Vertical bar mixer shower
DO NOT use jointing compounds on any pipe
fittings for the installation,
DO NOT solder fittings near the mixer unit
as heat can transfer along the pipework and
damage the mixer valve.
DO NOT subject the unit to a water temperature
above 80°C during installation, use, maintenance
or disinfection.
• ThelayoutandsizingofpipeworkMUST
be such that nominally equal inlet supply
pressures are achieved and the effects of
other draw-offs are minimised.
• Thepipe-workshouldbeinstalledsuch
that other taps and appliances being
operated elsewhere on the premises do not
significantly affect the flow
• Whenconnectingpipe-workavoidusing
tight 90° elbows; swept or formed bends will
give the best performance.
• ThehotwaterpipeentryMUST be made to
the left-hand side inlet, marked HOT, ‘H’ or
with a red/orange label.
• Suitableisolatingvalves(complyingwith
Water Regulations and Bylaws) MUST be
fitted on the hot and cold water supplies
to the shower as an independent means
of isolating the water supplies should
maintenance or servicing be necessary.
• Itispreferabletoushthepipe-worktoclear
the system of debris and check for leaks
before connecting to the mixer.
• Themixerinletscontainremovablelters
that may become blocked if debris is not
flushed through before fitting.
(Commercial applications)
• Itisrecommendedthatforallcommercial
applications, easily accessible, in-line filters
are used to aid maintenance.
Hard water areas
a. If it is intended to operate the shower
in areas of hard water (above 200-ppm
temporary hardness), a scale inhibitor may
have to be fitted. For advice on the scale
inhibitor, please contact Customer Service.
b. For best performance the showerhead MUST be
regularly cleaned to remove scale and debris.
This mixer shower is suitable for:
• Gravitywatersystems
• Pumpedgravitysystems.
• Fullymodulatingtypecombinationboilers
• Multi-pointhotwaterheaters.
• Thermalstorage.
• Unventedsystems.
When installing this mixer with a Combination or
multi-point boiler, it may be necessary to install
flow regulation.
Check that the appliance is capable of delivering
hot water at a minimum switch-on flow rate
of 3 litres per minute. At flow rates between 3
and 8 litres per minute, the appliance MUST be
capable of raising the water temperature to 52°C
Water temperature at the inlet of the mixer valve
MUST remain relatively constant when flow rate
adjustments are made (refer to the applianceoperating manual to confirm compatibility with
this mixer shower).
Where thermal store systems and instantaneous
gas water heaters are used, if excessive drawoff take place the appliance may not be able to
maintain an adequate output temperature.
This could result in the shower temperature
becoming noticeably cooler.
Flow regulators can be fitted with high-pressure
water systems to reduce flow rate and assist
The hot supply temperature MUST remain a
minimum of 10°C hotter than the required blend
temperature for optimum performance.