Trane IntelliPak I, IntelliPak II Programming Guide

Programming &
IntelliPak™ I and IntelliPak™ II
Commercial Single Zone Rooftop Air Conditioner or
Commercial Rooftop Air Handlers, with Variable Air Volume (VVDA/VVZT) Controls or Constant Air Volume (CVDA/CVZT) Controls
IntelliPak I models
IntelliPak II models
Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. The installation, starting up, and servicing of heating, ventilating, and air­conditioning equipment can be hazardous and requires specific knowledge and training. Improperly installed, adjusted or altered equipment by an unqualified person could result in death or serious injury.When working on the equipment, observe all precautions in the literature and on the tags, stickers, and labels that are attached to the equipment.
July 2014
S*HF*20-75 S*HL*20-75 S*HG*90-130 S*HK*90-130 W*HB, W*HE S*HJ090-162 W*HCA-C


Read this manual thoroughly before operating or servicing this unit.

Warnings, Cautions, and Notices

Safety advisories appear throughout this manual as required.Your personal safety and the proper operation of this machine depend upon the strict observance of these precautions.
The three types of advisories are defined as follows:
Proper Field Wiring and Grounding Required!
Failure to follow code could result in death or serious injury. All field wiring MUST be performed by qualified personnel. Improperly installed and grounded field wiring poses FIRE and ELECTROCUTION hazards. To avoid these hazards, you MUST follow requirements for field wiring installation and grounding as described in NEC and your local/state electrical codes.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. It could also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
Indicates a situation that could result in equipment or property-damage only accidents.

Important Environmental Concerns

Scientific research has shown that certain man-made chemicals can affect the earth’s naturally occurring stratospheric ozone layer when released to the atmosphere. In particular, several of the identified chemicals that may affect the ozone layer are refrigerants that contain Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon (CFCs) and those containing Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon (HCFCs). Not all refrigerants containing these compounds have the same potential impact to the environment.Trane advocates the responsible handling of all refrigerants-including industry replacements for CFCs such as HCFCs and HFCs.

Important Responsible Refrigerant Practices

Trane believes that responsible refrigerant practices are
important to the environment, our customers, and the air conditioning industry. All technicians who handle refrigerants must be certified. The Federal Clean Air Act (Section 608) sets forth the requirements for handling, reclaiming, recovering and recycling of certain refrigerants and the equipment that is used in these service procedures. In addition, some states or municipalities may have additional requirements that must also be adhered to for responsible management of refrigerants. Know the applicable laws and follow them.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Required!
Installing/servicing this unit could result in exposure to electrical, mechanical and chemical hazards.
Before installing/servicing this unit, technicians MUST put on all PPE required for the work being undertaken (Examples; cut resistant gloves/sleeves, butyl gloves, safety glasses, hard hat/bump cap, fall protection, electrical PPE and arc flash clothing).
ALWAYS refer to appropriate Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDS)/Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and OSHA guidelines for proper PPE.
When working with or around hazardous chemicals,
ALWAYS refer to the appropriate MSDS/SDS and
OSHA/GHS (Global Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals) guidelines for information on allowable personal exposure levels, proper respiratory protection and handling instructions.
If there is a risk of energized electrical contact, arc, or flash, technicians MUST put on all PPE in accordance with OSHA, NFPA 70E, or other country-specific requirements for arc flash protection, PRIOR to servicing the unit. NEVER PERFORM ANY SWITCHING, DISCONNECTING, OR VOLTAGE
Failure to follow instructions could result in death or serious injury.
© 2014Trane All rights reserved RT-SVP07D-EN


This document and the information in it are the property of Trane, and may not be used or reproduced in whole or in
part without written permission.Trane reserves the right to revise this publication at any time, and to make changes to its content without obligation to notify any person of such revision or change.
All trademarks referenced in this document are the trademarks of their respective owners.
Revision History
Minor running edits.
Addition of “Fault Detection and Diagnostics.,” p. 7
Addition of configuration screen details in
Addition of testing and troubleshooting details in
“SERVICE MODE Menu (Local Human Interface only),” p. 107
Additional values added to Active Diagnostic - Auto Reset, see p. 118.
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................ 2
Warnings, Cautions, and Notices .....................................2
Copyright ......................................................... 3
Commonly Used Acronyms ............................................. 5
Glossary of Terms ................................................. 6
Menu Keys ....................................................... 11
Data Manipulation Keys ........................................... 12
Unit Operation Keys ...................................................13
General Status Display ................................................. 13
STATUS Menu ........................................................ 26
SETUP Menu .......................................................... 54
Emergency Override Definitions (with LCI or BCI module installed) ...... 66
SETPOINT Menu ...................................................... 86
CONFIGURATION Menu ................................................ 98
SERVICE MODE Menu (Local Human Interface only) ..................... 107
DIAGNOSTICS Menu ................................................. 116
Diagnostics ..................................................... 122
Module Input / Output Descriptions ................................ 150
Index ................................................................ 154

Commonly Used Acronyms

For convenience, a number of acronyms and abbreviations are used throughout this manual.These acronyms are alphabetically listed and defined below.
Table 1. Acronyms
act = active, actuator IGV = inlet guide vanes
AH = air handler Indep = Independent
annunc = annunciate INFO = Information Only (Diagnostic)
AS = airside I/O = input/output
aux = auxiliary IOM = installation/operation/ maintenance manual
BAS = Building Automation System IPAK = IntelliPak I™, IntelliPak II™
BCI = BACnet
ccfm = cfm/100 (ex. 120.5 CCFM = 12050 CFM) IPCB = Interprocessor Communications Bridge (mod)
cfm = cubic-feet-per-minute iwc = inches water column
cfg = configured, configuration LCI = LonTalk
ckt = circuit LCI-I = LonTalk
cmd = command LH = left-hand
comp(s) = compressor, compressors lo = low
cond(s) = condenser, condensers LON = LonWorks
config = configured, configuration LRE = leaving recovery exhaust
ctrl = control max = maximum
CV = constant volume manif = manifolded
CVDA = Const. Volume airflow/Discharge Air temp ctrl MCM = Multiple Circuit Module
CVZT = Const. Volume airflow/Zone Temp ctrl MDM = Modulating Dehumidification Module
cw = clockwise min = minimum, minute
cww = counterclockwise misc = miscellaneous
cy = cycle mod = modulating, module
DCV = Demand Control Ventilation MPM = Multi-Purpose Module
dflt = default MWU = morning warm-up
diag = diagnostic NSB = Night Setback Panel
dmpr = damper num = number
DWU = daytime warm-up O/A, OA = outside air
DX = direct expansion (compressor control) occ = occupied
E/A, EA = exhaust air OVRD = override
ECEM = Exhaust Comparative Enthalpy Module PAR = partial system disable, auto reset
econ = economizer, economizing PMR = partial system disable, manual reset
ent = entering pos = position
evap = evaporator O/A, OA = outside air
F/A, FA = fresh air pot = potentiometer
FDD = Fault Detection and Diagnostics PPM = parts per million
funct = function press = pressure
GBAS = Generic Building Automation System (module) prop = proportional
HEAT = heat, heater, Heat (module) psig = pounds-per-square-inch gauge pressure
HGBP = hot gas bypass PWS = part-winding start
HGP = hot gas bypass R/A, RA = return air
hi = high refrig = refrigerant
HI = Human Interface (module) RHI = Remote Human Interface (module)
HO = History Only (Diagnostic) rpm = revolutions-per-minute
HVAC = heating, ventilation and air conditioning ICS = Integrated Comfort System
Communication Interface Module IPC = interprocessor communications
Communication Interface Module
Communication Interface for IPAK
(Echelon®, etc.)
Commonly Used Acronyms
Table 1. Acronyms (continued)
RHI = Remote Human Interface (module) UCM = unit control module
rpm = revolutions-per-minute unocc = unoccupied
RT = rooftop unit VAV = variable air volume
RTM = rooftop module VCM = Ventilation Control Module
S/A, SA = supply air vdc = volts dc
SAP = supply air pressure vent = ventilation
sat = saturated vfd = variable frequency drive
SCM = Single Circuit Module VOM = ventilation override module
SF = supply fan VSM = variable speed (compressor) module
src = source VSC = variable speed compressor
stg = stage VVDA = Variable Volume airflow/Discharge Air temp ctrl
stnd = standard VVZT = Variable Volume airflow/Zone Temp ctrl
stpt, stp = setpoint w/, w- = with
sw = switch w/o, wo- = without
sz = single-zone (unit airflow) w.c. = water column
TCI = Tracer Communications Interface (module) wu = warm-up
temp = temperature XL = across-the-line start
RH = right-hand, relative humidity
1. Echelon, LON, LONWORKS, LonBuilder, NodeBuilder, LonManager, LonTalk, LonUsers, Neuron, 3120, 3150, the Echelon logo, and the LonUsers logo are trademarks of Echelon Corporation registered in the United States and other countries. LonLink, LonResponse, LonSupport, LonMaker, and LonPoint are trademarks of Echelon Corporation.
2. BACnet Inc. (ASHRAE.)
is a registered trademark of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers

Glossary of Terms

Carefully review these definitions since they are used throughout this document and the Installation, Operation, Maintenance Guide (IOM). Knowledge of these terms is essential in gaining an understanding of how these units operate.
Active Setpoints. The setpoint which is currently being used by the specified control.
BACnet. An open, device networking communications protocol for controls.This protocol utilizes BACnet and ANSI/
ASHRAE control systems or subsystems together
Comparative Enthalpy. An economizer/cooling control strategy which compares return air enthalpy with outdoor
enthalpy. If the outdoor enthalpy is significantly less than return enthalpy the economizer will be utilized for cooling.
Compressor Protection Switch. (See Low Pressure Control). A pressure switch installed on the suction line that
prevents compressor operation below the switch’s setpoint. The purpose is to prevent no-flow scroll compressor operation.
Comm3/4. A Trane proprietary network communication protocol.
Comm5. Trane's implementation of LonTalk (an open network communication protocol).
Condenser Pressure. The saturated condenser pressure measured on each circuit's condenser section on Evaporative
Condenser units. Condenser pressure is converted to Saturated CondenserTemperature for display on the Human Interface.The data from these sensors is used in head pressure control.
Control Band. The range of temperatures, pressures or humidity which would normally be maintained by the various
control functions.
Control Point. The value of a setpoint that an algorithm is using at any given time.
Standard 135-2004 protocol which provides building owners the capability to connect various types of building
Commonly Used Acronyms
Deadband. A narrow band of sensor range equally spaced above and below the setpoint that defines a region where
the algorithm will be satisfied and the controlled output will be maintained without change.
Dehumidification Override High Zone Temp. The temperature in the critical zone on VAV units where
Dehumidification is disabled to prevent over-heating the space due to excess reheat.
Dehumidification Override Low Zone Temp. The temperature in the critical zone on VAV units where
Dehumidification is disabled to prevent sub-cooling the space due to insufficient reheat.
Demand Control Ventilation (DCV). An ASHRAE compliant ventilation scheme that varies the Outside Air Damper
minimum position or Fresh Air Flow (TRAQs) between minimum and maximum ventilation Setpoints based on CO2 level.
Dry Bulb. An outdoor temperature above which economizing will be disabled (unless comparative enthalpy is the
economizer control type being used.)
Economizer Zone Temp Setpoint Suppression. A parameter used for setting the active economizer cooling control
point to a value lower than the Zone Temp Cooling Setpoint to optimize economizer operation.
Emergency Stop. A binary input on the RTM, connected to a field-supplied switch, when set to OPEN causes a unit
shutdown with a manual reset diagnostic.
Energy RecoveryWheel. A wheel that rotates through the outdoor and exhaust air streams, transferring energy
between the two, to optimize unit efficiency.
Evap Diff. Evaporator Differential is a parameter indicating performance of a refrigeration system. It is calculated by
determining the difference between the entering and leaving temperatures of the evaporator. If this value rises too high it may indicate a problem with the system.
External Stop. A binary input on the RTM, connected to a field-supplied switch, when set to OPEN causes a unit stop
Fault Detection and Diagnostics. A feature that determines whether the Outside Air damper actuator has failed to
control the damper properly, and annunciates specific diagnostics under such conditions.
Hot Gas Bypass. A feature to reduce a refrigeration circuit's cooling capacity by bypassing hot discharge line
refrigerant directly to the evaporator coil of the system to more effectively operate in low load conditions.
Humidification Control. During modes of continuous fan operation a relay is energized when the Humidity measured
in the controlled space drops below an adjustable Humidification Setpoint.The humidifier device is a user supplied device placed in the supply air stream.
IntelliPak™ I. Units covering the 20 through 130 ton capacity IntelliPak cabinet sizes, and containing the latest control
modules and software.
IntelliPak™ II. Units covering the 90 through 150 ton capacity IntelliPak II cabinet sizes, and containing the latest control
modules and software.
LonTalk®. An open, device networking communications protocol for controls.This protocol is defined in ANSI approved
typical EIA/CEA-709.1-A-1999.
Low Ambient Compressor Lockout. A function which prevents compressor operation at low outdoor ambient
Low Vi Compressor Operation. Enhancements to the compressor control will be implemented on units with Low Vi
compressors installed, which will insure optimized compressor operation at all times.
Night SetBack (NSB). Applies to the control of the rooftop unit during unoccupied periods. Also refers to the NSB
panel, a communicating wall sensor with night setback capability.
Rapid Restart. Certain unit applications require override of the normal unit startup sequence after a power outage.
Target cooling requirements are established within a specified time to meet extreme high return air temperatures.
Commonly Used Acronyms
Reference Enthalpy. An outdoor enthalpy value, set at the HI, above which economizing will be disabled.
Remote Human Interface. (See Interprocessor Communication Module). A human interface module designed
to be mounted remotely from the unit. There are some functional differences between a unit mounted and a remote mounted human interface module.
Reset Amount Maximum. An adjustable parameter on the HI where the maximum amount of reset allowed is defined.
Reset End Temperature. The temperature at which the maximum reset amount will occur.
Reset Start Temperature. The temperature at which reset will begin.
Return Fan Control. . Return Fan Control is a feature which allows units to operate at a higher external or duct system
static pressure, or to reduce the load (horsepower requirement) on the supply fan motor.The fan is placed in the return air path.
Return Fan Plenum Pressure. The area between the Exhaust and Return Dampers and the outlet of the Return Fan
defines the return plenum. The absolute static pressure measured in this area is the Return Fan Plenum Pressure.
Return Plenum Pressure High Limit. This control feature, available on all return fan options, shuts the supply fan and
return fan off if the pressure in the return plenum exceeds a non-adjustable setpoint of 3.5 iwc.
Space Pressure. The pressure in the building as measured by the space pressure transducer, referenced to outside
(atmospheric) pressure.
Single Zone Variable Air Volume. The active discharge air setpoint, used for cooling, heating and supply fan speed
control, is based on the zone temperature load conditions.
Supply Air Pressure High Limit. A pressure limit to prevent unit casing and/or ductwork over pressurization.
Statitrac™. A control method to maintain proper space pressurization.
Supply Air Pressure. The pressure in inches-water-column (IWC) of the supply duct plenum or outlet as measured by
the supply air pressure transducer, referenced to local outside (atmospheric) pressure.
Supply Air Tempering. An active heating mode where the supply air temperature has dropped below a preset value,
usually due to cold outside air being brought in to provide building ventilation.
Supply Air Temperature Control Point. The revised value of SATemp Setpoint after supply air temperature reset has
been applied.
Supply Air Temperature Reset. A function that shifts the SATemp Setpoint an amount based on the value of another
parameter—typically ZoneTemp or Outdoor AirTemp.The purpose of this function is to lower unit capacity to better meet load requirements.
Target Setpoints. An internally calculated control point which is typically derived from other setpoints in combination
with specific unit operating conditions.
Variable Speed Compressor. An inverter driven compressor that has the capability to provide continuous-
incremental cooling capacity control.

UCM Control System

Trane Large Commercial Rooftop Units are controlled by a microelectronic control system that consists of a network of
modules and are referred to as Unit Control Modules (UCM).
The unit size, type VVDA (VAV w/ IGV/VFD), SZxx (SZVAV), RRXX (Rapid Restart), CVDA (VAV w/o IGV/VFD), CVZT (CV),
VVZT (SZVAV), heating functions, peripheral devices, options, exhaust capabilities, etc. determine the number and type
of modules that a particular rooftop unit may employ.
The UCM receives analog or binary inputs, then processes this information and supplies outputs in the form of
modulating voltages, contact closures, etc. to control damper actuators, fan motors, compressors, valves, electric heating coils and other electrical devices in the unit to maintain set comfort levels.
Commonly Used Acronyms
The UCM provides some equipment protection functions both directly and indirectly, such as duct pressure limits and
compressor lockouts. Listed below are the various modules that may be employed in a UCM control system.
Rooftop Module (1U1 IntelliPak II / 1U48 IntelliPak I)
(standard on all units)The RTM is the central processor of the system. It continuously receives information from the other unit modules, sensors, the remote control panel, and customer supplied relays. It then interprets this information and responds to cooling, heating, and ventilation requests by directing the other modules in the system to energize the proper unit components. It also directly initiates supply and exhaust fan operations, and economizer operation.
Compressor Module (IU3 IntelliPak II / 1U49 IntelliPak I)
(compressor control, head pressure control, evaporative condensing)The SCM/MCM module upon receiving a request for mechanical cooling staging from the RTM, energizes the appropriate compressors. It provides protection of the refrigerant circuit through feedback information it receives from various protection devices. It provides the necessary sensor interface to provide both air-cooled and water-cooled condenser head-pressure control.
Heat Module (1U6 IntelliPak II / 1U50 IntelliPak I)
(staged heat, modulating heat, air-handler chill water valve control)The HEAT module, directs the unit’s heater to stage up, down, or modulate to bring the controlled temperature to within the applicable heating setpoint. Chill water valve control is handled by the modulating output and is coordinated with the heat control to insure proper cooling and heating operation.
Exhaust/Comparative Enthalpy Module (1U5 IntelliPak II / 1U52 IntelliPak I)
(Statitrac building pressure control, comparative enthalpy)The ECEM receives data from the return air humidity sensor, the return air temperature sensor, and the return air space pressure transducer to control the economizer,exhaust fan and the exhaust dampers to maintain set space pressure.
Ventilation Control Module (7U14 IntelliPak II / 3U218 IntelliPak I)
(TRAQ dampers, DCV, outdoor air preheat)The VCM receives data from two velocity pressure sensors associated with front and backTRAQ assemblies to measure fresh air flow entering the unit.These measurements are converted to CFM and added to give total fresh air flow. This value can be used for monitoring purposes, to maintain flow to a minimum fresh air flow Setpoint, or to maintain appropriate CO2 levels in the controlled space using its space CO2 sensor input and the DCV feature.WithoutTRAQ assemblies installed theVCM can use DCV and the CO2 sensor input to control OA Damper minimum position to maintain CO2 levels in the space. A preheat control relay output is also provided on this module to maintain tempered outdoor air during ventilation using the VCM AuxiliaryTemperature input.The preheat unit is user­supplied.
Multi Purpose Module (1U9 IntelliPak II / 1U105 IntelliPak I)
(return fan, energy recovery wheel, evaporative condensing)The MPM supports the function of return plenum pressure control by providing inputs for measuring return plenum pressure, calibrating that reading, and providing an output to control the return fan speed (if variable speed configured) in response to control algorithm requests. EnergyWheel control along with bypass damper control, and interface to the saturated condensing pressure sensors for evaporative condensing head-pressure control.
Modulating Dehumidification Module (1U15 IntelliPak II / 1U107 IntelliPak I)
(dehumidification hot gas reheat)The MDM supports specific control inputs and outputs for modulating dehumidification control including modulating reheat and cooling valve control as well as the reheat pumpout coil relay output.
Generic Building Automation System Module (1U10 GBAS(0-5VDC) / 1U11 GBAS(0-10VDC) IntelliPak II) or (1U51 – GBAS(0-5VDC)/(0-10VDC) IntelliPak I)
(interface to third party BAS controls)The GBAS modules allows a non-Trane building control system to communicate with the unit and accepts external Setpoints in form of analog inputs (0 - 5V or 0 - 10V depending on the module selected) and a binary Input for demand limit. Five (5) binary outputs are available on 0 - 5 V modules. One (1) binary output and four (4) analog outputs are available on the 0 - 10 V modules. Refer to the “Field Installed Control Wiring” section of the
Commonly Used Acronyms
Unit Installation, Operation, Maintenance Manual (IOM) for the control wiring to the GBAS module and the various desired Setpoints with the corresponding DC voltage inputs.
Ventilation Override Module (1U8 IntelliPak II / 1U53 IntelliPak I)
(special ventilation unit operation)The VOM module provides the necessary I/O interface to third party customer controls and allows specific override operation of the unit’s air handling functions such as space pressurization, exhaust, purge, unit off, etc.
Variable Speed Module (1U123 IntelliPak I)
(variable speed compressor operation) The VSM module provides the necessary I/O interface to control variable speed compressor drives.
Interprocessor Communications Bridge (1U12 IntelliPak II / 1U55 IntelliPak I)
(communications isolation for remote human interface, external IPC wiring)The IPCB module expands communications from the unit UCM network to a Remote Human Interface Panel. DIP switch settings on the IPCB module for this application should be; Switches 1 and 2 “Off”, Switch 3 “On”.This module is used to isolate the unit communications bus from the outside wiring, and any potential wiring faults that may occur.
BACnet®Communication Interface Module (1U66 IntelliPak II / 1U104 IntelliPak I)
(used on units withTrane ICS or 3rd party Building Automation Systems)The BCI module expands communications from the unit UCM network to aTraneTracer Summit, or a 3rd party building automation system that utilizes BACnet, and allows external Setpoint and configuration adjustment and monitoring of status and diagnostics.
Lontalk®Communication Interface Module (1U7 IntelliPak II / 1U65 IntelliPak I)
(used on units withTrane ICS or 3rd party Building Automation Systems)The LCI module expands communications from the unit UCM network to aTraneTracer Summit, or a 3rd party building automation system that utilizes LonTalk, and allows external Setpoint and configuration adjustment and monitoring of status and diagnostics.
Human Interface Module (Local = 1U2, Remote = 9U13 IntelliPak II) (1U65 IntelliPak I)
(standard on all units) The LHI and RHI (Local and Remote Human Interface) share a similar keypad which is illustrated, see Figure 1. Human Interface Module" on page 11. This device enables the customer, building owner, or contractor, to communicate to the Rooftop unit the necessary parameters for unit operation such as cooling and heating Setpoints, demand limiting, ventilation override modes, etc
The local (unit mounted) Human Interface and the Remote Human Interface Panel functions are identical, except for
Service mode which is not available on the Remote Human Interface Panel.
The local HI Module is located in the unit’s main control panel. A small door located in the unit’s control panel door allows
access to the HI Module’s keypad and display window.
There is a 2 line by 40 character LCD screen which provides status information for the various unit functions as well as
menus used to set or modify the operating parameters.There is a 16 key keypad adjacent to the LCD screen, which allows the operator to scroll through the various menus and make adjustments to the setpoints, etc.
The LCD screen has a backlight that makes the information easier to read.The light will go out if no keys are pressed for
30 minutes. If it goes out, simply press the Status key.
The information displayed in the LCD window will be top-level status information unless the operator initiates other
At power-up, the Human Interface LCD will display one of four initial screens illustrated in the “General Status” section.
Figure 1. Human Interface Module
Commonly Used Acronyms

Menu Keys

The six main menu keys illustrated in Figure 2. Human Interface Keypad,(Status, Setpoints, Setup, Configuration,
Diagnostics, and Service Mode) are used to bring up the various interactive menus where the user inputs and accesses
unit operating data. Pressing these keys will display the initial screen for the menu designated by the key’s name. The following information describes the keys and their functions when viewing the various menus.
1. If no key is pressed for 30 minutes while the LCD is displaying a menu screen, it will revert back to the unit operating status screen.
Status Key
Pressing the Status key causes the LCD to display the operating status screen; i.e. “On”, “Unit Stop”, “External Stop”,
“Emergency Stop”,“Service Mode”. Pressing the Next key allows the operator to scroll through the screens which provide
information such as air and refrigerant temperatures, humidity levels, fan operation, compressor operation, heater operation, economizer positioning, exhaust operation, as well as heating, cooling, and compressor lockout setpoints. Pressing the Status key while viewing any of the data screens will cause the LCD to go back to the operating status screen.
Commonly Used Acronyms
Setpoints Key
Pressing the Setpoints key will cause the LCD screen to display the first of the setpoint screens where the operator will designate default temperature and pressure setpoints. While scrolling through the setpoint screens, pressing this key again will cause the LCD to display the first setpoint screen.
Diagnostics Key
Pressing the Diagnostics key at any time will allow the operator to view any active unit diagnostics, or 20 of the most recently logged unit diagnostics. The LCD screen will display one of the diagnostic screens (depending on which diagnostic, if any, is present). If no key is pressed for 30 minutes while the screen is displaying diagnostic information, it will revert back to the operating status display.
Configuration Key
Pressing the Configuration key will cause the LCD screen to display the first of the configuration screens where the operator will designate unit configuration data such as unit type, capacity, system control, etc.
This information was programmed at the factory. Pressing the configuration key at any level in the configuration menu
will display the first configuration screen.
1. This key should be used if the unit’s configuration data is lost or new options are added in the field, and to view current configuration.
2. The Stop key must be pressed prior to making any changes under the Configuration menu.
Setup Key
Pressing the Setup key will cause the LCD screen to display screens where the operator will designate various operating parameters such as temperature and pressure ranges, limits, percentages, setpoint source selections, and sensor input definitions for the control of the rooftop unit’s various operating modes. Pressing the Setup key at any level in the setup menu will display the first setup screen.
Service Mode Key
Pressing the Service Mode key causes the LCD to display the first of the service test mode screens showing various unit components which may be turned on or off for the particular test being performed. Once the status of these components is designated, the LCD will display screens that allow the operator to designate the TEST START time delay for each test.

Data Manipulation Keys

The six data manipulation keys illustrated in Figure 2. Human Interface Keypad" on page 14, (Enter, Cancel, + (Plus), -
(Minus), Previous, and Next are used to modify the data within the screens (change values, move the cursor, confirm choices)
Enter Key
The Enter key will confirm the new values that were designated by pressing the + (Plus)or- (Minus) keys at all edit points.
When viewing status and diagnostics screens, it has no function.
Cancel Key
After changing data, at an editable screen, but before confirming it with the Enter key, pressing the Cancel key will return
the data to its previous value.This key shall also function to clear active diagnostics.
+ (Plus) Key
When viewing a setpoint screen, this key will increase the value of the displayed item per the units selected.When working
with a status menu, it will add the current status display to the CUSTOM MENU. When viewing setup, or service test screens, it will proceed forward though all the selections of that menu item, increase setpoints, toggle choices OFF to ON, DISABLED to ENABLED.

Unit Operation Keys

- (Minus) Key
When viewing a setpoint screen, this key will decrease the value of the displayed item per the units selected. When
working with a CUSTOM MENU, it will delete the current selected display. When viewing setup, or service test screens, it will proceed backwards though all the selections of that menu item, decrease setpoints, toggle choices ON to OFF, ENABLED to DISABLED.
Next Key
Pressing the Next key causes the LCD to scroll forward through the various displays for each menu. At displays with multiple edit points it moves the cursor forward from one edit point to another.
Previous Key
Pressing the Previous key causes the LCD to scroll backward through the various displays for each menu. At displays with multiple edit points, it moves the cursor backward from one edit point to another.
Unit Operation Keys
The four unit operation keys (Auto, Stop,Test Start, Custom) are used to control and monitor the unit in normal
operating mode, and also to initiate an active unit service test event.
Auto Key
Pressing the Auto key at any time will cause the display to go to the top level status display and, if the unit is shutdown, will cause the unit to begin operation in the appropriate mode no matter what level in the menu structure is currently being displayed. If the current display is an editable display, the Auto key will confirm the desired edit point similar to the Enter key.
Stop Key
Pressing the Stop key will cause the unit to transition to the stop state. If the current display is editable, pressing the Stop key will cancel the desired edit similar to the Cancel key. Prior to making any changes to the configuration menu screens, the Stop key must be pressed.
Test Start Key (Service Test Mode Start)
Pressing theTest Start key while viewing any screen in the Service Mode Menu will start the service test. Pressing this key while displaying any screen other than the Service Mode Menu will not start the service test, and has no other function.
Custom Key
Pressing the Custom key will change the display to the Custom Menu.This menu is simply a status menu that contains screens that the user monitors most frequently.The custom menu can only contain five status screens.To create the custom menu, press the Status key, followed by the Next key (this brings up the initial status screen). If you want to add this screen to the custom menu, press the + (Plus) key, if not, press the Next key again until a status screen appears that you would like to add to the custom menu. Pressing the + (Plus) key while viewing any of the various status screens will add that screen to the custom menu. Once the custom menu is programmed it can be accessed by pressing the Custom key.To remove a status screen from the custom menu, press the Custom key, then press the Next key until the status screen that you want to remove appears, then press the - (Minus) key.

General Status Display

Anytime the rooftop unit is powered up, or the Status,Auto,orStop keys are pressed, the unit mounted Human Interface
will display one of the following general status display screens.The operator will then be able to enter keystrokes which will allow him to navigate through a set of menus and submenus in order to provide/access various monitoring, setup,
General Status Display
and configuration information. The Human Interface will not display screens or parts of screens for which the unit is not configured.
Figure 2. Human Interface Keypad
General Status Display
Unit “Off” or “Stopped”
If at power up the unit is not running, the following display will appear on the Human Interface LCD screen. When this screen is being displayed, the only functional keys are the six menu keys (Status, Setpoints, Diagnostics, Setup, Configuration, and Service Mode), the Auto key, the Custom key, and the Stop key.
Stop by Network Supply Fan ON Initializing Diagnostics
Top Right Field:
Unit Off Unit Stopped External Stop Emergency Stop Stop by Network Unit Starting Service Mode Off
Bottom Left Field:
(blank) Shutdown Initializing Freeze Avoidance
Supply Fan OFF Supply Fan ON
Bottom Right Field:
(blank) (Diagnostics)
Used With: Top Status Display
(Shown when unit is off or stopped)
Possible Values:
[see field descriptions at left]Top Left Field:
Unit “On”
If the unit has entered an operating state (running), the following display will appear on the Human Interface LCD screen.
When this screen is being displayed, the only functional keys are the six menu keys (Status, Setpoints, Diagnostics,
Setup, Configuration, and Service Mode), the Auto key, the Custom key, and the Stop key.
VVDA OA Flow 380.0 CCFM Supply Fan ON Occupied Cool 2 Diagnostics
Top Right Field:
Supply Fan ON Supply Fan OFF
Top Middle Field:
(blank) OA Flow 0 to 500 CCFM
Freeze Avoidance
Used With: Top Status Display
(Shown when unit is on)
Possible Values: [see field descriptions at left]Top Left Field:
Bottom Left Field:
(blank) Occupied Unoccupied MorningWU DaytimeWU Standby Shutdown Occupied TOV Initializing Tempering
Rapid Restart
Bottom Middle Field:
(blank) Heat 1 to 6 Cool 1 to 4 OA Dmpr 0 to 100 % Dehumid Purge Humidify
SA Fan 0 to 100%
Bottom Right Field:
(blank) Diagnostics
General Status Display
“Emergency Override” Active
If the unit has entered an Emergency Override mode of operation, one of the following displays will appear on the Human Interface LCD screen.
Ventilation Override Mode PRESSURIZE Diagnostics
Used With: LCI or BCI Options Top Left Field: Top Right Field: (blank) Bottom Left Field:
Bottom Right Field:
Diagnostics (Trouble Indicator) (blank)
“VOM” Active
If at power up the unit is running and has entered a Ventilation Override mode of operation, the following display will appear on the Human Interface LCD screen.
Ventilation Override Mode A Diagnostics
Used With: VOM Option Possible Values: Top Right Field: A, B, C, D, E, OFF Bottom Left Field:
Bottom Right Field:
Diagnostics (Trouble Indicator) (blank)
“No Configuration” Condition
If at power up the unit has not been programmed with the necessary configuration data for normal unit operation, the following display will appear on the Human Interface LCD screen.When this screen is being displayed, the only functional keyistheConfiguration key.
Note: This screen will only appear when the RTM has been field replaced. Refer to the Configuration Menu section.
Used With: All Units
General Status Display
Factory Presets
The UCM controlled unit has many operating functions which are preset at the factory, but may be modified to meet the
unique requirements of each job. The following list in Table 2, identifies each of the unit’s adjustable functions and the value assigned to it. If these factory presets match the application’srequirements, simply press the Auto key at the Human Interface module to begin unit operation (after completing the Pre-Start and Start-Up procedures in the Installation, Operation, and Maintenance manual). If the application requires different settings, turn to the listed page beside the function, press the designated function menu key, then press and hold the Next or Previous key until its screen appears on the LCD. Once the proper screen appears, simply follow the programming instructions given below the applicable screen in this manual.
Note: Listed items availability is dependent on unit configuration.)
Table 2. Factory Presets List (Note: Listed Items availability is dependent on unit configuration.
To adjust
Adjustable Function Factory Preset Changed To
General Function
Unit Address (Comm3/Comm4only) 1
System Mode Auto ___________ Setup
Supply Fan Mode Auto ___________ Setup
Unit Start Delay 0 ___________ Setup
Single Zone VAV Econ Control Enabled ___________ Setup
Single Zone VAV Heat Control Disabled ___________ Setup
Daytime Warm-up Disabled ___________ Setup
Morning Warm-up Enabled ___________ Setup
Morning Warm-up type Cycling ___________ Setup
Supply Air Tempering Disabled ___________ Setup
Unoccupied Mechanical Cooling Enable ___________ Setup
Unoccupied Heating Enable ___________ Setup
Unoccupied Mechanical Cooling Enable ___________ Setup
Unoccupied Heating Enable ___________ Setup
Occupied Dehumidification Enable ___________ Setup
Unoccupied Dehumidification Enable ___________ Setup
Occupied Humidification Disable ___________ Setup
Unoccupied Humidification Disable ___________ Setup
Rapid Restart Economizer Control Disable ___________ Setup
VCM Preheat Output Disable ___________ Setup
Demand Limit Definition - Cooling None ___________ Setup
Demand Limit Definition - Heating None ___________ Setup
Compressor Lead/Lag Enable ___________ Setup
Evap Temperature Limit 35 F ___________ Setup
Coil Frost Cutout Temp 30 F ___________ Setup
Isolation Damper Interlock Disable ___________ Setup
___________ Setup
Information Format
Display Text English ___________ Setup
Display Units English ___________ Setup
VAV Control
SA Temp Reset Cool None ___________ Setup
General Status Display
Table 2. Factory Presets List (continued)(Note: Listed Items availability is dependent on unit configuration.
To adjust
Adjustable Function Factory Preset Changed To
Reset Cool Start Temp (Zone/OA) (72/90) ___________ Setup
Reset Cool End Temp (Zone/OA) (69/70) ___________ Setup
Reset Cool Max Amount 5 ___________ Setup
SA Temp Reset Heat None ___________ Setup
Reset Heat Start Temp (Zone/OA) (65/10) ___________ Setup
Reset Heat End Temp (Zone/OA) (68/60) ___________ Setup
Reset Heat Max Amount 10 ___________ Setup
VAV Box Stroke Time 6 Min ___________ Setup
Max Occ. IGV/VFD Command 100 % ___________ Setup
Economizer Control
Economizer Control Enable Type Drybulb ___________ Setup
Unoccupied Economizer Enable ___________ Setup
Head Pressure Control
Sump Drain Relay Control (on power loss) Drain ___________ Setup
Sump Purge Interval Time Disabled ___________ Setup
(120/60 sec.) ___________ Setup
(80/70 deg F) ___________ Setup
(90/80 deg F) ___________ Setup
Disabled ___________ Setup
Sump Purge Duration Time (IPak-I/IPak-II)
Sump Water Heater Setpoint 38 F ___________ Setup
Low Limit (Air-cooled/Water-cooled)
Upper Limit 120 deg F ___________ Setup
Temporary low limit suppression 20 deg F ___________ Setup
Efficiency check point 105 deg F ___________ Setup
Low amb. control point (Air-cooled/Water-cooled)
Alternate Refrigerant Type
Sensor Source Selection
Daytime Warm-Up RTM Zone Temp ___________ Setup
Occupied Zone Control RTM Zone Temp ___________ Setup
Unoccupied Zone Control RTM Zone Temp ___________ Setup
Morning Warm-Up RTM Zone Temp ___________ Setup
Space Humidity Control RTM Space Humidity ___________ Setup
Dehumid OVRD Zone Temp RTM Zone Temp ___________ Setup
Zone Reset Function RTM Zone Temp ___________ Setup
Rapid Restart Function ECEM Return Temp ___________ Setup
Monitor RTM Zone Temp ___________ Setup
Outside Air Ventilation
Demand Control Ventilation Disable ___________ Setup
Active/Passive DCV Control Passive ___________ Setup
OA Flow Compensation Enabled ___________ Setup
OA Flow C02 Reset (IPak-INon-DCV) Disabled ___________ Setup
CO2 Start (IPak-I Non-DCV) 800 ___________ Setup
CO2 Max (IPak-I Non-DCV) 1000 ___________ Setup
General Status Display
Table 2. Factory Presets List (continued)(Note: Listed Items availability is dependent on unit configuration.
To adjust
Adjustable Function Factory Preset Changed To
OA Flow Calibration Gain (Left) 1.0 ___________ Setup
OA Flow Calibration Offset (Left) 0 CFM ___________ Setup
OA Flow Calibration Gain (Right) 1.0 ___________ Setup
OA Flow Calibration Offset (Right) 0 CFM ___________ Setup
OA Normalization 100 CCFM ___________ Setup
OA Flow Calibration Data - Altitude: 0 Ft ___________ Setup
RTM Alarm Output Definition Any Active Diagnostic ___________ Setup
GBAS Input/Output Definitions
GBAS (0-5) Analog Input 1 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-5) Analog Input 2 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-5) Analog Input 3 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-5) Analog Input 4 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-5) Output 1 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-5) Output 2 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-5) Output 3 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-5) Output 4 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-5) Output 5 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-10) Analog Input 1 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-10) Analog Input 2 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-10) Analog Input 3 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-10) Analog Input 4 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-10) Output 1 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-10) Output 2 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-10) Output 3 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-10) Output 4 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
GBAS (0-10) Output 5 Definitions Not Assigned ___________ Setup
Ventilation Override Definition See Definitions ___________ Setup
Temperature Input Offset for...
RTM Zone Temperature
RTM Aux Temperature
Outdoor Air Temperature
Heat Aux Temperature
Return Air Temperature
0 deg F ___________ Setup
0 deg F ___________ Setup
0 deg F ___________ Setup
0 deg F ___________ Setup
0 deg F ___________ Setup
Device Characteristics…
Outside Air Damper (if equipped)
Actuator Setup
Max Stroke Time
Max Voltage
Direct ___________ Setup
30 sec ___________ Setup
10 VDC ___________ Setup
General Status Display
Table 2. Factory Presets List (continued)(Note: Listed Items availability is dependent on unit configuration.
To adjust
Adjustable Function Factory Preset Changed To
Min Voltage
Supply Fan IGV/VFD (if equipped)
Actuator Setup
Max Stroke Time
Max Voltage
Min Voltage
Return Fan VFD (if equipped)
Actuator Setup
Max Stroke Time
Max Voltage
Min Voltage
Exhaust Damper/VFD (if equipped)
Actuator Setup
Max Stroke Time
Max Voltage
Min Voltage
2 VDC ___________ Setup
Direct ___________ Setup
30/0 sec ___________ Setup
10 VDC ___________ Setup
2 VDC ___________ Setup
Direct ___________ Setup
60/0 sec ___________ Setup
10 VDC ___________ Setup
2 VDC ___________ Setup
Direct ___________ Setup
60 sec ___________ Setup
10 VDC ___________ Setup
0 VDC ___________ Setup
Hydronic Heat (if equipped)
Actuator Setup
Max Stroke Time
Max Voltage
Min Voltage
Low Ambient Damper Ckt-1 (if equipped)
Actuator Setup
Max Stroke Time
Max Voltage
Min Voltage
Low Ambient Damper Ckt-2 (if equipped)
Actuator Setup
Max Stroke Time
Max Voltage
Min Voltage
Cond Fan VFD Ckt -1(if equipped)
Actuator Setup
Max Stroke Time
Max Voltage
Min Voltage
Direct ___________ Setup
60 sec ___________ Setup
10 VDC ___________ Setup
2 VDC ___________ Setup
Direct ___________ Setup
60 sec ___________ Setup
10 VDC ___________ Setup
2 VDC ___________ Setup
Direct ___________ Setup
60 sec ___________ Setup
10 VDC ___________ Setup
2 VDC ___________ Setup
Direct ___________ Setup
60 sec ___________ Setup
10 VDC ___________ Setup
0 VDC ___________ Setup
General Status Display
Table 2. Factory Presets List (continued)(Note: Listed Items availability is dependent on unit configuration.
To adjust
Adjustable Function Factory Preset Changed To
Cond Fan VFD Ckt-2 (if equipped)
Actuator Setup
Max Stroke Time
Max Voltage
Min Voltage
Direct ___________ Setup
60 sec ___________ Setup
10 VDC ___________ Setup
0 VDC ___________ Setup
Modulating Gas Heat Actuator (if equipped)
Actuator Setup (Ipak-I/Ipak-II)
Max Stroke Time
Max Voltage
Min Voltage (Ipak-I/Ipac-II)
Outdoor Air Bypass Damper (if equipped)
Actuator Setup
Max Stroke Time
Max Voltage
Min Voltage
Exhaust Bypass Damper (if equipped)
Actuator Setup
Max Stroke Time
Max Voltage
Min Voltage
Variable Speed Comp (if equipped)
Actuator Setup
Max Stroke Time
Max Voltage
Min Voltage
(Direct/Reverse) ___________ Setup
90 sec ___________ Setup
10 VDC ___________ Setup
(5 VDC/2 VDC) ___________ Setup
Direct ___________ Setup
60 sec ___________ Setup
10 VDC ___________ Setup
2 VDC ___________ Setup
Direct ___________ Setup
60 sec ___________ Setup
10 VDC ___________ Setup
2 VDC ___________ Setup
Direct ___________ Setup
30 sec ___________ Setup
10 VDC ___________ Setup
0 VDC ___________ Setup
Control Algorithm Tuning Parameters
VAV Cooling Control Gains
Proportional (w-VSC / wo-VSC)
Reset Time (w-VSC/wo-VSC)
(2.0%/F/3.3%/F) ___________ Setup
(100 Sec/50 Sec) ___________ Setup
Zone Control Occupied Heating Proportional Gain
IPak I Gas
IPak I Electric
IPak II Gas
IPak II Electric-90 kw
IPak II Electric -140 kw
IPak II Electric-265 kw
IPak II Electric-300 kw
30.0 deg F ___________ Setup
45.0 deg F ___________ Setup
30.0 deg F ___________ Setup
45.0 deg F ___________ Setup
60.0 deg F ___________ Setup
75.0 deg F ___________ Setup
75.0 deg F ___________ Setup
General Status Display
Table 2. Factory Presets List (continued)(Note: Listed Items availability is dependent on unit configuration.
To adjust
Adjustable Function Factory Preset Changed To
CV Air Economizer Control Gains
Reset Time
Rate Time
SZVAV Cooling Control Gains
Reset Time
Rate Time
Zone Control Modulating Heat Gains
Reset Time
Rate Time
SZVAV Heating Control Gains
Reset Time
Rate Time
Rapid DX Interstage Timing
10.0 % F ___________ Setup
DISABLE ___________ Setup
0 Sec ___________ Setup
0 deg F ___________ Setup
6.0 % F ___________ Setup
1200 Sec ___________ Setup
0 Sec ___________ Setup
0 deg F ___________ Setup
10.0 % F ___________ Setup
DISABLE ___________ Setup
0 Sec ___________ Setup
0 deg F ___________ Setup
8.0% F ___________ Setup
1200 Sec ___________ Setup
0 Sec ___________ Setup
0 deg F ___________ Setup
30 Sec ___________ Setup
Default Setpoints
Supply Air Cooling
Supply Air Heating
SA Cool Deadband 8.0 F ___________ Setpoints
SA Heat Deadband 4.0 F ___________ Setpoints
DWU Initiate 67 F ___________ Setpoints
DWU Terminate 71 F ___________ Setpoints
Occupied Zone Cooling 74 F ___________ Setpoints
Occupied Zone Heating 71 F ___________ Setpoints
Zone Derived Setpoint 4 F ___________ Setpoints
Unoccupied Zone Cooling 85 F ___________ Setpoints
Unoccupied Zone Heating 60 F ___________ Setpoints
Unoccupied Zone MWU 72 F ___________ Setpoints
Rapid Restart Critical Temp
Occ Dehumidification 60% ___________ Setpoints
Occ Dehumid Hysteresis Offset 5% ___________ Setpoints
Unocc Dehumidification 60% ___________ Setpoints
Unocc Dehumid Hysteresis Offset 5% ___________ Setpoints
Supply Air Reheat Setpoint 70 F ___________ Setpoints
Supply Air Reheat Deadband 4 F ___________ Setpoints
Maximum Reheat Valve Limit 85% ___________ Setpoints
Dehumid Ovrd High Zone Temp 75 F ___________ Setpoints
(55 F/50 F) ___________ Setpoints
(100 F/105 F) ___________ Setpoints
90 F ___________ Setpoints
General Status Display
Table 2. Factory Presets List (continued)(Note: Listed Items availability is dependent on unit configuration.
To adjust
Adjustable Function Factory Preset Changed To
Dehumid Ovrd Low Zone Temp 68 F ___________ Setpoints
Cond Coil Purge Interval 90 Min ___________ Setpoints
Occ Humidification 30% ___________ Setpoints
Occ Humidification Hysteresis Offset 5% ___________ Setpoints
Unocc Humidification 30% ___________ Setpoints
Unocc Humidification Hysteresis Offset 5% ___________ Setpoints
Economizer Cooling Setpoint Suppression (CV) 3 F ___________ Setpoints
Reference Enthalpy 25 BTU/LB ___________ Setpoints
Economizer Drybulb Enable Stpt 75 F ___________ Setpoints
Supply Air Low Limit 50 F ___________ Setpoints
VCM Preheat Actuate Temp 35 F ___________ Setpoints
Design Min CO
Design Min OA Flow (DCV) 220 CCFM ___________ Setpoints
DCV Min OA Flow 67 CCFM ___________ Setpoints
DCV Min OA Flow Deadband 5 CCFM ___________ Setpoints
Min OA Flow w\ VCM Set per unit size ___________ Setpoints
Min OA Flow Deadband Set per unit size ___________ Setpoints
Design Min OA Damper Position (DCV) 15% ___________ Setpoints
DCV Min OA Damper Position 5% ___________ Setpoints
OA Damper Min Position (non-DCV) 15% ___________ Setpoints
OAD Min Position w/IGV/VFD at 0% 25% ___________ Setpoints
OAD Min Position w/IGV/VFD at 50% 20% ___________ Setpoints
OAD Min Position w/IGV/VFD at 100% 15% ___________ Setpoints
OAD Min Position (Default) 15% ___________ Setpoints
Supply Air Pressure 2.0 IWC ___________ Setpoints
Supply Air Pressure High Limit 4.0 IWC ___________ Setpoints
Supply Air Pressure Deadband 0.5 IWC ___________ Setpoints
Max Return Plenum Pressure 0.8 IWC ___________ Setpoints
Return Plenum Pressure Deadband 0.1 IWC ___________ Setpoints
Space Pressure - Setpoint 0.08 IWC ___________ Setpoints
Space Pressure - Deadband .04 IWC ___________ Setpoints
Space Pressure Low Limit -0.2 IWC ___________ Setpoints
Exhaust Enable Point 25% ___________ Setpoints
Exhaust Inhibit Point DISABLE ___________ Setpoints
Low Ambient Comp. Lockout (Standard Units) 50 F ___________ Setpoints
Low Ambient Comp. Lockout (Low Ambient Units) 0 F ___________ Setpoints
Standby Freeze Avoidance 0% ___________ Setpoints
Recovery Frost Avoidance Setpoint 27 F ___________ Setpoints
(DCV) 1000 PPM ___________ Setpoints
800 PPM ___________ Setpoints
Setpoint Source Selection For...
Supply Air Temp Cooling Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Supply Air Temp Heating Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Occupied Zone Cooling Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
General Status Display
Table 2. Factory Presets List (continued)(Note: Listed Items availability is dependent on unit configuration.
To adjust
Adjustable Function Factory Preset Changed To
Occupied Zone Heating Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Unoccupied Zone Cooling Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Unoccupied Zone Heating Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Morning Warm-Up Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Economizer Dry Bulb Enable Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Outside Damper Minimum Position Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Occupied Dehumidification Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Unoccupied Dehumidification Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Supply Air Reheat Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Occupied Humidity Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Unoccupied Humidity Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Minimum Outside Air Flow Rate Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Supply Air Pressure Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
Space Pressure Hi Default ___________ Setpoints
(a) Field replacement of control modules requires proper human interface setup to insure unit performance

Password Protected Screens

Some of the operating displays on the Human Interface LCD screens and require a password to change.The following screens display the various programming sections that require a password in order to view or to modify the preset operating parameters. The password for each screen is a different series of + (Plus)or- (Minus) key strokes in a predefined sequence. Shown below are the password protected screens, and the passwords for accessing them.
The following screens display the various programming sections that require a specific password to be entered by a
qualified operator in order to modify the operating parameters. The following screen will appear if the password is not entered within approximately 15 seconds.
Password Entry Time Limit Exceeded
Configuration is Password Protected Please Enter Password: __________
1. Press the + or - keys in this sequence ( + - - - ) to access this restricted screen.
2. Press the Enter key to confirm the password and enter the menu.
Ventilation Override Mode _______ Enter Password to Lock Definition:
1. Press the + or - keys in this sequence ( + - - + ) to lock each VOM Mode.
2. Press the Enter key to confirm the password and Lock the definitions.
Diagnostic Reset is Password Protected Please Enter Password: ____________
1. Press the + or - keys in this sequence ( - + + ) to access this restricted screen.
2. Press the Enter key to confirm the diagnostic reset.
Diagnostic Log is Password Protected Please Enter Password: __________
General Status Display
1. Press the + or - keys in this sequence ( - + + -) to access this restricted screen.
2. Press the Enter key to confirm clearing the diagnostic log.
Turning Parameters are Password Protected Please Enter Password: __________
1. Contact Clarksville Service for Password.

Navigating the Human Interface Screens

In the following sections the user will be presented with a number of screens and submenus that follow the selection of a main menu key entry (Status, Setpoints, Diagnostics, Setup, Configuration, Service Mode and Custom). When a submenu is presented, it may be accessed by pressing the Enter key or, skipped entirely by pressing the Next key. Upon entering a menu, or submenu, the user will navigate through the desired selections by pressing the Next and Previous keys.The most probable keystroke would be to press Next to cycle forward through the screens as shown in these sections, but pressing the Previous key may be desirable to review previous screens or to quickly navigate to the end of a menu.
Once the user has navigated to a desired selection, the + (Plus) and - (Minus) keys will be pressed to cycle through the selection range of the menu item.The range of each item selected is dependent upon the item and is listed for each screen in the following sections. For instance, if the user has selected a Configuration item typical choices displayed with each + (Plus)or- (Minus) keystroke may be Installed or Not Installed.IfaSetup menu were accessed a choice may be Enabled or Disabled.Temperature Setpoints will typically cycle through their range one degree at a time, and so on. Similar to pressing the Previous key above, pressing the - (Minus) key to decrement through the range may provide quick access to the desired value.
Once a change has been made to the desired menu item the user will press the Enter key to accept the change, or press the Cancel key to ignore the modification and return the displayed item to its original value.


The status menu is used to view various operating conditions such as temperatures, pressures and humidity levels. It is
also used to view unit component status such as fan, compressor, heater, and economizer operation, as well as setpoint status.
The screens shown in this section are for example only. Pressing the + (Plus) key while viewing any of the status display
screens will add that screen to the Custom menu. While viewing the Custom menu, a screen can be removed by pressing the – (Minus) key.
When a status screen is displayed for 30 minutes without a key being pressed, the LCD screen will revert to the general
operating status display. If this happens, press the Status key again to return to the status menu.The following are examples of status screens that may be viewed by pressing the Status key.
1. Many of the screens displayed in this section are applicable only for the options that are installed in the unit and may not be visible on your unit.
2. The range for some selections depend upon a sensor connected to a control module. Normal ranges expected will be listed for each screen shown. If the sensor is operating outside its normal limits, or has failed, “+ERR” will appear if out of range high, and “-ERR” if it is out of range low.
Press the Status key to begin viewing the status screens.
VVDA OA Flow 350.0 CCFM Supply Fan ON Occupied Cool 4 Diagnostics
• Press Next/Previous keys to navigate.
General System Status Submenu Press ENTER to View Data in this Submenu
• Press Next key to skip this Submenu.
Active Unit Control Source: LOCAL Active Cluster Member Role: STANDALONE
RTM Supply Fan Relay: OFF RTM Supply Airflow Proving: FLOW
Note: One of the three following screens will be shown based on supply air pressure options.
Used With: All Units
Used With: BAS Interface Installed Possible Values:
Source: LOCAL, BAS/NETWORK Role: STANDALONE, SLAVE, MASTER• Press Next/Previous keys to navigate.
Used With: All Units Possible Values:
Fan Relay: ON, OFF Airflow Proving: FLOW, NO FLOW• Press Next/Previous keys to navigate.
Supply Fan IGV/VFD Target: 30% Master’s Algorithm Command to All Units
Supply Fan IGV/VFD Cmd Opening To 30 % Active Supply Air Pressure 2.0 IWC
“Limited To” when shown indicates an active override.
Active Supply Air Pressure 2.0 IWC
• Press Next/Previous keys to navigate.
Note: One of the three following screens will be shown based on power exhaust options.
Exhaust Fan OFF
Used With: Clustered VVDA Units Possible Values: 0 to 100%
Used With: VVDA Units Possible Values:
Cmd: 0 to 100% Press: 0.0 to 7.9 IWC“Opening To” and ”Closing To” indicate direction.
Used With: CVDA/CVZT Units Possible Values: 0.0 to 7.9 IWC
Used With: Units w Power Exhaust w/o
Statitrac, w/o Return Fan
Possible Values: ON, OFF
Exhaust Damper/VFD Target: 70 % Master’s Algorithm Command to All Units
Exhaust Fan ON Space Pressure 0.00 IWC Exhaust Damper/VFD Opening To 32 %
“Opening To” and ”Closing To” indicates direction. “Limited To” when shown indicates an active override.
• Press Next/Previous keys to navigate.
Note: One of the four following screens will be shown based on heating type options.
Used With: Clustered, w/Statitrac, w/o Return Fan Units
Possible Values: 0 to 100%
Used With: Units w/Statitrac, w/o
Return Fan
Possible Values:
Fan: ON, OFF Pressure:
IPakI: -0.2 to 0.3 IWC IPakII: -0.67 to 0.67 IWC
Damper/VFD: 0 to 100%
Electric Heat: ENABLED Stage: 6 K11: ON K12: ON K1: ON
“ENABLED” indicates heat is available. “DISABLED” indicates heating is not allowed. “LIMITED” indicates heating is available at reduced capacity.
Gas Heat: ENABLED Stage: 2 K11: ON K12: ON K1: ON
“ENABLED” indicates heat is available. “DISABLED” indicates heating is not allowed. “LIMITED” indicates heating is available at reduced capacity.
Hydronic Heat: ENABLED Valve Position: Opening To: 100 %
“ENABLED” indicates heat is available. “DISABLED” indicates heating is not allowed. “LIMITED” indicates heating is available at reduced capacity. “Opening To” and ”Closing To” indicates direction.
Used With: Units w/Electric Heat Possible Values:
Electric Heat:
Stage: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 K*: ON, OFF
Used With: Units w/Staged Gas Heat Possible Values:
Gas Heat:
Stage: 0,1,2 K*: ON, OFF
Used With: Units w/Hydronic Heat Possible Values:
Hydronic Heat:
Position: 0 to 100%
Mod Gas Heat: ENABLED Valve Position: Opening To: 100 %
“ENABLED” indicates heat is available. “DISABLED” indicates heating is not allowed. “LIMITED” indicates heating is available at reduced capacity. “Opening To” and ”Closing To” indicates direction.
• Press Next/Previous keys to navigate.
Used With: Units w/Mod Gas Heat Possible Values:
Mod Gas Heat:
Position: 0 to 100%
Chilled Water: ENABLED Valve Position: Opening To 100 %
“ENABLED” indicates cooling is available. “DISABLED” indicates cooling is not allowed. “LIMITED” indicates cooling is available at reduced capacity. “Opening To” and ”Closing To” indicates direction.
• Press Next/Previous keys to navigate.
Dehumidification Status: DISABLED by Comfort Control Override is Active
Table 3. Dehumidification Lockout Sources
Value Displayed in Bottom Field Disable Conditions
Used With: Air Handler Units w/Chilled
Possible Values:
Chilled Water:
Position: 0 to 100%
Used With: Units w/Dehumidification Top Line Possible Values: ENABLED,
Bottom line Possible Values:
When ENABLED is Shown:
(blank line)
When LOCKED is Shown:
[See “Table 3. Dehumidification
Lockout Sources” Below]
Disabled By Call for Cooling Demand Limit ........................ Compressors unavailable due to demand limit.
Disabled By Compressor Lockout Sources .......................... Required compressors are not available.
Disabled By Occ Dehumid Function Disable ....................... Occupied Dehumid. control is disabled.
Disabled By Dehumid Override Zone Temp High/Low .......... VVDA/CVDA critical zone temp is too high/low.
Disabled By OA Temperature Out Of Range ....................... Outdoor air temperature is out of range.
Disabled By Unocc Dehumid Function Disable..................... Unoccupied Dehumid. control is disabled.
Disabled By Comfort Control Override is Active................... Comfort cooling control has priority.
Disabled By Required Sensor Failure Condition ................... Sensor(s) for dehumid. control have failed.
Disabled By Sat Reheat Cond Temp Sensor Fail .................. Sensor for dehumid. control have failed.
Disabled By Reheat Head Pressure High Limit..................... Reheat circuit is experiencing high pressures.
Disabled By Condenser Coil Purge is Active ........................ Active purge mode temporary override.
Disabled By Comp Press Differential.................................. Excessive refrig. pressures across compressors.
• Press Next/Previous keys to navigate.
Humidification Status: ENABLED Humidification is Active
• Press Next/Previous keys to navigate.
Used With: Units w/Humidification Top Right Field: ENABLED, DISABLED Bottom Field:
The following shown when DISABLED:
by Occ Humidification Function Disable by Unocc Humid Function Disable
The following shown when ENABLED:
Humidification is Inactive Humidification is Active
End of Submenu (NEXT) to Enter STATUS
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Compressor Status Submenu Press ENTER to View Data in This Submenu
• Press the Next key to skip this Submenu.
Note: Combinations of the following screens will be shown based on unit cooling capacity option.
Compressor Relay K10 Locked Disabled By Compressor Protection (MORE)
Note: There will be 2 screens shown for this configuration, one screen for K10 and one for K11.
• Press Next/Previous keys to navigate.
Compressor Relay K11 Locked Disabled By Compressor Protection (MORE)
Note: There will be 4 screens shown for this configuration, one for K11, one for K12*, one for K3, and one for K4*. See the following replacement screen for K12 when a variable speed compressor is installed on 40-70 ton units. K12 and K4 will show either Enabled or Activated by Compressor Protection when the compressor is ON.
*See the following replacement screen for K12 when a variable
speed compressor is installed on 40-70 ton units.
*K12 and K4 will show either Enabled, or Activated by Compressor Protection, when the compressor is ON.
Used With: Units w/DX Cooling
Used With: IPakI 20-30Ton DX Cooling Possible Values: Compressor Relay:
K10: 1 K11: 2
Top Right Field:
Bottom Field:
When ON or OFF is Shown: ENABLED When LOCKED is Shown:
[See “Table 4. Compressor Lockout
Sources" on page 32”]
Used With: IPakI 40-130Ton DX Cooling Possible Values: Compressor Relay:
K11: 1 K12: 2 K3: 3 K4: 4
Top Right Field:
Bottom Field:
When ON or OFF is Shown: ENABLED When LOCKED is Shown:
[See “Table 4. Compressor Lockout
Sources" on page 32”]
• Press Next/Previous keys to navigate.
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