Uniden UST-9000 User Manual

Satellite Television System
A complete guide to the installa
tion and operation of the UST­9000 satellite receiver system.
Installation and operation
Controls and Functions
Front Panel Controls
Oil И И s
1. Power On/Off - Turn the receiver on or off from this key or the same key on the remote control.
2. C/Ku Band - Press to select either C band or Ku band satellite signals depending on the LNB installed in your
3. Memo Key - Press to enter satellite, channel, audio or
other information into memory.
4. Scan Key - Activates channel scan. Press once to scan
2 channels per second. Press for more than 1 /2 second to scan 12 channels per second. Press the Scan key again or any other key to stop.
5. Channel Up/Down Keys - Press once to change a channel. Press more than I /2 second to change 8 chan nels per second. Release key to stop.
6. V/H Polarity Key - Press to change from horizontal to
vertical or vertical to horizontal polarity.
7. Skew - Adjust the skew pulse to fine-tune the
television picture. Press or - until you get the best possible picture.
8. Video Fine +/- - Primarily for Ku band reception. Press and hold the -I- or - key until a Ku band channel is visible. Press momentarily to fine-tune the picture.
Some C band channeis may also need to be fine-tuned by pressing the -t- or - key momentarily.
9. Audio 1 Keys - Adjust the frequency of the first audio
channel from 5 - 8.5 MHz. Press once to step 10 KHz, press more than 1/2 second to change 80 KHz per sec ond. Initial setting is 6.8 MHz for all channels.
10. Audio 2 Keys - Adjust the frequency of the second audio channel. Operation is the same as audio 1. Initial setting is 6.8 MHz for all channels.
11. Mode Key - Press to change the audio mode from mono to discrete, matrix, multiplex and back to mono.
12. N/W Key - Press to change the audio band from wide to narrow or narrow to wide. Initial setting is wide.
13. Station Keys - Allows easy selection of your favorite preprogrammed satellite video channels or satellite radio channels. After selecting the station number, simply press the call key to automatically tune to the preprogrammed satellite and channel.
14. P. Lock - The parental lock allows you to block rec^" tion of a specific channel. Select the satellite and chanft„. for which you wish to block reception. Press the P. Lock key. Whenever that satellite and channel are called the
video will be blank and the P.L. LED will light. To release the parental lock call the satellite and channel, then press the P. Lock key for more than 4 seconds.
15. Lock Key - Press to lock the memory. In the lock mode the east and west keys will move the antenna +/- 10 counts for fine-tuning only. Press the Lock key for more than 4 seconds to unlock the memory.
туре Key
same as No. key.
17. No. Key - Select satellite number. Press once to select
next number. Press for more than 1 /2 second to change 4 numbers per second. Release to stop.
18. Call Key - Press to move antenna to satellite and chan nel shown in display or to tune in a preprogrammed
station number.
19. East and West Keys - Press once to change antenna
position by one number on the display. Press and hold to move antenna until key is released.
20. DNR Key - Press to turn Dynamic Noise Reduction on or off.
21. Preset Video Key - Press to activate the video stz,‘='^" mode for easy access to your favorite channels.
22. Preset Audio Key - Press to activate the audio sta
tion function for easy access to your favorite satellite radio programs.
- Select the type of satellite. Operation is the
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Display DI Indicates the relative strength ofLED Level Meter
the satellite signal.
D2. Ku LED - Lights when Ku band is selected. C band
has no indicator.
D3. DNR LED - Lights when DNR function is selected.
'’(4. Narrow LED - Lights when narrow audio band is
selected. Wide band has no indicator.
D5. MPX, DISC, MTRX LEDs - Lights when these audio
modes are selected.
D6. Video Indicator - Lights when the video station
mode is selected.
D7. Lock LED - Lights when the memory lock is on. D8. Sat. Position/Memory Ch - Displays the antenna
positon or preset station channel selected.
D9. Audio Indicator - Lights when the satellite audio
mode is selected.
DIO. Satellite - Displays the satellite letter and number
Dll. P.L. (Parental Lock) LED - Lights when a channel
has been selected that is locked.
D12. V and H LEDs - Lights to indicate vertical or hori
zontal polarity.
D13. Channel - Displays the selected channel number. D14. Stereo Indicator - Lights to show that the selected
audio is in stereo.
D15. Audio 1 and Audio 2 - Displays the selected audio
D16. Remote Window - Receives the infrared signal
from the handheld remote control.
Bottom Panel Signal Meter Adjustment - If signal level on meter Is
consistently too high, adjust level by turning control with a screwdriver.
Signal Meter Adjustment
Rear Panel
0 S S I R4 I I R5 I I R6 I I rt7 11 R8 ( | R9 [ |r1o|
Rear Panel I?1. C Input - F type connector for the I GHz IF cable
from the LNB or the UST-524 multiple receiver unit.
R2. Ku Input - Connect the 1 GHZ IF cable from the Ku
LNB for Ku band reception.
R3. Descram Out - F type connector for composite vtd-
eo output used with a descrambling device.
R4. Tl On/Off Switch - Select On to help eliminate
microwave (terrestrial) interference, or OFF for normal use.
R5. 18V and V/H Switch - Select the + 18V position for
single receiver installations. Select the V/H position when using the UST-524 for multiple receiver installa tions.
R6. CPU Reset - Press this switch to clear the central
processing unit. WARNING: WHEN THIS BUT
R7. -I- 18V - F type connector for -F 18VDC power to the
UST-524 for multiple receivers installation. When the UST-524 is used the 18V - V/H switch must be in the
V/H position.
R8. Remote Station - F type connector for hook up of
the UST-88 remote control system which allows oper ation of this receiver from a remote location.
R9. Motor -F and - Terminals - 36 VDC 1.5 amp max
output for actuator motor. Circuit breaker R11 controls this circuit.
R10. -F B, SEN, and GND Terminals - Connect to actu
ator sensor.
R11. Actuator Circuit Breaker - Push to reset. If brea%^.
^—er trips, check the antenna and actuator to make sure
they are operating properly.
R12. Main Circuit Breaker - Push to reset. R13. AC Power Cord - Connect to any 110 - 120V
household AC outlet. Do not connect to an outlet con trolled by a wall switch.
R14. AC Outlet. - Unswitched power for other equip
ment such as a monitor or VCR. When the power to the UST-9000 is turned off this outlet remains on.
R15. RFOut - F type connector to wire satellite receiver to
the VHF antenna terminal of television.
R16. CH 3/4 Switch - Select either channel 3 or 4 depend
ing upon your television set.
R17. Ant. In - F type connector for external VHF TV
antenna. When the power is off signal is connected to RF out (R15|.
R18. Audio 1 and 2 Output - RCA type connectors for
external audio equipment, VCR or monitor.
R19. Video Output - RCA type connector for an external
monitor. _VCR or descramblinq devjce.
R20. -F6V, Pulse, and GND Terminals - Connectors
for a servo motor type polarization device. Voltage automatically turns off 4 seconds after polari?-'
changes. i
R21. Counter Clear - Press to erase the limits for antenna
travel and to reset the counter to 000.
R22. Up and Down Limit - Set the east and west limit of
travel for the antenna.
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