Trimble Navigation Limited
Mapping and GIS Division
645 North Mary Avenue
Post Office Box 3642
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3642
Phone: +1-408-481-8940, 1-800-545-7762
Fax: +1-408-481-7744
The following limited warrantie s gi ve y ou specif ic
legal rights. You may have others, which vary
from state/jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction.
Software and Firmware Limited Warranty
Trimble warrant s that this Trimble software
product (the “Software”) shall substantially
conform to Trimble’s applicable published
specifications for the Software for a period of
ninety (90) days, starting from the date of
Warranty Remedies
Trimble's sol e lia bil ity a nd you r exclusive remedy
under the warranties set forth above shall be, at
Trimble’s option, to repair or replace any Product
or Software that fails to c onf or m to suc h wa rranty
(“Nonconforming Product”) or refund the
purchase price paid by you for any such
Nonconforming Pr oduct, upon your return of any
Nonconforming Product to Trimble.
The Globe & Triangle logo, Trimble, QuickPlan,
and TerraSync are trademarks of Trimble
Navigation Limited.
Aspen, Asset Surveyor, Ge oEx pl or e r, and GPS
Pathfinder are trademarks of Trimble Navigation
Limited, registered in the United States Pa tent an d
Trademark Office.
All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.
Printed in the United States of America. Printed
on recycled paper.
Release Notice
This is the January 2002 release (Revision A) of
the GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide,
part number 34231- 29-ENG. It applies to version
2.90 of the GPS Pathfinder Office software.
Warranty Exclusions
These warranties shall be ap plied only in the e ven t
and to the extent that: (i) the Products and
Software are properly and correctly installed,
configured, interfaced, stored, maintained and
operated in accordance with Trimble's relevant
operator's manual and specifications, and; (ii) the
Products and Software are not modified or
misused. The preceding warranties shall not apply
to, and Trimble shall not be responsible for, any
claim of warranty infringement is based on (i)
defects or performance problems that ari s e from
the combination or utilization of the Product or
Software with products, information, systems or
devices not made, supplied or specified by
Trimble; (ii) the operation of the Product or
Software under any specifica tio n oth e r than , or i n
addition to, Trimble's standard specifications for
its products; (iii) the unautho rized m odif icati on or
use of the Product or Software; (iv) damage
caused by lightning, other electrical discharge, or
fresh or salt water immersion or spray; or (v)
normal wear and tear on consumable parts (e.g.,
Welcome to the GPS Pathfinder® Office software. This software,
together with its associated utilities, provides all the functionality you
need to correct, view, and edit GPS data collected in the field, and to
export it in a format suitable for your GIS, CAD, or spatial database
system. This manual describes how to install, set up, and use the GPS
Pathfinder Office software.
Scope and Audience
Even if you have used other Global Positioning System (GPS)
products before, Trimble recommends that you spend some time
reading this manual to learn about the special features of this product.
We assume you are familiar with basic GPS and GIS concepts, which
are explained in the Mapping Systems Genera l Refe rence. If you are
not familiar with GPS:
•Read the booklet GPS, A Guide to the Next Utility (available
from Trimble).
•Visit our website,, for an interactive look at
Trimble and GPS.
Trimble assumes that you are familiar with Microsoft Windows, and
know how to use a mouse, select options from menus and dialog
boxes, make selections from lists, and use online Help.
GPS Pathfinder O ffi ce G e ttin g Started Guide ix
About This Manual
Related Information
Other manuals in this set include the Mapping Systems General
Reference. This manual introduces the basic principles of using GPS
to make maps. It pro vides the b ackgrou nd informat ion you need to use
Trimble Navigation Limited’s mapping products including GPS
receivers, data collectors, and software.
Other sources of related inf ormation are:
•Help – The software has built-in, context-sens itive online Help
that lets you quickly find the information you need. Access it
from the Help menu. Alternatively, click the Help button in a
window, or press
like an onlin e manual . Use the scr oll b u ttons to mo v e from page
to page.
•Release Notes – The release notes describe new features of the
product, information not included in the documentation, and
any changes to the documentation.
•Readme.rtf file – The release notes are also available as a
readme.rtf file. To read this file, double-click it or use a text
editor to open it. The installation program also copies it into the
program directory (C:\Program Files\GPS Pathfinder Office\).
. This comprehensive Help system reads
•World Wide Web (WWW) site – For an interactive look at
Trimble, visit our site on the World Wide Web
( You can also download the latest software
updates, language files, and documentation.
•Trimble training courses – Consider a training course to help
you use your GPS system to its fullest potential. For more
informati on, visit the Trimble website at
x GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide
Technical Assistance
If you have a problem and ca nnot f ind the infor mation you nee d in the
product documentation, contact your local distributor.
Alternatively, request technical support using the Trimble website at
Your Comments
Your feedback about the supporting documentation helps us to
improve it with each revision. To forward your comments, do one of
the following:
•Send an e-mail to
•Complete the Reader Comment Form at the back of this manual
and mail or fax it according to the instructions at the bottom of
the form.
If the reade r comment form is not available, send comments and
suggestions to the address in the front of this manual. Please mark it
Attention: Technical Publications Group.
About This Manual
GPS Pathfinder O ffi ce G e ttin g Started Guide xi
About This Manual
Document Conventions
The document conventions are as follows:
Italicsidentifies softw ar e menu s, men u comm ands , di alog
Helvetica Narrowrepresents messages printed on the screen.
Courier Boldrepresents information that you must type in a
Helvetica Boldidentifies a software command button.
is an example of a hardware function key that you
box es, and the dialog box fields.
software screen or window.
must press on a personal computer (PC). If you
must press more than one of these at the same
time, this is represen ted b y a p lus sign, fo r e xample ,
xii GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide
The GPS Pathfinder® Office software is produced by Trimble
Navigation Limited for managing and processing data collected using
Trimble mapping and GIS data collection systems. It provides all of
the tools that you need for managing a data collection project,
handling data from the entire range of mapping and GIS data
collection systems that use Trimble Global Positioning System (GPS)
The software runs under the following Microsoft operating sy stems:
•Windows 95
•Windows 98
•Windows NT 4.0
•Windows 2000
•Windows Me
•Windows XP
The GPS Pathfind er Office software lets you:
•plan the best times to collect GPS positions, using the
QuickPlan™ mission planning utility
1 Introduction
•create separate projects, which lets you manage the data
associated with these projects effectively and conveniently
•construct and edit data dictionaries, which are used to control
the data collection operation and ensure that the collected d ata
is complete, accurate, and compatible with your GIS, CAD
package, or database
•convert data from a GIS or database format to the Trimble SSF
format so that you can take the data back into the field to check
and update it
•transfer files to and from handheld data collectors and field
•display and edit collected data in the office, optionally
overlaying this data onto a vector or raster background, or a
Web Map Server map.
•process the GPS positional data to improve its ac curacy
•export the collected, processed, and edited data to a GIS, CAD,
or database format
•produce a scaled plot as a paper record of the data
2 GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide
■ Introduction
■ Hardware and software requirements
■ Installing the GPS Pathfinder Office software on a standalone computer
■ Installing the GPS Pathfinder Office software on a network
2 Installation
2.1 Introduction
This chapter describes how to ins tall a ne w copy of th e GPS Pathf inder
Office software and how to upgrade the software from a previously
installed version.
Use the following components when you install the GPS Pathfinder
Office software:
•The GPS Pathfinder Office software installation CD
•Your computer
•The existing GPS Pathfinder Office security key (if you are
upgrading from version 2.11 or earlier)
•The existin g GPS Pathfinder Office software (if you are
upgrading from version 2.50 or later)
•Serial number and authorization key
2.2 Hard war e an d So ftware Requirements
The minimum requirements to r un the GPS P athf inder Of f ice softw are
•a Pentium PC, 133 MHz or faster with math coprocessor
•32 MB RAM and 160 MB of free disk space for a standard
installation (with space for data files)
•SVGA screen (gray scale or color)
•1 RS232 serial port (for data collector communication)
•Keyboard with mouse or trackball
•CD-ROM drive
•Microsoft Windows Me, Windows 98, Windows 95,
Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows NT version 4.0
(service pack 4 or later)
•Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later
4 GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide
Installation 2
2.3 Installing GPS Pathfinder Office on a Standalone
This section explains how to:
•install the GPS Pathfinder Office software on a standal one
•upgrade from a previous version of the GPS Pathfinder Office
or GEO-PC software on a standalone computer
T o insta ll or upgrade t he GPS Pathf inder Of f ice softw are on a netw ork,
see page 20.
2.3.1Installing or Upgrading the Software
The installation program uses the name, serial number, and
authorization key you enter to detect whether you are upgrading from
an existing installation or installing the software for the first time.
If the serial number indicates that you are upgrading, the installation
proceeds only if the previous version is still installed on your
computer. Make sure that the latest version of the GPS Pathfinder
Office software is in stalled to a different folder from your current
(earlier) v ersion. If the e arlier v ersion req uires a sec urity ke y , this must
be connected to your computer for the upgrade to proceed.
You can choose the language that the GPS Pathfinder Office software
will use: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean,
Portuguese, Russian, or Spanish.
If you install a language for which Help files are not a v ailable, you can
still install Help files in another language.
If you are running virus-scanning software that checks all files,
Trimble r ecommen ds that you set i t to che ck progr am f iles only, while
installing the GPS Pathfinder Office software. Otherwise the
installation may run very slowly.
GPS Pathfinder O ffic e Gett ing Started Guide 5
2 Installation
Before you install or upgra de the GPS Pathfinder Office software:
•Close all Windows programs.
•Have Microsoft Windows Me, Windows 98, Windows 95,
Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows NT version 4.0
(service pack 4 or later) installed on the computer.
•Make sure that you have local or domain administration rights,
if you are running Windows 2000 or Windows NT. For more
information, see your system administrator.
To install or upgrade the GPS Pathfinder Office software:
1.Turn on the computer and start Microsoft Windows.
2.Insert the GPS Pathfinder Office CD in the CD-ROM drive of
your computer.
The Setup program should start automatically:
If the Setup program does not start automatically:
–On the Windows taskbar, click Start and selec t the Run
command. The Run dialog appear s. In the Open field, type
d:\msetup.exe (the drive letter may be different on your
computer) and click OK.
6 GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide
Installation 2
Warning – If you are installing GPS Pathfinder Office under Windows XP
or Windows 2000 and you do not have administrator rights, a Windows
dialog appears asking if you want to continue to install GPS Pathfinder
Office under the current account, or if you want to install it under an
administrative account. When you click
procedure stops. To successfully install GPS Pathfinder Office under
Windows XP or Windows 2000, refer to the GPS Pathfinder Office
Release Notes.
OK to continue, the installation
3.Click Install GPS Pathfinder Office 2.90.
After a short loading period, the Select Setup Language dialog
4.Select the language that you require to run the installation and
Next. To run the rest of the GPS Pathfinder Office
software in a language other than English, you must download
the appropriate language update from the Web. For more
information, see page 17.
5.If your computer has a virus scanner running, the following
message appears:
6.Click OK. The Welcome dialog appears.
Note – If you are running an early version of Windows 95 that
does not have the Microsoft Distributed Component Object
Model (DCOM
upgrade some syste m files. Click
) installed, a message appears asking you to
Yes. The files will be updated.
Restart your comput er an d t hen start the GPS Pathfinder Office
installation process again.
DCOM, a technology that enables software components to communicate directly with each other across
networks, including the Internet and intranets.
GPS Pathfinder O ffic e Gett ing Started Guide 7
2 Installation
7.Read the information in this dialog. You are reminded to close
all Windows programs. Clicking
Cancel now (or at any later
stage) stops the installation process without installing any files
on the computer.
8.Click Next.
The Software Lic ense Agreement dialog appears.
9.Read the information in this dialog and click Yes to agree to the
license conditions. Click
No to stop the installation process
without installing any files on the computer.
The following dial og appea rs :
10. Enter the following information:
a.In the First Name and Last Name fields, enter your name.
b.In the Organization field, enter t he name of the c ompany or
organization that you represent.
c.In the Serial Number field, enter the serial number exactly
as shown on the GPS Pathfinder Office CD-ROM case.
8 GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide
Installation 2
d.In the Authorization Key field, enter the authorization key
as shown on t he GP S Pa thf in der Office CD-ROM case ( the
capitalization does not matter).
11. Click Next. If you are upgrading from a previous version of the
GPS Pathfinder Office software, and the installation program
cannot find an earlier version of the software to upgrade, the
following dialog appears:
12. Select one of the options in the dialog, and follow the
accompanying instructions.
If you select an option that requires a serial number and
authorization key, make sure that these are from your original
installation of the GPS Pathfinder Office software—not f rom
any subsequent upgrade installations.
GPS Pathfinder O ffic e Gett ing Started Guide 9
2 Installation
Once you correctly enter the serial number and authorization
key, or if you selected the network s er v e r se tup, when you click
OK in the Upgrade Check dialog, the following dialog appears:
13. Do one of the following:
–Select Standard to begin the default installation.
This option installs all components of the GPS Pa thfinder
Office software.
–Select Custom to begin a custom installation.
This option lets you choose the components of the GPS
Pathfinder Office software to be installed. Select it if you
want to save disk space and if you know that you only
require certain components installed. When you select this
option and click
Note – To install GPS Pathfinder Office onto a network as a
server or client installation, see page 20.
14. Click Next.
10 GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide
Next, the Select Components dialog
Installation 2
If you chose the Custom option above, go to Step 17.
If you chose the Standard option above, the following dialog
15. Select the folder where you want to install the GPS Pathfinder
Office software. By default, the folder is C:\Program Files\GPS
Pathfinder Office 2.90. To change it, click
16. Click Next.
GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide 11
2 Installation
If you chose the Custom optio n at St ep 13, the following dialog
By default, all components ar e selected; this is equivalent to
performing a Standard installation.
17. Clear the check box beside any components you do not want to
The Destination Directory field displays the folder where the
selected components of the GPS Pathfinder Office software are
installed. By default, this is set to C:\Program Files\GPS
Pathfinder Office 2.90. To change it, click
12 GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide
Installation 2
18. Click Next.
If you have not installed the GPS Pathfinder Office software or
another Trimble software product before, the Specify Trimble Common Files Destination Directory dialog appears:
a.In the Directory group, select the folder where you want to
install common components used by the GPS Pathfinder
Office sof tware and ot her T rimble products . By default, t he
folder is C:\Program Files\Common Files\ Trimble. To
change it, click
b.Click Next.
19. If the GPS Pathfinder Office software is already installed on
your computer, the following dialog appears:
GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide 13
2 Installation
20. If you want to overwrite the settings defined in a previously
installed version of GPS Pathfinder Office select the check
boxes beside thos e settings. Do not select any settings you w ant to keep.
–Select the Pr o ject de f i niti ons check box to ins tall new GPS
Pathfinder Office project definitions. Any project
definitions that have bee n cr ea te d in a previous installation
of the GPS Pathfinder Office software will be overwritten.
The data in those project folders is not deleted.
–Select the Coordinate system zones and sites check box to
overwrite all coordinate systems. Do not select this check
box if you have created custom coordinate systems.
–Select the Export, Import, Batch settings check box to
overwrite all export, import, and batch settings. Do not
select this check box if you have created custom export,
import, or batch settings.
–Select the All other setti ngs chec k box to o ve rwrit e custo m
icons for points and the default window settings.
21. Click Next.
The Specify Data Directory dialog appears.
22. In the Directory group, sel ect the folder wh ere you w ant to store
projects and data. Th e f irst time you creat e a project , this wi ll be
the default folder. The tutorial files are also installed in this
folder. By default, this is set to C:\Pfdata. If necessary, click
Browse to change it.
Note – To avoid upgrade problems, Trimble recommends that
you set your default data folder to be a folder on your local
23. Click Next.
14 GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide
Installation 2
If you are running Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95,
the following dialog appears:
GPS Pathfinder Office may require changes to be made to the
autoexec.bat file on the computer. Any changes that need to be
made are shown in this dialog.
If you do not w an t th e Setu p p rogra m to auto mati call y mak e the
changes for you, select the option to save the changes to a
separate file or to do nothing.
–Click Next.
Note – Even if you do not mak e t he ch ange s now, the changes to
the autoexec.bat file must be made at some stage for the DOS
utilities pr o vided with the GPS Pathfinder Of fice sof twar e to run
The Setup program begins installing files. A progress bar
indicates how far the installation has advanced.
GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide 15
2 Installation
Depending on the installation options you have chosen, several
other messages may appear. For example, if you install the
Export or Import utilities, a message relati ng to the installation
of the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) software
may appear.
If system files have been updated during the installation
process, the following dialog appears:
Backup copies of the original system files are made, as shown
in the dialog.
24. Click Next.
The Tutorial dialog appears.
If you hav e not used the GPS P athfinder Office softwar e bef ore,
Trimble recommends that you work through the tutorial.
25. Click View Tutorial to view or print the tutorial.
16 GPS Pathfinder Office Getting Started Guide
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