Universal Remote Control MX-1000 Owners manual

Home Theater Master
LCD Touch Screen
Preprogrammed and Learning
Remote Control
It is designed to operate up to twelve home entertainment components. You can program it for your components either from the preprogrammed code library in the remote control or you can teach up to 780 buttons into MX-1000 from your original remote controls.
The MX-1000 has many advanced operating features that can add convenience and enjoyment of your home entertainment system. It also allows you to change the button size and shape and edit the text on the button in the LCD. You can also make these changes with the aid of your personal computer.
Setting up the MX-1000 to work with your components is very easy and simple. Please follow the instructions in the manual and retain the manual for future reference.
For any questions or comments about the MX-1000, please contact Universal Remote Control, Inc., 500 Mamaroneck Avenue, Harrison, NY 10528 at 914-835-4484 or e-mail to www.service@urcmx.com Customer service hours are 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST, Monday Ð Friday.
1. Introductions - General
1. Introduction
2. Battery Installation
3. Summary of Operations
A. Description of Devices B. Pre-programed codes C. Learning D. Macro Operation E. Punch Through F. Editing the buttons on LCD screen G. Loading program H. All Other Operations
4. LCD Screen and Button Layout
5. Getting Ready with System Setting
6. Programming the Remote Control
A. Preprogramming Method
1) Using a three-digit code number
2) Auto scan with brand names B. Learning method C. To erase the learned buttons
1) To erase a single button
2) To erase all the learned commands in a single device
3) To erase all the learned commands in all twelve device
7. System and Operations Set Up
A. Setting up the system B. Macro and Punch Through Programming
B-1. Macro programming B-2. To program Macro Functions B-3. To erase Macro Functions
C. To program Punch Through Functions
C-1. Programming C-2. To Erase Punch Through Functions
8. To Edit the Buttons on LCD
A. To Move buttons B. To Copy buttons
B-1. To Copy- Creating a Favorite Device page(MAIN1) C. To Delete buttons D. To Insert buttons E. To Change buttons F. To Edit a text
9. Clock Setting
10. Loading Programs with PC
11. LCD Screen Alignment
12. LCD Screen Contrast
13. Caution on LCD Screen
14. Memory Lock
15. Erasing all the Programs
16. Warranty
17. Specifications
18. Appendix
A. Set up Function Table
B. Set up code Table
Table of Content
2 3 4
7 8 9
12 14
16 16
20 21
22 23 24 25
26 26 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29
30 ~ 39 40 ~ 53
A. Description of Devices: The MX-1000 is designed to operate up to twelve components. They are Audio, CATV, Satellite, TV, DVD, VCR1, VCR2, Laser Disc, Tuner, CD, Tape and AUX. However, the device button name can
be changed to meet your exact needs. You can also create a favorite device page and transfer the frequently used devices to the favorite device page in order to change the device button sizes and shapes. Once you create the favorite device page, it will appear as a default device page. Please refer to COPY in EDITING Section on page 21 for details.
There are also four pages of the LCD screen for each device and you can use them to create, delete or edit any functional buttons to customize with your audio/video components. Please refer to EDITING on page 20 for details.
B. Pre-programmed Codes:
The MX-1000 comes with preprogrammed codes for practically all the major audio and video equipment that are on the market. You can operate all of your components with the MX-1000 simply by punching in the three-digit code number that is assigned to your brand. The code numbers for various brands and components are listed in the instruction manual. Please refer to the programming instruction shown on page 9 for details.
C. Learning:
The MX-1000 can also learn practically all the codes from your original remote controls. There are 50 LCD screens in the remote control and all the functional buttons in the LCD can be taught. In addition, there are eleven rubber buttons and a joystick that contains five functions. Each of these buttons and the joystick functions can be taught in each of the twelve devices. As a whole, you can teach up to 780 new functions into the remote control. Please refer to page 12 in the instruction manual for details.
3. Summary of Operations
MX-1000 uses four AA batteries. Please be sure to match the batteries with the (+) and (-) markings inside the battery compartment during installation.
The remote control goes through self-testing for three seconds after the batteries are installed and automatically moves to setting mode for your programming.
NOTE: Please do not mix old batteries with new ones or mix different types of batteries.
2. Battery Installation
F. Editing the buttons on LCD screen.
You can change the size and shape of the buttons on the LCD screen. You can also create, delete, copy and move the buttons from one location to another on the LCD. In addition, you can erase and write your own text with different font sizes on the buttons. This could be done directly on the remote control without a personal computer or with the aid of personal computer. Please refer to page 20 in the manual for details.
G. Loading Program
The MX-1000 is capable of receiving software programs and data through the Internet. You can also load programs and data in the remote control to your personal computer and download them to another MX-1000. Please refer to page 26 in the manual for details.
H. All other operations:
You can set the duration of the back light or the LCD display to stay on as well as low battery warning level and the "beep" sound level. Please refer to page 16 in the manual for details.
You can also set the time, date and year that are displayed in the remote control by following the procedures shown on page 26 of the manual.
3. Summary of Operations
D. Macro Operation:
The remote control is capable of sending out a series of commands with one button press. There are three types of macro buttons you can use for such macro operations and they are as follows:
1. M1, M2 and M3 buttons on MAIN page. Each of these three buttons are designed to send out up to 28 series of commands you programmed into the buttons. It is typically used to turn on and turn off all of your A/V components with one button press.
2. Device buttons on Main page. There are twelve device buttons on the MAIN page and each of these device buttons can send out up to 14 commands you programmed into the device button. It is typically used in sending out audio input codes so that the audio receiver will make an automatic input switch when you press the respective device button in the remote control.
3. Favorite Channel buttons. You can create up to 60 favorite channel buttons in the remote control by programming the most often watched channel numbers into these buttons. Each of these buttons can send out up to 14 commands. You can also use them for any other purpose. Please refer to page 16 of the manual for programming the macro operations.
E. Punch Through. This is designed to operate audio equipment volume control buttons ( VOLUME UP and DOWN and MUTE ) while all the other buttons control video equipment. You can also operate transport functions ( PLAY, STOP, REWIND and FAST FORWARD buttons ) from VCR, DVD, LD, CD or any other mode to operate while all other buttons in the remote control are operating different components. You can also make punch through on CHANNEL buttons. Please refer to page 19 in the manual for details.
3. Summary of Operations
All the programming is done by first entering the SYSTEM SETTING mode in the remote control. Press both the MAIN and PAGE buttons simultaneously for five seconds to enter the SYSTEM SETTING mode.
Move the cursor on the screen with the joystick to your selection in the list. Enter the selection by pushing down the joystick.
You can exit the setting mode by simply pressing the MAIN button or bring the cursor to 8. TO EXIT with joystick and push the joystick down
5. Getting Ready with System Setting
4. LCD Screen and Button Layout
Displays the name of the device selected. Displays the data and clock Displays page number. Displays the device names LIGHT button MACRO buttons. MAIN DEVICE menu button. LCD Page change button. POWER MUTE VOLUME CHANNEL Previous channel button. TRANSPORT functions(PLAY, STOP,REWIND and FF) for VCR,
CD and DVD etc. JOYSTICK button(UP, DOWN, LEFT,RIGHT and ENTER)to move
the cursor and enter the selection by pushing down the joystick.,
8. Confirm that you entered the right code number that matches your
component by pressing other buttons such as POWER, VOLUME,
MUTE and CHANNEL. If any of the buttons do not operate as they
should, please repeat from Step 5.
9. Continue to program other components by repeating from the
above step 5.
10. Once you completed programming all the devices, exit from the
programming mode by pressing both the MAIN and PAGE buttons simultaneously.
11. You will be in the setting mode once again. Move the cursor to
8. TO EXIT and press the cursor down or simply press the MAIN
button to exit to main menu.
2) Auto Scan with brand names.
You can also program your remote control by brand name with the following steps:
1. Manually turn on the component you plan to operate.
2. Go to program setting mode in the remote control by pressing both
the MAIN and PAGE buttons simultaneously for five seconds.
3. Using the joystick, move the cursor down in the LCD screen to
4. Push the joystick down to enter the preprogram mode.
5. Select the device you wish to program in the LCD screen.
(E.g. To program TV, press the TV device button. )
6. Select the device from which the three digit code number will be
selected from. (E.g. If it is from the TV code table, press the TV device
6. Programming the Remote Control
You can program the MX-1000 to make it compatible with all of your components by following either the preprogramming method or teaching it with your original remote controls.
A. Preprogramming Method:
1) Using a three-digit code number.
1. Turn on the component you plan to operate manually.
2. Go to the program setting mode by pressing both the MAIN and
PAGE buttons simultaneously for five seconds
3. Using the joystick, move the cursor down in the LCD screen to
4. Push the joystick down to enter the preprogramming mode.
5. Select the device on the LCD screen that you wish to program.
(E.g. To program TV, press the TV device button. )
6. Select the device from which the three digit code number table will
be selected from. (E.g. If it is from the TV code table, press the TV device button.)
7. Point the remote control toward the component and enter the three-
digit code number you selected for your component from the code table on page 40 Ð 53. ( Please enter the code number within 20 seconds of programming.) If there is more than one code number assigned to your brand, try the one code number at a time until you find the right code number. ( If you entered the right code number, the component will turn off right after you entered the number.) When the right code number is entered, save the code by pressing the SAVE button on LCD.
6. Programming the Remote Control
6. Programming the Remote Control
NOTE: Confirm that it is the right code number for your component by pressing other buttons such as POWER, VOLUME, MUTE and CHANNEL, etc. If any of the buttons do not operate as they should, please repeat from Step 5.
10. Continue to program other components by repeating from Step 5.
11. Once you have completed programming all the devices, exit from
the programming mode by pressing both the MAIN and PAGE buttons simultaneously.
12. You will be in the setting mode. Move the cursor to 8. TO EXIT
and press the cursor down or simply press the MAIN button to exit to the main menu.
B. Learning Method:
You can also teach any of the buttons in the remote control except
the MAIN and PAGE buttons with the following steps.
1. Go to the program setting mode by pressing both the MAIN and
PAGE buttons simultaneously for five seconds.
2. Move the cursor to 4. LEARNING with the joystick and then push
the joystick down to enter the learning mode.
3. If you wish to teach any of the functional buttons in the device,
keep the cursor to COMMON BUTTON and select the device that you wish to enter. If you wish to teach the twelve device buttons shown on the LCD, press the MUTE button to move the cursor to the DEVICE BUTTON and select the device on the LCD that you wish to teach into.
7. Point the remote control to the component and press the BRAND button.
8. Press the number button on LCD screen that corresponds with the
first alphabetical character of your brand name. ( Please press the number button within 20 seconds of programming.)
Plcase note that pressing the number button will only show the first alphabet of the brand in that alphabet group.
9. If the first code number assigned to the brand is the right one, it
will turn off the component. If it is not the right one or if it is not the right brand name, press the Channel Up button. It will automatically send out a POWER OFF command either from the next code number from the same brand or the code from the next brand. Keep the Channel Up button pressed until it turns off the component. When the component turns off, save the code by pressing the SAVE button on the LCD. ( Note: It is quite possible that the code number that works with your component may have a different brand name because of the way it was made by its manufacturer. )
6. Programming the Remote Control
C. To Erase the Learned Buttons
1) To erase a single button:
1. Go to the program setting mode by pressing both the MAIN and
PAGE buttons simultaneously for five seconds.
2. Move the cursor to 4. Learning with the joystick and then push the
joystick down to enter the learning mode.
3. Move the cursor to COMMON BUTTON and select the device
that contains the functional button you wish to erase. If you wish to erase the function in the device button, move the cursor to DEVICE BUTTON.
4. Press the functional button or device button you wish to erase for
three seconds or more and it will flash "ERASED". Repeat this step for other buttons you wish to erase.
5. Once you completed erasing and wish to exit from this mode,
press the MAIN button to go back to the main page of the learning mode. Exit from the Main page by pressing both the MAIN and PAGE buttons simultaneously.
6. You will be in the setting mode once again. Move the cursor to
8. TO EXIT and press down the cursor or simply press the MAIN
button to exit to the main menu.
2) To erase all the learned commands in a single device:
1. Go to the program setting mode by pressing both the MAIN and
PAGE buttons simultaneously for five seconds.
2. Move the cursor to 4. Learning with the joystick and then push the
joystick down to enter the learning mode.
6. Programming the Remote Control
4. Place your original remote control to the MX-1000 head to head
about 2-3 inches apart as shown below.
5. Press either the device button or functional button, whichever you
wish to teach in the MX-1000. It is now ready to learn on the button you selected.
6. Press the button on your original remote control that you wish to
teach into the MX-1000. The MX-1000 will "beep" indicating that it received the signal and the LCD will show "RETRY". ( Please enter the code signal within 20 seconds of programming.)
7. Press the same button on the original remote control a second time
to ensure correct learning. The MX-1000 will beep a second time with "GOOD" flashed on the LCD screen, indicating that it learned the code correctly. If it flashes "FAIL", repeat from Step 5 until it learns successfully.
8. Move on to the next button (or device) you wish to teach by
repeating from Step 5. If you are teaching functional buttons, you can also move on to teach the buttons in the next page by pressing the PAGE button.
9. Once you complete the teaching and wish to exit from the leaning
mode, press the MAIN button to go back to the main page of the learning mode. Exit from the Main page by pressing both the MAIN and PAGE buttons simultaneously.
10. You will be in the setting mode once again. Move the cursor to
8. TO EXIT and press down the cursor or simply press the MAIN
button to exit to the main menu.
6. Programming the Remote Control
Go to the program setting mode by pressing both the MAIN and PAGE buttons simultaneously for five seconds. Move the cursor on the LCD screen to 2. SYSTEM & OPTIONS with the joystick. Enter this mode by pushing the joystick down and the following can be programmed:
A. Setting Up the System.
The LCD screen will list the following choices.
Range Default Buzzer Status: High, Low, Off High Back Light On Time: 0 Ð 120 seconds 20 seconds LCD on Time: 5 - 120 seconds 30 seconds Warning of Low Battery: 10% - 50% level 10 %
Select the button you wish to change from the list first. Press the UP or DOWN buttons on the LCD to set them up. Once you set them up, press the SAVE button to store them.
You will be in the setting mode once again. To return to the main menu, move the cursor to 8. TO EXIT and press the cursor down or simply press the MAIN button to exit to main menu.
B. Macro and Punch Through Programming
The MACRO and PUNCH THROUGH can be also programmed in this mode. Press the button you wish to program and follow procedures shown below:
7. System and Operations Set Up
3. Press the MUTE button to move the cursor to the DEVICE
BUTTON and keep the device button you wish to erase all the learned commands down for five seconds until the LCD shows ERASED. This will erase the function taught in the device button. If you continue to press the device button for another five seconds, it will erase all the functions in the device.
4. Once you complete the erasing and wish to exit from this mode,
press the MAIN button to go back to the main page of the learning mode. Exit from the Main page by pressing the MAIN and PAGE buttons simultaneously.
5. You will be in the setting mode once again. Move the cursor to
8. TO EXIT and press down the cursor or simply press the MAIN
button to exit to the main menu.
3) To erase all the learned commands in all twelve devices:
1. Go to the program setting mode by pressing both the MAIN and
PAGE buttons simultaneously for five seconds.
2. Move the cursor to 4. LEARNING with the joystick and then push
the joystick down to enter the learning mode.
3. Press both the POWER and STOP buttons simultaneously for five
seconds in the learning mode. The LCD will show ERASED after it erased all the learned commands in the remote control.
4. Once you complete the erasing and wish to exit from this mode,
press both the MAIN and PAGE buttons simultaneously.
5. You will be in the setting mode once again. Move the cursor to
8. TO EXIT and press down the cursor or simply press the MAIN
button to exit to the main menu.
NOTE: Preprogrammed code will be automatically restored when learned function is crased.
6. Programming the Remote Control
+ 19 hidden pages