This guide and the information in it are the property of American Standard Inc. and may not be used or reproduced in whole or in part,
without the written permission of American Standard Inc. Since Trane has a policy of continuous product improvement, it reserves the
right to change design and specification without notice.
Although Trane has tested the hardware and software described in this guide, no guarantee is offered that the hardware and software
are error free.
Trane reserves the right to revise this publication at any time and to make changes to its content without obligation to notify any
person of such revision or change.
Trane may have patents or patent applications covering items in this publication. By providing this document, Trane does not imply
giving license to these patents.
The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of American Standard Inc.: Climate Changer, Rover, Tracer, Tracer
The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations: LonMark and LonTalk
and Neuron from Echelon Corporation.
Revision history
Document number
and date
November 2005
Note: This document, in printed form or as an electronic file on a product CD, is accurate as of its publication date.
The electronic version of this document may display a more current publication date and a higher revision level than
this document.
•Thumbwheel linear resistance values table added
Warnings and Cautions appear at appropriate sections throughout this manual. Read these carefully:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
Indicates a situation that may result in equipment or property-damage-only accidents.
The following format and symbol conventions appear at appropriate sections throughout this manual:
Alerts installer, servicer, or operator to potential actions that could cause the product or system to
operate improperly but will not likely result in potential for damage.
A note may be used to make the reader aware of useful information, to clarify a point, or to describe
options or alternatives.
The Tracer MP581 programmable controller is a general-purpose, input/
output device. The controller provides direct digital control of a variety of
HVAC equipment.
The Tracer MP580 is factory-installed on Modular Climate Changer and
on T-Series air handlers. The controller is factory wired to all sensors,
actuators, valves, starters, and other items shipped with the air handler.
Use this programming guide to configure and program the Tracer MP580/
Tracer MP580/581 plug-in
The Rover service tool is the setup and configuration tool for the Tracer
MP580/581. It is analogous to PCM Edit for the PCM and UPCM Edit for
the UPCM. For more information about the Rover service tool, see the
Rover Operation and Programming guide (EMTX-SVX01E-EN).
To access the device through the Rover service tool, you must have the
Tracer MP580/581 plug-in. The plug-in is a software file that Rover connects with internally to display information and set up configuration for
the device. The plug-in also contains extensive online Help to help you
access and change device information.
The Tracer MP580/581 plug-in can be run with Rover Version 4 and
higher. You cannot run the Tracer MP580/581 plug-in with an earlier version of Rover. Updated versions of the Tracer MP580/581 plug-in may be
released independently from the Rover software. Contact your local sales
office for the latest versions of the Rover device plug-ins.
Using Rover service tool
Within Rover, you can access not only status and configuration information but also other applications specific to the Tracer MP580/581.
Accessing the Tracer MP580/581
The Rover service tool communicates to Tracer MP580/581 controllers
through a connection to a Comm5 communication link. Comm5 is Trane’s
implementation of LonTalk
communication link, all communicating devices appear in the Active
Group tree. To access information for a specific device, click that device in
the tree. The device status information appears in the Active Device View
. When you start Rover on an active Comm5
Chapter 1 Overview
workspace (Figure 1). Use the nine tabs of status information, the seven
command buttons, and this guide to work with the device.
Figure 1. Rover application window
Status tabs
Using online Help
The Rover service tool includes online Help for each screen and dialog box
in the plug-in. The extensive online Help does not appear in this guide. To
access Help for a tab or dialog box, click the Help button. For information
about a screen element, such as a field, option, or command button, click
the What’s This? help question mark icon and then click a field. You
can also choose What’s This? from the Help menu and then click a field.
Chapter 2
Viewing status
Before viewing the status or configuration of a Tracer MP580/581 controller, you must first select the Tracer MP580/581 you are working with on
the Comm5 link. To select the device, click the device name in the Active
Group tree. The Active Device View appears in the workspace (Figure 2).
The Active Device View contains nine tabs of status information. The
Unit tab is displayed when you first access a device.
The Unit tab displays general status information about the device. The
status information contains the operating status, today’s date and time,
active diagnostics, and expansion module communication status.
Figure 2. Tracer MP580/581 Active Device View in Rover service tool
Chapter 2 Viewing status
Viewing the status of inputs
Universal hardware inputs and an additional input for a pressure sensor
are provided on the Tracer MP580/581 controller. The configurable inputs
may be set up as analog or binary. Furthermore, analog inputs may be
configured to accommodate resistance, voltage, or current. You can view
the status of each input as well as its corresponding raw value. For information on configuring inputs, see “Configuring inputs” on page 21.
To view the status of inputs:
XIn the Active Device View, click the Inputs tab (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Device status Inputs tab
Viewing the status of binary and analog outputs
Viewing the status of binary and
analog outputs
You can view the current status of each hardware output, binary and analog, on the Tracer MP580/581. The status table includes what is currently
controlling the output. Valid control sources, in order of priority, are as
follows (“None” is displayed if there is no control source):
•Operator display or Rover service tool (highest priority)
•Program within the Tracer MP580/581 controller
•Tracer Summit building automation system
To view the status of binary and analog outputs:
XIn the Active Device View, click the BOs tab (Figure 4) for the status
of the binary outputs or the AOs tab (Figure 5 on page 6) for the sta-
tus of the analog outputs.
Figure 4. Device status BOs tab
Chapter 2 Viewing status
Figure 5. Device status AOs tab
Overriding binary and analog outputs
You can override both binary and analog outputs. Upon override, the
selected output value changes to the override value. The control source of
the output becomes the operator display/service tool so that other control
sources cannot change the value of the output.
Overrides are maintained through a power loss.
To override a binary or analog output:
1.In the Active Device View, click the BOs tab to view the binary outputs or the AOs tab to view the analog outputs.
2.Click the name of the output in the table that you want to override.
3.Click the Override button. The Override Binary Output dialog box
(Figure 6 on page 7) or the Override Analog Output dialog box
(Figure 7 on page 7) appears.
Overriding binary and analog outputs
Figure 6. Override Binary Output dialog box
Figure 7. Override Analog Output dialog box
4.Click the desired override option for binary outputs (Figure 6) or type
the desired override value for analog outputs (Figure 7).
5.Click the Override button. The Current Status field updates, and the
word “Override” appears in bold, blue text (Figure 8 on page 8).
The words “Minimum On/Off” may appear showing that the output
must remain in its current state for the amount of time specified on
the Configuration BOs tab.
Chapter 2 Viewing status
Figure 8. Binary output with override
6.Click Close. The override status of the output appears in the table
(Figure 9). The control source becomes the operator display/service
Figure 9. BOs status table with an output override
You can also override a binary or analog output from the Displays tab. Binary and analog outputs must be designated as
adjustable in the display configuration to apply an override to
them. For more information on setting an output to adjustable,
see “Configuring the operator display” on page 39.
Releasing binary and analog output overrides
Releasing binary and analog output
You can release overrides of both binary and analog outputs. Upon
release, the selected output value is released back to normal control. The
control source of the output returns to its original source. To release a
binary or analog output override:
1.In the Active Device View, click the BOs tab to view the binary outputs or the AOs tab to view the analog outputs.
2.Click the output in the table that has its value overridden.
3.Click the Override button. The Override Binary Output dialog box
(Figure 8 on page 8) or the Override Analog Output dialog box
4.Click the Release button. The Current Status field returns to its original value.
5.Click Close. The status of the output appears in the list.
You can also release a binary or analog output override from
the Displays tab.
Viewing the status of binary and
analog variables
Variables may be changed using a variety of methods. Variables can be
communicated from the Tracer Summit system and changed using the
Rover service tool. Variables may also be calculated in a program, or they
may be made adjustable through the operator display. The Tracer MP580/
581 accommodates 150 binary and 150 analog variables.
Tracer Summit variables 1 through 30 are reserved for use with the
Tracer Summit building automation system. There are 120 variables controlled by the operator display/service tool and/or programs. These 120
variables are called local variables. You can view the status of each binary
and analog variable.
To aid in troubleshooting, the status table includes the control source
assigning the variable its value. For information on configuring binary
Chapter 2 Viewing status
and analog variables, see “Configuring variables” on page 31. Valid control sources include the following:
•Operator display or Rover service tool
•Program within the Tracer MP580/581 controller
•Tracer Summit building automation system
When Tracer Summit is the control source, no graphical programming is required. The variable can be controlled directly.
To view the status of binary and analog variables:
1.In the Active Device View, click the BVs tab (Figure 10) for the status
of the binary variables or the AVs tab (Figure 11 on page 11) for the
status of the analog variables.
2.Click the Tracer Summit Binary Variables option, the Local Binary
Variables option, the Tracer Summit Analog Variables option, or the
Local Analog Variables option to view the list of variables you want.
Uploading the variables may take a few seconds.
Figure 10. Device status BVs tab displaying local binary variables
Local Binary
Variables option
Tracer Summit Analog
Variables option
Viewing the status of binary and analog variables
Figure 11. Device status AVs tab displaying Tracer Summit analog
Chapter 2 Viewing status
Viewing application status
You can view the status of the Schedule and standard Calculations applications. On the Application tab under Schedule, view the current occupancy state of the controller as well as the day and time in the controller.
Under Calculations, view the table that displays the calculations present
in the controller as well as the calculation type, units, and values.
To view the application status:
XIn the Active Device View, click the Application tab (Figure 12).
Figure 12. Device status Application tab
Viewing Comm5 parameters
Viewing Comm5 parameters
To view information about the Tracer MP580/581 controller Comm5
XIn the Active Device View, click the General tab. Comm5 information
specific to the selected Tracer MP580/581 controller is displayed
(Figure 13).
Figure 13. Device status General tab
Chapter 2 Viewing status
Viewing custom displays
You can set up custom displays for the Tracer MP580/581 operator display through the Rover service tool. A custom display is a group of inputs,
outputs, and variables saved under a descriptive name. You can view the
status of the items in the group from the operator display or Rover by
accessing the custom display name. Variables and outputs may also be
changed or overridden from the display if they are configured as adjustable. For more information on configuring custom displays, see “Configuring custom displays” on page 41.
To view custom displays:
1.In the Active Device View, click the Displays tab.
2.In the Display drop-down list, click the custom display you want to
view. The names, values, and control sources for the items in the
group appear (Figure 14).
Figure 14. Device status Displays tab
Changing binary and analog variables
Changing binary and analog variables
Variables are often used for setpoints so that they can be changed by the
building operator or owner from the operator display. In the Rover service
tool, binary and analog variables can be changed from the Displays tab.
To make a change from the Displays tab or from the operator display, the
following must be true:
•The variable must be a local variable with the control source set to
the operator display/service tool. For information on configuring
binary and analog variables, see “Configuring variables” on page 31.
•The variable must be designated as adjustable in the display configu-
ration. For information on setting a variable to be adjustable, see
“Configuring custom displays” on page 41.
Variables cannot be changed from the home display on the operator display or in the Rover service tool.
Upon changing, the selected variable value changes to the requested
value. The control source of the variable does not change, so other control
sources, such as the operator display, can still affect the value of the variable.
To change a binary or analog variable in the Rover service tool:
1.In the Active Device View, click the Displays tab.
2.In the Display list, click the name of the custom display that contains
the variable you want to change.
3.In the table, click the name of the variable you want to change.
4.Click the Change button. The Change Local Analog Variable dialog
box appears (Figure 15 on page 16).
If the Change button is not available, the variable you chose
does not meet the criteria outlined previously.
Chapter 2 Viewing status
Figure 15. Change Local Analog Variable dialog box
5.Click the desired state for binary variables or type the desired value
for analog variables.
6.Click the Change button. The value of the variable is changed.
7.Click Close. The changed value appears in the table.
Overriding the occupancy mode
You can override the effective occupancy of the Tracer MP580/581 controller. An occupancy override from the operator display or the Rover service
tool takes priority over all other occupancy requests.
Applying an occupancy override
Upon override, the occupancy value of the Tracer MP580/581 controller
changes to the override value. The control source of the output becomes
the operator display/service tool, preventing other control sources from
changing the occupancy.
To apply an occupancy override:
1.In the Active Device View, click the Unit tab.
2.Click the Override Unit button. The Override Unit Occupancy dialog
box appears (Figure 16 on page 17).
Overriding the occupancy mode
Figure 16. Override Unit Occupancy dialog box
3.In the Override list, click the occupancy mode you want.
4.Click the Override button. The current status is changed to the override mode.
5.Click Close. The Override Unit Occupancy dialog box closes.
Releasing an occupancy override
You can release an occupancy override of the Tracer MP580/581. Upon
release, the occupancy value of the selected device is released to normal
control. The control source of the output becomes the normal source.
To release an occupancy override:
1.In the Active Device View, click the Unit tab.
2.Click the Override Unit Occupancy button. The Override Unit Occupancy dialog box appears.
3.Click the Release button. The current status is changed to the normal
4.Click Close. The Override Unit Occupancy dialog box closes.
Chapter 2 Viewing status
Chapter 3
Configuring the
Tracer MP580/581
Use the information in this chapter to configure your Tracer MP580/581
controller. Select the Tracer MP580/581 you want to configure from the
Active Group tree and then click the Configuration button. The Configuration dialog box appears with the same tab selected as the tab that was
showing in the Active Device View. You can jump from tab to tab within
the Configuration dialog box without going back to the status tabs in the
Active Device View.
Configuring EX2 expansion modules
The EX2 expansion module is a field-installed expansion module for the
Tracer MP580/581 programmable controller.
This feature applies to only Tracer MP580/581 Firmware Revision 2 or higher. Follow the procedure for “Viewing Comm5
parameters” on page 13 to view your current revision number.
Up to four EX2s can be connected to a Tracer MP580/581. Each EX2 adds
the following inputs and outputs to a Tracer MP580/581:
•6 universal inputs
•4 binary inputs
•4 analog outputs
To set up an EX2 expansion module that has been connected to a Tracer
1.In the Active Device View, click the Unit tab. The status information
for the controller appears.
2.Click the Configuration button. The Configuration dialog box appears
with the Unit tab displayed (Figure 17 on page 20).
3.Under Expansion Module Configuration, in the Expansion Module
Type column, choose the expansion module row for the module you
want to configure. In the list, click the appropriate module type. The
rest of the row fills in with indexes for universal inputs, binary outputs, and analog outputs.
Chapter 3 Configuring the Tracer MP580/581
Figure 17. Device configuration Unit tab
The expansion module number is configured by setting the DIP
switch on the module. See the Tracer MP581 Programmable Control-ler Hardware Installation guide (CNT-SVN01B-EN) for more information.
4.Click the Download button to send your changes to the Tracer
MP580/581. (If the Security Logon dialog box appears, log on.) Click
Close to close the Configuration dialog box.
5.See “Configuring inputs” on page 21 and “Configuring outputs” on
page 28 for instructions on configuring inputs and outputs for the
expansion modules.
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