Union Special ARGO 42/A Parts List

Automated Systems Division
Drive Motor & Stepper Drive
Eprom Version B
Union Special Corporation
Automated Systems Division
Catalog Part Number CATPT9910
Eprom B
CONNECTING TO MAINS ...................................................................................5
CONNECTION TO THE SEWING MACHINE..................................................5
SYNCHRONIZERS / INSTALLATION AND TIMING .....................................5
INSTALLATION OF ME100 SYNCHRONIZER..........................................................................5
INSTALLATION OF ME200 SYNCHRONIZER..........................................................................6
INSTALLATION OF ME300 SYNCHRONIZER..........................................................................6
“0” reference position without using
SOCKET PANELS ..................................................................................................7
CZ0 AND CZ1 SOCKET PANELS.................................................................................................7
CZ2 SOCKET PANEL.....................................................................................................................7
CZ3 AND CZ4 SOCKET PANELS.................................................................................................7
NT4 SOCKET PANEL ....................................................................................................................8
the MT800 console ....................................................6
THE MT800 CONSOLE .........................................................................................8
PROTECTED ACCESS TO INFORMATION.....................................................8
INSTALLATION SETUP .......................................................................................8
TRANSFER OF THE SETUP THROUGH THE KK195 MEMORY ............................................8
OF CONFIGURATIONS”..............................................................................................................9
SETUP -01 / machine selection.............................................................................................10
DIRECT PROGRAMMING OF MOTOR CONFIGURATION...................................................10
SETUP -02 / machine parameters........................................................................................10
TIMING (DIRECTION OF ROTATION, NEEDLE POSITIONS)................................................... 11
ROTATION (SPEED, ACCELERATION)....................................................................................... 11
TREADLE .......................................................................................................................................12
COVER PAGES................................................................................................... 13
MOTOR DIAGNOSIS....................................................................................................................... 13
PROTECTED ACCESS SETUP .............................................................................................. 14
SETUP -03 / machine devices................................................................................................14
THREAD TRIMMER....................................................................................................................... 14
TENSION RELEASE....................................................................................................................... 15
THREAD WIPER............................................................................................................................ 16
PRESSER FOOT LIFTER............................................................................................................... 16
BACK-TACK................................................................................................................................... 16
NEEDLE COOLING....................................................................................................................... 17
CHAIN SUCTION (VENTURI)....................................................................................................... 17
PHOTOCELL........................................................................................................................ 17
SAFETY SWITCH................................................................................................................. 17
STATIONARY BRAKE .................................................................................................................... 18
HP ADLER / JUKI.......................................................................................................................... 18
CUTTER.......................................................................................................................................... 18
STEPPER MOTORS .......................................................................................................................19
AUTOMATION .....................................................................................................19
SETUP –10 / output signals / input signals........................................................................19
PROGRAMMING OUTPUT SIGNALS .......................................................................................19
PROGRAMMING INPUT SIGNALS............................................................................................ 22
CONNECTION OF INPUT DEVICES (MICRO-SWITCHES, NPN, PNP).........................................24
CONSOLES AND KEYBOARDS........................................................................26
MT800 CONSOLE.........................................................................................................................26
MT600 CONSOLE.........................................................................................................................26
MT100 AND MT400 KEYBOARDS............................................................................................27
MT500 KEYBOARD.....................................................................................................................27
SEWING PROGRAMMING................................................................................27
STEP PROGRAMMING ...............................................................................................................28
Sewing mode...........................................................................................................................29
Behavior of devices while sewing..........................................................................................29
Behavior of devices at the end of the sewing .......................................................................30
Beginning and end of a Step and shift from a Step to the next one ..................................30
USE OF THE PHOTOCELL .........................................................................................................31
Additional conditions for the use of the photocell ..............................................................32
USE OF THE AUTOMATION FUNCTIONS..............................................................................32
Importance of the Pause Step ...............................................................................................33
CREATING A PROGRAM BY SELF-TEACHING ....................................................................33
PROGRAM MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................33
Modifying and deleting a Program ......................................................................................34
Correction of a Program and limitation to correction.......................................................34
Transferring a Program........................................................................................................34
PROGRAM 000 ......................................................................................................35
PROGRAM INDEX...............................................................................................35
PIECE COUNTING / PRODUCTION CONTROL ...........................................36
USE OF STANDARD COVER PAGES...............................................................37
TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................................................39
ERROR MESSAGES DISPLAYED BY THE MT800 CONSOLE..............................................39
COMPLETE MOTOR RESET ......................................................................................................40
RUNNING THE MACHINE WITHOUT SYNCHRONIZER......................................................40
BUILT-IN BACK-UP MEMORY.................................................................................................40
REPLACEMENT OF THE SOCKET PANEL..............................................................................40
REPLACEMENT OF THE SYNCHRONIZER............................................................................41
REPLACEMENT OF THE KK66 ELECTRONIC BOARD ........................................................41
MOTOR REPLACEMENT............................................................................................................41
SOFTWARE UPDATING.............................................................................................................41
PANEL ..................................................................41
EXAMPLES (Sewing Programs)........................42



ARGO is a 220 V single-phase unit and it can be immediately connected to the 220 V single-phase line. It can also be connected to the 380 V three-phase line by obtaining 220V using any one of the three phases and the neutral wire. In
case of connection to the 380V three-phase line it is important not to connect the unit between two phases instead of between any one phase and the neutral wire.
By request Argo is available in 110V model.
Also the ground wire must be absolutely connected for correct functioning of the motor (through the mains socket). Besides, near the unit there must not be any equipment that has sparking contacts (as lacking the correct protections). For a good functioning it is necessary to connect the sewing machine head to the ground screw located on the motor housing.


The motor is fixed to the stand through a bracket. Fixing holes comply with both DIN and ASA norms. The transmission of the motion is effected through a V belt, “Z” section. Choose the diameter of the motor pulley (PUL) so as
to obtain a correct ratio between the maximum rotation speed allowed on the machine (MAX) and the rated rotation speed of the motor (4500rpm). A different ratio to the motor speed (max. 6000rpm) reduces performances.
The correct pulley size is given to the technician during the configuration process of the motor (page The correct pulley size can also be calculated using the following formula:
(where DV is the pitch diameter of the hand-wheel of the machine):
Pulleys are available with pitch diameters (in mm): 50, 58, 63, 67, 71, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95. The treadle is connected to the control lever on the main body of ARGO, through the rod (extensible) that is usually fitted to the machine. To prevent vibrations from moving the motor and loosening the belt, the screws that connect the motor to the bracket must be
securely fastened with the wrench provided with the unit.


Besides the traditional optical synchronizer (ME100), other two synchronizer types are available (miniaturized and without mechanical parts): one Hall-effect based type (ME200) and one with proximity sensor (ME300). These two types satisfy the need to eliminate rotating members inside the synchronizer, especially on fast machines.


Just fit the synchronizer to the shaft. No mechanical adjustment is required, as the setting of the “0” reference and the stopping positions of the machine will be accomplished afterwards in the configuration phase (see Timing paragraph page


The ME200 synchronizer is a Hall-effect sensor and a permanent magnet. The magnet has to be fastened to a rotating part of sewing machine, keeping the white side on the outside. If the magnet is fixed to an aluminum or plastic hand-wheel, the magnet itself can be completely inside the part; if the magnet is fixed to ferrous materials (like steel, cast iron), it must be free at least one half of its height and twice its diameter (picture 2). The sensitive area of the sensor is where the white dot is located. The sensor must be fixed not further than 1.5 mm (1/16 in) from the magnet, taking care that the white point is facing the white surface of the magnet. The setting of the “0” reference and the stopping positions of the machine will be accomplished afterwards in the configuration phase (see Timing paragraph page


This synchronizer detects the proximity to metallic parts; it can be used on machines having metal sectors on the plastic hand­wheel (place it on the sector that gives only one signal per revolution), or on other machines, making the necessary adjustments (only one detection per revolution is necessary). The proximity sensor must not be further than 1,5 mm (1/16 in) from the hand-wheel. The setting of the “0” reference and the stopping positions of the machine will be accomplished afterwards in the configuration phase (see Timing paragraph page


The timing operation is usually accomplished through the MT800 console as explained in paragraph Timing page 11.

“0” reference position without using the MT800 console

When the MT800 console is not available, the motor being installed must already be fully set-up, so that only the “0” reference position must be defined. This can be achieved through the following procedure:
Turn the machine on.
Rotate the hand-wheel by hand for at least 3-4 revolutions.
Move the needle tip to skim the needle plate (while moving down).
Heel back the pedal to -2 (trimming position) and turn the motor off (while keeping the treadle at full heeling
It must be remembered that in case the KK66 board must be replaced it is necessary to set-up the motor as if it were a new installation.


Easily interchangeable, their aim is to adapt Argo to the different types of connectors on sewing machines of different brands (AD2 for Adler machines; DK2 for Dürkopp machines; JK2 for Juki machines; PF2 for Pfaff machines; and so on). For those machines that do not bind to special connectors, it is advised to use the panels of the CZ class (CZ0, CZ1, CZ2, CZ3, CZ4). It is possible to use the CZ class panels also for those sewing machine brands that have very special connectors, by using proper wiring harnesses (available as accessories). Their performances and number of inputs/outputs change according to the user's different requirements and offer full assistance to the development of automation.


Choose them when Sewing Programs and photocell are not used. Three outputs are available on the CZ0 panel: presser foot lifter, thread trimmer (or chain suction on over-lock machines), thread wiper (or tension release, or needle cooling (running signal)). One input for the emergency stop and one duplicate for the synchronizer are also available besides the standard ones for the synchronizer, the console and the keyboard. Five outputs are available on the CZ1 panel: presser foot lifter, thread trimmer (or chain suction on over-lock machines), tension release (or needle cooling (running signal)), thread wiper, reverse feed (back-tack) or upper thread trimmer. Besides the standard inputs (synchronizer, console and keyboard), one input is available for the emergency stop, one duplicate for manual back-tack, one duplicate for the synchronizer and one input for the safety switch to control the release of the thread trimmer (fitted to many chain-stitch machines). The CZ1 panel, used with the MT600 console, allows the execution of programmed back-tacks.


It allows a more comprehensive use of Argo: Sewing Programs can be written and executed by using the MT800 console (using a photocell if needed); production data can be collected. Sewing Programs can be transferred to or copied from other sewing machines or personal computers. Five outputs are available on the CZ2 panel: presser foot lifter, thread trimmer (or chain suction on over-lock machines), tension release (or needle cooling (running signal)), thread wiper, reverse feed (back-tack) or upper thread trimmer. Besides the standard inputs (synchronizer, console, keyboard, photocell and remote treadle), four inputs are available: for the emergency stop, for the safety switch to control the release of the thread trimmer (fitted to many chain-stitch machines), one duplicate for the synchronizer, one duplicate for the photocell and one duplicate for manual back-tack.


They have been developed to connect and control external devices used in automatic sewing systems (besides all possible devices available on the machine). Besides the features already available on the CZ2 panel, they offer the possibility of connecting up to twelve programmable outputs (to be divided among external devices and those on the machine) and nine inputs, one of which is analog (it reads levels between 0 and 5 volts). They integrate the five standard inputs (remote control treadle, photocell, keyboard, synchronizer, safety switch). On the CZ3 panel only eight outputs are available, three of which to be assigned to external devices. On the CZ4 panel there are twelve outputs that can be freely assigned to machine devices or external ones.


This socket panel has the same features of CZ4 socket panel plus it has the possibility to be conn ected to one or more external boxes SM1 for Stepper motor control. See manual “Stepper Motors”.


This console is the most powerful instrument to access the functions available with ARGO; through it, it is possible to intervene at any level and on each aspect of the application. It is used by installers, maintenance personnel and by users.
Through the use of the MT800 console, installers define their application precisely and in details, adjust the parameters of the sewing machine, detect malfunctioning and collect operation data.
Users, through a simple and exhaustive language, can create and store in memory a great number of Sewing Programs and, during operations, they can count the pieces and monitor production. All available functions, both for configuration and use, are shown by a set of pages and underlying pages, divided into three groups:
SETUP -01/..../SETUP -10 configuration instruments
PRG 000 basic Sewing Programs
PRG 001/.../PRG 255 Sewing Programs written by the user
Parameters within pages are selected through the The value of a parameter is defined through the
change the numerical value ( to increase, to decrease)
change the literal content (to insert text)
confirm or exclude (
search for alternatives for the use of devices
The associated to some pages and parameters. The access to and the return from the underlying pages is obtained by pressing the
and buttons are also used to move through the main pages (starting from the page number). An underlying page is
for YES, for NO)
and buttons that, depending upon the context, are used to:


The machine configuration (set-up), the modification of Sewing Program data and the access to production data fall within specialized personnel competence. To prevent operators from accidentally altering these data, two 3-digit access codes are
provided (code Program area; code
The original codes are 000 and they can be changed in Set-up-02 ( see Protected access set-up page 14).
If the codes are set to a value different than 000 it is possible to write into the KK195 memory chip only after entering the PRG code.
PRG to modify Sewing Programs, for production control or to move from Cover page area to Sewing
STP to move from Sewing Program area to Set-up area).


On the MT800 programming console, at every position of the cursor corresponds a message displayed in the bottom line that will help you through the programming. Basically, to program Argo, you simply follow the instruction s in the messag e line until the motor is fully configured.
There are three diffe rent ways to set-up the motor for the particular machines used:
Transfer of machine configuration from an external KK195 memory chip to the motor. Selection of machine configuration among several configurations already stored in the motor “library of configurations”. Direct programming of all the parameters needed (or modification of some parameters stored in the two previous ways).


By means of a KK195 memory chip it is possible to copy the configuration from an already installed machine and transfer it to a machine of the same type. When required, at this moment it is also possible to transfer all the Sewing Programs.
To transfer a machine configuration from an external KK195 memory chip to the motor:
- Turn the motor off
- Plug in the KK195 chip into the right side of the MT800 console
- Turn the motor on and the page to transfer data from the KK195 chip to the motor will appear:
- Press the
- Then press a second time the be permanently erased).
- Now will appear the page for needle stopping position settings and the only necessary adjustment is the setting of the “0”
button to transfer the configuration to the motor
button to confirm (CAUTION! After the second , the previous motor configuration will
reference position. See paragraph
If into the KK195 is stored only the machine Set-up (for example with motors equipped with socket panels CZ0 or CZ1), the only option available is to transfer the Setup. If into the KK195 are stored the machine Set-up and the Sewing Programs, then three options are presented: transfer of Setup and Sewing Programs in only one operation (suggested option), transfer of Setup only, transfer of Sewing Programs only.
To transfer a machine configuration from the motor to an external KK195 memory chip:
- Turn the motor off
- Plug in the KK195 chip into the right side of the MT800 console
- Turn the motor on and the page to transfer data from the KK195 chip to the motor will appear (If nothing is stored into the KK195 the page to transfer data from the motor to the KK195 chip is automatically displayed)
- Press the
- Press the
- Then press a second time the KK195 will be permanently erased).
The Set-up configuration can also be stored in a personal computer, to be recalled and used later on. The use of a personal computer is useful when it is necessary to store a great number of different Set-up configurations. To transfer the Set-up configuration into a PC you need the optional ML02 memory reader and SW. Further information is available on the manual:
“ARGO 42AM Combined data management on the PC”.
button and the page to transfer data from the motor to the KK195 chip will appear:
button to transfer the configuration to the KK195
button to confirm (CAUTION! After the second , the previous configuration stored in the


When the motor is shipped from the factory (or after a complete motor reset- See paragraph COMPLETE MOTOR RESET page
40), the page for the language selection will be displayed at motor on.
Simply select with page for the motor configuration will appear (page SETUP–01) and the cursor is positioned on the “Brand” list. If a Program page
the desired language for all the messages and then press the button to confirm. After that, the first
appears when you turn on the motor (for ex. PROG000), press the button until page SETUP-01 will appear; then press the buttons to move to the “Brand” list. It is possible to change the language also in PROG000 (see page

SETUP -01 / machine selection

With the cursor on the “Brand” list use to confirm
Now, with the cursor on the “Model” list, use button to confirm (on the bottom you will see the devices installed on that particular model).
Then press a second time the
button to confirm (CAUTION! After the second , the previous motor configuration will be
permanently erased). It is important to press twice the
button to store in memory the selection.
Now will appear the page for needle stopping position settings and the only necessary adjustment is the setting of the “0”
buttons to select the brand of the machine you are using, then press the button
buttons to select the model of the machine you are using, then press the
reference position. See paragraph
If the brand or the model of the machine you are using is not listed, select a similar machine or move to the “Direct configuration programming” paragraph. The “Library of configurations” is updated regularly. To see which version of library has been shipped with the motor, turn on the motor and read (for the first 3 sec after motor on) the number following “L:” in the middle of the screen (for ex. L:01).


With the cursor on the “Brand” list (in SETUP-01) use STITCH, CHAIN-STITCH or OVERLOCK) instead of a particular brand; then press the
Now, with the cursor on the “Model” list, use machine you are using, then press the Then press a second time the
button to confirm (CAUTION! After the second , the previous motor configuration will be
button to confirm (devices can be added or removed later on).
buttons to select the STANDARD model that has the same devices of the
permanently erased).
Now will appear the page for needle stopping position settings. See paragraph NEEDLE POSITIONS) page 11. After setting the stopping positions, the PROG000 page will appear. Try the machine and then, if something is not right, press the
button until pages SETUP-02 and SETUP-03 will appear. Set all the parameters on page SETUP-02 (See SETUP -02 /
machine parameters
page 10) and on page SETUP-03 (See SETUP -03 / machine devices page 14) then press the button until
PROG000 will appear and try again the machine. For machines with automation it is also necessary to set the parameters on page SETUP-10 (See
AUTOMATION page 19).
buttons to select one of the three main machine categories (LOCK-
button to confirm.

SETUP -02 / machine parameters

Access the parameters to be defined by selecting each section through the buttons and then recalling the underlying
through the
button. (After having defined each section move back to page Setup -02 by pressing the button again).
Direction of rotation:
The drawing on the top left indicates “direction of rotation” of the motor (with the motor viewed from pulley end). If the direction is not correct, move the cursor to that icon and press the
clockwise direction. Then press the “0” reference position and needle
Turn the hand-wheel (in the correct direction of rotation of the machine) until the position register shows a variati of the num that indicates the angular value. Through this procedure, the con the motor and prepares for timing.
Move the needle tip to skim the needle plate while moving own (“zer confirm (the register of the “0” position changes from --- to 0). The cursor then will move automatically to the needle-dow position (
position through the hand-wheel and confirm through the The cursor then will move automatically to the needle-up position (second position) register. Move the needle to the required
position through the and confirm through the
e f
If th irst and second positions have been previously set, the third position (reverse) reverses the direction of rotation of the machine,
register through the the
rotation. By moving again the cursor over a position register through the the stopping positions with the
register to “---“ (to obtain --- press the If only the first and the third positions have been set (and II POS. = ---), the third position acquires the meaning of needle up and the needle will move from down position to up position with rotation opposite of the normal one. If a stopping position is not necessary, no value must be entered (POS=---). If you are entering this pa after selecting a machine model in to the motor, then the only operation strictly necessary is to set the “zero” reference position (avoiding to set this position will not make the motor to run properly, in fact the transmission ratio will not be set). Therefore after setting the “zero” reference position
it is p
re-rising the needle after trimming, to the set position. To enter the third position, move the cursor to the third position
button. After setting the ird po ion, it is possible to set also the pause time in second position before reversing the
ossible to press the
th sit
ge SETUP-01 or after transferring a configuration from a KK195 chip
button to move to the PROG000.
stopping positions:
buttons, move the needle to th osition through the hand-wheel and confirm through
and buttons. It is also possible to exclude a stopping position by setting the position
button until you see 359, then press the button once more).
button to select clockwise direction or the button to select anti-
trol unit calculates the transmission ratio between the machine and
d o” reference position) and then press the
n first position) register. Move the needle to the required
e required p
buttons it is possible to make minor adjustments to
on ber
button to
Through the
and buttons it is possible to define the required value (usually 200 rpm).
buttons move to “MIN.:”; this symbol shows the minimum speed of the sewing machine. Through the
Through the buttons move to “MAX.:”; through the and buttons it is possible to define the value that limits the top speed of the sewing machine. The speed reached by the motor when the machine is turning at top speed is displayed on t lower line (this is only a reference value and it can not be changed).
Pulley: The correct choice of the pulley is very important to obtain the best performances from the motor. With the cursor on th “PUL.:” positi
If the pulley wa much faster (6000 rpm) or much slower (less than 3000 rpm) it is advisable to replace the pulley following the suggestion in brackets. After replacing the pulley it is necessary to set again the “zero re rence sition”.
While accelerating and decelerating, the motor can deliver its full power or a lower power (to comply with the requirements of the machine). Move to the “ACC.:” and “DEC.:” symbols and, through the
the (the fi
percentage of power utilization
is possible to set a value greater than 100% (between 100% and 150%). Caution! Use values of DEC greater than 100% only if an extremely high deceleration is needed (in fact the machine may stop so quickly that the needle can bounce back, and the stitch counter may result inaccurate).
Quietness and accu racy when stopping:
In case possible to increase the quietness when stopping by reducing the accuracy (KP<16). Values bigger than 16 ar ince the stopping accuracy has already reached its best.
of real need, it is
e not suggested s
on, enter the diameter of the pulley fitted to the motor (this value is stamped o
s correctly chosen, the top speed of the machine is reached when the motor runs at 4500 rpm. If the motor runs
fe po
and buttons, define the value that will represe
rst value for acceleration, the second one for deceleration). For the deceleration value it
n the pulley).
When the treadle is released it is in the 0 position. Heel to move to -1 and -2 positions. Position -1 is related to the presser foot lifting function (light heeling position). Position -2 is us
ually related to the thread trimming function (full heeling position).
e icons on the left will allow to:
Activate the thread trimmer at -1 position or -2 position. Caution! Activate the thread trimmer at -1
position only if necessary; in fact it will not possible anymore to rise the presser foot in the middle of the seam.
top at -2 position. By activating this feature it is possible to stop the rotation of
Activate an emergency s
motor when it is running in automatic or semi-automatic mode. Caution! Use this feature only if necessary; in fact accidental movement of the pedal to -2 position will interrupt the Sewing Program and the active stitch counter.
Move to the next Step of the Sewing Program by moving the pedal at -2 position. Caution! Use th
only if necessary; in fact accidental movement of the pedal to -2 position will cause an undesired
change of the Step of the Program.
Moving the treadle from 0 to +1 does not operate the motor. If the presser foot is up, it moves down when the value assigned to is reached. The motor runs at its minimum speed when the +1 position is reached and maintains this speed till the +2 position is reached. Positions the treadle movement between 0 and Between +2 and treadle response curve. Besides the standard progression operations), fast response (for over-lock machines or some chain-stitch machines), slow response (for improved control at low
speeds). Through the The box above the pedal drawing contains two values: The value on the top indicates the pedal position. That value is -2 when the pedal is at -2 position; it is -1 when the pedal is at -1 position; it is -9% to 99% when the pedal is from release posit
, +1 and +2 can be modified (standard values are shown in the picture above ). These value s represent the percentage
, th peed i reases until it reaches its maximum. This variation occurs with the pre s nc ogression indicated in the
, it is possible to select instantaneous response (suitable for some serial
and buttons it is possible to select the required treadle response mode.
ion to all the way down position. When the pedal is released that
value should be 0%. If not, it is possible to perform little adjustments to the tuning of the pedal by moving the cursor on this percentage register and pressing the
potentiometers installed on the pedal electronic board KK81. The value on the botto sition. That value should be below 30 when the pedal is all the way back, it should
o 08 twee 100 and 115) when the
be ab ut 1 (be n pedal is at rest position; it should be 255 when the pedal all the way down.
m indicates the pedal po
Cover Pages are pages displayed at motor on. They are linked to a Sewing Program and allow the operator to perform (in a simple way) changes only to those
Move the cursor on the “ Choose among the above shown icons, which represent respectively:
No Cover Pages active
Standard Cover Page
Band Cover Page (for automatic waist-band machines. See separate manual “Waist-band”)
Back-Latch Cover Page (for over-lock machines with automatic back-latch device. See separate manual “Back-Latch”)
Standard Cover Page Setup: select the “Cover Page” icon and then recall the underlying pag e through the
parameters that need to be adjusted.
Cover Page” icon on page Setup -03 and use the
button twice. Major adjustments to the tuning of the pedal must be done using the two
buttons to select the type of Cover Page desired.
In this page it is possible to decide how many parameters the operator will be allowed to control (from 1 to 8). Move the curso each parameter and activate it with
or deactivate it with
. After a parameter is active, it is possible to assign to it a 12 le
name (by moving the cursor on each character on the right of the parameter and then selecting the desired character with the
r to
The “DEVICES” icon allows you to decide if in the cover page you want to display also the machine speed and the icons for needle position (up-down), presser foot (up-down) and trimmer (yes, no). Move the cursor to “DEVICES” and press
the icons or
to hide them.
to display
The “COVER N:” icon allows you to decide the maximum number of Cover Pages the operator can access. The default number is 100 but it can be reduced even to 1 to avoid the operator to change Cover Page and move to a
Cover Page that executes the wrong
Sewing Program.
the Cover Page is set-up see p
Once aragraph “USE OF STANDARD COVER PAGES” page 37 to learn how link a Cover Page to
ing Program and how to link a
a Sew Cover Page parameter to a Sewing Program parameter.
Motor Timers: The column on the right shows respectively: the total time the motor has been turned on (in hours and min utes) since it left the factory; the total time the motor has been runn
ing (in hours and minutes) since it left the factory; percentage of the running time versus motor-on time. The column in the middle shows respectively: the total time the motor h a s been turned on (in hours and minutes) since the last timer reset; the total time the motor has been running (in hours and minutes) since the last timer reset; percentage of the running time versus motor-on time.
Ma s: The column on the left in this page shows all the problems that caused the motor to stop running. They are listed in
descending order by the time when the problem occurred (these times refer to the partial timer). See paragraph MAINTEN page 39. It is possible to reset the partial timers a d the list of problems by oving the cursor on the “0” icon and by pressing the
n m
Running the machine without synchronizer: it is possible to run the machine without synchronizer. Move the cursor to EXTERNAL SYNCHRONIZER and press the
not need anymore an external synchronizer to run, but it will use the motor internal encoder (that has a resolution of 1024 pulses/revolution). The stitch counting and speed control will remain valid and the transmission ratio will be 1:1. That means the number of stitches is the number of motor revolutions and the speed is the motor speed. If pulley and hand-wheel are the same size, everything will work fine except for the stopping positions; in fact the motor will not detect every little belt slipping an time goes by, the stopping positions will not be anymore accurate. Basically this feature is good to test run a motor (or machine)
ou e need to install a synchronizer; to run mac
with t th hines where stopping positions are not important; to run machines installed
ra 1:1 and equipped with timing belt and pulle
with tio ys (of course the speed of the machine must not exceed 6000RPM).
button (then press the
Move the cursor on the “Code Setup” icon on page Setup -03 and press the disabled it is possible to move from the Program area to the Set-up area, to write into the KK195 and to modify Sewing Program without the need of entering any code.
Move the cursor on the “Code Setup” icon on page Setup -03 and press the required to enter the correct code to perform cert operations. There are two different codes (PRG code to protect the Sewing Program to change the codes from 000 to one of the more than 50000 different possible codes. In order to do that, move the cursor on the
“Code Setup” icon on page Setup -03, value.
s and STP code to protect the machine Set-up); the default value for both codes is 000. For more protection it is possible
press the
button and set the STP code or the PRG code or both codes to the desired
button to confirm). From now on the machine will
button to disable codes. When the codes are
enable codes. When the codes are enabled it is
d, as

SETUP -03 / machine devices

This page shows all devices that can equi device actually available on the machine. Each device no on the machine must be canceled (the cancellation is
necessary to prevent slowing dow during operations). Select the device to be canceled and press the cross will appear on the icon).
To program available dev es, select the underlying page through the
to the m for the safety switch it is sufficient to select the required type by moving through the optio
ain page. For the photocell and
ns by means of the
ic each one through the
p the sewing machine selected on page Setup -01. Parameters must be defined for each
t available
buttons, press the button to activate it and then recall
button; define then the specific values as explained below. Press the same button to return
button to deactivate it (a
Select the “thread trimmer” icon on page Setup -03 and press the button to access the parameters to be defined. Many different types of thread trim automatically displayed according to the type of machine selected on page Setup -01. In case a lock-stitch machine (i.e. with thread trimmer triggered while the machine is rotating) was previously selected, the following page will be displayed:
mer are commonly used. For this reason two different pages have been defined, each one
Defining parameters consists in setting the trimmer engagement phase, the trimmer disengagement phase and the trimming speed. To set the engagement position (or the disengagement position) move the needle to the desired position and confirm the
assigned value through the position is the first stopping position (needle down); it is possible to set the engagement position va lue to “I” (press the
until “I” will appear) in order to have the engagement position always in first stopping position. For those machines with vertical axis rotary hook, it is necessary to stop the machine in engagement position for a certain time. Set
this delay in the second engagement option (
In case a chain-stitch machine (i.e. equipped with trimmer firing after machine is stopped with needle up) was previously selected, the following page will be displayed:
Defining parameters consists in setting the pause after stopping in the second position and before activating the trimmer and the trimmer duration signal.
Some machines are fitted with a second thread trimmer (upper), also independent; in this case the second thread trimmer must be activated by moving on the upper trimmer icon and by pressing the
same way as the first trimmer. The “slow start” is defined by a number of stitches and a speed. When the number of stitches is different than ---, it is possible to activate the slow start within each single Sewing Program, by selecting the icon that indicates “thread trimmer followed by slow start”. On those machines where the return of the thread trimmer is con trolled by a safety switch, it is necessary to activate the Safety Switch device as shown further on.
button. Then the value can be modified through the and buttons. Normally the engagement
button; then its parameters have to be programmed in the
Select the “tension release” icon on page Setup -03 and press the button to access the parameters to be defined. In case a lock-stitch machine was previously selected, the following page will be displayed:
Defining parameters consists in setting the signal start position and its duration after stopping. In case a chain-stitch machine was previously selected, the following page will be displayed:
Defining parameters consists in setting the pause before activating the tension release after stopping in second position and the
duration of the signal.
Select the “thread wiper” icon on page Setup -03 and press the button to access the parameters to be defined.
Defining parameters consists in setting the pause before activating the wiper after stopping in second position, the duration of the signal, the pause before the presser foot rises (to allow the wiper to move back to home position). With an air blow thread wiper, the presser foot can rise as soon as the second position is reached. This operational mode is obtained by setting to “0” the pause before raising the presser foot.
Select the “presser foot lifter” icon on page Setup -03 and press the button to access the parameters to be defined.
The presser foot is operated by a solenoid or by an air cylinder driven by a solenoid valve. Defining parameters consists in setting the duration of the pickup signal (duration of 30V signal to rise the foot), the holding
voltage (voltage high enough to hold up the foot and low enough not to burn the solenoid after long time), the duration of the holding voltage and at last the delay before starting the rotation (to allow the foot to be completely down before start running).
The duration of the holding voltage can be indefinitely extended by entering the voltage must be accurately defined for those presser foot lifters operated by an electric solenoid, to avoid over-heating (or, contrariwise, too low holding force). For pneumatic presser foot lifters (operated by a solenoid valve) the holding voltage must be kept equal to the rated voltage of the solenoid valve. For both types of presser foot lifter it is advised to delay the start of the machine to allow the presser foot to go down. With the top right icon it is possible to select if, while sewing, the presser foot must lift as soon as the rotation stops or if it must
remain low (use the With the lower icon it is possible to select if the presser foot must remain low after operating the thread trimmer or if it must
automatically rise (use the
buttons). This will also be the position of the presser foot when the machine is turned on.
value. The holding duration and the holding
Select the “back-tack” icon on page Setup -03 and press the button to access the parameters to be defined.
The back-tack is obtained through the feed reversal, actuated by an electric or pneumatic device. Defining parameters consists in defining two types of back-tack to be freely used within Sewing Programs. The standard back-tack (fast back-tack) is defined by : number of stitch es forward, number of stitches backward, back-tack speed and timing of the reversal point (it is necessary to define a correct advance depending upon the response time of the reversal mechanism and upon the back-tack speed).
The back-tack with pauses (accurate back-tack, i.e . when the needle enters in the same holes made while sewing forward) is defined by: number of stitches forward, number of stitches backward, speed and stand-by pause for feed reversal. For needle feed machines, the top right icon selects a specific operation mode. With these machines, it is necessary that the feed reversal is activated while the needle is outside the needle plate, therefore, also after a pause (back-tack with pauses), the reversal will occur only after restarting in the previous direction, according to the phase set for the standard back-tack. Afterwards, during utilization, by using the MT800 console to write Sewing Programs it will be possible to select whether to sew a back-tack: standard or with pauses, at the beginning or at the end, simple or double. Also with the MT600 console it is possible to make the same choices, with the exception of the choice between a standard back­tack and one with pauses (this must be done while defining the confi g urat ion).
The needle cooling is a running signal. Select the “needle cooling” icon on page Setup -03 and press the button to access the parameters to be defined.
Defining parameters consists in defining the delay before stopping the air blow after stopping the rotation and the minimum speed at which the machine must run in order to activate the needle cooling. If the minimum speed is set to 0 the needle cooling signal is active whenever the machine is running.
(Only for over-lock machines). The chain suction is a running signal. Select the “chain suction” icon on page Setup -03 and press
button to access the parameters to be defined.
Defining parameters consists in defining the delay before interrupting the suction after stopping the rotation.
Select the “photocell” icon on page Setup -03 and use the among the above shown icons, that represent respectively:
photocell with 0 V output signal when unco vered (and +5 V output signal when covered). Thi s is t he st andard Comelz
photocell with +5 V output signal when uncovered (and 0 V output signal when co vered).
buttons to select the photocell fitted to the machine. Choose
This functionality is generally used to check the thread trimmer return on some chain-stitch machines (but it can be used as an emergency stop input). Select the “safety switch” icon on page Setup -03 and use the
(normally closed or normally open). The rotation of the machine is allowed only when the safety switch status agrees. In case this
functionality is activated on machines that do not have it, the machine would then be waiting for a signal that could never come and therefore it could not be operated.
The device connected to this input must be a micro-switch (two wires) or a NPN type device.
buttons to select the operating mode
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