Trane CleanEffects
Patented technology.
Superior performance.

Trane CleanEffects™ is unlike anything else out there. So is the air it produces.
Today’s air needs tomorrow’s
air cleaning system.
There may be more in your home than you
know. In fact, the air inside your home can
be up to 5 times more polluted than the
air outside. Because while today’s betterinsulated homes do a great job of keeping
out the elements, they also hold in airborne
particles that can aggravate breathing
• Nearly 72 trillion particles enter the
average home every day, and remain
in the air.
• Most homes generate around 40 pounds
of dust every year for every 1500 square
feet of space. Dust that remains trapped
• One ounce of dust can contain up to
40,000 dust mites, one of the most
common household allergens.
Technologically advanced cleaning.
Amazingly enhanced air.
Introducing Trane CleanEffects,™ the patented
whole-house air filtration from a recognized industry
leader. Designed from the ground up to clean the
air like nothing before, CleanEffects makes the
air in your home feel cleaner and fresher than you
thought possible. As an accessory to your matched
Trane system, CleanEffects:
• Removes up to an incredible 99.98%
of allergens from filtered air.
• Traps particles as small as .1
micron in size.
• Up to 100 times more effective
than a standard 1” filter.
• Can reduce your need to dust
by up to 50% .
• Has had its performance verified by
leading experts at the Harvard
School of Public Health.

So effective, it essentially redefines clean air.
There are several ways to measure the effectiveness
of an air filtration system. The two you’ll most likely
see are
Value, and
MERV, or Minimum Efficiency Reporting
CADR, or Clean Air Delivery Rate.
MERV is designed for systems with media-based
filters, and involves loading the filter with particles
until its airflow is greatly reduced. Unfortunately,
this method only measures one aspect of air
filtration‚ particle capture efficiency. Since Trane
operates with incredible airflow
efficiency even under a heavy particle load, it
simply cannot be evaluated with the
Instead, Trane uses
CADR, which measures not
MERV method.
only the efficiency with which particles are removed
from filtered air, but also the rate at which clean
air is delivered to your living space. This is a
more accurate representation of an air cleaner’s
performance because it measures the end
benefit to you.
And it’s quiet, too.
Many electronic air cleaners emit an unpleasant
buzz, similar to a bug zapper, while operating. Not
CleanEffects. Its patented technology makes it as
quiet as it is effective.
Clean Air Delivery Rate measures
the effectiveness of air cleaning
appliances. The higher the clean
air delivery rate, the more effective
the unit is at cleaning the room
or home of airborne particles and
Typical In-room
Clean Air
Delivery Rate:
Clean air delivery rate (efficiency times airflow rate) is recognized by the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a fair and objective
measure of various air cleaner technologies. Ratings reflect cubic feet per minute of clean
air delivered for a typical 3-ton heating and cooling system: the higher the value, the more
effective the air cleaner.
1-inch Filter
Clean Air
Delivery Rate:
Typical Room
HEPA Appliance
Clean Air
Delivery Rate:
5-inch Media
Clean Air
Delivery Rate:
Electronic Air
Clean Air
Delivery Rate:
Clean Air
Delivery Rate:
The facts about ozone.
When evaluating any sort of
electronic air cleaning system,
there is often a concern about
ozone levels, especially when dealing
with so-called “ionizing” air cleaners. Your
safety and health are of utmost concern to Trane,
which is why we’ve designed CleanEffects to fall
well below the emissions standards the FDA sets,
even for medical devices.