F O R F U T U R E R E F E R E N C E .
T O R E D U C E T H E R I S K O F F I R E , E L E C T R I C S H O C K , O R I N J U R Y :
R E A D A N D U N D E R S T A N D A L L I N S T R U C T I O N S B E F O R E U S I N G T H I S V A C U U M .
Read and understand this op erator' s manual and all lab els on the W et/Dry Vacuum cleaner b efore
operating. Safety is a combination of common sense, staying alert, and knowing how your vacuum
works. Use this Wet/Dry Vac only as described in this manual. To reduce the risk of personal
inj ury or damage to yo ur W et/Dry Vac, use only Vacmaster
recommended accessories.
W h e n u s i n g a n e l e c t r i c a l a p p l i a n c e , b a s i c p r e c a u t i o n s s h o u l d a l w a y s b e f o l l o w e d
i n c l u d i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g :
• Do not run va c unattended.
• Do not vacuum, or use this Wet/Dry Vac near ammable liquids, gases, or explosive vapors
like gasoline or other fuels, lighter uids, cleaners, oil-based paints, natural gas, hydrogen, or
explosive dusts like coal dust, magnesium dust, grain dust, or gun powder. Sparks inside the
motor can ignite ammable vapors or dust.
• Do not va cuum anyt hing that is b urning or smoking, such as cigarettes, matches, or hot ashes.
• Keep cord away from heated surfaces.
• Do not exp ose to rain. Store indoors.
• Do not unp lug b y p ulling on cord. To unp lug, grasp the p lug, not the cord.
• Do not use with damaged cord, plug, or other parts.
• If appliance is not working as it should, has been dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or dropped
into water, return it to a service center.
• Do not p ull or carry b y cord, use cord as handle, close a door on cord, or p ull cord around sharp
edges or corners.
• Do not run W et/Dry Vac ove r cord.
• Do not handle plug or the Wet/Dry Vac with wet hands.
• To reduce the risk of health hazards from vapors or dusts, do not vacuum toxic materials.
• Do not use or store near hazardous materials.
• Do not use this Wet/Dry Vac with a torn lter or without the lter installed except when
va cuuming liq uids as describ ed in the op eration section of this manual.
• Do not allow to be used as a toy. Close attention is necessary when used by or near children.
• To reduce the risk of injury from accidental starting, unplug power cord before changing or
cleaning lter.
• Do not leave Wet/Dry Vac unattended when plugged in. Unplug from outlet when not in use
and b efore servi cing.
• Turn off W et/Dry Vac b efore unp lugging.
• Do not put any object into ventilation openings. Do not vacuum with any ventilation openings
blocked; keep free of dust, lint, hair, or anything that may reduce air ow.
• Keep hair, loose clothing, ngers, and all parts of body away from openings and moving parts.
• To reduce the risk of falls, use extra care when cleaning on stairs.
• U np lug b efore connecting hose.
• U se only as describ ed in this manual. U se only manufacturer’ s recommended attachments.
• This appliance is provided with double insulation. Use only identical replacement parts. See
W h e n u s i n g a s b l o w e r :
• Direct air discharge only at work area.
• Do not use W et/Dry Vac as a sp raye r.
• Do not direct air at b yst anders.
• Keep children away when blowing.
• U se safety goggles.
Household Typ e