Trane Tracer AH.540, Tracer AH.541 Installation Owner Diagnostics

Installation Owner Diagnostics
Tracer™ AH.540 Tracer™ AH.541
Configurable Air Handling Unit Controller
©American Standard Inc. 2000
Supported Products..........................................................................2
Packaged Climate Changer™ Air Handling Units................................ 2
Modular Climate Changer™ Air Handling Units.................................. 2
T-Series Climate Changer™ Air Handling Units .................................. 2
Termination board ............................................................................4
Controller board.................................................................................5
Physical specifications.....................................................................6
Board dimensions ............................................................................... 6
Termination board..................................................................... 6
Controller board ........................................................................ 6
Operating environment ....................................................................... 6
Storage environment .......................................................................... 6
Agency Conformance ......................................................................... 6
Power requirements ........................................................................... 6
Binary outputs..................................................................................... 7
Analog outputs.................................................................................... 8
Analog inputs ...................................................................................... 8
Binary inputs ....................................................................................... 9
Analog and binary outputs...........................................................10
General description........................................................................... 10
Output overrides............................................................................... 10
Binary inputs.....................................................................................11
Binary inputs ..................................................................................... 11
Low temperature detection .............................................................. 12
Run/stop ........................................................................................... 12
Occupancy ........................................................................................ 13
Standalone .............................................................................. 13
Communicated request .......................................................... 13
Generic binary input .......................................................................... 14
Supply fan status .............................................................................. 14
Filter status ....................................................................................... 14
Exhaust fan status ............................................................................ 15
Analog inputs ...................................................................................16
Space temperature ........................................................................... 16
Local setpoint ................................................................................... 17
Fan mode switch .............................................................................. 17
Discharge air temperature ................................................................ 18
Outdoor air temperature ................................................................... 18
Mixed air temperature ...................................................................... 18
Duct static pressure .......................................................................... 18
On/cancel buttons............................................................................. 19
Zone sensor.......................................................................................20
Space temperature measurement .................................................... 20
Zone sensor setpoint adjustment ..................................................... 20
Fan mode switch .............................................................................. 22
On/cancel buttons............................................................................. 22
Zone sensor communication jack ..................................................... 22
Service pin message request............................................................ 22
Zone sensor wiring connections ....................................................... 23
Communications .............................................................................24
Device addressing............................................................................. 24
Wire characteristics .......................................................................... 25
Link configuration and termination.................................................... 25
Termination resistance placement for Comm5 links ........................ 26
Recommended wiring practices ....................................................... 27
Power ..................................................................................................28
Input/output summary..................................................................29
Sequence of operation .................................................................. 30
Power up sequence .......................................................................... 31
Space temperature setpoint operation ............................................. 32
Space temperature setpoint selection .............................................. 32
Occupied and unoccupied operation................................................. 34
Occupied mode................................................................................. 34
Unoccupied mode............................................................................. 35
Constant volume space temperature control ......................... 35
Constant volume discharge air or variable air volume control 35
Occupied standby mode ................................................................... 35
Occupied bypass mode .................................................................... 36
Occupancy sources........................................................................... 36
Determining the occupancy mode.......................................... 36
On and Cancel buttons on the zone sensor...................................... 37
Occupancy binary input..................................................................... 38
Constant volume space temperature control.................................... 38
Control gains ........................................................................... 39
Heating or cooling control mode operation............................. 39
Cooling operation .................................................................... 41
Heating operation ................................................................... 42
Constant volume discharge air temperature control......................... 42
Heating or cooling control mode operation............................. 44
Variable air volume control ................................................................45
Duct static pressure control ....................................................45
Supply fan operation..........................................................................45
Constant volume operation .....................................................46
Variable air volume operation ..................................................46
Valve operation ..................................................................................46
Steam valve cycling .................................................................47
Face and bypass damper operation...................................................47
Outdoor air damper operation ........................................................... 48
Mixed air temperature control.................................................48
Economizer operation..............................................................49
Low ambient damper lockout..................................................50
Exhaust fan operation........................................................................50
Electric heat operation.......................................................................51
Morning warm-up ..............................................................................51
Constant volume space temperature control ..........................51
Constant volume discharge air control or
variable air volume control.......................................................51
Daytime warm-up ..............................................................................52
Cooldown ..........................................................................................52
Filter status........................................................................................52
Freeze avoidance...............................................................................52
Tracer Summit and Rover output overrides................................53
Service override mode ............................................................53
Emergency override ................................................................53
Water valve override ...............................................................54
Calibration ......................................................................................... 55
Configuration.................................................................................... 56
Configurable parameters ...................................................................56
Location identifier ....................................................................60
Application information................................................................ 61
Occupied/unoccupied ..............................................................61
Timed override ........................................................................61
Morning warm-up and daytime warm-up ................................61
Configuration ...........................................................................61
Setpoint operation ...................................................................61
Standalone peer-to-peer ....................................................................62
Occupied/unoccupied ..............................................................62
Timed override ........................................................................62
Setpoint operation ...................................................................63
Troubleshooting .............................................................................. 64
Red Service LED .....................................................................64
Test push button..................................................................... 64
Service push button ................................................................ 64
Green Status LED ................................................................... 65
Yellow Comm LED ................................................................. 65
Manual output test............................................................................ 65
Test sequence ........................................................................ 66
Minimum timers ..................................................................... 67
Required inputs for unit operation .................................................... 67
Diagnostics ....................................................................................... 67
Translating multiple diagnostics.............................................. 69
Resetting diagnostics........................................................................ 70
Manual output test ................................................................. 70
Cycling power ......................................................................... 70
Building automation system ................................................... 70
Rover service tool................................................................ 70
Diagnostic reset input ............................................................. 70
Zone sensor fan mode switch ................................................ 70
Questionable unit operation.............................................................. 71
Appendix ............................................................................................74
This installation and operation document includes information about the
Trac er controller works in both the standalone mode and when connected to a Tracer Summit
• Controller features
• Sequence of operation
• Inputs and outputs required for each feature
The controller is applied to air handling product configurations supporting analog modulating valves, economizer damper, and face and bypass damper. The controller also supports a constant volume or variable air volume supply fan.
The configurable air handling unit controller is also available as the Tracer AH.541 field-installed air handling unit controller (St. Paul, Minnesota). The features and functions of the Tracer AH.541 are identical to those of the Tracer AH.540 described in this manual.
AH.540 configurable air handling unit (AHU) controller. Version 1.0 of the
automation system. This document details:
Supported Products
The configurable air handling unit controller is available installed, pre-wired, and tested with the following Trane air handling equipment:
Packaged Climate Changer
LPC A Horizontal/Front Top LPC B Horizontal/Top Front LPC C Vertical/Front Top LPC D Vertical/Top Front LPC E Vertical/Top Back LPC F Vertical/Back Top Manufacturing Location: Macon, Georgia
Modular Climate Changer
The Tracer™ AH.540 controller availability on the Modular Climate Changer air handler is limited to the features and functions provided by the controller. See the Features section for more information. Manufacturing Location: Lexington, Kentucky
T-Series Climate Changer
The Tracer AH.540 controller availability on the T-Series Climate Changer air handlers is limited to the features and functions provided by the controller. See the Features section for more information. Manufacturing Location: Lexington, Kentucky
Air Handling Units
Air Handling Units
Air Handling Units
Ta b l e 1 — Tra c e r™ AH.540 features and contro l modes
Constant volume space
Fan control On/Off On/Off Variable Duct static pressure con-
trol Hydronic cooling X X X Hydronic heating X X X Steam heat X X X Face and bypass heating X X X Ventilation control X X X Economizer damper X X X Warm-up functions X X X Mixed air temperature
control Exhaust fan (on/off) X X X
temperature control
Constant volume discharge air control
Variable air volume control
Fan control options are:
• Constant volume with space temperature control
• Constant volume with discharge air temperature control
• Variable air volume with discharge air temperature control
Features available for any of the above fan control options include:
• Hydronic cooling valve
• Hydronic heating valve
• Steam heat valve
• Face and bypass damper (heating only)
• Economizer cooling
Termination board
Analog Inputs
Analog Outputs
Comm 5 Communication
Te rm ina ls
Binary Outputs
Duct Static Pressure Input
Binary Inputs
Controller board
ID Label
Supply Fan Status LED
Exhaust Fan Status LED
RED Service LED
Service Push Button
Yellow Comm LED
Test Push Button
Green Status LED
Physical specifications
Board dimensions
Termi n a t io n b oar d Height: 3.5 inches (88.9 mm) Width: 8.0 inches (203.2 mm) Depth: 1.0 inch (25.4 mm) Controller board Height: 4.3 inches (109.2 mm) Width: 8.0 inches (203.2 mm) Depth: 2.0 inches (50.8 mm)
Operating environment
-40° to 70°C (-40° to 158°F) 5% to 95% relative humidity non-condensing
Storage environment
-40° to 85°C (-40° to 185°F) 5% to 95% relative humidity non-condensing
Agency Conformance
(See Appendix for use limitations)
UL unlisted component UL 873 Temperature Indicating and Regulating Equipment CUL C22.2 No. 24-93 Temperature Indicating and Regulating Equipment
Conducted Emissions EN55022 Class A
EN55022 Class B EN 61000-3-2
EN 61000-3-3 Radiated Emissions EN55022 Class A Immunity EN 50082-2 Industrial
CFR 47, Part 15, Subpart A, Class A CFR 47, Part 15, Subpart A, Class B
Power requirements
Low voltage class 2, non-safety device 18 to 32VAC (24VAC nominal) Maximum VA = 13VA (control board) 50 or 60 HZ
Physical specifications
Binary outputs
The binary outputs are normally-open, form A relays. The relays act as a switch, either making or breaking the circuit between the load (device) and 24VAC. When binary output 1 is energized, 24VAC is supplied to terminal TB21-1 (OUT), energizing the supply fan start/stop relay.
Each binary output has a green status LED on the Tracer The LED is off when the relay contacts are open. The LED is on when the relay contacts are closed.
When the binary output relay is off (contact is open), a multimeter should measure 0VAC across the output terminals. When the binary output relay is on (contacts are closed), a multimeter should measure 24VAC across the output terminals.
Termination board
TB21-1 (OUT)
TB21-2 (GND)
BO 1
Wiring external to the Termination board
Supply Fan (start/stop) Relay
AH.540 control board.
Table 2 — Binary outputs
Description Function Factory
BO 1 Supply fan
BO 2 Exhaust fan
BO 3 Not used
BO 4 Not used
BO 5 Not used
BO 6 Not used
Note 1: Terminals BO 3, BO 4, BO 5, and BO 6 do not serve any function of the Tracer AH.540 controller and are not used.
(Note 1)
(Note 1)
(Note 1)
(Note 1)
Ter min al s
J21 TB21-1
J22 TB22-1
J23 TB23-1
J24 TB24-1
J25 TB25-1
J26 TB26-1
Field Ter min al s
Label Terminal
24VAC Ground
24VAC Ground
Not used Not used
Not used Not used
Not used Not used
Not used Not used
Maximum Output Rating
Physical specifications
Analog outputs
The analog outputs are 0 to 10VDC.
Table 3 — Analog outputs
Description Function Factory
AO 1 Supply fan
AO 2 Cool output J12 TB12-1
AO 3 Heat output J13 TB13-1
AO 4 Face and bypass
AO 5 Outdoor air
AO 6 Not used————
J11 TB11-1
J14 TB14-1
J15 TB15-1
Analog inputs
Table 4 — Analog inputs
Descriptio n Function Sensor type
IN 1 Space temp 10K
IN 2 Space setpoint 1K
IN 3 Fan mode switch
IN 4 Discharge air
IN 5 Outdoor air temp 10K
IN 6 Mixed air temp RTD
J43 Duct static pres-
Note 1: Sensor type: Switched resistance fan auto = 2320 +/-5%, fan off = 4870 +/-5%.
Note 2: Sen sor type RTD averaging sensor, 1000 at 0°C, platinum 385 curve.
Note 3: See Appendix for analog input sensor curves, Table 65 on page 76 and Table 66 on page 77.
(Note 1)
(Note 3)
Switched resistance
10K thermistor
(Note 2) Specialized
pressure transducer
Field terminals
Label Terminal
Factory terminals
J31 TB31-1
J32 TB32-1
J33 TB33-1
J34 TB34-1
J35 TB35-1
J36 TB36-1
J43-1 GND J43-2 Signal J43-3 5VDC
Field terminals
0 to 10VDC Ground
0 to 10VDC Ground
0 to 10VDC Ground
0 to 10VDC Ground
0 to 10VDC Ground
Label Range
Maximum output rating
-15° to 50°C
° to 122°F
5 10° to 29.4°C
° to 85°F
Off (4870 Auto (2320
-40° to 100°C –40
-40° to 100°C
-40° to 212°F 0 to 1250 Pascals
0 to 5.02 in. water
° to 212°F
° to 212°F ° to 100°C
Physical specifications
Binary inputs
Each binary input associates an input signal of 0VDC with closed contacts and 24VDC with open contacts. If the wired binary device has closed contacts, a multimeter should measure less than 1.0VDC across the binary input terminals. If the binary input has opened, a multimeter should measure greater than 20VDC across the binary input terminals.
Table 5 Binary inputs
Descriptio n Function Factory
IN 7 Low temp detect J37 TB37-1
IN 8 Run/stop J38 TB38-1
IN 9 Occupancy or
IN 10 Supply fan status J40 TB40-1
IN 11 Filter status J41 TB41-1
IN 12 Exhaust fan status J42 TB42-1
J39 TB39-1
Field terminals
Label Terminal function
24VDC Ground
24VDC Ground
24VDC Ground
24VDC Ground
24VDC Ground
24VDC Ground
Analog and binary outputs
The Tracer AH.540 is configured at the factory per unit configuration and order information. The controller is applied to air handling product configurations supporting analog modulating valves, economizer damper, and face and bypass damper. The controller supports a constant volume or variable air volume supply fan.
General description
The configuration of analog and binary outputs is largely based on the unit configuration. Each of the five analog outputs and two binary outputs is assigned a specific function:
Table 6 — Analog outputs
AO 1 Supply fan speed (VAV units only) AO 2 Cooling valve output (water) AO 3 Heating valve output (water or steam) AO 4 Face and bypass damper output AO 5 Outdoor air damper output AO 6 Not used
Table 7 — Binary outputs
BO 1 Supply fan start/stop output BO 2 Exhaust fan start/stop output
Output overrides
The Tracer AH.540 controller includes a manual output test function. This function can be initiated by depressing the Test push button on the controller. Use this feature to manually exercise the outputs in a defined sequence. For more information about the manual output test function, see the Troubleshooting section.
Figure 1
The Tracer AH.540 controller includes a water balancing function, which can be controlled by Rover™ or another communicating device to selectively drive open or closed the water valve outputs. For more information about the water balancing function see the Sequence of operation section.
Binary inputs
The default configuration for each binary input (including normally open/closed) of the Tracer™ AH.540 is set at the factory. For field-installed AH.541 controllers,
the configuration of the binary inputs must be set with Trane Rover software.
Configure any binary input not in use (an input to which no device is physically connected) as Not Used.
The Tracer AH.540 controller has six available binary inputs. The binary inputs are connected to the Tracer AH.540 terminal board on inputs IN 7 through IN 12. Normally these inputs are factory-configured for the following functions.
Binary inputs
• IN 7: Low temperature detection (freezestat)
• IN 8: Run/stop
• IN 9: Occupancy or generic
• IN 10: Supply fan status
• IN 11: Filter status
• IN 12: Exhaust fan status
Configure IN 9 either as Occupancy or as a Generic binary input. When configured as a generic binary input, IN 9 does not affect controller operation.
Table 8 — Table Binary input controller operation
Binary input
IN 7 Low temp detect
IN 8 Run/stop
IN 9 Occupancy Normally open Unoccupied Occupied IN 10 Supply fan status
IN 11 Filter status Normally open Dirty Clean IN 12 Exhaust fan status Normally closed Exhaust fan
Note 1: During low temp detect, run/stop, and supply fan status diagnostics, the controller disables all normal unit
Note 2: The table below shows the controller’s response to low temp detect, run/stop, supply fan status, and exhaust
Description Configuration Contact closed Contact open
(Note 1)
(Note 1)
(Note 1)
operation of the fans, valves, and dampers.
fan status la tching diag nostics.
Normally closed Normal Latching diagnostic
Normally open Latching diagnostic
Normally open Normal Latching diagnostic
(Note 2)
diagnostic (Note 2)
(Note 2) Normal
(Note 2)
Table 9 — Control response to binary input latching diagnostics
Binary input
IN 7 Low temp detect Off Open Face Open
IN 8 Run/stop Off Closed Bypass Closed Closed Off IN 10 Supply fan status Off Closed Bypass Closed Closed Off IN 12 Exhaust fan status Normal
Note 1: When steam is the source of heat, the heat output is cycled open and closed when the controller is shut down
Latching diagnostic
on a Low Temp Detect latching diagnostic. See Steam valve cycling in the Sequence of operation section for further details.
Supply fan
Cool output
Normal Operation
Face and bypass damper
Normal Operation
Heat output
(Note 1)
Normal Operation
Outdoor air damper
Closed Off
Normal Operation
Exhaust fan
Binary inputs
Low temperature detection
The low temperature detection device can be automatically or manually reset. However, you must manually reset the Tracer Temperature Detect diagnostic to clear the diagnostic and restart the unit.
Low temperature detection protects the coils of hydronic units. A low temperature detection device (freezestat) connected to binary input IN 7 detects the low temperature. The Tracer AH.540 controller can protect the coil using one binary input. When the controller detects the low temperature detection signal, the controller generates a diagnostic which disables the fan, opens all unit water or steam valves, and closes the outdoor air damper (when present).
Note: Even if the low temperature detection device automatically resets when
the coil/heat exchanger temperature returns to a normal value, you must clear the Low Temperature Detect diagnostic from the controller to restart the air handling unit. See the Resetting Diagnostics section for instructions to clear controller diagnostics.
Table 10 — Low temperature detection controller operation
Diagnostic Fan
Low temperature detection
Note 1: When steam is the source of heat, the heat valve is cycled open and closed when the controller is shut down on
a Low Temp Det ect latching diagnostic. Cycling the steam valve helps prevent excessive cabinet temperatures. See Steam valve cycling in the Sequence of operation section for further det ails.
Off Open Open
Cool output
Heat output Face and
(Note 1)
AH.540 controller Low
Face Closed
Outdoor air damper operation
This hardwired binary input IN 8 can be used for a variety of functions to shut down the unit. The Tracer AH.540 controller systematically shuts down unit operation and reports a Unit Shutdown diagnostic upon detecting a stop input. For example, a condensate overflow sensor or a smoke detector can be connected to the run/stop input to shut down unit operation.
The run/stop input creates a latching Unit Shutdown diagnostic. The run/stop input must first be returned to the run condition and the diagnostic must be reset in the controller before the unit is allowed to run.
Table 11 — Run/stop IN 8 binary input configuration
Configuration Contact c losed Contact open
Not used Run Run Normally closed Run Stop Normally open Stop Run
Binary inputs
The Tracer AH.540 controller uses the occupancy binary input IN 9 for two occupancy-related functions.
For standalone controllers (any unit not receiving a communicated occupancy request, typically from a building automation system), the occupancy binary input determines the unit's occupancy based on the hardwired signal. Normally, the signal is hardwired to a binary switch or clock.
When a hardwired occupancy signal on binary input IN 9 is open, the unit switches to occupied mode if the occupancy input is configured as normally open. When a hardwired occupancy signal is closed, the controller switches to unoccupied mode (only if the occupied bypass timer = 0). See Occupied bypass in the Sequence of operation section.
Communicated request
For controllers that receive a communicated occupancy request (typically from a building automation system), the hardwired occupancy binary input, along with the communicated occupancy request, place the controller in either occupied, unoccupied, or occupied standby mode.
In occupied mode, the controller operates according to the occupied setpoints. In occupied standby mode, the unit controller operates according to the occupied standby setpoints. When the controller receives a communicated unoccupied request, the controller operates according to the unoccupied setpoints regardless of the state of the hardwired occupancy input (only if the occupied bypass timer = 0).
When neither an occupancy device is wired to binary input IN 9 nor a communicated input is used to select the occupancy mode, the controller defaults to occupied mode because the occupancy binary input IN 9 typically is configured as normally open and no occupancy device is connected.
Table 1 2 Normally open hardwired input configuration
Tracer AH.540 status
Standalone N/A Open = Occupied Occupied Standalone N/A Closed = Unoccupied Unoccupied Communicating Occupied Open = Occupied Occupied Communicating Unoccupied Open = Occupied Unoccupied Communicating Occupied standby Open = Occupied Occupied standby Communicating Occupied Closed = Unoccupied Occupied standby Communicating Unoccupied Closed = Unoccupied Unoccupied Communicating Occupied standby Closed = Unoccupied Occupied standby
Table 1 3 Normally closed hardwired input configuration
Tracer AH.540 status
Standalone N/A Closed = Occupied Occupied Standalone N/A Open = Unoccupied Unoccupied Communicating Occupied Closed = Occupied Occupied Communicating Unoccupied Closed = Occupied Unoccupied Communicating Occupied standby Closed = Occupied Occupied standby Communicating Occupied Open = Unoccupied Occupied standby Communicating Unoccupied Open = Unoccupied Unoccupied Communicating Occupied standby Open = Unoccupied Occupied standby
Communicated request from BAS (nviOccSchedule)
Communicated request from BAS
Hardwired state of binary input IN 9
Hardwired state of binary input IN 9
Binary inputs
Generic binary input
Binary input IN 9 can be configured as a generic binary input for a variety of applications with Trane Tracer Summit controller operation. Binary input IN 9 can be configured as Occupancy or Generic. A generic binary input can be monitored only from Tracer Summit.
Supply fan status
The fan status binary input IN 10 indicates the presence of air flow through the supply fan of an air handling unit. For Tracer pressure switch detects fan status, with the high side of the differential being supplied at the unit outlet and the low side supplied inside the unit. During fan operation, differential pressure closes the normally open switch and confirms that the fan is operating properly.
A Low Supply Fan Air Flow diagnostic is detected during the following two conditions:
The controller is commanding the fan On and the fan status switch is not in the closed position
The fan status switch does not close the binary input within the configurable fan On delay time limit of the controller commanding the fan On
This is a latching diagnostic and discontinues unit operation until the diagnostic is cleared from the controller. Additional details can be found in the Troubleshooting section.
only. The binary input does not affect
AH.540 applications, a differential
Table 1 4 Fan status binary input IN 10 configuration
IN 10 configuration Contact closed Contact open
Not used Normal Normal Normally closed Latching diagnostic (Note 1) Normal Normally open Normal Latching diagnostic (Note 1)
Note 1: A Low Supply Fan Air Flow diagnostic is generated when the controller turns on the supply fan output, but the
supply fan status binary input indicates the supply fan is not running after the configurable fan delay time.
Filter status
The filter status switch connected to binary input IN 11 detects a dirty air filter and indicates a need for maintenance. For Tracer AH.540 applications, a differential pressure switch detects filter status, with the high side of the differential being supplied at the filter inlet and the low side supplied at the filter outlet. During fan operation, filter differential pressure increases as the filter becomes increasingly dirty.
A normally open filter status switch closes when the differential pressure reaches a set threshold. This is a non-latching, informational diagnostic and the controller will continue normal unit operation.
Table 1 5 Filter status configuration
IN 11 configuration Contact closed Contact open
Not used Clean Clean Normally closed Clean Dirty Normally open Dirty Clean
Binary inputs
Exhaust fan status
The exhaust fan status binary input IN 12 indicates the presence of air flow through an exhaust fan associated with the controlled air handling unit. For Trac er AH.540 applications, a differential pressure switch detects exhaust fan status, with the high side of the differential being supplied at the outlet. During exhaust fan operation, differential pressure closes the normally open switch and confirms that the fan is operating properly.
A Low Exhaust Fan Air Flow diagnostic is detected during the following two conditions:
The controller is commanding the exhaust fan On and the status switch is not in the closed position
The fan status switch does not close the binary input within two minutes of the controller commanding the exhaust fan On
This is a latching diagnostic but does not affect controller operation of the air handling unit. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for additional details.
Table 1 6 Exhaust fan status binary input IN 12 configuration
IN 12 configuration Contact closed Contact open
Not used Normal Normal Normally closed Exhaust fan diagnostic (Note 1) Normal Normally open Normal Exhaust fan diagnostic (Note 1)
Note 1: A Low Exhaust Fan Air Flow diagnostic is generated when the controller turns on the exhaust fan output, but
the exhaust fan status binary input indicates the exhaust fan is not running after a two-minute delay time.
Analog inputs
The analog inputs are connected to the Tracer AH.540 termination board on inputs IN 1 through IN 6. A special connector (J43) on the termination board is used for the duct static pressure input, analog input J43.
Analog inputs
• IN 1: Space temperature
• IN 2: Local setpoint
• IN 3: Fan mode input
• IN 4: Discharge air temperature
• IN 5: Outdoor air temperature
• IN 6: Mixed air temperature
• Terminal J43 Duct static pressure
A communicated variable input like setpoint, space temperature, or outdoor air temperature has priority over a locally wired input to the controller. For example, if the Tracer™ AH.540 controller has a wired outdoor air temperature sensor, and Trac e r Su m m it air temperature, the communicated value is used by the Tracer AH.540 controller.
Space temperature
The space temperature analog input IN 1 measures space temperature only. The space temperature is measured with a 10k thermistor included with Trane zone sensors. The Tracer AH.540 controller receives the space temperature from either a wired zone sensor or as a communicated value. A communicated value has precedence over a locally wired sensor input. Therefore, the communicated value, when present, is automatically used by the controller.
If the Tracer AH.540 controller is operating in constant volume space temperature control mode and the space temperature fails or does not receive a communicated value, the controller generates a Space Temperature Failure diagnostic.
The space temperature input may also be used to generate timed override On/ Cancel requests to the controller. If a momentary short of the space temperature signal occurs, the Tracer AH.540 interprets the signal as a timed override On request.
The Tracer AH.540 uses the timed override On request (while the zone is unoccupied) as a request to go to the occupied bypass mode (occupied bypass). The occupied bypass mode lasts for the duration of the occupied bypass time, typically 120 minutes. The occupied bypass time can be changed using the Trane Rover
Press the Cancel button on the zone sensor to cancel the override request and return the controller to unoccupied mode. This creates a momentary fixed resistance (1.5k), which sends a cancel request to the space temperature input.
or another Comm5 controller sends it a communicated outdoor
service tool.
Analog inputs
Local setpoint
The local setpoint input is a hardwired setpoint connected on analog input IN 2. The local setpoint is a resistive input for use with Trane zone sensors. If neither a hardwired nor communicated setpoint is present, the controller uses the stored default configured heating and cooling setpoints:
• Occupied setpoints
• Occupied standby setpoints
• Unoccupied setpoints
Once a valid setpoint is established through the hardwired input IN 2 or through communication, and when neither a local setpoint nor communicated setpoint is present, the controller generates a setpoint Failure diagnostic.
Rover monitor, configure, and test Tracer the communication link.
When a setpoint Failure diagnostic occurs, the controller operates using the default heating and cooling setpoints. These setpoints are factory-configured, but you can change them using the Rover service tool.
The Tracer AH.540 controller uses the following steps to determine the space temperature setpoint:
1. Check for a communicated setpoint. If present, validate this setpoint.
2. Check for a hardwired setpoint and validate the setpoint.
3. Use the default setpoints if neither the hardwired setpoint nor the
, Trane's service tool communication software package, allows you to
AH.540 unit controllers via a connection to
communicated setpoint is available.
Tracer AH.540 status
Standalone N/A Not present Configured default
Standalone N/A Present - local zone
Communicating Communicated
Communicating Communicated
Note 1: Communicated inputs to the Tracer AH.540 controller have precedence over locally wired inputs.
Communicated setpoint input - nviSetpoint (No te 1)
setpoint input
setpoint input
Local, wired setpoint input - IN 2
sensor thumb wheel Not present Communicated setpoint
Present - local zone sensor thumb wheel
setpoints are used Local setpoint input
Communicated setpoint
Fan mode switch
The fan mode analog input IN 3 responds to specific resistances corresponding to a fan mode switch provided with certain Trane zone sensors. The fan mode switch on a Trane zone sensor generates the fan mode signal.
The Tracer AH.540 controller detects the unique resistance corresponding to each position of the fan mode switch. By measuring this resistance, the controller determines the requested fan mode.
If the Tracer AH.540 controller does not receive a hardwired or communicated request for fan mode, the unit recognizes the fan input as Auto.
Table 17 — Tracer AH.540 fan modes
Fan modes Tr acer AH.540 operation
Off Fan off (4870 ohms +/-1%) Auto In occupied mode, the fan runs. In unoccupied mode, the fan cycles Off
when no heating or cooling is required. (2320 ohms +/-5%)
Analog inputs
Discharge air temperature
The Tracer™ AH.540 controller cannot operate if the controller does not sense a valid discharge air temperature input. If the sensor returns to a valid input, the controller automatically allows the unit to resume operation.
The Tracer AH.540 controller uses analog input 4 (IN 4) as the discharge air temperature input with a 10k thermistor only. This sensor is hardwired and located downstream from all unit heating/cooling capacity at the unit discharge area. The discharge air temperature is used as a control input to the controller which is used for all control modes of operation: constant volume space temperature control, constant volume discharge air temperature control, and variable air volume control.
Any time the discharge air temperature signal is not present, the controller generates a Discharge Temperature Failure diagnostic and performs a unit shutdown. If the sensor returns to a valid input, the controller automatically clears the diagnostic and allows the unit to resume operation.
Outdoor air temperature
Analog input IN 5 is used for outdoor air temperature (10k thermistor only). When a valid outdoor air temperature (either hardwired or communicated) and an economizer outdoor air damper exist, the controller uses this value to determine if economizing (free cooling) is feasible and (only if economizing is enabled) if the controller should enter freeze avoidance when the supply fan is off.
If the outdoor air temperature is below the economizer enable point (default 60°F, adjustable), then economizing is allowed. When the outdoor air temperature is not present, then economizing is not allowed. If both the hardwired and communicated outdoor air temperatures are present, the controller uses the communicated value for control decisions.
When an outdoor air temperature is established (either hardwired or communicated), the controller generates an Outdoor Air Temp Failure diagnostic if the signal is no longer valid, and the unit disallows economizing. If the sensor returns to a valid input, the controller automatically clears the diagnostic and allows economizer operation.
Mixed air temperature
The Tracer AH.540 controller uses analog input IN 6 as the mixed air temperature input with an averaging, 1000 (at 0°C, 32°F) RTD sensor only. The controller’s mixed air temperature input is used for mixed air tempering and outdoor air economizing operations.
The Tracer AH.540 controller disallows economizing if the controller does not sense a valid mixed air temperature input. If the sensor returns to a valid input, the controller automatically checks to see if economizer operation is possible.
If a valid mixed air temperature signal has been established by the RTD sensor, but then the value is no longer present, the controller generates a Mixed Air Temperature Failure diagnostic and disallows economizer operation. When the sensor returns to a valid input, the controller automatically clears the diagnostic and checks to see if economizer operation is possible.
Duct static pressure
The duct static pressure input (terminal J43) interfaces with a specialized pressure transducer only. When a valid duct static pressure value (either hardwired or communicated) exists and a variable air volume supply fan is present, the controller uses this value for duct static pressure control.
Analog inputs
When a duct static pressure is established, the controller generates a Duct Static Pressure diagnostic if the signal is no longer valid, and shuts down the
unit. When the sensor returns to a valid input, the controller automatically clears the diagnostic and allows the unit to resume operation.
The Tracer cannot operate without a valid duct static pressure input. When the sensor returns to a valid input, the controller resumes unit operation. The controller is not required to have a duct static pressure input for constant volume space temperature or constant volume discharge air temperature control.
On/cancel buttons
Momentarily pressing the On button during unoccupied mode places the controller in occupied bypass mode for 120 minutes. You can adjust the number of minutes the Tracer AH.540 is placed in the occupied bypass mode using Rover override time expires or until you press the Cancel button.
If Tracer Summit someone presses the On button on the zone sensor, the controller goes to occupied bypass and communicates back to Tracer that its effective occupancy mode is occupied bypass.
If the controller is in the unoccupied mode, regardless of the source (Tracer Summit or hardwired occupancy binary input), pressing the On button causes the controller to go into the occupied bypass mode for the duration of the configured occupied bypass time.
AH.540 controller, when configured for variable air volume control,
service tool. The controller remains in occupied bypass mode until the
sends an unoccupied mode command to the controller and
Zone sensor
The controller accepts the following zone sensor inputs:
• Space temperature measurement (10k thermistor)
• Zone sensor setpoint adjustment (either internal or external on the zone sensor module)
• Fan mode switch
• Timed override On request
• Timed override Cancel request
• Communication jack
• Service pin message request
Space temperature measurement
Trane zone sensors use a 10k thermistor to measure the space temperature. Typically, zone sensors are wall-mounted in the room and include a space temperature thermistor. A valid space temperature input is required for the controller to operate in constant volume space temperature control.
If both a hardwired and communicated space temperature value exist, the controller ignores the hardwired space temperature input and uses the communicated value.
Zone sensor setpoint adjustment
Zone sensors with an internal or external setpoint adjustment (1k) provide the Tracer An internal setpoint adjustment is concealed under the zone sensor’s cover. To access the adjustable setpoint wheel, remove the zone sensor cover. An external setpoint (when present) is accessible from the zone sensor’s front cover.
There is only one hardwired setpoint input (IN 2) associated with the Tracer AH.540 controller. When the hardwired setpoint adjustment is used to determine the setpoints, all unit setpoints are calculated based on the hardwired setpoint value, the configured/default setpoints, and the active mode of the controller.
Example: Assume the controller is configured with the following default setpoints:
AH.540 controller with a local setpoint (50° to 85°F, 10° to 29.4°C).
Unoccupied cooling setpoint 85°F Occupied standby cooling setpoint 76°F Occupied cooling setpoint 74°F Occupied heating setpoint 70°F Occupied standby heating setpoint 66°F Unoccupied heating setpoint 60°F
Absolute setpoint Offset = setpoint Input - Mean setpoint
From the default setpoints in this example, the mean of the occupied cooling and heating setpoints is 72°F [(74+70) / 2]. The absolute setpoint offset is the difference between the setpoint input and the mean setpoint. For this example, assume a setpoint input of 73°F, resulting in an absolute setpoint offset of one degree (73 –72=1).
The hardwired setpoint is used with the controller's occupancy mode (occupied, occupied standby, or unoccupied), the heating or cooling mode, the temperature deadband values, and the heating and cooling setpoints (high and low limits) to determine the controller's active setpoint.
Zone sensor
The controller adds the absolute setpoint offset to occupied and occupied standby default setpoints to derive the effective setpoints as follows:
Unoccupied cooling setpoint 85°F (same as default) Occupied standby cooling setpoint 77°F (default+1=77) Occupied cooling setpoint 75°F (default+1=75) Occupied heating setpoint 71°F (default+1=71) Occupied standby heating setpoint 67°F (default+1=67) Unoccupied heating setpoint: 60°F (same as default)
The Tracer following:
• Hardwired setpoint input
• setpoint calibration
• Local setpoint enable/disable
• Communicated setpoint input
• Communicated setpoint offset
• Communicated setpoint shift
• Default setpoints
• Occupancy mode
• Heating or cooling mode
• setpoint high and low limits
When a building automation system or other controller communicates a setpoint to the controller, the controller ignores the hardwired setpoint input and uses the communicated value. The exception is in the unoccupied mode, when the controller always uses the stored default unoccupied setpoints; a communicated setpoint shift can move the default unoccupied setpoints.
After the controller completes all setpoint calculations based on the requested setpoint, the occupancy mode, the heating and cooling mode, and other factors, the calculated setpoint is validated against the following setpoint limits:
• Heating setpoint high limit
• Heating setpoint low limit
• Cooling setpoint high limit
• Cooling setpoint low limit
These setpoint limits only apply to the occupied and occupied standby heating and cooling setpoints. These setpoint limits do not apply to the unoccupied heating and cooling setpoints stored in the controller’s configuration.
When the controller is in unoccupied mode, it uses the stored unoccupied heating and cooling setpoints.
The unit can also be configured to enable or disable the local (hardwired) setpoint. This parameter provides additional flexibility to allow you to apply communicated, hardwired, or default setpoints without making physical changes to the unit.
Similar to hardwired setpoints, the effective setpoint value for a communicated setpoint is determined based on the stored default setpoints (which determines the occupied and occupied standby temperature deadbands) and the controller’s occupancy mode.
AH.540 controller determines the effective setpoint based on the
Zone sensor
Fan mode switch
The zone sensor fan mode switch provides the controller with a fan request signal (Off, Auto). If the fan control request is communicated to the controller, the controller ignores the hardwired fan mode switch input and uses the communicated value.
The zone sensor fan mode switch input can be enabled or disabled through configuration using the Rover disabled, the controller resorts to the Auto fan mode.
When the fan mode switch is placed in the Off position, the controller does not control any unit capacity. The unit remains powered and all outputs are driven Closed or Off.
Upon a loss of signal on the fan speed input, the controller reports a diagnostic and reverts to using the Auto fan mode of operation.
On/cancel buttons
Some Trane zone sensor modules include timed override On and Cancel buttons. Use the timed override On and Cancel buttons to place the controller in override (occupied bypass mode) and to cancel the override request.
The controller always recognizes the timed override On button. If someone presses the zone sensor's timed override On button, the controller initializes the bypass timer to 120 minutes (adjustable).
If the controller is unoccupied when someone presses the On button for two seconds, the controller immediately changes to occupied bypass mode and remains in the mode until either the timer expires or someone presses the zone sensor's timed override Cancel button. If the On button is pressed during occupied bypass mode before the timer expires, the controller re-initializes the bypass timer to 120 minutes.
If the controller is in any mode other than unoccupied when someone presses the On button, the controller initializes the bypass time to 120 minutes. As time expires, the bypass timer continues to decrement. During this time, if the controller changes from its current mode to unoccupied (perhaps due to a change based on the system's time of day schedule), the controller switches to occupied bypass mode for the remainder of the bypass time or until someone presses the zone sensor's timed override Cancel button.
Zone sensor communication jack
Use the RJ-11 communication jack (present on some zone sensor modules) as the connection point from Rover service tool to the communication link, when the communication jack is wired to the communication link at the controller. By accessing the communication jack via Rover, you gain communication access to any controller on the link.
Service pin message request
At any time, pressing the zone sensor On button for ten seconds, then releasing it, causes the controller to transmit a service pin message. The service pin message can be useful for installing the controller in a communication network. See Trane Rover service tool literature for more information.
service tool. If the zone sensor switch is
Zone sensor
Zone sensor wiring connections
Table 18 — Typical Trane zone sensor wiring connections with a fan mode switch
TB1 Description
1 Space temperature 2 Common 3setpoint 4 Fan mode 5 Communications 6 Communications
Table 19 — Typical Trane zone sensor wiring connections without a fan mode switch
TB1 Description
1 Space temperature 2 Common 3setpoint 5 Communications 6 Communications
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