Troybilt 21AE682L766 Owner’s Manual

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Rear-finePTO TillerModels
Model 682J Shown
If a spark attester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator. In the State of California the above is required by law (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A spark arrester
for the muffler is available by contacting the service department at Troy-Bilt LLC, P.O. Box 36113! Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019.
TROY-BJLT LLC, P.O. BOX 361131, CLEVELAND, OH 44136-0019
Content Page
CaNing Customer Support .................................................... 2
Safety ................................................................... 3
AssemMy ................................................................. 6
Features and Controls ....................................................... 11
Operation ................................................................ 14
Maintenance .............................................................. 28
Troubleshooting ........................................................... 41
Attachments & Accessories .................................................. 43
Parts List ................................................................. 44
Warrany Unformation ........................................................ Back Cover
This Operator's ManuaUis an important part of your new Rear°tine THUer,UtwHUheUpyou assemMe, prepare and maintain the unit for best performance, PUease read and understand what it says,
Before you start assembling your new equipment, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the infer° mation from it in the space provided below, This information is very important if you need help from our Customer Support Department or an authorized dealer,
You can locate the model number by looking at the rear surface of the tine shield. A sample model plate is explained below. For future reference, please copy the model number and the serial number of the equipment in the space below
Copy Model Number Here
0 TRO_r'_X_,,T" TROY-[}mLT LLC CLEVELAND, ON 44136
P. O. BOX 361131 338=558=7228
896 =8,48 =6483
Copy Serial Number Here
The engine manufacturer is responsible for all engine-related issues with regards to performance, power-rating, speci° fications, warranty and service, Please refer to the engine manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual packed sepa-
rately with your unit for more information,
If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or maintenance of this unit, please call the Customer Support Department.
Call 1- (330) 558-7220 or 1- (868) 840-6483 to reach a Customer Support representative, Please have your unit's model number and serial number ready when you call, See previous section to locate this information, You will be asked to enter the serial number in order to process your call,
This machine meets voluntary safety standard B71,8
- 1996, which is sponsored by the Outdoor Power Equipment Unstitute, Unc,, and is pubfished by the
American NationaU Standards Unstitute,
,_ This is asafetyalertsymboI_ It is used inthis
Failureto obeysafety messagescould result in personal injury or property damage.
1. Carefuilyreadthis Owner'sManual,the separateEngineOwner's Manual,andany other literature you mayreceive. Bethor- oughiy famiiiar with the controis and the proper useof the tiiier and its engine. Know how to stop the unit and disengage the controls quickiy.
2. Neveraliow chiidren to operatethe tiller. Neverallow adults to operate the tilier without proper instruction.
3. Keepthe areaof operation clear of aii persons, particularly chiidren and pets.
4. Keepin mindthat the operator or user is responsible for accidentsor hazards occurring to other people,their property,
1. Thoroughly inspect the areawherethe tiiier isto be usedand removealIforeign
2. Putthe Wheelsfrines/PTO Drive Lever into NEUTRALbeforestarting the engine.
3. Do not operatethe tiiier without wearingadequateoutergarments. Avoid
loose garments or jewelrythat coutdget caught in moving parts.
4. Do not operatethe tiiier when barefoot or wearingsandals,sneakers,or iight
footwear. Wear protective footwear that wiii improve footing on siippepysurfaces.
5. Do nottiii near underground electric canes, teiephoneiines,pipes or Iloses. If
in doubt,contactyour telephoneor utility company.
manuaiand on the unit to alert youto potential hazards. Whenyou seethis symbol, readand obeythe messagethat foliows it.
6. Warning: Handlefue!with care;it is highly fiammabie andits vaporsare expiosive. Besureto takethe following precautions:
a. Storerue! in containers specifically
designedfor this purpose.
b. The gascapshaii never be removed
or rue!addedwhiie the engineis
running. Ailow the engineto cooi
for severalminutes before adding fuel.
¢. Keepmatches,cigarettes, cigars,
pipes, openflames,and sparks away from the fueitank andfueI
&Fiii fuei tank outdoors with extreme
care. Neverfill fueI tank indoors.
Useafunnel or spout to prevent
e. Repiaceaii rue!tank and container
caps securely.
f. If fuel isspiiied, do not attempt to
start the engine, but movethe
machineawayfrom the areaof spiiiage and avoid creating any source of ignition until fuel vapors havedissipated.
7. Nevermakeadjustments when engine is running (unless recommendedby
1. Donot put hands orfeet nearor under rotating parts. Donot aiiow handsor any
other part ofthe body or ciothing nearthe
rotating tines or nearany other moving
part. Thetines beginto rotate forward
Theengine exhaustfrom this productcontains chemicalsknownto the State of California to cause
cancer,birth defectsor other reproductive harm.
oncethe enginestarts, the Tines/PTO Clutch Leveris in the ENGAGEposition,
the Forward Interlock Leversare squeezed closed and the Wheelsfrines/PTO Drive
Leveris shifted to FORWARD.The tines rotate in Reversewhether the Interlock
Leversareciosedor open.
2. Exerciseextremecaution when on or crossing graveldrives, walks, or roads.
Stayalert for hiddenhazardsor traffic. Do not carry passengers.
3. After striking a foreign object, stop the engine, removethe wire from thespark
piug wire and prevent it from touching the
spark piug. ThorougNy inspect the
machinefor any damageand repair the damagebefore restarting and operating
the machine.
4. Exercisecautionto avoid slipping or falling.
5. If the unit should start to vibrate abhor-
marly,stop the engine,disconnect the spark piugwire and prevent it from touching the spark piug, andcheck imme-
diatelyfor the cause.Vibration is generaiiya warning of trouble.
6. Stopti_eengine,disconnectthe spark
piug wire and prevent it from touching the spark piugwheneveryou ieavethe
operatingposition, before uncloggingthe tines, or when makingany repairs,adjust-
ments or inspections.
7. Takeali possible precautionswhen
leavingmachine unattended.Stopengine.
Disconnectspark plug wire andmove it away from spark piug. Removeignition
key on electdcstart models
Section1: Safety
8. Beforecleaning,repairing, or inspect= ing, stop the engineand makecertain atI
moving partshavestopped. Disconnect
the spark piug wire and prevent it from touching the spark piug to prevent acci=
9. The flap on thetine hood must be down when operatingthe tiiier, unless
using the Hiiier/Furrowerattachment.
10. Neverusethe tiiier unless proper guards, piates,or other safetyprotective
devicesare in place.
11. Do not run engine in an enclosed area.Engineexhaustcontains carbon
monoxide gas, a deadlypoison that is odorless, coloriess, and tasteless.
12. Keepchildren and pets away.
13. Neveroperatethe tiiier underengine power if the WheeISpeedLeveris inthe
the wheels wiii not hold thetiiier backand the revoiving tines could propei the tiiier
rapidly, possibtycausingioss of controi. AIwaysengagethe WheetSpeedLeverin
either FASTor SLOWposition before starting the engineorengagingthe tines
with the WheeIs/Tines/PTODrive Lever.
14. Be aware that the tiller may unexo pectedlv bounce upward or jamp
forward ifthe tines should strike extremely hard packedsoil, frozen
ground, or buried obstacles like large stones, roots, or stumps, ff in doubt about the tilling conditions,always use the following operating precautions to assist you in maintaining control of the
a. Walk behind and to one side of the
tiller, using one handonthe han- dlebars. Relax your arm, bnt rise a secnre handgrip.
b. Use shallower depth regulator
settings, working gradually deeper with each pass.
c. Use slower wheel, tine and engine
d. Clear the tilling area of all large
stones, roots and other debris.
e. Avoid using downward pressureon
handlebars.If need be, use slight npward pressure to keep the tines from digging too deeply.
f. Before contacting hard packedsoil
at the endof arow, reduce engine speed and lift handlebarsto raise tines out of the soil.
g. Jn an emergency, stoptines and
wheets byshifting the WheelsiTinesiPTO Drive Lever you can not
reach the leveror have lostcontrom of the tiller, let go of the handle=
bars and aHcontroms,go not attempt to restrain the tiller.
15. Donot overioadthe tiiier's capacity by
attempting to till too deeplyat too fast a
16. Neveroperatethe tiller at high
transport speedson hard or slippery surfaces. Look behindanduse carewhen
backing up. t7. Donot operatethetiiier on a slope
that istoo steep for safety. Whenon slopes, slow down andmakesure you
havegood footing. Neverpermit the tiiier
to freewheel down slopes.
18. Neverallow bystandersnear the unit.
19. Only useattachmentsand accessories
that areapproved bythe manufacturerof the tiller.
28. Usetiiier attachments and acces- sories when recommended.
21. Neveroperatethe tiller without good visibility or iight.
22. Neveroperatethe tiiier if you are tired, or underthe influenceof alcohol,
drugs or medication.
23. Operatorsshali not tamper with the engine-governor settings on the machine; the governor controis the maximum safe
operatingspeedto protect the engineand
ali moving partsfrom damagecausedby
overspeed. Authorized service shail be
sought if a problemexists.
24. Donot touch engineparts which may behot from operation. Letparts cool downsufficiently.
25. POBON/OANGER--CAUSES SEVEREBURNS.Thebattery onelectric
start models contains suifudc acid. Avoid contact with skin, eyesor clothing. Keep
out of reachof children.
Antidotes: External- Flushimmediately with lotsof
water. Internal- Drink largequantities of water or milk. Follow with milk of magnesia,
beateneggs orvegetableoil. Calla doctor immediately.
Eyes- Fiushwith water for 15minutes. Getprompt medicai attention.
or smoking materiaisaway. Ventilate whencharging battery or using in an
enctosedspace. Alwayswear safety goggteswhen working near battery.
27. Pieaseremember:You canalways stop thetines and wheels by releasingati
controis, or by moving the ignition switch and/orthrottle control lever on the engine
to OFFor STOP.
28. To ioador unloadthe tiller, seethe instructions in Section4 of this Manual.
29. Useextremecaution when backingor puliing the machinetowards you.
30. Startthe enginecarefuiiy accordingto instructions and with feet well awayfrom
the tines.
31. Neverpick up or carry a machine whiiethe engineis running.
32. When ioading or unioadingthe tiller, alwaysdisengagetines anduse siower wheeland enginethrottle speeds. Use sturdy ramps wideandstrong enoughto easiiysupport the tiiier (280-to-325 ibs. dependingon model) and operator. Nevergo down ramps in FORWARD drive--the tiiier couid tip forward, exposingyou to the tines (which should be disengaged). Always useREVERSE driveand backdown ramps. Togo up ramps, use FORWARDdrive andfollow
the tiller.
33, The ForwardInterlock SafetySystem should betested for correct functioning everytimethe tiller or PTOpower unit is
used. SeeSection4 in this Manual.
34. If using the optional DozerBlade, either removethe tine attachment, or
disengagethe tines with the Tines/PTO CiutchLever. Revolvingtines are dangerous.
Section1: Safety
Maintenance and Sterage
1. Keepthetiiier, attachments and acces- sories insafeworking condition.
2. Checkali nuts, boits, and screws at frequent intervalsfor proper tightness to be surethe equipment is in safe working
3. Neverstore the tiiier with fue! inthe fueJtank insidea buiiding where ignition
sources are presentsuch ashot water and space heaters,furnaces, ciothes dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc.). Aiiow engine to cool beforestoring in any
Foryour safetyandthe safetyof others, various safety and operationaldecalsare located on your unit (Figure 1).
Keepthe decalscleanand legibleat all times. Contactyour Iocai service dealer or the Factoryfor repiacementsif any decals are damagedor missing.
4. To reducethe chancesof a fire hazard, keepthe enginefreeof grass, leaves,or
5. Storegasoiine in a cooi, weJi-ventiiated area,safetyaway from any spark-or
flame-producing equipment. Store gasolinein anapprovedcontainer, safeiy
awayfrom the reachof chiidren.
6. Referto the Maintenancesections of
this Manuaiandthe separate Engine
Owner's Manualfor instructions if the
tiller is to be stored for an extended
7. Neverperform maintenancewhiie the engine is running or the spark piug wire is
connected,exceptwhen specifically instructed to do so.
8, If the fuel tank hasto bedrained, do this outdoors.
Referto the PartsList for decallocations, descriptions andpart numbers.
Operating Symbols
Varioussymbols (shown here,with word descriptions)areusedonthetillerandengine= Yourunitmaynot haveaiiofthesymbols=
F) EngineStabiHzaNan.
Tapaf fuemtank.
Figure 1: Location of Safety and Operating Decals.
(Briggs & Stratten engine shown)
B) WARNmNG:EngineIgMNan. Emectricstartmadamsamy.
@ H I÷1
To preventpersonal injury or property damage, do net start the engine until all assembly steps are complete and you have read and understand the safety and operatinginstructionsin this
Carefuliyfoiiow these assembIysteps to correctly prepareyour tiiier for use. It is
recommendedthat you readthis Section
in its entirety beforebeginning assembly.
NOTE:Threedifferent Norse modeltiiiers
are covered in this Manual.Useonly the information applicableto your model. Tiiier engines vary by model.Your engine
mayappeardifferentlythan those found
in illustrations of this manual.
inspect Unit
h_spectthe unit andcartonfor damage immediately after deiivery. Contactthe carrier (trucking company) if you find or suspect damage. Inform them ofthe damageand request instructions for fiiing a claim. To protect your rights, putyour ciaim inwriting and maiIa copy to the carrier within 15 days after the unit has been delivered.Contactus atthe Factory if you needassistancein this matter.
STEP1: Unpacking Jnstructiens
NOTE:Donot severelybendany ofthe control cablesonthe unit.
1. The tiiier is heavy. Donot attemptto
removeit from the shipping piatform until instructed to do so in these Assembly steps.
2. RemoveatI unassembtedparts from the carton. Thehardwarebag is included in your literature packaging.
3. Checkthat you havethe items iisted below (contact your local dealeror the
Factoryif anyitems are missing or damaged).
NOTE: Usethe screw iengthtemplate (Figure2-1) to identify screws.
Qty. Description
1 HandlebarAssembly 1 Wheels/TinesPTODrive Lever
are in thehardwarebag:
1 26 oz. BottteSAE30W Oil 1 Clutch PawiSpring
1 BeltAdjustingTooI 2 PiasticCabieTies
1 Curved HeadScrew, 1/4-20 x 2 1 FlangedLockNut, 1/4-20 1 PanHeadScrew,#10-32 x 1/2
The following parts (electric start models
only), packagedseparately.
2 Nuts, 1/4-20
(for battery terminals)
2 Screws, 1/4-20x5/8
(for battery terminais)
2 Keys
(in ignition switch)
NOTE:LEFTand RIGHTsides of the
tiller are as viewed from the
operator's position behind the han- dlebars (unless otherwise noted).
Teols/J_ateriaJs Needed for Aosembly
(1) 3/8" open-endwrench* (2) 7/16" open-endwrench* (2) 1/2" open-endwrench* (1) 9/16" open-endwrench* (1) 3/4" open-endwrench* (1) Fiatbladescrewdriver (1) Scissors (to trim plastic ties) (1) Tire pressuregauge (1) 4-1/2" high wood block to prop unit
* Adjustable wrenchesmaybeused.
Figure 2-1: Toidentify length of screw, place screw on template as shown and measure distance between bottom of screw
head andtip of screw.
STEP2: Attach Nandiebar
JNJPORTANT: When disassembling
handlebar assembly, keep ieft-side clamp and ratchet separated from the right-side clamp andratchet.
1. Disassemblethe handlebarassembly.
To do this, removethe heightadjustment
leverbyturning the iever in a counter- clockwise direction (Figure2-2).
2. Placethe handlebarends on either side
ofthe base,with the wire harnesstoward the rearof the base(Figure2-2).
3. Instalithe heightadjustment iever through the rigirt-side clamp, handlebar end, ratchet,and base;then out through
the ieft-side ratchet,handlebarend, and ciamp (Figure2-2). Securewith nut, but
don't fully tighten.
J_IPORTANT:Do not force the height adjustment ieverthrouglr the handlebars. The interlock wires maybe blocking the
leverand could bedamaged.You may gently movethe wires asideif this
condition occurs.
4. Raisehandlebarsto oneof two height settings andtighten the height adjustment
lever. Also, makesureali other mounting hardware is securelytightened.
Figure 2=3. Fully assembled handle= bars.
Section2: Assembly
Height Adjustment Bass
Lsvsr BeJr
Wits Harness
OFT&LEfl ....
Figure 2-2. Handlebar assembly.
NOTE:Fully assembledhandlebar
assembly sllould appearasshown in
STEP3: Meve Tiller 8ff Shippin9
1, Setthe DepthRegulator Lever
(A, Figure2-4) to Travel position. Dothis by lifting the tiiier bythe handlebars,then puliing straight back on the iever and siiding down to the highest notched setting.
2. Setthe WheelSpeedLever(B, Figure 2=4)to Freewheelposition. To dothis,
movethe ieverapproximately halfway betweenthe FastandSlow settingswhiie you rockthe tiiier forward andbackward
untilthe wheels movefreely.
3. Lift Handlebarshigh enoughto clear tiiier tines and pull back firmly to disiodge the tiller from the piatform wheel wells.
STEP4: Cenneet Ferward
Figure2-4: Photo shows the Depth Regulator Lever (A) and the Wheel Speed Lever (B).
handlebar baseand swing the handlebars out to the rigilt side.
interlock Wire Harness
1. Removeany dirt from the Forward
Interlock wire harness plug (C, Figure 2-5) andits receptacle(D).
2, Connectthe ForwardInterlockwire harness plug (C,Figure2-5) to the recepo
tacie (D).
STEP5: Attach Wheels/Tines/PT8 grive Lever
1. Loosenthe bolt (Figure2=2)on the 7
2, Removeboth sets of nuts, star washers, screws, and one bushing
(A,B,C,D,E, F,G,Figure2=6)from the
yoke plates (H). Thereis abushing inside the sl_ortlink d). Becareful not to loseit
when removing screw (G). 3, Slide the ptatesat the end of the
Wheets/Tines/PTOLeveroverthe yoke plates (Figure2-9). To aidin the next step, insert ascrew temporarily into the forward most holes (J, Figure2=7)of the
Figure 2=& Forward Interlock Wire Harness connection.
yoke plates and the lever.
4, Align the rear most holes of theyoke
platesandthe Wheets/Tines/PTOLever. Uselong nosepiiers to holdthe bushing
(L, Figure 27) in placewhile inserting the
screw (K) through the leverandyoke
plates.Install star washer(g, Figure2-6)
and nut (A), then handtighten.
5, Retrievethe clutch pawl spring (Figure 2=8)from hardware bag.
Section2: Assembly
Removethe temporary screw (J, Figure 2=7)from the forward holes and move the
WheeIsffines/PTO LeverfuJlyforward. [nstalI the wider hook end of the dutch
pawt spring (M, Figure2=8) down into the smaii holeatthe endof the handle. Use
piiers to insertthe other end into the hole in the long link bar (N).
NOTE:Do not bend or overstretch the spring while instailing.
6. Pull the Wheets/Tines/PTOLeverback
to align the forward most holes (O,Figure
2=9)inthe yokeplate with the holes in the lever plates. Also align the bushing that is insidethe short link bar (P). [nstalI the screw, star washer, and nut, then tighten securely.
Securelytighten allother hardware (Q,R, Figure2=9). Also ensurethat the spring
(S) is properly seatedat both ends.
Completedassembly should appearas illustrated in Figure2-9.
7. Test the operation of the Wheets/Tines/PTOLever. Pushthe iever
down until it engagesinthe Forward position. The clutch roller (T,Figure2o
10) must rest beneaththe adjustment block (U). Next, movethe iever up to the
Neutral position. The clutch rolier (T, Figure2=11)shouid rest on the faceof the adjustment block (U). To test Reverse,iift and hoid the iever aii the way up in Reverseposition, then iet it go. Thelever should automaticaliy return to the Neutrai position (Figure2=11). If not, do not use
the tiiier. Seeyour local authorizeddealer
or carlthe FactoryTechnicalService Departmentfor instructions.
Figure 2-9: Fully assembled
Wheels/Tines/PTO Lever assembly.
Figure 2=6: Illustration shows the yoke plates (H), nuts, washers, and screws (A, E, B, F, D, G), bushing (C), and long and short finks (t, J).
Figure 2=7: Drive Lever assembly.
Figure 2=8: Clutch pawl spring. Tilt
WheelslTineslPTO Lever fully
forward before installing spring.
Figure 2=10 Forward position; roller (7")rests under the adjustment
block (U).
Figure 2=11: Neutral position; rofler (T) rests against middle area of the
adjustment block (U).
STEP6: CheckGearOil Levels
'four tiller hastwo separatetransmis= sions: one for the PowerUnit (Figure2-
12), the other for the TineAttachment (Figure2-13). Bothtransmissions were fiiied at the factory with SAE#85W-140 weight gear oil (withan A.PJ rating of GU4). CheckieveIin both transmis- sions to verify that theyare stiii correct.
SeeSection5, TransmissionGearOff MaflTtenancefor compiete information
on howto checkand fill the transmiso sions.
Section2: Assembly
JNIPORTANT:Checkgear eli ievet in both transmissions after the first 2 hours of
new tiiier operation, then every 30
operating hours thereafter. SeeSection 5
for instructions.
Figure 2=12: Checking oil level on Power Unit Transmission.
Figure 2o13: Checking oil level on Tine Attachment Transmission.
STEP7: Add Motor Oil to Engine
1. Beforeadding motor oiI, park the tiller
oil ieveIground. Levelthe engine by
placing asturdy block under the tines or the tines depth regulator bar.
2. Referto the EngineOwner's Manuai
provided with your tiiier for detaiiedinfor-
mation onhow to add motor oil and for
motor oilspecifications.
iMPORTANT:One 26 oz. bottle of motor
eli is included with your tiiier. Check the
eli ievei as instructed in the Engine
Owner's Manual provided with your tilier
BEFOREpouring the full amount of the
bottle into the engine.
° Changeengine oil after first 2 hours of
new operation.
, Checkengine eli ieve! every 5 hours of
operation or each use.
STEP8: Attach Engine Throttle Lever and Cable
Forshipping purposes,the throttle cabie, together with the throttie iever, is wound around the engine. Carefuiiyunwind the
cabte. If the throttle controi iabetis covered with aclearprotective coating,
peel it off.
To avoid electric shock from a short
circait (electric start tillers only}, never
allow the throttle cabte to teach the
battery. Route cabte bebw the battery,
on the outside or the batteryholder.
To attach thethrottle lever and cable:
1. Runthe throttle cableup the inside edge of the right handlebarand position the lever as shown in Figure2-14.
2. Fromthe outside of the handlebar, insert the curved headscrew (A, Figure2-
14),through the handlebarand the center
hole in thethrottie lever mounting bracket.
3. Loosely instali the flanged iocknut and movethe throttle lever back to the
4. Fromthe iever side of the bracket, thread a pall headscrew (B, Figure2-14) through the smaiihoie in thethrottle iever bracket and into the handlebar. Tighten the screw securely.
5. Securelytighten both theflanged lock nut and the curvedheadscrew.
6. Usetwo piastic ties to securethe throttte cableto the right handlebar intwo places (Figure2-15). Loop eachtie around the handlebar andcable (serrated side faces in) andpuilthe ties tight. Trim
the ends.
Figure 2-14: Engine Throttle Lever
position and installation.
Figure 2-15: Plastic Ties placement on handlebars.
STEP9: Adjust Air Pressure in Tires
Forshipping purposes,the tires may be
overinflated. Checkthe air pressure in eachtire andadjust them to between10 and 20pounds per squareinch. You
must inflate each tire to equalair
pressuresto preventthe tiller from pulling to one side.
Assembly is compiete for recoiistart tillers. SeeAssemb/ing TheE/ectric
Start System if you own an electric start tiller; otherwise, refer to Section 3, Contro/sfor information oil tiller
Section2: Assembly
ThefoiiowJngsteps expiaiu howto Jnstaliandcharge the battery on electrJcstart tJiiers. Foryour safety',foliow ali steps andobserve all accompanying safety messages=Section5 contains other generalbattep/maintenance and recharginginstructions=
1. Usea 5/8" long screw (K, Figure2=18) and 1/4=20hexnut (L)to connectthe
Battery producesexplosive gases. ++Keep away sparks, flames, and
++Ventilate area when chargingor using
battery in an enclosed space.
®Make sure battery vent tube is always
openafter battery is filled with acid.
Remove metal jewemrybefore working near the battery or near the electrical system. Failure to comply may cause a
short circuit, resulting in emectfical burns, a shock, or battery gas
positive (+) battery cabte(B) to the positive (marked +) battery post (C).
Makesurethat this is the cabieon the left
side, with oneendattached to the solenoid (D).
2. Slidethe black rubber boot (E)corn= pietely overthe batterypost andcable
3. Usea 5/8" iong screwand 1/4=20hex nut to connectthe negative (-) battep/
cable (F)to the negative(marked-) batte_' post (G) andsecurewith screw
(H)and nut (I)=
4. Slidethe black rubber boot (J) corn= pietetyoverthe batterypost and cable
To Avoid Personal tnjury or Property Damage:
+Do not touch positive battery terminal
and any surrounding metal objects with tools, jewelry or other metai
items. Failure to comply could cause a short circuit leading to electrical burns or explosion of battery gases.
++Never bring a gas can near the positive
(+) battery terminal. A short circuit could occur leading to an explosion of the gasoline or the battery gases. Always fill the engine fuel tank from the front or side of the engine.
NOTE:Ifthe battery is put into
serviceafter the dateshown onthe top ofthe battery,charge for a
minimum of onehour at 6=10
amps. Referto the Maintenence section of this manualfor more
detailedinstructions regarding proper batterycharging procedure
STEP1: Connect the Wire Harness Beeeptacie
t. Beforeinstaiiing the batteryand its hold-down clamp, insertthe plastic wire harness receptacle(A,Figure2-18)into the prongs of the keyswitch (M) located on the hoW-downctamp.
2. Removethe ignition keys from the keyswitch and store themsafelyaway.
Donot insertthe keyinto the keyswitch untiiyou compietethis section and read
Section 3, Contro/s.
STEP2: install the Battery Cables
NOTE:The cableterminals should be
toward the rear (keyswitch side) of the battery posts.
Assembly is complete for electric start tiliers. SeeSection 3, Controlsfor
information on tiller controls.
Never jump start the battery with a vehiclebattery or chargingsystem. This may produce a battery explosion,
causing acid orelectrical burns.
Figure 2o18: Battery cable assembly.
Before operating your machine, carefully read and understand all safety, controls, operating instructions
in this Manual, the separate Engine
OwneCs Manual and on the decals on the machine.
Failure to follow these instructionscan result inseriuus persunalinjury.
This section describes the location and function of the controls andfeatures on your tiiier. Referto Section 4, Operation
for detaiiedoperating instructions=
Practiceusingthesecontrois, with the
engine shut off, untiiyou completely
understandthe operation ofthe controls
and feelconfident with each of them= iMPORTANT:Referto the separateengine
manufacturer's Engine Owner's Manuai
for information about the controls on the engine.
NOTE:Aii referencesto ieft,right, front and rearof the machinearebasedon a
position behindthe handiebarsandfacing forward.
PTO Attachments Feature In addition to powerful tiiiing capabiiity,
you can quickly convert your machine into a PTO(PowerTake=Off)PowerUnit that is capabteof towing or powering
various TROY-BILTattachments= You canaccessthis capabiiity by
removing the tines attachment (powered bythe PTOPower Unit). The PTOPower Unit isthen avaiiabtefor enginepowered attachments,or for puiiing or towing non- poweredattachments= SeeSection 4,
PTOPower Unitfor detaiiedinformation on instaiiingand operatingTROY-BILT
Wheelo/TiueoiPTODrive Lever
Usethe VVheets/Tines/PTODriveLever (A, Figure3-1) to engageand disengage powerto thetransmission=
Figure 3-1:
A= Wheels/Tinee/PTO Drive Lever
B= Forward Interlock Levers C= Wheel Speed Lever
D= Tines/PTO Clutch Lever
This lever has three operating positions:
,, FORWARDis engagedwhen the leveris
moved down untilthe clutch roller (G, Figure3-2) engagesinto the detent
position underthe adjustment block (H, Figure3-2). You wilI definitely feelthe
leverengageinto this position.
Usethe FORWARDsetting to movethe
wheels andtines forward, or to apply power to an optional PTO(Power Take
Off) attachment. (Seealso Forward
To stop the wheeis,tines or any PTO attachment,movetheIeverto NEUTRAL
by tapping the iever upwards(Figure 3=3)and releasing=
REVERSEis engagedwhenthe lever is pushed (with an open palm) aiithe way
up and heid inthat position (Figure 3-4)= Usethis setting to movethe wheetsin
reverse=To stop moving in reverse, reteasethe lever; it automatically returns
to the NEUTRALposition.
E= Depth Regulator Lever F= Handlebar Height Adjustment Lever
G= Engine Throtde Lever
JNIPOflTANT: Do not operatethe tines or any PTOattachment in REVERSE.
NEUTRAListhis control's normai non=
operating position. Theiever returnsto
NEUTRALwhenit is tappedout of the FORWARDposition or releasedfrom the
REVERSEposition. NEUTRALposition
is betweenFORWARDand REVERSE
(Figure3-3)= Usethis setting to stop
the wheels, tines orany PTOattach=
IMPORTANT: Always shift to NEUTRAL
before starting the engine or before engaging the wheels, tines or any PTO attachment.
Forward interlock Levers
The Forward h_ter!ockLevers(B,
Figure3-1) areattached undereach
handlebargrip. You must squeezeat ieastone of these
interlock ievers up against the handlebar grip wheneverthe Wheets/Tines/PTO
Drive Leveris engagedin FORWARD
Section3: FeaturesandControls
Yer!fy Pos!tion of Clutch Roller
When you sNft between FORWABDI
NEUTRAL and REVERSEI the clutch roller at the base of the
Wheeb!Tines/PTO Drive Lever should
be pesitiobed as shown in Eigures3_2,
3:3 and 3'4, Verify the position Ofthe clutch roller as you shift the bver_ If it
is not POSitbnedcorrect!y, contact the Factory or see your local authorized Wheel Speed Lever
Figure 32: FORWARD position; relier (G)rests under the adjustment block (H).
Figure 3-3: NEUTRAL position; relier (G) rests against middle area of the ado
justment block (H).
Figure 3-4: REVERSE position; relier (G) rests against upper area of the ado
justment block (H).
If both Forward Interlock Leversare releasedbefore first returning the
Wheels/rines/PTO Drive Leverto
NEUTRAL,the enginewill stop. iMPORTANT: The Forward Interlock
Levers are a safety control that stops the engine should you lose control while going forward and cannot shift into
Usethe Wheel SpeedLever(C, Fig.3-1) to select oneofthree operating positions:
SLOW,FASTorFREEWHEEL. o SLOW- Lever moved alIthe waydown.
Most effective for normal tilling or for low-speedtransport.
®FAST- Lever moved all the way up.
Most effective for cultivating or for fast- speedtransport.
FREEWHEEL- Leverin betweenSLOW and FAST(wheelswill roll freely). Used
whentransporting the machineon level ground withoutenginepower,and when usingstationaryPTOattachments.
IMPORTANT: To avoid transmission
damage, always move Wheels/Tines/PTO
Drive Lever into NEUTRALbefore shifting the Wheel SpeedLever.
IMPORTANT: When shifting into SLOW
or FAST,gently roll the machine forward
or backward to help fully engage the wheel gears. When engaged, the wheels will not turn unless the engine is running
and the Wheets/Tines/PTODrive Lever is engagedin FORWARDor REVERSE.
Tines/PT8 Clutch Lever
Usethis lever(D, Figure3-1)to engageor
disengagepowerfrom thetransmission
PTOclutchto the tinesor any PTOattach-
ment. Thiscontrol hastwo operating
positions: ENGAGEand DISENGAGE. ,, ENGAGE- Levermovedinto detentsiot
farthestfromengine. Usethis positionto operatetinesor otherPTOattachments. Aftershifting to ENGAGE,brieflyoperate machineinFORWARDto helpfully engagethe PTOclutch.
,, DISENGAGE- Levermovedinto detent
slot nearestengine. Usethis positionto disengagepowerto tines or otherPTO attachmentsbeforetransporting, loading, turning, or operatingin reverse.
IMPORTANT: To avoid transmission damage, always move the Wheels/Tines/
PTO Drive Lever into NEUTRAL before shifting the Tines/PTOClutch Lever.
#epth Regalater Lever
Usethis lever (E,Figure3-1) to regulate
the tiiiing depthof the tines. This control
alsohasaTRAVELposition, which enablestransport withthe tines off the ground.
To operate the lever, lift up on the handle-
bars, puffthe Depth R%uiator Lever straight back, and then slide it up or down
to one of the eight detent height settings. The eight detentpositions offer arangeof
tine heightsettings. This enabbs you to
selectthe heightthat is most effectivefor a particular condition. The top detent position isthe TRAVELsetting. Usethe second or third detent from the top for shallow tilling and cuItivating. Usethe other @tents for deepertiffing and for powercomposting.
To avoid personal injary, always place the tines in the TRAVEL
position before starting the engine. This prevents the tines from touching
the gronnd nntil yon are ready to begin tilling.
Handlebar Height Adjustment
Usethis lever (F, Figure3-1) to adjustthe handlebarsto oneof two heightsettings.
1, To changethe height, hoidthehandb- barswith onehandand ioosenthe leverin
2. Movethe handlebarsto oneofthe two presetheightsettings.
3. Retightentheiever. NOTE:You can swapthe positions of the
insidehandlebar ratchets to changethe
two presetsettings by approximately four
inches higller or iower. SeeSection 2, Step2: Attach Handfebarfor detailed assembly information.
The tiller handlebars can be swung out
300to the right side for use only with the
PTOChipper/Shredder attachment. This is done by looseningthe mounting bott
on the handlebar base, Never operate
your tiller or attachments, otherthan the
PTOChipper/Shredder, with the handleo bars in the right side position. Doing so could result in unsafe handling and
Engine Throttle Lever
Usethe throttle lever(G, Figure3-1) to adjust engine speedaswell asto start and stop the engine.
Movethe leverawayfrom the STOP position before starting the engine.
Enginespeedsarevariableand range betweenthe FASTand SLOW. Usethe
STOPposition to turn the engine off.
NOTE:A secondary'throttle lever is located on the front ofthe 8HPand IOHP
engines. AseparateOn/Offswitch may alsobe availableontheengine. (See
EngineOwner'sManualfor information.) Keyswitch Starter
Thekeyswitch starter on electricstart models (A, Figure3=5)has three
positions: OFF,RUNandSTART. Turn the keyto STARTto start the engine=
Releasethe keyand it wilI returnto the
RUNposition. Turn the keyto OFFto
stop the engine, (Another way to
stop the engine is to move the engine throttle leverto the Figure 3-5 STOPposition,)
Section3: FeaturesandControls
Engine Controls
Referto the enginemanufacturer's Engine Owner's Manual (included in thetiller lit- erature package)to identify the controls on your engine.
IMPORTANT:An engine On/Offswitch, a secondary throttle control, a choke lever and a fuet iine shut=off control may be located on the engine. Refer to your
Engine Owner's Manual for detailed information.
To avoid serioas personal injury or
damage to equipment, do not start your engine at this time. Completestarting
instructionsare described in Section 4,
Before operating your machine,
carefullyread and understand all safety (Section 1), controts (Section 3) and
operating instrnctions (Section 4) in
this Manual, in the separate Engine
Owner's Manual, and on the decals on
FaUnre to follow these instructionscan resnlt inserious personaminjury,
Readthis Section ofthe manual
thoroughiy beforeyou start the engine. Then,takethe time to famiiiarizeyourself with the basic operation of the tilbr before using it in your garden= Findan open, level areaandpractice usingthe tiibr controis without the tines engaging the soii (put tines in Travelsetting-- Section 3, Depth RegulatorLeve,9. Onty after you've becomecompieteiy famiiiar with the tflier shoutd you begin using it in the garden=
Your tUbr and its optional PTO Power
Unit attachments are capable of cansing sefions injury to nntrained or
careless operators.
To avoid serious personal injury or
property damage, read the Owner's Manual that is provided with any optional accessories or attachments before using the tiller or PTO Power
Break-in Operation
Perform the following maintenanceduring
the first hours of newoperation (see
MaflTtenanceSectionin this Manuaiand maintenanceinformation in the Engine
Owner's Manuai). 1, Changeengineoii after first 2 hours of
newengine operation.
Figure: 4=1
2. After the first 2 hours of new operation,checkthe gearoiI levelsin the
PTOPower Unit and the tine attachment
3. Checkfor loose or missing hardware on unit. Tighten or replaceasneeded.
4. Checktension onforward drivebelt
after first 2 hours of operation.
Starting and Stopping the Engine
Thefollowing stepsdescribe how to start and stop the engine.
IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to engage
the tines, wheels, or any PTOattachment
untii you have read ali of the operating instructions in this Section. Atso review
the safety rubs in Section 1, Safety and the tiller and engine controis information
in Section 3, FeaturesandControls. Pre=StartCheoklist
Makethe following checks and perform
the foiiowing services beforestarting the engine.
1. Readthe Safetyand Controls Sections inthis Manual Readthe separate Engine Owner'sManuaiprovided by the engine
2, Check unit for looseor missing hardware. Serviceas required.
3, Checkengine oil level. SeeEngine Owner's Manual.
4. Shift the Wheeis/Tines/PTODrive iever (Figure4-2) into NEUTRALposition. See
Section3, Controlsfor more information on this iever.
5, Check Safety'Guards. AIIguards and covers must besecurelyin place.
6, Check air cieaner. SeeEngineOwner's Manual.
7. Attach sparkpiug wire to spark piug. 8, Check EngineCooling System. Clear
cooiing fins and air intakescreen of debris.
9. Select High/Low BettSpeedrange.
10. Adjust HandlebarHeight.
11. FilIthe fuettank with gasolinein accordancewith the directions in the
separateEngineOwner's Manual. Foliow alIinstructions andsafety rules carefully.
Follow gasoline safety rules in this Manual (Section 1) and in the separate Engine Owner's N_annal.
Failure to follow gasoline safety instruc- tions can result in serious personal injnryand property damage.
Figure 4-2: Tiller and engine controls.
Section4: Operation
EngineThrottle Lever
Depth RegaJatar
Starting the Engine:
To help prevent serious personalinjuryor damage to equipment:
,_Always place Wheels/Tines/PTO[}rive
Lever into NEUTRAL before starting engine, and before engaging wheels, tines orether PTO=dfivenattachments.
,,Never run engine indoors or in
enclosed, poorly ventihted areas. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, an odorless and deadly
,,Avoid engine muffler and nearby
areas. Temperatares in these areas may exceed150OF.
1. With the engineoff, placethe Wheets/Tines/PTODriveLever (Figure
4=2)in the NEUTRALposition. If in the
FORWARDposition, tapthe ieversharpiy upward, it should automatically move into
2. Putthe DepthRegulatorLever in the Travel position (leveralIthe way down)
so that the tines areoff the ground. To do this, lift up on the handlebars,pulI the
lever (Figure 4-2) back,and push it down ali the way to the top detent (notched)
3. Movethe WheelSpeedLever(Figure 4=2)to eitherthe SLOWor FASTposition.
Besureto rolithe wheelswhiieshifting the
leveruntil thewheelsengage.
NOTE:If usinga PTOstationaryattach° meet,movetheWheel SpeedLeverinto
FREEWHEELandblock the wheelsto
preventtheequipmentfrom moving(Figure 4=29onpage29).
4. MovetheTines/PTOClutchLeverinto DISENGAGEposition(Figure4=2).
NOTE:UsetheENGAGEpositionifyou want
thetinesto revolveor to applypowerto a
5. If engine is equippedwith a fuel valve,
turn valveto OPENposition as instructed in the separateEngineOwner's Manual.
6. If engine is equippedwith an ON/OFF
switch, move the switchto ON.
7. Moveengine throttie lever (Figure4=2)
away from STOP.
8. Chokeor prime engine as instructed in
the separateEngineOwner's Manual.
9. If not equippedwith an electric start
system, placeone hand on the fuel tank to stabiiizethe unitwhen you pu!Ithe recoii starter rope. Usethe recoii starter ropeto start the engineasinstructed in the separateEngineOwner's Manual.
10. If equipped with an electric start
system, turnkeyto STARTpositionto crank enginethenreleasewhenenginestarts. If
theenginedoesnotstartright away,donot
holdkeyatSTARTfor morethanafew
seconds. Releasethentry againafterashort
pause. Damageto startermotorcanoccurif itiscrankedmorethan15secondsper minute.
11. Iftheenginedoesnotstart aftera numberoftries,refertotheEngineOwner's Manualforspecificinstructions.
12. When engine starts, movetheThrottle Leverto the SLOWposition andthen
graduatiy movechokeiever (on enginesso equipped) to OFFor RUN position.
13. Movethe throttle speedcontrol to FASTsetting whentilling.
Starting Electric Start Engines
with the Re€ell Starter Repe You may,at somepoint, haveto start an
etectric start engine with the recoii starter
rope. Beforeattempting to doso, perform the foiiowing appiicabiesteps:
®If you suspectthe battery chargeis
weak,and there is no visible damage.
Disconnectcabtes from batteryand cieanboth cableterminais, and the batte_' posts in accordancewith the instructions providedin Section 5,
Section4: Operation
Reconnectthe cabins and securely
tighten to battery posts. Theenginewiii
rechargethe battery if the battery is still
o If you suspectthe batter is "dead", or if
the batteryis damaged, disconnect,and
remove it. Haveit checkedby a quaIifiedtechnician=
®If battery hasbeenremoved,wrap came
terminals at endof positive cablewith
electricaItapeand secure the cableto
the batterybracket.Thiswill prevent
electricaldischarge. Beforepulling the recoil starter rope,
turn the keyswitchto the RUNposition.
Move theThrottle Leverawayfrom STOPposition andset the chokeas
applicable=Sen EngineOwner's Manual.
Cold Weather gperatien
Whentemperatures fall below40°F. do the following s_ensto protect your
engine aria transmission from _amage:
1. Referto the EngineOwner's Manual for motor oil specifications for cold
weather operation. Usewinter blend gasoline
2. Warm up the enginebefore putting it undera load.
3. Usewinter-blena gasoline,
4. Usethe correct weight gearoil in PTO PowerUnit [ransmission.
5. Warm up thetransmission c2earoil as
follows: With engine running, move Wheel SpeedLever(Figure4-2) to
FREEWHEEL_thenblock wheelssothey
can't roll, put Tines/PTOClutch Le/or
into DISENBAGE.then squeezeoneof
the Forwardinterlock Leversana snift the Wheels!Tines!PTODrive Leverto
6. if wheelsarefrozen to the grouna, melt ice with warm water.
Stepping the Engine and Tiller
1. Tostop the wheels andtines, movethe Wheets/Tines/PTODriveLeverinto
NEUTRALposition andthen releaseboth ForwardInterlock Levers=
2. Move the engineThrottle Leverto the STOPposition. Thenon electric start
models,turn the keyto OFF. Removethe keyfor safekeeping.
NOTE:Theenginemayhavea separate
Throttle Control LeverandON/OFFswitch
onthe engine. Thesecontrols can also be usedto stopthe engine. Seethe Engine
Owner'smanuaifor information specific
to your engine.
Operating the Tiller
Whenfirst practicing, keepthe Tines/PTO
CiutchLeverin DISENGAGEposition and
the Wheel SpeedLeverin SLOWposition.
To avoid serious personal injury or damage to equipment:
,_Always placeWheeJsiTines/PTODrive
Lever in NEUTRAL before starting engine, and before engaging wheels,
tines orother PTOattachments.
®Be sate there are no obstacles behind
you before moving inreverse.
®Wheels/TinesiPTO Drive Lever should
aatomaticaJly retnrn to NEUTRAL
when released from REVERSE
position, tf it does not, move lever to NEUTRAL manually and discontinne ase until you adjust the lever. Sen Seotion 5, Checking and Adjustind
Reverse Drive System.
No reverse motion should occur if WheeJsf[inesiPTO Drive Lever is not
held up in REVERSE. See Section 5,
Checkiflg and Adjustifld Reverse
Drive System for adjnstment steps.
Do not use tiller artless properly adjusted.
,, Always retnrn to NEUTRALand Jetall
motion stop before shifting to FORWARDor REVERSE.
Thefoiiowing pagesprovide guidelines for using your tiiier effectively and safely
in various gardening applications. Be
sure to readTf/ling Tips& Techniques,in this Section, beforeyou actually putthe
tines into the soii. This isa traditional standard=rotating-tine
(SRT)tiiier with forward rotating tines. It operatesinacompietely different manner
than counter-rotating-tine (CRT)tiflers, or from frontofinetiflers.
lVleving the Tiller Forward and Tilling
1. Start the engineandgraduatiyincrease enginespeedto FAST(see Starting the Engine,this Section).
The Forward interlock Safety System is designed for the operator's safety. Do
not disoonneot or attempt to defeat the purpose of the system. Jf the system
maJfnnotJons,immediatelycontact your ideal anthorized dealer or the
TROY=BtLTTeobnJcal Service Depart =
meet for assistanoe. Do not ase the tiller or the PTO power nnit until the Forward tnterlook Safety System is
functioning property. Always test the system before asing the tiller or PTO
power anit.
2. Test the Forward Interlock Safety System. See TestingForwardinterlock
System,this Section.
Keep away from rotating tines. Rotating
tines wiJJcaase injury.
3. When practicing,setthe Depth R%uiator Leverto Travelposition. Otherwise,setthe Depth Regulator Lever
to a desireddepth.
4. MoveTines/PTOClutchLever to ENGAGEposition if you wantthe tines to
turn. If practicing, leavein DISENGAGE.
tNIPORTANT: Do not move Tines/PTO Ciutch Lever to ENGAGE unless
Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Lever is in NEUTRAL Tiller damagemayoccur!
5. To movethe tiller forward and engage
the tines, squeezeand hold eitherForward
Interlock Lever(Figure4-3)againstthe handlebargrip, then movethe
Wheels/Tines/PTODrive Leverdown to FORWARDposition.
Figure 4=3: Moving tiller forward: squeeze one Forward interlock Lever and then move Wheels/Tines/PTO
Drive Lever down to FORWARD.
6. Whenthetiller moves forward, reiax and ietthe wheelspower the tiiier along whiie the tines dig. Walk behind andto
one side of the tifler. Watkon the side that is notyettilled (Figure4-4). Usea
firm grip on the handlebarsbut keepyour arm relaxed,
JNtPORTANT:Letthe tiiier move aheadat its own pace. Do not push it ahead--this
reduces operator controi and tiiiing effi= ciency. Do not push handlebarsdown in
an attempt to dig deeper-- this takes weigilt off the wheels, reduces traction,
and causes the tines to try to propel the tiller.
Stopping Forward Motion and Tines
1. To stop forward motion, tap Wheels/Tines/PTODriveLeverupward
into NEUTRAL.Then releasethe Forward Interlock Levers. Thewheels and tines
wiii stop and the enginewill continue running.
2. in an emergency, reieaseaiI of the controi ievers. This stops forward motion
and shuts-off the engine.
To Help Avoid Personal injury or Damage to Equipment:
®Be sure no obstaclesare behind you before operatingthe tiller in REVERSE.
® Disengage the tines, reduce engine speed, and move the Wheel Speed
Lever to SLOW position before operating in REVERSE. Avoid using
FAST wheel speed until you are familiar with backing the tiller.
Figure 4=4: Guide tMer with one hand.
Moving the Tiller in Reverse tN_PORTANT: Do not till while in
1. Shift the Tines/Wheels/PTODrive Lever (Figure4=2) into NEUTRALand movethe
WheetSpeedLeverto the SLOWposition.
2. Move Tines/PTOClutch Lever(Figure 4-2) into DISENGAGEposition.
3. Verify that the areabehindyou is clear.
4. Lift upthe handlebarsuntii tile tines are off theground, then shift the Wheeisffines/PTO Drive Lever aii the way up andhoW. Youdo not needto squeeze
the Forward Interlock Leversto use reverse.
5. Theunit immediatelyengagesin reverse.Periodicaliy checkbehindyou whiie hewing the handlebarsup and the Wheels/Tines/PTOLeverin its upper-most position.
Stopping Reverse Motion Releasethe Wheels/Tines/PTODrive
Lever- the ieverautomaticaiiy returnsto the NEUTRALposition. Thisstops tile wheeis immediately. (The Forward Interlock Leverswill not stop REVERSE motion.)
To Stop the Engine Move the engineThrottleLeverto the
STOPposition. Then,on electricstart models, turn keyto OFF. Removethe key for safekeeping.
Section4: Operation
Making Turns
Turningthe tiiier is easyand just requires practice. First find the balancepoint betweenthe engine andthe tines by iifting
up the handlebars (Figure4°5). Onceyou find the balancepoint, then iet the poweredwheets dothe turning as you push sideways on the handlebarsin the direction of the turn. Practicetheturning
maneuverdescribedherein aiarge open area. Oncecomfortabieturning the tiiier, you can then take it to the gardenarea.
1. Atthe end of a row, movethe Wheeis/ Tines/PTODriveLever(Figure4-2) to
NEUTRALposition andreducethe engine speed.
2. Movethe Tines/PTOClutch Lever
(Figure4-2) into the DISENGAGE position.
3, Resumeforward operation, and lift handlebars until tinesareoffthe ground
(Figure4°5). Find the balancepoint betweentile engine andthe tines. Then
push the handlebarsin the direction of the turn. Be vely camfuf to keep feet and legs
away from the fines (which should be dis°
engaged). Letthe poweredwheels do the
hard work. The inside wheelwiii pivot in placewhiie the outside wheei drivesthe
tifler around inthe direction ofthe turn.
Figure 4-5: Turning the tiller.
NOTE:Use REVERSEif necessaryto turn in alimited space.
4. When the turn is complete, shift to NEUTRALandlower the handlebars=
Move Tines/PTOCiutcil Leverbackto ENGAGEposition and resumeforward operation.
Transporting The Tiller Around Year Property
Whenthe engineis running, thetiiieSs poweredwheatsmakemovingthe tiiier to and from the gardeneasy. If the engineis not running set the WheelSpeedLeverto FREEWHEELposition to roll thetiller to
another location.
To help avoid personal injury from revolving tines, always pat the
TinesiPTOCtutsh Lever in DISENGAGE position before transporting, loading,or
unloading tiller.
1. Placethe Tines/PTOClutch Leverin DISENGAGEposition.
2. MoveDepthRegulatorLeverdownalIthe wayintotheTravelsetting.
3. If using engine powel; move Wheel SpeedLeverto either SLOWor FAST,and
usethe Wheeis/Tinee/PTODrive Leverto drivethe wheats.
4. If the engineis stopped, move Wheel SpeedLeverto FREEWHEEL,and manually pushtiller.
Tenting the Forward lnterinsk Safety System
TheForward Interlock SafetySystem is designedto shutthe tiiier engine off
immediately if you iosecontroi and cannot stop moving FORWARDby
shifting theWheets/Tines/PTODriveLever into NEUTRAL=Whenyou releaseboth
Forward Interiock Levers,they send ground to the ignition systemthereby
stopping the engine. Squeezingone or both ievers up against the handlebars
enabiesthe ignition system; therefore, you must squeezeat ieast one lever
wheneverthe Wheeis/Tines/PTODrive Leveris engagedin FORWARD=
iNIPORTANT: The interlock system aiso prevents the engine from starting if the Wheets/Tines/PTODrive Lever is engaged
The Forward Interlock Safety System is designed for the operator's safety. De net dissonnect or attempt to defeat the purpose of the system, if the system
maJfnnetions, immediatelycontactyour local anthorized dealer or the
TROY=BtLTTeshnisal Service Depart=
meet for assistance. Do not use the
filler or the PTO power unit until the Forward hterlesk Safety System is functioning properly. Always test the system before using the tiller or PTO powerunit.
How to Cheek the interlock System
The Forward Interlock System has an electro=mechanicaldesign,and so is subject to normal wearand possible mat= function. Checkthe system for proper
operationeachtime prior to usingthe
tiller or PTOpower unit.
Figure 4-6: Plug and receptacle of Forward Interlock Safety System
must be securely connected.
To test the Forward Interlock System:
1. Movetiller outside to levelground. Removeany obstacles.
2. Checkthat the Forward Interlock wire harnessplug, at the bottom of the handle°
bars (Figure4°6), is securelyconnected
to the receptacieon the top, right side of the transmission.
3. Move WheeiSpeedLever (Figure4=2)
to SLOWposition and moveTines/PTO
Clutch Leverto DISENGAGE.
4. Start engine as describedunder Starting and Stopping theEngine,in this
section. Setenginethrottle iever to
SLOW,and iet enginewarm up.
5. Squeezeand holdjust oneof the ForwardInterlock Leversagainsttire
handlebargrip while moving the Wheels/
Tines/PTO DriveLeverdown to
FORWARD(Figure4-3). Asthe tiiier movesforward, releasethe Forward Inter°
lock Leverbriefly. Theengineshould
start to staiiout if the interiock system is working properly. If it doesstart to stali,
quickiysqueezethe iever up against the handlebargrip, and then return the
Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Leverto
NEUTRAL.Repeatthis test to checkthat
the engine begins to stail out when the
other ForwardInterlock Leveris released.
6. If the engine does not begin to shut off
when either ForwardInterlocklever is
released,shut the engine off, removethe key (if electric start), andde net operate
the tiller or PTOpower unit until the system has beenrepaired and isfuns=
tioning properly.
IMPORTANT:Toavoid possible damage
to the ForwardInterlock Safety system,
do not use high=pressuresprays nearthe
wire harness receptacleorneutrai plunger assembly.
Loading and gnlnading the Tiiiet
Thefollowing provides information on tiiier ioading, unloading, and requirements
beforeioading and unloadingthe tiiier. Readthe foiiowing instructions carefuliy
beforeattempting to loador unloadyour
Before Leading or Unloading the
° Rampsmust bestrong enoughto
support the combined weight of the tiiier and handlers.Theyshould providegood traction to preventslipping; they should haveside raiisto guide thetiiier along the ramps; andthey shouid havea locking deviceto securethemto the
° Handlersshould wear sturdy footwear
that will help to preventslipping.
Section4: Operation
oTurn the vehicle'sengine off and apply
its parking brake.
o Positionthe ioading vehicie sothat the
rampangie is asflat aspossibie (the
less inclineto the ramp, the better).
Leading the Tiller
1. Use ioading ramps that arestrong and wide enough to safely hold the weight of the tiiier andthe operator combined-- your tiller weighs between280 and 325
2. Move theTines/PTOClutch Lever (Figure4-2) into DISENGAGEposition.
3. Setthe Depth Regulator iever(Figure
4-2) to the Travelposition.
4. Move WheelSpeedLever (Figure4-2)
into SLOWposition and reducethe enginethrottle speed.
5. Sisiftthe Wheels/fines/PTO Lever (Figure4-2) into FORWARDposition and
foiiow the tiiier upthe ramps(Figure 4-7). Checkthe wheelsasyou movethe tiiier forward. Ensurethat they move up the center of each ramp.
6. Preventtiiier from roiiing invehicie. LeaveWheei SpeedLeverin FASTor
SLOWposition, chock wheels with blocks and tie down the tiller.
Figure 4=7: To go up ramps, use FORWARD drive.
unmeadingthe Tiller
iMPORTANT:fgeverunload tire tiiier in
FORWARDdrive. Thetiiier couid tip
forward andexposeyou to the tines
(which shouid be disengagedas
1. Use loading ramps that arestrong and
wide enough to safely hotdthe weight of the tiiier andthe operator combined-- your tiller weigtrs between280 and 325
2. MovetheTines/PTOClutch Lever (Figure4-2) to DISENGAGEposition.
3. Setthe DepthRegulator Lever(Figure
4-2) to the Travelposition.
4. MoveWheelSpeedLever (Figure4-2)
to SLOWposition andreducethe engine throttle speed.
IMPORTANT: Look behind you before you back down the rampto ensurethat ali
is clear. Whiie descending,keepchecking for obstacies behindyou.
5. Moveand hold tire Wheets/Tines/PTO Leverinto REVERSEdriveand backdown
the ramps (Figure4°8). Checkthe wheets asyou movethe tiiier backward. Ensure
that they movedown the centerof each
Figure 4=8: To go down ramps, use REVERSE drive.
Changing Speed Belts
Your tiiier hastwo belt-driven speed
- you pick one or the other by deciding
which setof pulieygrooves to movethe forward beltinto. By movingthe belt from onespeed rangeinto the other, in
combination with the FASTand SLOW wheelspeeds,you obtain achoice of four
different forward wheel speedsand two different fine speeds.
To help avoid serieas personal injary, stop the engine, remove the ignition
keel, discenneot spark plug wire and move the wire away from the spark
plug, and let engine and muffler cool down beforechanging belt speeds.
Changingthe belt from LOWrange into
HIGHrange (or backagain) isa matter of moving the belt from oneset of puliey
grooves to asecond set of pulley grooves.
This changeis donequickiy andwithout tools (Figures4-9 through 4-13).
Figure 4=9: Belt range positions.
Whenthe tiiier is moving in REVERSE,the wheels are powered by a rubberreverse
disc, not by the beit=Therefore,you have onlytwo reversespeedsSLOWand FAST,
as set with the WheetSpeedLever= Tabie4=1shows the rangeof wheeiand
fine speeds avaiiabiewhen usingthe two
beltspeed rangesand the FASTand SLOWselections onthe WheelSpeed
Table 4-1
Available wheel and fine speedsat 3080 RP_
engine speed.
Belt Speed Wheel Tine
Position Lever Speed Speed
LowRange Slow ,5MPH 146RPM LowRange Fast 12MPH 146RPM
High Range Slow ,7MPH 200RPM High Range Fast 1,72MPH 200RPM
Changing Belt From LOW Range
te HIGH Range
1. To avoid personalinjury, shut off engine, iet alimoving partscome to a compiete stop, then disconnect spark
piug wire from spark piug and move it away from spark piug before making any adjustments. Wait for the engineand
muffler to cooi down.
2. Move Wheels,rrines/PTODrive Lever
Section4: Operation
The HiGH speed belt range position combined with a FAST wheel speed setting propels the tiller at the fastest pace. Reduce the enginethrottle speed when starting outto hob avoid personal
injury or propertydamage if using this
speed combination.
3. Kneelon fefiside of tiller. To create beit slack, reachoverto right side ofthe
pulieys and push in atthe center of the beit with a finger. At the sametime, use
your ieft hand to work the belt part=way onto the iower=fronttransmission pulley
groove (Figure 4=10).
4. Goto right sideof tiller andfinish seatingthe beit.
5. Stiil holding the iever up in REVERSE position, and working from the ieft side of thetiiier, move the beit from the lower- front transmission grooveto the lower-
reartransmission groove.
6. Goto the right side of thetiiier and finish seatingthe belt (Figure4-13).
Figure 4-11: Low range to high
range. Shows moving belt from top= rear groove onto top-front groove.
7. Checkboth sides of the high range puiiey grooves to verify that the belt is
properly seated.
Figure 4o10: Low range to high range. Shows moving belt from lower-rear groove onto IowerWront groove.
4. Goto the other side ofthe tilier to finish seatingthe belt onto the putley groeve.
5. Working from the left sideof the tiiier, work the bett as muchas possible onto
thetop-front engine pulley groove (Figure
6. Finish seatingthe belt from the right sideof thetiller.
tNIPORTANT: Proper beittension is important for good performance. See
Section 5, Drive Belt Maintenance for information on belt maintenance schedule
and procedures.
NOTE: If extra belt slack is needed to move the belt, just raise the
Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Lever up into
REVERSE.This iowers the engine pulley,
and createsmore slack.
Changing Belt Frem HiGH Range te
LOW Range
1. To avoid personal injury,shut off engine,iet aii movingparts come to a complete stop, then disconnect spark plug wire from spark piug and movewire away from sparkpiug before making any adjustments. Letengine and muffler cool.
2. Move the Wheels/Tines/PTODrive Leverinto NEUTRAL.
3. Standon Ieftside of tiller. Useyour right handto holdthe Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Leverup into REVERSEposition. Useyour ieft handto movethe belt off
top-front enginepuiiey groove to top-rear engine pulleygroove (Figure4-12).
Figure 4-12: High range to low range. Shows moving belt from top- front groove onto top-rear pulley groove.
Figure 4-13: High range to low range. Shows moving belt from
Iowet- front onto Io wet-rear groo re.
7. Checkthatthe bettisfully seatedinthe pulley grooves. Checkthis from both
sides of the tiiier.
Choosing Wheel
and TineSpeeds
Your tilier hasfour FORWARDwheei/tine speedcombinations for handling avariety
of tiiiing tasksand gardening jobs. Exper- iment withthe fine depth, enginespeed, and wheel/finespeedanddeterminethe combination that provides the best
results. Hereare some tips:
1. Advancethe throttle leverso the engine hassufficient power.
2. Whentiffing untiiied or hard earth, do not set the DepthRegulatortoo deep.The tiiier will buckandthe enginewill load
3. You will know your settings areideal whenthe tines break-upthe soil easily, the enginedoes not iabor, andyour progress is steadyandsmooth.
SeeTable2, Wbee/Speedand BettRange
Se/ectionGuidefor recommendations.
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