Trane Tracer CH535 User Manual

User Guide
Tracer CH535 Chiller Controller on models CGAX/CXAX
Original instructions
Table of Contents
General information .......................................................................................... 4
Tracer CH535 Presentation ................................................................................5
Tracer CH535 Hardware ..................................................................................... 7
Tracer CH535 Extention Hardware ................................................................... 8
Tracer CH535 module connections Terminals .................................................. 9
Alarms .............................................................................................................. 10
User interface display ......................................................................................15
2 © 2016 Trane
General information
These instructions are given as a guide to good practice in the installation, operation and periodic maintenance by the user of TRACER CH535 chiller controller.
They do not contain the full service procedures necessary for the continued successful operation of this equipment. The services of a qualified service technician should be employed, through the medium of a maintenance contract with a reputable service company.
Warranty is based on the general terms and conditions of the constructor. The warranty is void if the equipment is modified or repaired without the written approval of the constructor, if the operating limits are exceeded, or if the control system or the electrical wiring is modified. Damage due to misuse, lack of maintenance, or failure to comply with the manufacturer’s instructions, is not covered by the warranty obligation. If the user does not conform to the rules of “Maintenance”, it may entail cancellation of warranty and liabilities by the constructor.
When the unit arrives on site, check it has not been damaged in any way during transport. If damage is observed, or even merely suspected, notify the carrier within 24 hours by registered letter. Notify the local Trane Sales office at the same time. The unit should be totally inspected within 3 days of delivery. If damage is observed, notify the last carrier by registered letter and notify the local sales office.
General information
About this manual
Cautions appear at appropriate places in this instruction manual. Your personal safety and the proper operation of this machine require that you follow them carefully. The constructor assumes no liability for installations or servicing performed by unqualified personnel.
Important note: This document describes all the functions available on TRACER CH535 with software version 1.x and explains how to program it. Certain parameters must only be modified by qualified personnel. Before changing any parameter, always check that the change does not affect the good and safe operation of the equipment. Operation must always stay within the catalogued limits.
Tracer CH535 is a programmable microprocessor electronic controller dedicated to handle safe and optimized operation of the scroll compressor chiller, series Conquest, only cooling (CGAX) and heat pumps (CXAX).
Module description
Figure 1 – Programmable microprocessor electronic controller
Tracer CH535 Presentation
A = pLAN Address selection key
B = pLAN Address display
C = Power Supply Presence LED
D = Overcharge LED
E = Fieldbus/BMS on port J26 micro switch
F = USB host (master ) port
G = USB slave (device) port
Each controller is provided with connectors for the inputs/output and the pLAN address display, which has a button and a LED for setting the pLAN address.
Tracer CH535 Presentation
Tracer CH535 provides 6 LEDs:
• 1 yellow LED indicating that the device is powered;
• 1 red LED indicating an overload on the +VDC (J2-5)
• 4 LEDs indicating valve status:
Flashing LEDs mean the valve is moving; steadily-on LEDs mean the valve is completely open or closed.
Table 1 – LED descriptions
LED Colour Description
A Yellow Close A (connector J27)
B Green Open A (connector J27)
C Yellow Close B (connector J28)
D Green Open B (connector J28)
Micro switches
Four micro switches are provided to configure port J26 as a Fieldbus or BMS port. They must not be modified (Fieldbus mandatory).
USB ports
There are 2 USB ports which can be accessed after removing the cover:
• A “host” USB port for connecting pen drives;
• A “slave” USB port for direct connection to the USB
port of a computer on which pCOManager is installed, which can be used to upload the application program, commissioning the system, etc.
Serial ports
Table 2 – Serial port descriptions
Serial Type/connectors Features
Built into main board
• HW driver: asynchronous half duplex RS485 pLAN
Serial ZERO pLAN/J10, J11
Serial ONE BMS 1 Serial Card
Serial TWO Field Bus 1 Serial Card
Serial THREE BMS 2 / J25
Serial FOUR Field Bus 2 / J26
• Not optically isolated
• Connectors: telephone jack + 3-pin plug-in connector
− For standard display connection
• Not built into main board
• HW driver: not present
• Can be used with all the BMS expansion cards of the
Tracer CH535 family
− For Modbus, BACnet, LonTalk, Web connections
• Not built into main board
• HW driver: not present
• Can be used with all Fieldbus expansion cards of the
Tracer CH535 family
− Not used
• Built into main board
• HW driver: asynchronous half duplex RS485 slave
• Optically-isolated/non-optically-isolated serial
• 3-pin plug-in connector
− For Deluxe display connection
• Built into main board
• HW driver: asynchronous half duplex RS485 Master or Slave
(see par. 3.2)
• J26: optically isolated/not optically isolated
• 3-pin plug-in connector
For Tracer CH535 ext connections
+ 14 hidden pages