Treif LION E Manual

5 (6)
Treif LION E Manual


LION: The perfect transformation of energy into efficiency

With 400 cuts per minute (with double blade) and a large insertion chamber measuring 350 x 240 mm (W x H), the LION slicing and portion cutting machine provides high capacity and sufficient space for numerous slicing applications.

It complements the portfolio of slicing and portion cutting ma-


chines by a broader, larger machine model that is especially


suited for the supermarket and industrial target groups.

LION 700 F





Precise cutting results and evenly





thick slices: the Dynamic Feeding





System (DVS) allows synchronised sli-




cing despite continuous product feed.



The LION is equipped with the DVS as









a standard.






A look in the blade box shows a thin blade for a precise cut.

The intelligent product feed holder can differentiate between meat and bone simply by gripping the product.

The slices can be placed continuously or in packages.

Versatility is the hallmark of LION.

Whether bone-in or boneless – the portion cutting machine slices all products precisely and neatly.

LION has a cutting output of 400 cuts/ min. (with double blade).

The variety of products that LION can accommodate ranges from cutlets to cheese products.

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