2 1310 0010-0020, 2 1311 0010
Any tool can be dangerous. Please follow these simple safety
procedures - they are for your personal protection.
% Do not use this machine in any way other than as directed by these operating instructions.
% Hold the machine tight during operation. When operating with the hammer drill also use the
second handle.
% Regular maintenance is essential - check all screws, fittings etc. for tightness.
% Check the air hose for damage.
% Use only lubricated air during work.
% Never use dull tools or bits.
% Avoid sparks in hazardous environment - created by the drill. In this case flush material and
drill always with sufficient water for cooling during use.
% Wear safety-glasses, non-slip gloves, protective clothing and ear protectors.
% Ensure that you maintain a safe working position.
% Never work under the influence of alcohol, drugs or strong medication.
% Always disconnect machine from the air line for changing drills or working on the machine.
% Remove rings, watches, ties etc. that could be torn by the machine.
% Follow the general current and appropriate Accident Prevention and Safety Procedures.
WARNING! Never use the flexible hose as a lifting handle.
Your safety is in your hand!
Observe these instructions!
Noise and vibration levels
Typically A-weighted noise level of the machine is:
% Sound pressure level: 88.8 dB(A)
Wear ear protection.
The typical weighted acceleration is 2.23 m/s2.
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CS Unitec, Inc 22 Harbor Ave USANorwalk, CT 06850
Phone: (203) 853 9522 Fax: (203) 853 9921
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