 8
3.2.3 Compartment ventilation ........................................ 8
3.2.4 Electrical supply ........................................................ 8
3.3 Dimensional drawing and connections ................ 9
3.4 Required minimum gaps/assembly clearances ... 10
3.4.1 Using boiler template ............................................... 10
3.5 Mounting the appliance on the bracket .............. 10
3.6 Removing/Attaching the appliance casing ......... 10
4 Installation ......................................................... 11
4.1 Preparing the installation ....................................... 11
4.2 Technical instructions for the heating system .... 11
4.2.1 Direct connection to the heating circuit
using the integral boiler pump. ............................. 11
4.2.2 Connection to heating circuit containing
a low loss header. ..................................................... 11
4.3 Technical instructions for recharging ................. 12
4.4 Gas connection .......................................................... 12
4.5 Heating connections ................................................. 13
4.6.1 Flue termination ........................................................ 13
4.6.2 Flue pipe ...................................................................... 14
4.7 Condensate discharge ............................................. 14
4.8 Electrical connection ................................................ 15
4.8.1 Mains connection ...................................................... 15
4.8.2 Connecting controllers ............................................ 15
4.8.3 Connecting accessories and external
system components ................................................. 16
4.8.4 Connection diagram ................................................. 17
4.8.5 Wiring diagram .......................................................... 18
5 Initial start up and commissioning ................ 19
5.1 Water circulation system ........................................ 19
5.1.1 Treating the heating water..................................... 19
5.1.2 Heating side filling and bleeding ........................... 19
5.1.3 Final system flush (”Hot”) ...................................... 19
5.1.3 Hot water side filling and bleeding ....................... 20
5.1.4 Filling the siphon ....................................................... 20
5.2 Checking the gas setting ......................................... 20
5.2.1 Factory gas setting ................................................... 20
5.2.2 Gas inlet working pressure ..................................... 20
5.2.3 Checking the CO
content and adjusting
it if needed (air ratio setting) ................................ 21
5.3 Functional test ........................................................... 22
5.4 Instructing the user .................................................. 23
5.4.1 Instructing the user about the heating system . 23
5.4.2 Vaillant warranty....................................................... 23
6 Adapting the appliance to the heating system 24
6.1 Adjusting the central heating output
(range rating) ............................................................. 24
6.1.1 Setting the DHW part load output ........................ 24
6.2 Setting the pump over-run time ........................... 25
6.3 Setting the burner anti-cycling time .................... 25
7 Inspection and maintenance ........................... 26
7.1 Initial inspection ........................................................ 26
7.1.1 Safety instructions ................................................... 26
7.1.2 Maintenance ............................................................... 26
7.1.3 Overview of the inspection and maintenance
tasks ......................................................................................... 27
7.1.4 Functional check of boiler operation ................... 27
7.2 Servicing the compact thermal module .............. 27
7.2.1 Removing the compact thermal module ............. 27
7.2.2 Cleaning the heat exchanger ................................. 28
7.2.3 Checking the burner ................................................. 29
7.2.4 Cleaning the condensate siphon ........................... 29
7.2.5 Cleaning the condensate paths ............................. 29
7.3 Checking the gas setting ......................................... 29
7.4 Filling and venting the system ............................... 29
7.5 Draining the appliance and the system ............... 29
7.5.1 Draining the appliance ............................................. 29
7.5.2 Draining the entire system ..................................... 29
7.5.3 Cleaning the air separator ...................................... 29
7.6 Test operation............................................................ 29
8 Troubleshooting ................................................ 30
8.1 Diagnostics ................................................................. 30
8.1.1 Status codes ............................................................... 30
8.1.2 Diagnosis codes ......................................................... 31
8.1.3 Error codes ................................................................. 32
8.1.4 Error memory ............................................................ 32
8.1.5 Test programs ............................................................ 33
9 Vaillant Service ................................................. 34
10 Recycling and disposal ..................................... 34
10.1 Appliance ..................................................................... 34
10.2 Packaging .................................................................... 34
11 Technical data ................................................... 35
Benchmark gas boiler commissioning checklist .... 36
3Installation and maintenance manual ecoMAX 646 / 0020020158_02
Notes on the documentation
Notes on the documentation
The following information is intended to guide you through the entire documentation. Further documents apply in combination with this instal­lation and maintenance manual. We accept no liability for any damage caused by not following these instructions.
Other relevant documentation and service aids For the owner of the system
Brief operating instructions No. 00 20 00 64 61 Operating manual No. 00 20 01 46 08
For the installer
Installation Manual Flue accessories No. 00 20 01 46 06 Checklist No. 00 20 02 01 60 Sticker with name of appliance No. 83 42 24 Installation template No. 12 41 82 Safety sticker No. 83 55 93
Service aids:
The following test and measuring equipment is required for inspection and maintenance: – Flue gas analyser – Manometer (U gauge)
Attachment and storage of the documents
Please pass on this installation and maintenance manual as well as the aids to the owner of the system, whose re­sponsibility it is to ensure that the manuals and auxiliary equipment are available whenever required.
Symbols used
Please observe the safety instructions in this installation manual when installing the appliance!
Immediate risk of serious injury or death!
Potentially dangerous situations for product and environment!
Useful information and instructions.
• Symbol for a necessary task
Installation and maintenance manual ecoMAX 646 / 0020020158_024
1 Description of the appliance
1 Description of the appliance
1.1 Design
Fig. 1.1 Function elements
1 Connection for the flue pipe 2 Heat exchanger 3 Pressure switch 4 Pump 5 Electronics box 6 Return connection (with drain point) 7 Air separator
8 Electronic gas valve 9 Ignition electrode 10 Burner gas/air mixing chamber 11 Air intake pipe 12 Gas inlet 13 Connection for pressure relief valve 14 Connection for condensate discharge
5Installation and maintenance manual ecoMAX 646 / 0020020158_02
Description of the appliance 1
1.2 Type summary
Appliance type
Country of destination (designations according to ISO 3166)
License category
Type of gas Nominal heat output
range P (kW)
DHW primary output (kW)
ecoMAX 646 GB (Great Britain)
I E (Eire)
Natural gas H - G 20 -20 mbar (Propane - G 31 - 37 mbar)
13.3 - 47.7 (40/30 °C)
12.3 - 44.1 (80/60 °C)
Table 1.1 Type summary
1.3 Data badge
The data badge of the Valliant ecoMAX 646 is attached at the factory to the bottom of the appliance.
Fig. 1.2 Data badge (example)
1.4 CE marking
CE marking is used to document the fact that the appli­ances, in accordance with the type summary, meet the basic requirements of the directive on appliances burn­ing gaseous fuels (Council Directive 90/396/EEC) and the EC directive on electromagnetic compatibility (Council Directive 89/336/EEC). The appliances meet the basic requirements of the efficiency requirements directive (Council Directive 92/42/EEC). The appliances meet the basic requirements of the effi­ciency requirements directive (Council Directive 92/42/ EEC) as condensing appliances.
1.5 Intended use
The Vaillant ecoMAX 646 is a state-of-the-art appliance which has been constructed in accordance with recog­nised technical safety regulations. Nevertheless, danger to the life and limb of the user or third parties can still occur or the appliance or other material assets be dam­aged when using it. The appliance is designed to be used as a heater for closed hot water central heating systems. Any other use or extended use is considered to be improper. The man­ufacturer or supplier is not liable for any damage result­ing from improper use. The user alone bears the risk. Appropriate use includes the observance of the operat­ing and installation manual and the adherence to the in­spection and maintenance conditions.
Installation and maintenance manual ecoMAX 646 / 0020020158_026
2 Safety instructions
2 Safety instructions and regulations
2.1 Safety instructions
2.1.1 Installing and setting the appliance
The appliance must be installed and serviced by a competent person as stated in the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998. In IE, the installation must be in accordance with the current edition of IS 813 ‚Domestic Gas Instal­lations‘, the current Building Regulations and reference should be made to the current ETCI rules for electrical installation.
2.1.2 Smell of gas
If you smell gas, the following safety instructions should be observed:
• don‘t switch on any electrical switch in the danger area,
• don‘t smoke in the danger area,
• don‘t use a telephone in the danger area,
• close the gas stop cock,
• ventilate the danger area,
• contact your gas supplier or National Grid Transco 0800 111999.
2.1.3 Changes to the surroundings of the boiler
No changes must be made to the following devices: – the boiler – the gas, air, water and electricity supply pipes – the flue pipe – the discharge pipe and the safety valve for the hot water – the constructional conditions that could affect the
operational reliability of the device.
2.1.4 Important instructions for propane appliances
Should the appliance be connected to an LPG supply, ensure that the tank has been correctly filled and purged prior to installation to the emergency gas control valve.
Only propane G31 may be used.
When tightening or slackening screwed connec­tions always use suitable open-ended spanners (not pipe wrenches or extensions etc.). Incor­rect use and/or unsuitable tools can lead to damage being caused (e.g. gas or water leakage)!
2.2 General requirements
2.2.1 Preliminary remarks for roomsealed appliances
This appliance should only be installed in conjunction with either a Vaillant flue system or an alternative ap­proved system (details of flue approval categories can be found in the technical section of the installation manual). Install the flue system as detailed in the separate flue installation instructions supplied with this boiler.
2.2.2 Related documents
The installation of the boiler must be in accordance with the relevant requirements of Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, Health and Safety Document No. 635 (The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989), BS7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations) and the Water Supply (Water Fitting) Regulations 1999, or The Water Bylaws 2000 (Scotland). It should also be in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Local Authority, Build­ing Regulations, The Building Regulations (Scotland). The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) and the relevant recommendations of the following British Standards: BS 6700: Services supplying water for domestic use
within buildings and their curtilages.
BS 6798: Specification for installation of gas fired boil-
ers not exceeding 60 kW input.
BS 6891: Specification for installation of low pressure
gas pipework up to 28 mm (R1) in domestic premises (2nd family gas).
BS 7593: Treatment of water in domestic hot water cen-
tral heating systems. Institute of Gas Engineers Publication “IGE/UP/7 Edition 2 Gas installation in timber framed and light steel framed buildings”
BS. 5482 Pt. 1 Domestic butane and propane gas burn-
ing installations.
IGE/UP1 Soundness testing and purging of industrial
and commercial gas installation.
IGE/UP2 Gas installation pipework, boosters and com-
pressors on industrial and commercial premises.
IGE/UP10 Installation of gas appliances in industrial and
commercial premises.
BS. 6644 Installation of gas fired hot water boilers of
rated inputs between 60 kW and 2 MW (2nd and 3rd family gases).
BS. 5449 Forced circulation hot water central heating
systems for domestic premises. Note: only up to 45 kW.
BS. 6880 Low temperature hot water heating systems
of output greater than 45 kW. Part 1 Fundamental and design considerations. Part 2 Selection of equipment. Part 3 Installation, commissioning and mainte­nance.
BS. 4814 Specification for: Expansion vessels using
an internal diaphragm, for sealed hot water heating systems.
BS. 5440 Installation and maintenance of flues and
ventilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net (1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases). Part 1 Specification for installation of flues. Part 2 Specification for installation and main­tenance of ventilation for gas appliances.
7Installation and maintenance manual ecoMAX 646 / 0020020158_02
When tightening or loosening screwed connections always use suitable open-ended spanners (not pipe wrenches or extensions etc.). Incorrect use and/or unsuitable tools can lead to damage being caused (e.g. gas or water leakage)! Preliminary remarks: This appliance should only be installed in conjunction with a Vaillant flue system. Install the flue system as detailed in the separate flue installation instructions supplied with this boiler.
Boiler location
The location chosen for the boiler must permit the pro­vision of a satisfactory flue termination. The location must also provide adequate space for servicing and air circulation around the boiler. The boiler may be installed in any room, although particular attention is drawn to the requirements of BS7671 (IEE Regulations), the elec­trical provisions of the Building Regulations (Scotland) and in IE the current edition of IS 813 and the current ETCI rules, in respect of the installation of a boiler in a room containing a bath or shower.
Where a room sealed boiler is installed in a room containing a bath or shower, any electri­cal switch or boiler control utilising mains elec­tricity should be so situated that it cannot be touched by a person using the bath or shower.
Where the installation of the boiler will be in an unusual location, special procedures may be necessary and BS 5546 and BS 6798 give detailed guidance on this aspect. The boiler must be mounted on a flat, vertical wall, which must be sufficiently robust to take the weight of the boiler. The boiler may be installed on a combustible wall, subject to the requirements of the Local Authorities and Building Regulations. A compartment used to enclose the boiler must be de­signed and constructed specifically for this purpose. (An existing cupboard or compartment may be used provided that it is modified for the purpose). Details of essential features of cupboard/compartment design including air­ing cupboard installations are given in BS 6891. In IE the current edition of IS 813.
If the boiler is to be installed in a timber framed building, it should be fitted in accordance with „IGE/UP/7 Edition 2 Gas installations in timber framed and light steel framed buildings“.
Gas Supply
The gas supplier should ensure the availability of an ade­quate supply of gas. A gas meter may only be connected to the service pipe by the supplier of gas or their contrac­tor. An existing meter should be checked to ensure that it is capable of passing the rate of gas supply required. In­stallation pipes should be fitted in accordance with BS 6891. Pipework from the meter to the boiler must be of an ade-
quate size. Do not use pipes of a smaller size than the boiler gas connection. The complete installation must be tested for soundness and purged as described in BS 6891.
Safety instructions 2
Installation and maintenance manual ecoMAX 646 / 0020020158_028
3 Mounting
3 Mounting
The Vaillant ecoMAX 646 is delivered in a package unit.
3.1 Scope of delivery and accessories
Scope of delivery
Check that all the parts have been delivered intact (see fig. 3.1 and table 3.1).
Fig. 3.1 Scope of delivery
Position Quantity Name
1 1 Boiler hanging bracket
2 1 Boiler
3 2 Connector - storage charging circuit
4 1 Condensate discharge hose
5 1 Bag with fixing screws, wall plugs and
6 1 Boiler installation template
7 1 Guarantee registration and envelope
8 3 Manuals: Installation and user instruc-
tions, flue installation instructions
Table 3.1 Scope of delivery
3.1.1 Unpack the boiler
To unpack the boiler, cut both plastic carton straps, open box and lift out the polystyrene top packing. Lift the cardbox upwards.
Care should be taken not to scratch the white surface of the boiler casing.
3.2 Installation site
Please note the following safety instructions below be­fore choosing where to install the appliance:
Do not install the appliance in rooms prone to frost. In rooms with aggressive steam or dust, the appliance must be operated independently of the ventilation!
When choosing the place of installation and while oper­ating the appliance, make sure that the combustion air is technically free of chemical substances containing flu­orine, chlorine, sulphur etc. Sprays, solvents and clean­ing agents, paints, adhesives etc. contain these kinds of substances, which - in the worst case scenario - can lead to corrosion, even in the exhaust system, during ambi­ent air dependent operating of the appliance. The appliance must be operated independently of the ambient air particularly in hairdressing salons, carpen­ter‘s shops or paint shops, cleaning companies. Other­wise, a separate installation room is required to guaran­tee that the combustion air supply is technically free of the above mentioned substances.
3.2.1 Select position of boiler
Refer to section ‘Boiler location’ for information regard­ing siting the appliance. In general the boiler must be positioned such that:
• There is adequate space around the boiler for service and maintenance
• The boiler can be correctly flued, i.e. the flue terminal position is sited in accordance with these instructions and the air/flue duct can be installed in accordance with the flue installation instructions supplied.
• All necessary pipework can be connected, including the pressure relief valve and condensate drain.
3.2.2 Air supply
Detailed recommendations for air supply are given in BS 5440: Part 2. It is not necessary to have an air vent in the room or internal space in which the boiler is installed.
3.2.3 Compartment ventilation
The boilers are very high efficiency appliances. As a con­sequence the heat loss from the appliance casing during operation is very low. Compartment ventilation is re­quired if the flue used is not concentric and air is supplied from the room or compartment the boiler is installed in.
3.2.4 Electrical supply
A 230 V, ~ 50 Hz single phase electricity supply fused to 3 Amp. must be provided in accordance with the latest edi­tion of BS7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations) and any other local regulations that may apply. In IE reference should be made to the current edition of the ETCI rules. The method of connection to the mains electricity supply must provide a means of completely isolating the boiler and its ancillary controls. Isolation is preferably by the use of a fused three pin plug and unswitched shuttered socket outlet, both complying with the requirements of BS 1363. Alternatively, a 3 Amp. fused doublepole switch with a 3 mm contact separation on both poles may be used.
9Installation and maintenance manual ecoMAX 646 / 0020020158_02
3.3 Dimensional drawing and connections
100 100
Rp1 Rp1
fl 20
R 1
fl 80/125
Fig. 3.2 Connection dimensions
1 Flue connection Ø 80/125 mm
Dimension A with 87° elbow: 253 mm 2 Mounting bracket 3 Heating return 4 DHW primary return (only in conjunction with cylinder) 5 Gas connection 6 DHW primary flow (only in conjunction with cylinder) 7 Heating flow
Mounting 3
Installation and maintenance manual ecoMAX 646 / 0020020158_0210
3.4 Required minimum gaps/assembly clearances
Both for the installation/assembly of the appliance and for carrying out maintenance tasks later, you need the minimum gaps and assembly clearances given below:
Fig. 3.3 Required minimum gaps/assembly clearances (mm)
Combustible materials may be safely placed next to the appliance provided the minimum side clearance of 5 mm is maintained for servicing, and if required ventilation purposes. The external temperature of the appliance will never be such as to cause combustion.
3.4.1 Using boiler template
• Fix the paper template to the wall ensure that the
template is vertical. The template shows:
- the position of the fixing holes for the boiler
mounting bracket
- the position of the connections
- the position of the flue exit hole
• Mark the position of the hanging bracket fixing holes.
• Drill 2 holes Ø 8 mm for the hanging bracket.
Use alternative fixing holes where necessary.
3.5 Mounting the appliance on the bracket
• Hang the appliance on o the mounting bracket (1) from
above with the bracket (3).
• Mount the cable connections to the appliance, making
sure they are disconnected from the power supply.
Fig. 3.4 Mounting the appliance on the bracket
3.6 Removing/Attaching the appliance casing
Removing the casing To dismount the front casing of the appliance, proceed as follows:
• Loosen the screw (1) on the bottom of the appliance.
• Press in both retaining clips (2) on the bottom of the appliance so that the casing is released.
• Pull the casing (3) forwards by its bottom edge and lift the casing up and off (4).
Fig. 3.5 Removing/Attaching the appliance casing
Attaching the casing
To mount the casing, proceed as follows:
• Place the casing on the upper appliance ensuring that the casing and appliance lips engage.
• Push the casing onto the appliance so that the retain­ing clips (2) on the casing click into place.
• Fix the casing by tightening the screw (1) on the bot­tom of the appliance.
3 Mounting
11Installation and maintenance manual ecoMAX 646 / 0020020158_02
4 Installation
When installing, please observe the following points in particular:
• Install the filling loop or other device in the return
• Ensure that the design of the system incorporates a suitably sized by-pass or low loss header is installed (as specified in paragraph 4.2)
When used with direct connection to an indirect DHW cylinder using the connections provided:
• Install a primary loading pump
• Install a non-return valve in both heating and DHW primary flows to prevent reverse circulation
• please also refer to section 4.3
4.1 Preparing the installation
Safety equipment for an emergency
• The outlet of the pressure relief valve must be suitably terminated in accordance with BS 6798 or BS 6644.
• The boiler is suitable for connection to plastic central heating pipes. It is preferred that the connections to the boiler are made in copper for the first 1.5 metres prior to the transition to plastic.
• Should a system be found to include non-oxygen barrier pipe then it is essential that a plate heat exchanger be installed in between the boiler and the non-oxygen barrier pipe. It is essential that the boiler and the sys­tem have provision for water make up and expansion.
4.2 Technical instructions for the heating system
The schematics shown are for diagrammatical representation only – the system may demand further safety devices and depends fully on the control system employed. Unvented cylinders must comply with the requirements of Building Regulations Document G 3. Always refer to British Standards, Good Prac­tice Guides and CIBSE guidelines
4.2.1 Direct connection to the heating circuit using
the integral boiler pump.
Pump layout; system dimensioning
The design flow rate of the ecoMAX 46 is optimally: V = 2000 l/h at T = 20 K flows through the boiler and system. The resulting residual delivery head for the system design is to be taken from fig. 4.2.
Setting the by-pass valve
In order to guarantee the minimum circulating water volume of 1150 l/h through the appliance, a by-pass valve must be fitted as a minimum requirement. If an automatic type by-pass valve is fitted the operating pressure should be able to be set between 250-400 mbar.
Fig. 4.1 Example 1: radiator heating, direct feeding, integral
boiler pump
1 ecoMAX 646 2 integral boiler pump 53 automatic by-pass valve (not supplied) OS outside sensor
Pressure [mbar]
Volume flow [l/hr]
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
residual delivery head without non-return valve
residual delivery head with non-return valve
Design point
(accessory. art-no. 306 715)
Fig. 4.2 Resulting characteristic curve (residual delivery head)
ecoMAX 646
4.2.2 Connection to heating circuit containing a low loss header.
Pump layout in the primary circuit
The pump output must be set to 100% (in the DIA sys­tem under point d.14).
Selection of the low loss header
A suitable WH model hydraulic switch (accessory) can be selected with the aid of table 4.1. A sufficiently large water volume (minimum circulating water volume) is constantly supplied through the boiler via the low loss header in conjunction with the pump built into the boiler.
Installation 4
Installation and maintenance manual ecoMAX 646 / 0020020158_0212
heating system output
heating system spread
10 K 15 K 20 K
ecoMAX 646 WH 95 WH 40 WH 40
double cascade WH 160 WH 95 WH 95
triple cascade WH 280 WH 160 WH 160
quadruple cascade WH 280 WH 160 WH 160
Table 4.1: Selection of the low loss header, WH model
Fig. 4.3 Example 2: radiator heating and floor heating, low loss
header, appliance-internal pump
1 ecoMAX 646 2 integral boiler pump 13 weather-compensated controller VRC 630 13a mixer valve 17a supply temperature sensor 45 low loss header OS outside sensor
4.3 Technical instructions for recharging
Fig. 4.4 Example 3: direct heating circuit and indirect cylinder
1 ecoMAX 646 2 integral boiler pump 13 weather-compensated controller VRC 410 OS outside sensor
Cylinder connection specification
It is imperative to keep to the minimum volume flow of the charging circuit of 1800 l/h. When designing such a system, consideration must be made for the pressure losses of non-return valves and piping to the cylinder.
Pressure [mbar]
Volume flow [l/hr]
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Fig. 4.5 Pressure loss characteristics of connecting a DHW
4.4 Gas connection
Ensure a stress-relief assembly of the gas pipes to avoid leakages.
Risk of damaging the gas control block by exceeding the testing pressure. The gas control block may only be tested for leaks up to a maximum pressure of 110 mbar. The operating pressure may not exceed 60 mbar. If these pressures are exceeded, the electronic gas valve may be damaged.
The appliance must be connected to your gas line via a gas cock.
• Screw the appliance‘s gas supply pipe (1) gas-tight
with the gas cock (2). To do this, use the R3/4 com­pression fitting supplied with the appliance. This is suitable for the connection of a R3/4 gas cock.
• Inspect the gas connection for leakage.
Fig. 4.6 Gas connection
4 Installation
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