This guide and the information in it are the property of American Standard Inc. and shall not be used or reproduced in whole or in part,
without the written permission of American Standard Inc. Trane, a business of American Standard Inc., has a policy of continuous
product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specification without notice.
Use of the software contained in this package is provided under a software license agreement. Unauthorized use of the software or
related materials discussed in this guide can result in civil damages and criminal penalties. The terms of this license are included with
the compact disk. Please read them thoroughly.
Although Trane has tested the system described in this guide, no guarantee is offered that the system is error free.
Trane reserves the right to revise this publication at any time and to make changes to its content without obligation to notify any person of such revision or change.
Trane may have patents or patent applications covering items in this publication. By providing this document, Trane does not imply
giving license to these patents.
The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of American Standard: Tracer, Tracer Summit, Trane, Integrated
Comfort, Varitrac, Tracker, and Voyager.
The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations: ARCNET from
Datapoint Corporation; CorelDRAW from Corel Corporation; Paintshop Pro from Jasc Software, Inc.; Pentium from Intel Corporation; and Windows from Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Warnings and Cautions appear at appropriate sections throughout this manual. Read these carefully:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
Indicates a situation that may result in equipment damage or property damage.
The following format and symbol conventions appear at appropriate sections throughout this manual:
Alerts installer, servicer, or operator to potential actions that could cause the product or system to
operate improperly but will not likely result in potential for damage.
A note may be used to make the reader aware of useful information, to clarify a point, or to describe
options or alternatives.
◆This symbol precedes a procedure that consists of only a single step.
Tracer Summit is a building control system designed to manage a facility’s comfort, lighting, and related electrical systems. The Tracer Summit
system is made up of Personal Computer (PC) Workstations, building control units (BCUs), and unit control modules (UCMs). Some Tracer Summit software packages also have the ability to monitor Tracer 100 and
Tracker (model EMTK) sites.
The PC Workstation runs Tracer Summit software that serves as an
interface between you and the system. A local area network connects
Tracer Summit to BCUs, which are connected to the heating, ventilation,
and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment UCMs (see Figure 1 on page 2).
Larger systems can have multiple PC Workstations and BCUs.
Getting Started
Figure 1. Example of How Tracer Summit is Set Up
PC Workstation
ARCNET or Ethernet
Local Area Network
Control Unit
Source Heat
Pump with Unit
Control Module
VAV Unit with
Unit Control
UCM Communications Links
Fan Coil/Unit Ventilator with
Unit Control Module
Other Equipment
The Tracer Summit product is made up of both software and hardware.
•Software is a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do.
•Hardware is the equipment that runs the software.
Tracer Summit Software
Tracer Summit Software
The Tracer Summit software tells the hardware how to operate. For
example, it sends electronic instructions through the building control unit
to the unit control modules and on to the HVAC units. The software lets
you control the operation of HVAC units located elsewhere in a building.
Tracer Summit Daily Operations Tutorial
The Tracer Summit Daily Operations Tutorial, Focus on Your System, is a
four-hour, computer-based training tutorial. The tutorial is designed to
teach a daily operator the basic tasks necessary to operate a Tracer Summit system (see Chapter 2, “Using the Daily Operations Tutorial”).
Trane on the Web
Use the Help menu to access Trane materials on the Web. From the Help
menu, select one of the following:
• To access the MyTraneControls Web site (see
“” below)
•Send Feedback: To send your comments and questions to Trane
•Trane Home Page: To access the site where you can learn
more about Trane and its products and services, read the latest Trane
news, and access contact information.
You can find additional information and online support for your Tracer
Summit system by registering with It provides:
•Tips, techniques, and articles to teach you more about how to use the
•Factory direct technical support via e-mail
•Latest versions of software delivered directly to you at no charge
•Service packs to keep your system updated
•Users forums to share ideas and issues with other users
•Libraries of graphics and custom programs
•Other valuable online content
Becoming a member:
Membership to is provided free of charge to Tracer
Summit owners and operators. As a new Tracer Summit owner, you automatically become a member. More information is available from your
local Trane sales office or at
Getting Started
Click here to go to the
MyTraneControls Web site
You can easily go to the MyTraneControls by:
•Clicking the My Trane Controls button on the standard site graphic
(see Figure 2),
•Selecting from the Help menu, or
•Clicking the shortcut icon added to your desktop when Tracer Sum-
mit was installed.
Figure 2. button
Tracer Summit Hardware
Tracer Summit’s hardware consists of the following items:
•PC Workstation
•Building control units (BCUs)
•Unit control modules (UCMs)
Other hardware you may have includes:
•Tracer 100 series panels
•Tracker panels (EMTK Version 6.x and lower)
The PC Workstation, building control units, and unit control modules are
described in the following sections of this chapter. See Table 1 on page 5
for user guides containing descriptions of the Tracer 100 and Tracker
EMTK series panels.
Tracer 100 Installation GuideEMTB-IN-12
Tracer 100 Series Operator’s GuideEMTB-OG-15
Tracer 100 Series Programming GuideEMTB-PG-11
Tracer 100 Version 15.1 Addendum to
Tracer 100 Series Literature
Tracer 100i, 100L, and Chiller Plant
You perform all of the daily operations tasks at the PC Workstation using
the Tracer Summit software. The PC Workstation and Tracer Summit
software are connected to the building control units and the unit control
The workstation consists of these main components:
•Computer monitor
•CPU (central processing unit)
You may have additional equipment, such as a printer (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. PC Workstation Components
Getting Started
Building Control Unit (BCU)
The BCU is a panel that communicates with and coordinates the unit control modules (UCMs) in a building. It communicates UCM status, alarm,
and event information to the Tracer Summit software at the PC Workstation.
The BCU is available with an optional operator display interface (see
Figure 4). This field-installed option consists of a 1/4 VGA liquid crystal
display (LCD) with touch screen.
Tracer Summit may have more than one BCU connected to it. Each BCU
at a site can be configured to have an operator display.
Figure 4. Building Control Unit with Operator Display
BCU operator display
with touch screen
Tracer Summit Hardware
Unit Control Modules (UCMs)
A UCM is a control panel that is located on or near an HVAC unit (see
Figure 5). An HVAC unit is a piece of equipment such as a chiller or a
rooftop unit.
Figure 5. Unit Control Module
The UCM controls how the HVAC unit operates. For example, the UCM
for a rooftop unit controls things such as its cooling setpoint and when its
compressor turns off.
Getting Started
Chapter 2
Using the Daily Operations
Tu t o r i a l
The daily operations tutorial Focus on Your System can be used in two
ways. You can use the tutorial as a self-paced training course to get training on basic Tracer Summit operations. Or you can access the tutorial
from the Tracer Summit software to get training on a specific task before
performing it within Tracer Summit.
This chapter is divided into two sections:
•Using the Tutorial within Tracer Summit Software
•Using the Tutorial as a Stand-alone Training Course
Using the Tutorial within Tracer Summit
To use the Tracer Summit Daily Operations Tutorial, you must first run
the tutorial installation program on your PC. (Refer to the Tracer Summit Hardware and Software Installation guide.) After you have installed the
program, tutorial buttons appear on the following:
•Schedule window
•Overrides dialog box
•Event Log window
•Chiller Plant Status screen
•Reports window
•Backup dialog box
•Restore Site dialog box
Figure 6 on page 10 shows an example of a tutorial button in Tracer Summit. The tutorial buttons give you access to specific training modules on
the tutorial CD-ROM. To access the training modules, you must have the
Daily Operations Tutorial CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of your PC.
Using the Daily Operations Tutorial
Figure 6. Schedule Screen—Tutorial Button
Tutorial button
To access a training module from Tracer Summit:
1. From the appropriate screen, window, or dialog box, click the Tutorial
button. The Tracer Summit Tutorial Menu displays (see Figure 7 on
page 11).
Using the Tutorial within Tracer Summit Software
Figure 7. Tutorial Task-based Menu
When the tutorial menu is accessed from the Tracer Summit
software, it shows only training modules for a specific task. To
access the complete tutorial, refer to “Using the Tutorial as a
Stand-alone Training Course” on page 21.
2. Click on a training module to start the tutorial. Figure 8 on page 12
shows an example of a Tracer Summit tutorial screen.
3. Work through the examples by following the instructions.
4. To return to the Tracer Summit software, click the Quit button at the
bottom of the tutorial screen.
Using the Daily Operations Tutorial
Tutorial instructions
Figure 8. Example of a Tutorial Screen
Simulated Tracer Summit
Title of the
training module
Name of specific
task for this training
Click to return
to the main
Click to exit the
tutorial and return
to the Tracer
Summit software
Click to replay
Click to go to the
next screen
Indicates the current
screen number and
the total number of
Click to return to
the previous
Using the Tutorial within Tracer Summit Software
Accessing the Training Modules within Tracer Summit
To access the training modules, you must have the Daily Operations
Tutorial CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of your PC.
Schedule Training Modules
The Schedule screen is linked to the following training modules:
•Changing Daily Schedules
•Changing Exception Templates
•Practice Changing Schedules
To access the Schedule training modules:
1. Click the Schedule button on the task bar. The Select Time of Day
(TOD) dialog box displays (see Figure 9).
Figure 9. Select Time of Day (TOD) Dialog Box
2. Click on the schedule you want to select.
3. Click OK. The Schedule screen displays (see Figure 10 on page 14).
Using the Daily Operations Tutorial
Figure 10. Schedule Screen
4. Click the tutorial button to display the Tracer Summit tutorial menu
for the Schedule screen.
5. To exit the tutorial and return to the Schedule screen, click the Quit
button at the bottom of the tutorial screen (see Figure 8 on page 12).
Using the Tutorial within Tracer Summit Software
Override Dialog Box Training Modules
The Override dialog box is linked to the following training modules:
•Changing Setpoints and Overrides
•Changing Chiller Plant Status
•Practice Making Changes
To access the Override dialog box training modules:
1. Click the Override button on a graphic. The Override dialog box displays (see Figure 11).
Figure 11. Override Dialog Box
2. Click the Tutorial button to display the Tracer Summit tutorial menu
for the Override dialog box.
3. To exit the tutorial and return to the Override dialog box, click the
Quit button at the bottom of the tutorial screen (see Figure 8 on
page 12).
Using the Daily Operations Tutorial
Event Log Training Modules
The event log is linked to the following training modules:
•Alarms and Events
•Using the Event Log
•Event Log Maintenance
•Practice with the Event Log
To access the Event Log training modules:
1. Click the Alarm button on the task bar. The event log displays (see
Figure 12).
Figure 12. Alarm and Event Log
Tutorial button
2. Click the Tutorial button to display the Tracer Summit tutorial menu
3. To exit the tutorial and return to the event log, click the Quit button
for the event log.
at the bottom of the tutorial screen (see Figure 8 on page 12).
Using the Tutorial within Tracer Summit Software
Chiller Plant Status Training Modules
The Chiller Plant Status window is linked to the following training modules:
•Changing Setpoints and Overrides
•Changing Chiller Plant Status
•Practice Making Changes
To access the Chiller Plant Status training modules:
1. From the Status menu, select Chiller Plant Control Status. The
Chiller Plant Status screen displays (see Figure 13).
Figure 13. Chiller Plant Status Screen
2. Click the Tutorial button to display the Tracer Summit tutorial menu
for the Chiller Plant Status screen.
3. To exit the tutorial and return to the Chiller Plant Status screen,
click the Quit button at the bottom of the tutorial screen (see Figure 8
on page 12).
Using the Daily Operations Tutorial
Reports Training Modules
The Select Report to View and Select Report Type windows are linked to
the following training modules:
•Types of Reports
•Graphical Trends
•Printing and Saving Reports
•Practice with Reports
To access the reports training modules:
1. Click the Reports button on the task bar to display the Select Report
to View window (see Figure 14).
From the Setup menu, select the Reports Editor to display the Select
Report Type window (see Figure 15).
Figure 14. Select Report to View Window
Figure 15. Select Report Type Window
2. Click the Tutorial button to display the Tracer Summit tutorial menu
for the reports window.
3. To exit the tutorial and return to the reports window, click the Quit
button at the bottom of the tutorial screen (see Figure 8 on page 12).
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