Trimble 6829395 Users Manual

Trimble SPS985 GNSS Smart Antenna
Version 4.60 Revision A April 2012
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© 2006–2012, Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved. Trimble, and the Globe & Triangle logo are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited, registered in the United States and in other countries. AutoBase, CMR, CMR+, Connected Community, EVEREST, HYDROpro, Maxwell, Micro-Centered, Trimble Geomatics Office, SiteNet, TRIMMARK, TRIMTALK, TSCe, VRS, Zephyr, and Zephyr Geodetic are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are eitherregistered trademarks ortrademarks of MicrosoftCorporationin the United States and/orother countries. The Bluetooth wordmark andlogos are owned by the Bluetooth S IG, Inc. and any use of suchmarks by Trimble Navigation Limitedis under license. All other trademarks are the property oftheirrespective owners. Support for Galileo is developed under a license of the European Union and the European Space Agency (SPS985/SPS855/SPS555H).
NTP Software Copyright
© David L. Mills 1992-2009. Permissionto use, copy, modify, and distribute this software andits documentationfor any purpose with or without fee is herebygranted,provided that the above copyright notice appears in allcopies and that boththe copyright notice and this permissionnotice appear in supporting documentation,and that the name University of Delaware not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,written prior permission. The University of Delaware mak es norepresentations about the suitability this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express orimplied warranty.
Release Notice
This is the April 2012 release (Revision A) of the SPS M odular Receiver documentation. It applies to v ersion 4. 60 of the receiver firmware.
Product Li mited Warranty Information
For applicable product LimitedWarranty information,please refer to the Limited Warranty Card includedwith this Trimble product,orconsult your localTrimble authorized dealer.
Class B Statement – Notice to Users. This equipmenthas been
tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Some equipmentconfigurations include an optional 410 MHz to470 MHz UHF radio transceiver module compliant with Part 90. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance withthe instructions,may cause harmfulinterference to radio communication. However, there is no guarantee that interference willnotoccur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determinedby turning the equipmentoff and on,the user is encouraged totry to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: – I ncrease the separation between the equipmentand the receiver. – Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver is connected. – Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Changes and modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer or registrant of this equipmentcan void y our authority to operate this equipment under Federal Communications Commissionrules. This equipmentmust be installed and operated in accordance with provided instructions and the antenna(s) used forthis transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-locatedoroperated in conjunction with any otherantenna or transmitters (except in accordance with the FCC multi­transmitterproduct procedures).
This Class Bdigital apparatus complies withCanadianICES-003. Cet appareilnumérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. This apparatus complies withCanadian RSS-GEN, RSS-310, RSS-210,and RSS-119. Cet appareilest conforme à la norme CNR-GEN, CNR-310, CNR-210, et CNR-119 du Canada.
The product covered by this guide are intended to be used in all EU member countries, Norway, and Switzerland. Products been tested and found to comply withthe requirements for a Class B device pursuant to European CouncilDirective 89/336/EEC onEMC, thereby satisfying the requirements for CE Marking and sale withinthe European Economic Area (EEA). Contains a Bluetooth radio module. These requirements are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference when the equipmentis operatedin a residential or commercial environment. The 450 MHZ (PMR) bands and 2.4 GHz are non­harmonized throughoutEurope.
CE Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, Trimble Navigation,declares that the GPS receivers are in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Australia and New Zealand
This product conforms with the regulatory requirements of the AustralianCommunications and Media Authority (ACMA) EMC framework, thus satisfying the requirements for C-Tick Marking and sale withinAustralia and New Zealand.
Restriction of Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical
and Electronic Equipment (RoHS)
Trimble products in this guide comply in allmaterial respects with DIRECTIVE 2002/95/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAM ENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronicequipment (RoHS Directive) and Amendment2005/618/EC filedunder C(2005) 3143, with exemptions for lead in solder pursuantto Paragraph 7 of the Annexto the RoHS Directive applied.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
For product recycling instructions and more information, please go to www.t Recycling inEurope: To recycle Trimble WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, products that run on electrical power.), Call +31 497 53 24 30, and ask for the “WEEE Associate”. Or, mail a request for recycling instructions to: Trimble Europe BV c/o MenloWorldwide Logistics Meerheide 45 5521 DZ Eersel,NL
SPS985 GNSS Smart Antenna Getting Started Guide 2
Unlicensed radios in products
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Licensed radios in products
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device may not cause harmfulinterference.
SPS985 GNSS Smart Antenna Getting Started Guide 3
Introduction 5
Related information 6
Batteries 6
Battery safety 6 Charging the Lithium-ion battery 7 Battery charger 7 Removing the battery 9
Parts of the SPS985 Smart GNSS antenna 10
Front panel 10 Lower housing 11
Button and LED operations 12
Power button 12 Satellite LED 13 Radio LED 13 Wi-Fi LED 14 Battery LED 14 Lemo port 14
Activation 15
Activating your SPS GNSS Receiver 15 The WinFlash utility 17 Wi-Fi Settings 18 SSID Identification 23 Configuring a PC USB port as a virtual serial port 24 Logging data 25
Troubleshooting 26
Troubleshooting receiver issues 26
Glossary 28
SPS985 GNSS Smart Antenna Getting Started Guide 4


The SPS985 GNSS smart antenna can be used for the following infrastructure and site development applications:
Layout of structure foundations, caissons, and piles
Earthworks, fine grading and finishing stakeout operations
Initial site measurements to verify design levels and regular subsequent measurements to determine progress volumes
Vehicular-mounted site supervisor applications
Measurements and grade/thickness checks on laid materials
The GNSS smart antenna incorporates a GNSS antenna, receiver, internal radio, and battery in a rugged light-weight unit that is ideally suited as an all-on-the-pole RTK rover or quick setup/rapid mobilization base station. LEDs enable you to monitor satellite tracking, radio reception, data logging status, Wi-Fi, and power. Bluetooth wireless technology provides cable-free communications between the receiver and controller.
You can use the SPS985 smart antenna as part of an RTK GNSS system with the Trimble SCS900 Site Controller software. The receiver can optionally record GPS data to the receiver’s optional internal memory and download to a computer using the serial connection.
The GNSS smart antenna has no front panel controls for changing settings. To configure these receivers:
In real time, use external software such as the SPS web interface, the HYDROpro software, or the WinFlash utility.
Use an application file. To edit an application file, use the Configuration Toolbox utility.
SPS985 GNSS Smart Antenna Getting Started Guide 5

Related information

Sources of related information include the following:
Release notes – The release notes describe new features of the product, information not included in the manuals, and any changes to the manuals. They can be downloaded from the Trimble website at
Trimble training courses – Consider a training course to help you use your GNSS system to its fullest potential. For more information, go to the Trimble website at


The SPS985 GNSS smart antenna has one Lithium-ion battery which can be charged when it is plugged into an external power source through Port 1, or the battery can be removed for charging.
During measurement operations, each internal battery typically provides about 4 hours of power if using the internal Rx (receive) radio and about 3.5 hours operating as a base station using the internal transmit radio. These times vary according to the type of measurement and the operating conditions.

Battery safety

Charge and use the battery only in strict accordance with the instructions provided.
WARNING – Do not damage the rechargeable Lithium-ion battery. A damaged battery can cause an explosion or
fire, and can result in personal injury and/or property damage. To prevent injury or damage: – Do not use or charge the battery if it appears to be damaged. Signs of damage include, but are not limited to, discoloration, warping, and leaking battery fluid. – Do not expose the battery to fire, high temperature, or direct sunlight. – Do not immerse the battery in water. – Do not use or store the battery inside a vehicle during hot weather. – Do not drop or puncture the battery. – Do not open the battery or short-circuit its contacts.
WARNING – Avoid contact with the rechargeable Lithium-ion battery if it appears to be leaking. Battery fluid is
corrosive, and contact with it can result in personal injury and/or property damage. To prevent injury or damage: – If the battery leaks, avoid contact with the battery fluid. – If battery fluid gets into your eyes, immediately rinse your eyes with clean water and seek medical attention. Do not rub your eyes! – If battery fluid gets onto your skin or clothing, immediately use clean water to wash off the battery fluid.
SPS985 GNSS Smart Antenna Getting Started Guide 6
Connecting the receiver to a vehicle battery
WARNING – Use caution when connecting battery cable's clip leads to a vehicle battery. Do not allow any metal
object or jewelry to connect (short) the battery's positive (+) terminal to either the negative (-) terminal or the metal of the vehicle connected to the battery. This could result in high current, arcing, and high temperatures, exposing the user to possible injury.
WARNING – When connecting an external battery, such as a vehicle battery, to the receiver, be sure to use the
Trimble cable with proper over-current protection intended for this purpose, to avoid a safety hazard to the user or damage to the product.

Charging the Lithium-ion battery

The rechargeable Lithium-ion battery is supplied partially charged. Charge the battery completely before using it for the first time. If the battery has been stored for longer than three months, charge it before use.
WARNING Charge and use the rechargeable Lithium-ion battery only in strict accordance with the instructions.
Charging or using the battery in unauthorized equipment can cause an explosion or fire, and can result in personal injury and/or equipment damage. To prevent injury or damage: – Do not charge or use the battery if it appears to be damaged or leaking. – Charge the Lithium-ion battery only in a Trimble product that is specified to charge it. Be sure to follow all instructions that are provided with the battery charger. – Discontinue charging a battery that gives off extreme heat or a burning odor. – Use the battery only in Trimble equipment that is specified to use it. – Use the battery only for its intended use and according to the instructions in the product documentation.
To charge the battery, first remove the battery from the receiver, and then place it in the battery charger, which is connected to mains power.

Battery charger

The charger can charge two types of Lithium-ion batteries. It can be powered by mains or vehicle battery. The following figure shows the GPS and Total Station battery, dual slot battery charger (P/N
53018010), power supply (P/N 78650) and AC power cable (P/N 78651):
SPS985 GNSS Smart Antenna Getting Started Guide 7
The Charger Kit Dual Slot consists of:
Charger dual-battery slot
Power supply for charger
Cable AC kit AC for power supply
Chargeable batteries
The charger can charge the following types of batteries:
Lithium-ion Rechargeable Battery (Smart Battery), 4.4 Ah, 11.1 V, P/N 49400
Lithium-ion Rechargeable Battery, 2.6 Ah, 7.4 V, P/N 92600-HH
Lithium-ion Rechargeable Battery, 2.4 Ah, 7.4 V, P/N 54344
Charger slots
The charger has two slots. Each slot can charger either type of a battery. Batteries are charged sequentially. Beside each slot are two LED indicators (red and green) to indicate the battery status.
Power supply
The charger can be powered by mains (using the power supply for the charger) or by using a 12 V car adapter-to-charger cable.
SPS985 GNSS Smart Antenna Getting Started Guide 8

Removing the battery

Open the battery slot, which is on the side of the smart antenna.
Pull the battery out of the slot.
SPS985 GNSS Smart Antenna Getting Started Guide 9

Parts of the SPS985 Smart GNSS antenna

All operating controls are located on the front panel. Ports and connectors are located on the bottom of the unit.

Front panel

The front panel contains the Power button and four indicator LEDs.
The Power button controls the receiver’s power on or off functions.
The indicator LEDs show the status of power, satellite tracking, Wi-Fi, and radio reception.
Icon Connections
Power button
Battery status
The LEDs on the front panel indicate various operating conditions. Generally, a lit or slowly flashing LED indicates normal operation, a LED that is flashing quickly indicates a condition that may require attention, and an unlit LED indicates that no operation is occurring. For more information, see
Button and LED operations, page 12.
SPS985 GNSS Smart Antenna Getting Started Guide 10

Lower housing

Each item is marked with a number to indicate its main function, as shown in the following table:
Icon Name Connections/Description
1 Label The icon on the label shows if the antenna contains an internal radio or if it a Wi-Fi
only smart antenna
2 TNC radio
antenna connection
3 Label Shows the serial number of the smart antenna
4 Battery door Removable Lithium-ion battery
5 5/8" insert Range pole or quick release adapter
6 Lemo port USB and DC power in
Communications antenna
Lemo port is a 7-pin 0-shell 2-key Lemo connector that supports USB communications and external power input. The Lemo port has no power outputs.
The TNC port connector is for connecting a radio antenna to the receiver internal radio. A whip “rubber duck” antenna is supplied with the system. This connector is not used if you are using an
SPS985 GNSS Smart Antenna Getting Started Guide 11
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