Quick Installation Guide for
Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, Me, XP Operating
Model 5668B
Part Number R24.0319.00
U.S. Robotics Corporation
935 National Parkway
Schaumburg, Illinois
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U.S. Robotics Corporation
935 National Parkway
Schaumburg, Illinois
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Before you begin, we recommend you uninstall any other modems you
have in your system. Refer to your previous modem's documentation
for instructions.
Write down your new U.S. Robotics modem's serial number, which is located on
the white bar code sticker on the modem and on the modem's box, in the space
below. If you ever need to call our Technical Support department, you will need
this number to receive assistance.
Step 1: Connect the modem to the computer.
Shut down your computer and connect the serial cable to the modem and the
computer. To find the serial port on the back of your computer, look for COM,
MODEM, RS-232, |o|o|, or SERIAL. Do not use the AUX, GAME, LPT, or PARALLEL
Step 2: Connect the modem to an analogue phone line and plug
in the modem’s power supply.
Plug one end of the provided phone cord into the jack on the modem and
plug the other end into an analogue phone wall jack.
The phone socket you use must be for an analogue phone line. Most
office phones are wired through DIGITAL lines. Be sure you know what
type of line you have. The modem will be damaged if you use a digital
phone line.
Plug the power supply into the jack on the modem and the other end into
an electrical outlet. Plug your headset into the jack on the modem. Turn on
the modem. The power button is located on the side of the modem.
If the CS light is not on, the modem may not be turned on or plugged in
properly. Make sure the modem is turned on and that the power supply
is connected between the modem and the electrical outlet.
Step 3: Install the modem drivers.
If you have Windows 95/98 operating systems:
Turn your computer on. After the New Hardware Wizard detects your modem,
insert the Installation CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. Follow the on-screen
prompts to complete the installation. If you are asked for the location of your CDROM drive, type the letter of your CD-ROM drive and a colon (D: if your drive
letter is D).
If you have Windows Me:
Turn your computer on. After you see a message that your new modem has been
detected and installed, insert your Installation CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
Click Start, select Settings, then click Control Panel. Click View all Control Panel Options in the upper-left corner of your screen. Double-click the System icon.
Click Device Manager. Expand Modems by clicking +. Double-click the
description of your new modem, then click the Driver tab. Click Update Driver.
Select Specify the location of the driver (Advanced). Click Next. Select
Removable media. Click Next. Select U.S. Robotics 56K Message V.92. Click
Next. Click Finish to complete the installation. Click Close on the U.S. Robotics
56K Message V.92 screen. Windows will now detect the Wave Device for Voice
Modem. Select Specify the location of the driver (Advanced). Click Next. Select
Removable media. Click Next. Select U.S. Robotics Half-Duplex Audio Device.
Click Next. Click Finish to complete the installation.
If you have Windows NT:
Windows NT users must be in administrator mode to properly add any
new hardware.
Turn your computer on. Insert your Installation CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive
before you log in. Click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel. Doubleclick Modems. When the Install New Modem screen appears, click Next to have
Windows detect your new modem. When your modem is detected, click Change.
Click Have Disk. Make sure the location of your CD-ROM drive is selected. Click OK. Select U.S. Robotics. Select U.S. Robotics 56K Message V.92 (non-PnP).
Click OK and then Next. Click Finish. The Modems Properties tab will display the
COM port that is assigned to your modem. Click Close. If the System Settings
Change window appears, click Yes to restart your computer.
If you have Windows 2000:
Windows 2000 users must be in administrator mode to properly add any
new hardware. Your modem will be automatically installed. Follow the
update driver procedure below.
Turn your computer on. After you see a message that your new modem has been
installed, insert your Installation CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. Click Start,
select Settings, then click Control Panel. Double-click the System icon. Click the
Hardware tab. Click Device Manager. Expand Modems by clicking +. Double-
click the description of your new modem or Standard Modem if there is no
specific description, then click the Driver tab. Click Update Driver. Click Next.
Select Search for a suitable driver for my device. Click Next. Select Specify a
location. Click Next. Select CD-ROM drive. Click Next. Select Install one of the
other drivers, then click Next. Select U.S. Robotics 56K Message V.92. Click
Next. A Digital Signature Not Found message will appear. Click Yes. Click Finish
to complete the installation.
If you have Windows XP:
Windows XP users must be in administrator mode to properly add any
new hardware. Your modem will be automatically installed. Follow the
update driver procedure below.
Turn your computer on. Insert your Installation CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
Click Start then click Control Panel. If you are not in Classic View, switch to
Classic View now by clicking the selection in the upper-left corner of your screen.
Double-click the System icon. Click the Hardware tab. Click Device Manager.
Expand Modems by clicking +. Double-click the description of your new modem
or Standard Modem if there is no specific description, then click the Driver tab.
Click Update Driver. Select Install from a Specific Location (Advanced). Click
Next. Select Don’t search. I will choose the driver to install. Click Next. Click
Have Disk. Type the letter of your CD-ROM drive and a colon (D: if your drive
letter is D). Click OK. Select the description of your modem, then click Next. If you
see a warning telling you that this modem has not passed logo testing, click
Continue Anyway. Click Finish.
All Windows Operating Systems:
V.92 Features
Would you like to install the ControlCenter software?
The ControlCenter software allows you to configure your V.92 modem settings
and automatically notifies you of any updates to your modem’s code.
•To install the ControlCenter software, eject and reinsert the Installation CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. If the Installation CD-ROM interface does not run automatically, click Start and then click Run. In the
Run dialogue box, type D:\setup.exe. If your CD-ROM drive uses a different letter, type that letter in place of D.
•Choose the Software option, select U.S. Robotics ControlCenter, and
then follow the on-screen instructions to install the ControlCenter
Would you like to install the Internet Call Notification software?
Internet Call Notification lets you take an incoming voice call without dropping
your Internet connection.
•To install the Internet Call Notification software, eject and reinsert the
Installation CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. If the Installation CDROM interface does not run automatically, click Start and then click
Run. In the Run dialogue box, type D:\setup.exe. If your CD-ROM drive
uses a different letter, type that letter in place of D.
•Choose the Software option, select U.S. Robotics Internet Call Notifi-cation, and follow the on-screen instructions to install the Internet
Call Notification software.
Register your modem.
•At the Installation CD-ROM interface, click the Support link. Follow the
on-screen instructions to register your modem and to view the warranty information. If the Installation CD-ROM interface does not run
automatically, click Start and then click Run. In the Run dialogue box,
type D:\setup.exe. If your CD-ROM drive uses a different letter, type
that letter in place of D. You can also register online at
If you have any difficulty with your modem, first make sure that
it was installed correctly.
Windows Me, 98, 95
•Click Start, Settings, and then Control Panel.
•Double-click the Modems icon. In the Modems Properties screen, you
should see a description for your new U.S. Robotics modem. If you do
not see a description of your modem, see the Note at the end of this
•Click the Diagnostics tab. Make sure that the correct COM port
(modem) is selected.
•Click the More Info button. You should see a series of commands and
responses from the modem. This means that the installation was a
success. If you do not see commands and responses, shut down and
restart your computer. To determine if your modem is functioning
properly, repeat the steps above. If your modem is still not working,
refer to the additional troubleshooting in this Guide.
Windows NT
Windows NT users must be in administrator mode to properly add any new
•Click Start, Settings, and then Control Panel.
•Double-click the Modems icon. In the Modems Properties screen, you
should see a description for your new U.S. Robotics modem. If you do
not see your modem listed, shut down and restart your computer. To
determine if your modem is functioning properly, try reinstalling your
modem. If your modem is still not working, refer to the additional
troubleshooting in this Guide.
Windows 2000
Windows 2000 users must be in administrator mode to properly add any new
•Click Start, Settings, and then Control Panel.
•Double-click the Phone and Modem Options icon. Click the Modems
tab. Make sure that your new U.S. Robotics modem is selected. If you
do not see a description of your modem, see the Note at the end of
this section.
•Click the Properties button.
•Click the Diagnostics tab.
•Click the Query Modem button. You should see a series of commands
and responses from the modem. This means that the installation was
a success. If you do not see commands and responses, shut down and
restart your computer. To determine if your modem is functioning
properly, repeat the steps above. If your modem is still not working,
refer to the additional troubleshooting in this Guide.
Windows XP
Windows XP users must be in administrator mode to properly add any new
•Click Start and then click Control Panel.
•Click Phone and Modem Options and then click the Modems tab. You
should see a description of your new U.S. Robotics modem and a
COM port setting. If you do not see a description of your modem, see
the Note at the end of this section.
•Click Modem, highlight the description of your new modem, and click
•Click the Diagnostics tab.
•Click the Query Modem button. You should see a series of commands
and responses from the modem. This means that the installation was
a success. If you do not see commands and responses, shut down
and restart your computer. To determine if your modem is functioning
properly, repeat the steps above. If your modem is still not working,
refer to the additional troubleshooting in this Guide.
NOTE: If your modem is not listed and/or you do not see a series of
commands and responses, make sure that your cables are attached
correctly to your computer. If your modem still does not work, refer to
the additional troubleshooting in this Guide. Shut down and restart your
computer. To verify that your modem is functioning properly, repeat the steps
listed under your specific operating system.
For additional troubleshooting help, review these common
PROBLEM: My computer isn’t recognizing my modem.
Possible solution:
You may be using a COM port that is either already in use or not configured
correctly. For the modem to work properly, it must be plugged into an enabled
serial port which is assigned to a free COM port. Most computers have two serial
ports assigned to COM 1 and COM 2 respectively.
Windows XP, 2000
Make sure your COM port is not already in use by another modem. Click Start,
Settings (for Windows 2000 only), and Control Panel, and then double-click
Phone and Modem Options. Click the Modems tab. Look for a listed modem and
check which COM port it is using. If a previous modem is already using the
available COM port, you can either use another COM port or uninstall the modem
that was installed previously. See your previous modem’s manual for
uninstallation instructions. Next, make sure that your COM ports are configured
correctly. Right-click the My Computer icon on your desktop. Click Properties.
Click the Hardware tab. In the Device Manager section, click the Device Manager
button. Look under Ports (COM and LPT). If the Communications ports have
yellow exclamation points or red Xs over them, your COM ports may be
configured incorrectly. If this is the case, you may need to contact your computer
manufacturer. It is also possible that you may be plugging your external
modem’s cable into a disabled serial port. Refer to your computer’s manual for
information about enabling COM ports. This usually involves altering the BIOS
settings and possibly the operating system. You may need to call your
computer’s manufacturer to change your BIOS settings if they are incorrect.
Windows Me, 98, 95
Make sure your COM port is not already in use by another modem. Click Start, Settings, and Control Panel, and then double-click Modems. If you have
Windows Me and you do not see this icon, be sure to select View All Control Panel Options. Look for another modem listed and if another modem is listed,
click the Diagnostics tab to find out which COM port it is using. If a previous
modem is already using the available COM port, you can either use another COM
port or uninstall the previously installed modem. See your previous modem’s
manual for uninstallation instructions. Next, make sure that your COM ports are
configured correctly. Right-click the My Computer icon on your desktop. Click
Properties. Click the Device Manager tab. Look under Ports (COM and LPT). If the
COM ports have yellow exclamation points or red Xs over them, your COM ports
may be configured incorrectly. If this is the case and you are not sure how to
properly configure your COM ports, contact your computer manufacturer.
It is also possible that you may be plugging your RS-232 modem cable into a
disabled serial port. Refer to your computer’s manual for information about
enabling COM ports. This usually involves altering the BIOS settings and
possibly the operating system. You may need to call your computer’s
manufacturer to change your BIOS settings if they are incorrect.
Windows NT
Click Start, Settings, and then Control Panel. Double-click Ports. Make sure the
port you are plugging the modem into appears in the list. If it does not, the port
needs to be added, and possibly enabled in the BIOS. Consult your Windows NT
manual for information about adding ports. After you add or enable the port,
follow the instructions in this Guide for your operating system.
PROBLEM: My software isn’t recognizing my modem.
Possible solution:
Your communications software may not function properly if you have more than
one version of the software installed or if you are using an older version. We
highly recommend using the communications software provided with your
modem on the Installation CD-ROM.
Possible solution:
Make sure the modem is plugged in and turned on. If it is, check the outlet with
another electric device (like a lamp) to be sure that you are getting power. Also,
you must use the power supply that came with your modem; other similar-
looking power supplies may be of different voltages and could damage your
modem. When your modem is properly connected to an electrical outlet, a wall
outlet, or a surge protector and is turned on, the CS light on the front panel will
be illuminated.
Possible solution:
Windows XP, 2000
You may not have the correct modem type selected in your software or in
Windows. Click Start, Settings (Windows 2000 only), and then Control Panel.
When Control Panel opens, click Phone and Modem Options. Click the Modems
tab. Here you will see a list of installed modems. You can also add, remove, or
view the properties of modems from this window. The U.S. Robotics modem you
have installed should be present in the list of installed modems. If none of the
modem descriptions in the list matches your U.S. Robotics modem or no
modems are listed, your modem is not properly installed. Try reinstalling your
modem using the instructions on this Guide for your operating system.
Windows Me, 98, 95, NT
You may not have the correct modem type selected in your software or in
Windows. Click Start, Settings, and Control Panel. When Control Panel opens,
double-click Modems. Here you will see a list of installed modems. You can also
add, remove, or view the properties of modems from this window. The U.S.
Robotics modem you have installed should be present in the list of installed
modems. If none of the modem descriptions in the list matches your U.S.
Robotics modem or no modems are listed, your modem is not properly installed.
Try reinstalling your modem using the instructions in this Guide for your
operating system.
Possible solution:
Windows XP
If you are using Dial-Up Networking, it may not be configured correctly. Check
your configuration and make sure you have the correct port selected. Click Start, Control Panel, and double-click Network Connections. Double-click the
description of the dial-up networking connection, and select Properties. Make
sure that the description in the Connect Using box (under the General tab)
matches the description of the modem you are using. If it doesn’t match, select
the proper modem description.
Windows 2000
If you are using Dial-Up Networking, it may not be configured correctly. Check
your configuration and make sure you have the correct port selected. Click Start,
point to Settings, and click Network and Dial-up Connections. Make sure that
the description in the Connect Using box (under the General tab) matches the
description of the modem you are using. If it doesn’t match, select the proper
modem description.
Windows Me, 98, 95, NT
If you are using Dial-Up Networking, it may not be installed or configured
correctly. Check your configuration and make sure you have the correct port
selected. Double-click My Computer. If you are using Windows Me, click Start,
point to Settings, then double-click Control Panel. All operating systems should
then double-click Dial-Up Networking, right-click the connection you are trying
to use, and select Properties. Make sure that the description in the modem box
matches the description of the modem you are using. If it doesn’t match, select
the proper modem description.
PROBLEM: My modem won’t dial out or doesn’t answer incoming calls.
For both dialing and answering problems:
Possible solution:
Make sure that you are using the power supply that came with your modem;
other similar-looking power supplies may be of different voltages and could
damage your modem.
Possible solution:
You might have a bad phone cord connected to your modem, or your phone cord
may be plugged into the wrong jack. The phone cord should be plugged into the
jack labelled on the modem and directly into the telephone wall jack. Use the
phone cord included in your modem’s box, if possible.
Possible solution:
You may have devices between the modem and the phone jack. There should be
no line splitters, fax machines, or other devices between the modem and the
telephone wall jack.
Office Users
Possible solution:
You may have plugged your modem’s phone cord into a digital line, which can
damage your modem. Contact your phone system administrator if you are
unsure whether or not your phone line is digital. If your phone system requires
dialing “9” to access an outside line, be sure to add “9” before the number you
are dialing.
Dialing Problems for Voice Mail Users
Possible solution:
If you have voice mail provided by your local phone company, your dial tone may
be altered when messages are waiting. Retrieve your voice mail to restore your
normal dial tone.
PROBLEM: My modem sounds like it’s trying to connect to
another modem but fails.
Possible solution:
You may have a poor connection. All calls are routed differently, so try placing
the call again.
PROBLEM: My modem isn’t achieving a 56K Internet connection.
Possible solution:
Our research has shown that the vast majority of telephone lines can and do
support V.90/V.92 connections. The V.90/V.92 protocol allows for connection
speeds of up to 56K, but line conditions may affect the actual speeds during a
given connection. Due to unusual telephone line configurations, some users will
not be able to take full advantage of V.90/V.92 technology at this time. In order
to achieve a V.90/V.92 connection:
1.The server you are dialing into must support and provide a digital V.90/
V.92 signal. Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) can provide you with a list
of dial-up connections and information on what those connections currently support.
2.The telephone line between your ISP and your modem must be capable of
supporting a 56K connection and contain only one analogue-to-digital conversion. The 56K signal from your ISP begins as a digital signal. Somewhere between the ISP and your modem, there will be a digital-toanalogue signal conversion so that your modem can receive the data.
There must be no more than one analogue-to-digital signal conversion in
the path from your ISP to your modem. If more than one analogue-to-digital conversion occurs, your connection speeds will default to V.34+ (33.6
Kbps). There may also be impairments on the local lines between your ISP
and your modem. These impairments can prevent or limit connection
speeds. All telephone calls are routed differently, so you should try making
your 56K connection several times. One way to test this is to dial into a
long distance location. Long distance lines are often much clearer than
local lines. It is important to note that telephone companies are constantly
upgrading their systems. Lines that do not support 56K today may support
56K in the near future.
3.For a V.90 connection, your modem must be connecting to a V.90/56K
server. A pair of 56K modems will not connect to each other at V.90/56K
4.For a V.92 connection, your modem must be connecting to a V.92 server. A
pair of 56K modems will not connect to each other at V.92/56K speeds.
Support Resources
If you have not fixed your problem after trying the suggestions in the
“Troubleshooting” section, you can receive additional help via one of these
convenient resources:
1.Visit the U.S. Robotics Web site
Many of the most common difficulties users experience have been
addressed in the FAQ and Troubleshooting Web pages for your specific
product. Your product number is 5668B. You may need to know this to
obtain information on the U.S. Robotics Web site. Go to:
2.Contact the U.S. Robotics Technical Support Department
Technical questions about U.S. Robotics modems can also be answered by
technical support specialists.
We, U.S. Robotics Corporation of 935 National Parkway, Schaumburg, Illinois, 60173-5157 USA, declare
under our sole responsibility that the product, 56K Message Modem, Model 5668, to which this
declaration relates, is in conformity with the following standards and/or other normative documents.