MSC-4 00 System
Narrow Band RF Remotes Trigger
Automation of RS-232,IR and Relay
Controlled Components and Systems
MSC-400 Master System Controller
High performance audio video systems can include IR (infrared controlled
devices such as Satellite and Cable set top boxes,DVD players etc.),
RS-232 (serial controlled devices such as projectors,surround sound
receivers and media servers),and Relay and Voltage controlled
devices (such as lights,drapes,curtains and blinds).The MSC-400
Master System Controller is designed to seamlessly automate all
of these types of devices.Installation of the MSC-400 insures that
any future purchase can be successfully integrated regardless
of its control method.
Variety of User Interfaces
In the MSC-400 System,there are four compatible remote
controls which can be programmed to interface with the
Master System Controller;the MX-3000,MX-950,TX-
1000 and the MX-900.All have unique options for cus-
tomization to any client’s tastes and needs, up to a unique
graphical style for every room and every user.
The Combination - Ultimate
Reliability,Flexibility and Power
In a system equipped with an MSC-400,the remote control in
the hands of the user has a very easy task compared to lesser
systems.Instead of sending multi-step macros (each step vulner-
able to a mistake in pointing or other accidental interference),the
remote sends an instantaneous digital RF (Radio Frequency) command
to the MSC-400.This RF command is constructed with a unique error
correction algorithm for incredible RF range and reliability.Once the RF
“trigger”command is received by the MSC-400,sophisticated sensors,
control ports,vast memory and machine intelligence go to work.

New Narrow Band RF
MSC-400 System Control Capabilities
Control up to 12 Devices via IR - Controls
standard IR (Infrared) controlled audio video components.
There are six IR-only outputs,and six IR or RS-232 outputs.Each
can be individually adjusted and is compatible with rear panel
IR inputs on components or can be connected to IR emitters (6
IR emitters are included with the MSC-400, additional emitters
can be purchased six at a time).
On/Off Status of up to 6 Devices -
There are six video or voltage sensor inputs to
test whether a component is On or Off.Components like DVD
players and VCRs output video when on,no video when off.By
installing a URC VID Video Sensor and connecting to the
MSC-400,the MSC-400 will detect that the component is on or
off.Components like CATV set top boxes have a switched
outlet.If a low voltage wall adapter (5-24 V AC or DC) is
plugged into the components switched outlet and then connected
to a URC VS-100 Voltage Sensor,the MSC-400 can detect
whether the component is on or off.By combining the optional
VS-100 with products from other companies that detect light,
current,RF etc.the MSC-400 can reliably test on off status of
almost any kind of component.
Control up to 6 Devices via RS-232 - IR
ports 7-12 can be configured to be RS-232 instead of IR.
The installer uses the optional URCRS232 cables and when
needed,the URC MM6 Male to Male gender adapter to connect the MSC-400 to any RS-232 device that can be controlled
via TX,RX and GND only.
Expand RF Range to Cover Estates,
Connect up to 3 RF Receivers -
400 includes one RFX-250 RF Receiver.The receiver is separate
The MSC-
from the Master System Controller to optimize freedom from
RF Interference and speed installation.Via the MSC-400s RF
Inputs,up to three RFX-250s can be connected. Since each
RFX-250 typically gives 50-100 feet of range,huge estates can
be given robust,reliable RF via a network of wired RF receivers.
Use remotes as PC Keyboards - Via the
USB connector on the rear of the MSC-400,Complete
Control remotes can be programmed to act as PC keyboards on
any Windows PC with a USB port.
Control Screens,Drapes and Lifts -
Via the two relay connectors and the convenient
12v power outlet on the rear of the MSC-400,devices that
are controlled by applying a 12v Trigger voltage or by
contacts opening and closing,can be automated by
the MSC-400.
Transmission & Reception
Any audio video system, by its very nature, includes
components with high speed microprocessors which
produce wide band localized RF interference. The
combination of new versions of the MX-3000,MX-950,
TX-1000 and the MX-900 with the RFX-250 provides
ultra reliable RF via the extraordinarily specific narrow
band reception of the RFX-250. A new protocol
enables hundreds of complex macros, each with
hundreds of steps and all stored in the MSC-400 to be
individually triggered with a single button push on the
remote control regardless of the interference and noise
in the environment.
The combination of very narrow transmission
of digitally encoded packets sent THREE
times at digital speeds in milliseconds,assures
that every button press on the remote will be
received by the
MX-3000 Color
Touch Screen
sophisticated error correction
circuitry stores all three packets and
compares them. Once two packets
are identified as identical, the MSC400 goes to work.
MSC-400. The
Narrow Band RF
Hybrid LCD
This new technology not only increases
range,but increases reliability by a vast
margin. Only the Complete Control
MX-3000, MX-950, TX-1000 and
MX-900 are equipped with both the
new Narrow Band Transmitters and
the new RF Protocol.
MX-900 Wand Style
RFX-250 Narrow Band RF
Receiver (Included with
the MSC-400)
TX-1000 Tablet Style