Universal Remote Control (URS) MRF-200 User Manual

Multi-Room “No-Pointing” RF Control of
Audio/Video Components
MRF-200 Installation Manual © 2003 Universal Remote Control, Inc.
The information in this manual is copyright protected. No part of this manual may be copied or reproduced in any form without prior written consent from Universal Remote Control, Inc.
The information in this manual may be subject to change without prior notice.
Home Theater Master is a registered trademark of Universal Remote Control, Inc. Entertainment Made Simple is a trademark of Universal Remote Control, Inc.
All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
500 Mamaroneck Avenue, Harrison, NY 10528
Phone: (914) 835-4484 Fax: (914) 835-4532
Introduction 1
Features and Benefits 2
Parts Guide 2
Front Panel 3
Mounting Plate 3
Power LED 3
Status LED 3
Front Blaster 3
Rear Panel 4
Flashers 4
Power Supply 4
Bottom Panel 4
Receiver ID# 4
A Standard MRF-200 System 5
Standard Installation — Step by Step 5
Front Blaster Overload 7
Disabling the Front Blaster - Step by Step 7
Controlling An Array of Identical TV’s 8
Identical Components - Step by Step 8
Programming For Multiple Equipment Locations 11
Frequently Asked Questions 12
Specifications 12
PPaaggee 11
MMRRFF--220000 BB
The combination of the MX-800 with it’s companion MRF-200 base station will enable you to place your audio/video components out of sight behind closed doors and/or in another room of your house. The MX-800 sends radio signals to the MRF-200 throughout your house (50-100’ away, indoors or out­doors). The MRF-200 converts your commands to the infrared signals that control your A/V components.
3. Self-adhesive “Flashers” affix to the Infrared sensors on the front panels of your components. The Flashers relay commands to components out of sight of the MRF-200’s Front Blaster. The flashers plug in to the MRF-200’s rear flasher line outputs via their 10 foot cables.
2.The MRF-200’s built-in Front Blaster sends commands to components in the same cabinet space as the MRF-200.
1.The MX-800 remote con­trol sends radio waves in every direction, so you don’t have to point the remote any­more!
PPaaggee 22
MMRRFF--220000 BB
Features and Benefits
NNoo MMoorree PPooiinnttiinngg -- RRaaddiioo WWaavveess PPeenneettrraattee WWaallllss,, DDoooorrss aanndd FFlloooorrss The MRF-200 receives the RF signals of the MX-800 remote control from any direction. You no longer need to point the remote control at any of your A/V components. You can also place the components distracting blinking lights and displays behind closed doors and/or in another room!
RReelliiaabbllee CCoonnttrrooll TThhrroouugghhoouutt YYoouurr HHoouussee The MRF-200 receives RF signals from your MX-800 from within a radius of 50 to 100 feet enabling you to control out of sight audio/video components behind walls and closed doors. Range depends on the structure of your home and the amount of interference generated by computers, microprocessors and other devices within and nearby your home.
UUpp TToo SSiixxtteeeenn EEqquuiippmmeenntt LLooccaattiioonnss CCoonnttrroolllleedd FFrroomm AAnnyy MMXX--880000 Each MX-800 can be programmed to operate equipment placed throughout the house, by installing an MRF-200 base station at each location. Each MRF­200 is assigned one of 16 unique ID#’s. In operation it’s simple: when you select a device located in the Den, the MX-800 only talks to the MRF-200 in the Den. When you select a device located in the Family Room, the MX-800 only talks to it!
NNoo PPooiinnttiinngg RReemmoottee CCoonnttrroollss IInn EEvveerryy RRoooomm You can opt to control a multi-room or multi-zone system via RF remote con­trol by placing an MX-800 in each room of your home.
CCoonnttrrooll AA MMeeddiiaa RRoooomm AArrrraayy ooff IIddeennttiiccaall TTVVss The MRF-200’s unique assignable IR flashers enable your installation to control up to six identical TV’s. The intelligent routing of the MRF-200 will send your commands only to the TV you select on your MX-800. The other identical TV’s will not receive commands. Of course, if your system utilizes identical satellite receivers, cable boxes, VCR’s or disc changers you can utilize IR rout­ing just as easily for them. If you have more than six identical components, up to 16 additional MRF-200’s can be installed to control them (thus allowing up to 96 identical components in one house).
Parts Guide
The MRF-200 RF Base Station includes:
1 - MRF-200 Receiver with integrated antenna 1 - Mounting Plate for wall mounting the MRF-200 4 - Screws for wall mounting the mounting plate 1 - 9V-300mA Power Supply 6 - Flashers with 10 foot plug in cables.
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