Trane VariTrane Installation/ Owner Programming

Installation/ Owner Programming
VariTrane™ Analog Electronic Controls
For use with:
Single-Duct Cooling & Reheat Units Parallel & Series Fan-Powered Units Low-Height Parallel & Series Fan-Powered Units
VAV- SV X 0 3 A- EN
© 2001 American Standard, Inc. All rights reserved
General Information
Literature Contents ............................................................................................... 4
Receiving and Handling ......................................................................................... 4
Unit Information
Single-Duct Units ............................................................................................... 4-5
Fan-powered Units ............................................................................................ 4-5
Analog Controls
General Electonic Controls Installation Minimum and Maximum Potentiometers Adjustments Zone Sensor Wiring Location and Mounting
Sequence of Operation
Single-Duct Units .................................................................................................. 9
Series Fan-powered ............................................................................................. 9
Parallel Fan-powered ............................................................................................ 9
Control Options
Constant-Volume ................................................................................................ 10
Auto Dual Minimum ............................................................................................ 10
Transducer Operation ..........................................................................................11
Null Voltage .......................................................................................................... 11
Procedure for Maximum and Minimum Calibration ..............................................11
Set Maximum Flow ..............................................................................................11
Set Minimum Flow .............................................................................................. 12
No Dual Minimum .......................................................................................... 12
Auto Dual Minimum ....................................................................................... 12
Balancing Procedure ........................................................................................... 13
Adjustments (Set Maximum and Minimum Flows) .............................................. 13
Installation and Wiring Zone Sensor
Zone Sensor Operation ....................................................................................... 15
Tools and Equipment ........................................................................................... 16
System Check ..................................................................................................... 16
Air Damper and Motor Check .............................................................................. 17
Control Check ...................................................................................................... 17
Zone Sensor Check ............................................................................................. 17
Heater Contactor Check ...................................................................................... 17
Fan Motor Check ................................................................................................. 17
Circuit Board Check ............................................................................................. 17
Transducer Check ................................................................................................ 18
Triac Output Check .............................................................................................. 18
Auto Dual Minimum Check .................................................................................. 18
Electronic Zone Sensor Check ............................................................................. 19
General Information
Literature Contents
This manual describes the operation, calibration and set-up of VariTrane VAV Single-Duct and Fan-powered units with Analog Electronic Controls.
Receiving and Handling
VariTrane units are shipped completely assembled with the exception of filters and accessories. Upon receiving, please inspect each unit and the components for shipping damage.
After receiving the units, complete the following:
Locate the nameplate and model
number and check that the correct units have been received.
Inspect the control units and air damper
casing for dents or punctures.
Verify that all options have been
included, such as filters, controls, heating coils, water valves, etc. Also check that unit voltages agree with the building parameters.
Manually rotate the fan (if applicable) to
assure that there are no obstructions within the housing.
Claims for in-transit damage must be
filed immediately with the delivery carrier.
For re-heat units, check the coil fins and
make sure the coils are not damaged.
Locate and verify that the correct zone
sensors are with the order. These will be marked with an orange “Accessories Enclosed” label. Store in a secure place until needed. Accessories lost at a jobsite are NOT covered by Trane’s warranty.
If a discrepancy occurs between what
was ordered and what is received, contact your local Trane representative immediately.
Read the appropriate section in this
manual for installation procedures prior to actual starting of installation.
Warnings and Cautions appear at appropriate sections throughout this manual. Read these carefully.
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
in equipment or property only damage.
— May also be used to alert reader to a situation that could result
— Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
— Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
Unit Information
Unit Type Description
Analog Electronic VariTrane units use an electronically-controlled air damper for primary air modulation. The unit types available are single-duct units (VCCF, VCWF, VCEF), series fan-powered units (VSCF, VSWF, VSEF), parallel fan­powered units, (VPCF, VPWF, VPEF) and low-height fan-powered units (LSCF, LSWF, LSEF, LPCF, LPWF, LPEF).
Single-Duct Units
The basic unit consists of an air damper mounted in a sheet metal casing, which is used to control the volume of air introduced to the occupied zone. The unit is designed to modulate either cooling or heating air. The basic cooling­only unit can be equipped with reheat coils located at the discharge of the unit. Standard choices include an electric coil with up to three stages of heat or a hot­water coil.
Figure 1 – Typical Single-Duct Units
Fan-Powered Units
VariTrane fan-powered units can be either parallel or series, with or without re-heat. See Figure 2.
Note: Low-Height is similar to the series and parallel fan-powered units. All series and parallel references from this point on will also include Low-Height unless noted.
The fan on a series unit runs continu­ously whenever the main air-handler unit is in operation. There are various options for starting the fan. The fan can be started three ways: 1) remotely,
2) by a duct-pressure switch, or 3) by a combination of both. The particular fan control method will vary from unit to unit, depending upon job needs.
Typically, the re-heat is off while the air damper modulates primary air and responds to zone temperature. If zone temperature decreases to the point where a decrease in primary air will not maintain the desired temperature, the re-heat will be activated to increase the temperature of the discharge air.
On a parallel unit, the VariTrane air damper delivers primary cooling air to the unit outlet. When the space temperature decreases beyond air damper control, the fan is turned on as the first stage of heat. The fan delivers
plenum air from above the occupied space to the unit outlet, which is mixed with primary air and delivered to the occupied space.
Note: Either the fan, the air damper or both can deliver airflow into the occupied space. In order to prevent primary airflow from exiting through the fan when the fan is not running on a parallel unit, a back-draft damper is provided. When the fan is not running, the efficiency of this system is the same as a standard single duct VAV unit.
Typically, the control systems applied to parallel units cause the air damper to close to zero or a minimum flow before the fan is activated. After the fan is activated, the heat will be activated upon further reduction in zone temperature. Therefore, little primary air is mixed with the heated air.
Fan-powered units are available with rectangular discharge connection only. Either straight flange or slip and drive is available with electric heat. The electric heater is mounted on the discharge of the unit. Hot water coils are connected to the plenum inlet on parallel units, and to the discharge of series units.
Table 1 – Maximum Fan Motor Amperage (FLA)
Fan HP 115 277 347 208
Series/Parallel 01 1/8 1.6 0.7 0.7 — Series/Parallel 02 1/8 1.6 0.7 0.7 — Series/Parallel 03 1/3 5.4 1.8 1.5 — Series/Parallel 04 1/3 5.4 1.8 1.5 — Series/Parallel 05 1/2 7.6 2.6 2.1 — Series/Parallel 06 1/2 3.8 3.8 6.3 Series/Parallel 07 1 4.7 3.6 6.9
Low Height 08 1/8 4.7 1.76 1.52 — Low Height 09 2 x 1/8 2 x 2.1 2 x 0.79 2 x 0.62 — Low Height 10 2 x 1/8 2 x 4.7 2 x 1.76 2 x 1.52
Figure 2 – Typical Fan-Powered Units
Unit Information
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