Trane Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
Installation, Operation,
and Maintenance
CVHH Water-Cooled CenTraVac Chillers
With Tracer AdaptiView Control
Model: CVHH
Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. The installation, starting up, and servicing of heating, ventilating, and airconditioning equipment can be hazardous and r equires specific knowledge and training. Improperly installed, adjusted or altered equipment
by an unqualified person could result in death or serious injury. When working on the equipment, observe all pr ecautions in the literature and
on the tags, stickers, and labels that are attached to the equipment.
October 2014
Read this manual thoroughly before operating or servicing
this unit.
Warnings, Cautions, and Notices
Safety advisories appear throughout this manual as
required. Y our personal safety and the proper operation of
this machine depend upon the strict observance of these
The three types of advisories are defined as follows:
Proper Field Wiring and Grounding
Failure to follow code could result in death or serious
injury. All field wiring MUST be performed by qualified
personnel. Improperly installed and grounded field
wiring poses FIRE and ELECTROCUTION hazards. To
avoid these hazards, you MUST follow requirements for
field wiring installation and grounding as described in
NEC and your local/ stat e/national electrical codes.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
situatio n which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serio us in jur y.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
situatio n which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderat e injury. It
could also be used to alert against
unsaf e practices.
Indicates a situation that could result in
equipment or property-damage only
Important Environmental Concerns
Scientific research has shown that certain man-made
chemicals can affect the earth’s naturally occurring
stratospheric ozone layer when released to the
atmosphere. In particular, several of the identified
chemicals that may affect the ozone layer are refrigerants
that contain Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon (CFCs) and
those containing Hydrogen, Chlo rin e, Fluorine and
Carbon (HCFCs). Not all refrigerants containing these
compounds have the same po tential impact to the
environment. Trane advocates the responsible handling of
all refrigerants-including industry replacements for CFCs
and HCFCs.
Important Responsible Refrigerant Pr actic es
Trane believes that responsible refrigerant practices are
important to the environment, our customers, and the air
conditioning industry. All technician s who handle
refrigerants must be certified according to local rules. For
the USA, the Federal Clean Air Act (Section 608) sets forth
the requirements for handling, reclaiming, recovering and
recycling of certain refrigerants and the equipment that is
used in these service procedures. In addition, some states
or municipalities may have additional requirement s that
must also be adhered to for r esponsible management of
refrigerants. Know the applicable laws and follow them.
Note: Graphic labels (shown above) are used for CE
application only.
•Before servicing, disconnect all power so urces an d
allow at least 30 minutes for capacitors to discharge.
•All electrical enclosures—unit or remote—are IP2X.
Installing/servicing this unit could result in exposure to
electrical, mechanical and chemical hazards.
•Before installing/servicing this unit, technicians
MUST put on all PPE required for the work being
undertaken (Examples; cut res istant gloves/sleeves,
butyl gloves, safety glasses, hard hat/bump cap, fall
protection, electrical PPE and arc flash clothing).
ALWAYS refer to appropriate Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDS)/Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and OSHA
guidelines for proper PPE.
•When working with or around hazardous chemicals,
ALWAYS refer to the appropriate MSDS/ SDS and
OSHA/GHS (Global Harmonized System of
Clas s ification and Labelling of C hemicals ) guidelines
for information on allowable personal exposure
levels, proper respiratory protection and handling
•If there is a ris k of energiz ed elec trical c ontact, arc, or
flash, tec hnicians MUST put on all PPE in ac c ordance
with OSHA, NFPA 70E, or other country-specific
requirements for arc flash protection, PRIOR to
servicing the unit. NEVER PE RFORM ANY
Failure to follow instructions could result in death or
serious injury.
Replace Manual in Cabinet After Use!
Failure to replace this Installation, Operation, and
Maintenance manual in cabinet after use could prevent
personnel fr o m access in g necessary safety information
and could r esult in death or serious injury or equipment
Do Not Use Non-Compatible Parts or
Use of non-compatible parts or materials c ould result in
equipment damage. Only genuine Trane® replacement
components with identical Trane part numbers should
be used in Trane CenTraVac chillers. Trane assumes no
responsibility for damages resulting from the use of
non-compatible parts or materials.
Refrigerant May Be Under Positive
P ressure!
Failure to recover refrigerant to relieve pressure or the
use of non-approved refrigerants, refrigerant
substitutes, or refrigerant additives could result in an
explosion which could result in death or serious injury
or equipment damage. System contains oil and
refr igerant and may be under positive pressure.
Recover refrigerant to relieve pressure bef ore opening
the system. See unit nameplate for refrig er ant type. Do
not use non-approved refrigerants, refrigerant
substitutes, or refrigerant additives.
Note: Graphic labels (shown above) are used for CE
application only.
This document and the information in it are the property of
T rane, and may not be used or reproduced in whole or in
part without written permission. Trane reserves the right
to revise this publication at any time, and to make changes
to its content without obligation to notify any person of
such revision or change.
All trademarks referenced in this document are the
trademarks of their respective owners.
Revision History
CVHH-SVX001A-EN (10 Oct 2014)
•First version of this literature
Factory Warranty Information
Compliance with the following is required to preserve the
factory warranty:
All Unit Installations
Startup MU ST be performed by Trane, or an authorized
agent of Trane, to VALIDATE this WARRANTY. Contractor
must provide a two-week startup notification to T rane (or
an agent of Trane specifically authorized to perform
Additional Requirements for Units Requiring
When a new fully assembled chiller is shipped and
received from our Trane manufacturing location and, for
any reason, it requires disassembly or partial
disassembly—which could include but is not limited to the
evaporator, condenser, control panel, compressor/motor,
purge, factory-mounted starter or any other components
origin ally attached to the fully assembled unit—
compliance with the following is required to preserve the
factory warranty:
•Trane, or an agent of Trane specifically authorized to
perform start-up and warranty of Trane
perform or have direct on-site technical supervision of
the disassembly and reassembly work.
•The installing con tractor must notify Trane—or an
agent of Trane spe cifically authorized to perform
startup and warranty of Trane
in advance of the scheduled disassembly work to
coordinate the disassembly and reassembly work.
•Start-up must be performed by Trane or an agent of
Trane specifically authoriz ed to perform startup and
warranty of Tran e
Trane, or an agent of Trane specifically authorized to
perform start-up and warr anty of Trane
provide qualified personnel and standard hand tools to
perform the disassembly work at a location specified by
the contractor. Trane, or an agent of Trane specifically
authorized to per form star t-up and warranty of Trane
products, will perform or have direct on-site supervision of
the disassembly and reassembly work. The contractor
shall provide the rigging equipment such as chain falls,
gantries, cranes, forklifts, etc. necessary for the
disassembly and reassembly work and the required
qualified personnel to operate the necessary rigging
Important: Any devi ation from these r equirements
must be agre ed upon prior to startup in a
written agreement from Trane.
Forms and Check Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Table of Contents
Unit and Compressor Nameplates
Unit Nameplate
The unit nameplate is located on the left side of the control
panel. A typical unit nameplate is illustrated in
and contains the following information:
•Unit model and size descriptor
•Unit electrical requirements
•Correct operating charge and refrigerant type
•Unit test pressures and maximum operating pressures
•Unit li terature
Serial Number. The unit serial number provides the
specific chiller identity. Always provide this serial number
when call ing for service or during parts identification.
Service Model Number. The service model represents
the unit as built for service purposes. It identifies the
selections of variable unit features requ ired when
ordering replacements parts or requesting service.
No te: Unit-mounted starters are identified by a separate
number found on the starter.
Product Description Block. The CenTraVac™ models
are defined and built using the Product Definition and
Selection (PDS) system. This system describes the product
offerings using a product coding block which is made up of
feature categories and codes that identifies all
characteristics of a unit.
Figure 1
Figure 1.Typical unit nameplate (CDHF shown; CVHH
is similar)
Compressor Nameplate
The compressor assembly has a separate model number
which is required to identify internal and external
compressor parts. The model number begins with
“ CCHH” and the nameplate is located on the foot of the
Figure 2.Compressor nameplate
No te: The serial number space on the compressor
nameplate will be intentio nally left blank.
Unit and Compressor Nameplates
Model Number Descriptions
CVHH CenTraVac
Chiller Description
Digit 1, 2 — Simplex
CenTraVac™ Chiller
Digit 3 — Drive
Digit 4 — Development
Digit 5, 6, 7 — Nominal Total
Compressor Tonnage
Digit 8 — Unit M otor Voltage
Digit 9 — Unit Type
Digit 10, 11 — Design Sequence
Digit 12 — M anufacturing
Communication Interface
Digit 32 — Special Options
Digit 33 — Water Flow Control
Digit 34 — Chilled Water Reset
Digit 35 — Control: Heat
Recovery/Auxiliary Temperature
Digit 36 — Industrial Chiller
Package (INDP)
Digit 37 — Control Pow er
Transformer (CPTR)
Digit 38 — Thermal Dispersion
Water Flow Proving
Digit 39 — Compressor M otor
Frame Size
CCHH Centrifugal
The compressor assembly has a
separate model number which is
required to identify internal and
exter nal compressor parts. The
model number begins with “ CCHH”
and the nameplate is located on the
foot of the volute.
Digit 1, 2 — Unit Function
Digit 3 — Drive
Digit 4 — Development
Trane recommends that indoor CenTraVac unit
installations fully meet or exceed the guidelines of the
current version of ASHRAE Standard 15, in addition to any
applicable national, state, or local requirements. This
typically includes:
•A refrigerant monitor or detector that is capable of
monitoring and alarming within the acceptable
exposure level of the refrigerant, and that can actuate
mechanical ventilation.
•Audible and visual alarms, activated by the refrigerant
monitor, inside the equipment room and outside of
every entrance.
•The equipment room should be properly vented to the
outdoors, using mechanical ventilation t hat can be
activated by the refrigerant monitor.
•The purge discharge and the rupture disk must be
properly piped to the outdo ors.
•If required by local or other codes, a self-contained
breathing apparatus should be available in close
proximit y to the equip ment room.
For the USA, refer to the latest copy of ASHRAE
Standard 15 for specific guidelines. Trane assumes no
responsibility for any economic, health, or environmental
issues that may result from an equipment room’s design
or function.
Unit Shipment
Inspect u nit while it is still on the truck for an y shipping
damage. The chiller ships shrink-wrapped in a 0.254 mm
(0.010-in.) recyclable film prot ective covering. Do not
remove shrink-wrap for inspection! Inspect for damage to
the shrin k-wrap and determine if physical damage has
Each chiller ships from the factory as a hermetically
assembled package; it is factory-assembled, -wired, and
-tested. All openings except for the waterbox vent and
drain holes are covered or plugged to prevent
contamination during shipment and h andling.
p. 14
shows an illustration of a typical unit and its
components. As soon as the unit arrives at the job site,
inspect it thoroughly for damage and material shortages.
In addition:
1 . V erify the hermetic integrity of the unit by checking the
chiller pressure for an indication of holding charge
2. To prevent damaging moisture from entering the unit
and causing corrosion, each chiller is pressurized with
20.7 to 34.5 kPag (3 to 5 psig) of dry nitrogen before
Figure 3,
Note: The holding charge should register approximately
34.5 kPag (5 psig) at 22.2°C (72°F). P lace a gauge on
the access valve provided (indicated by arrow and
circle in the preceding figure) on the refrigerant
pump discharge line to verify the holding charge.
This access valve is located on the front o f the oil
tank, which is at the right rear corner of the chiller.
If the charge has escaped, contact your local Trane
sales office for instructions.
3. The loose parts box and isolator pads ship on top of the
control panel box.
4. Check the oil sump sight glasses to verify that the sump
was factory-charged with 79.5 L (21 gallons) of oil. The
oil level should be vi sible to about halfway in the top
sight glass. If no oil level is visible, contact your local
Trane sales office.
General Information
Regulations regarding waste handling are constantly
changing. T o ensure that personnel are in compliance with
the latest federal, state and local regulations, contact your
local waste management office for the proper procedures
on handling, disposal, transporting and storage of oil, oil
filters, refrigerant filters, and filter dryer cores.
Installation Requirements and
Contractor Responsibilities
A list of the contractor responsibilities typically associated
with the unit installation process is provided.
Combustible Material!
F ailur e to follo w this ins truc tion could r esult in death or
serious injury or equipment damage. Shrink-w rap is a
combustible material. Avoid open flames and hot
Note: The chiller should remain within its protective
shrink-wrap covering during storage.
Type o f
Requirem ent
Found ation• Meet foundation requirem ents
Rigging• Safety chains
Disassembly/ Reassembly
(as required)
Isolatio n• Isolation pads or spring
Electrical• Circuit breakers or fusible
Water piping• Flow sensing devices
Relief• Rupture disk assembly
Insulation• Insulation (optional)• Insulation
Water Piping Connection
Other M aterials• Material and equipment to perform leak testing
Trane S upplied
Trane I nstalled
• Trane will per form or have
direct on-site supervision of
the disassembly and
reassembly work (contact
your local Trane office for
disconnects (op tional)
• Unit m ounted starter
• PFCCs (optional)
• RuptureGuard™ (optional)
Flanged (optional)
• Welded on flange for
2068.4 kPag (300 psig)
Trane Supplied
Field I nstalled
• Jumper bars
• Temperature sensor
(optional outdoor air)
• Flow switches (m ay be
field supplied)
• Remote-mounted starter
(may be field supplied)
Flanged ( optional)
• Victaulic
adapter for 1034 .2 kPag
(150 psig) waterboxes
to flang e
Field Supplied
Field I nstalled
• Clevis c onnectors
• Lifting beam
• Isolation pads or s pring isolators
• Circuit breakers or fusible disconnects (opti onal)
• Electrical connections to unit m ounted starter
• Electrical connections to remote mo unted starter
• Wiring sizes per submittal and NEC or local codes
• PFCCs (rem ote mounted star t er optional only)
• Terminal lugs
• Ground connection(s)
• Jumper bars
• BAS wiring (optional)
• IPC wiring (AFD and remote-m ounted starters only)
• Control voltage wiring (AFD and rem ote- mounted
starters only)
• Oil pum p i nter lock wiring (AFD and remote m ounted
starters only)
• High con denser pressure interlock wiring (AFD and
remote mounted starters only)
• Chilled water pump contactor and wiri ng including
• Condenser water pump contactor and wiring including
• Option relays and wiring
• Taps for flow sensing devices
• Ta ps for therm ometers and gauges
• Thermometers
• Strainers (as required)
• Water flow pressure gauges
• Isolation and balancing valves in water piping
• Vents and drain on waterbox valves (one each per pass)
• Pressure relief val ves ( for waterboxes as required)
• Vent line and flex ible conne ctor and vent line from
ruptu re disk to atmosphere
• Chiller feet insulation
• Victaulic coupling for 1034.2 kPag ( 150 psig) and
2068.4 kPag (300 psig) waterboxes
• Fasteners for flanged-type connections (optional)
• Dry nitrogen (55.2 kPag [ 8 psig] maximum per
machine as needed)
Type o f
Requirem ent
“CenTraVac™ Installation
Completion Check Sheet
and Request for Trane
(CTV-ADF001-EN; refer to
“Forms and Check Sheets,”
p. 102
Chiller start-up
com missionin g
(a) Start- up m ust be performed by Trane or an agent of Trane specifically authorized to perform start-up and warranty of Trane® products. Contractor shall
provide Trane (or an agent of Trane specifically authorized to perform start-up) with notice of the scheduled start-up at least two weeks prior to the
scheduled start-up.
( a)
Trane S upplied
Trane I nstalled
• Trane, or an agent of Trane
specifically authori zed to
perform start-up of Trane
pro ducts
Trane Supplied
Field I nstalled
Field Supplied
Field I nstalled
• To be completed by installing contractor prior to
contacting Trane for start-up
Storage Requirements
Ins ulation Damage!
Do not expose unit to direct sunlight as it could result
in damage to factory-installed insulation.
Less than 1 m onth1– 6 monthsGreater than 6 m onths
Location requirem ents:
• solid foundation
• vibration free
• dry
• temperature range -40°C to 70°C
(-40°F to 158°F)
• Do not rem ove any plastic coverings• Do not remove any plastic coverings• Do not remove any plastic coverings
• Do not cha rge the chiller with refrigerant
• If additional refrigerant is on site, follow
manufactures storage require m ents
• Verify dry nitrogen pressure using gauge
located on the evaporator shell reads
20.7 to 34.5 kPag ( 3 to 5 psig)
• Notify the l ocal Trane office if charge has
• Do not operate purge unit• Do not operate purge unit• Do not operate purge unit
Note: Chillers stored 5 years or longer should be inspected every 5 years by a qualified service organ izat ion for leaks.
(a) If protective plastic coverings need to be removed for access and/or service, contact your local Trane office.
Location requirements :
• solid foundation
• vibration free
• dry
• temperature range -40°C t o 70°C
(-40°F to 158°F)
• Do not cha rge the chiller with refrigerant
• If additiona l refrigerant is on site, follow
manufactures storage requirements
• Verify dry nitrogen pressure using gauge
located on the evaporator shell reads
20.7 to 34.5 kPag ( 3 to 5 psig)
• Notify the local Trane office if ch arge has
• Verify waterbox and tube bundles are
clean and dry
Location requ irements:
• solid foundation
• vibration free
• dry
• temperature range -40°C to 70°C
(-40°F to 158°F)
• Do not charge the chiller with refrigeran t
• If additiona l refr igerant is on site, follow
manufactures storage requirements
• Verify dry nitrogen pressure u sing gauge located
on the evaporator shell reads 20.7 to 34.5 kPag
(3 to 5 psig)
• Notify the local T rane office if charge has escaped
• Verify waterbo x and tube bundles are clean and
• Conduct an oil analysis and verify no oil
• Repeat yearly
• Replace oil if breakdown has occurred
• If no oil analysis pro gram has been followed,
replac e oil prior to start up
Unit Components
No te: The control p a nel side of the unit is always
designated as the front side of the unit.
Figure 3.Typical Simplex CVHH CenTraVac chiller
1.Suction Elbow
2. Comp ressor
3. Terminal Box
4. Control Panel
5. Condenser
6. Motor Housing
8. Oil Tank Assembly
9. Purge
10. Evapo rat or
11. Display Panel
Unit Clearances and Weights
Optional unit
Econom izer
Right hand tube pull shown,
apply tube pull clearance
dimension to left end for
left hand tube pull.
These dim ensions per
NEC Article 110
46 cm (18 in.)
92 cm (3 ft)
Recommended Unit Clearances
Adequate clearances around and above the chiller are
required to allow sufficient access for service and
maintenance operations. Specific unit clearan ce
requirements are indicated in the submittal package
provided for y our unit.
•Do NOT install piping or conduit above the compressor
motor assembly or behind the suction elbow of the
Figure 4.Clearance requirements
•Minimum vertical clearance above the unit is 92 cm
(3 feet).
•Use a housekeeping pad to provide bet ter service
clearances; refer to submittal for more infor mation.
Per NEC Article 110: Unit mounted starters from 0–600V
require a 107 cm (42 inch) clearance, 601–2500V require a
122 cm (48 inch) clearance, and 2501–9000V require a
152 cm (60 inch) clearance. Refer to NEC and local
electrical codes for starter and control panel clearance
(a) All dimensions are approximate; refer to the unit submittal package for exact dimensions for your unit .
General Weights
The unit weight information provided in
be used f or general information purposes only. Trane
does not recommend using this weight information for
considerations relative to chiller handling. The large
number of variances between chiller selections drives
vari ances in chiller weights that are not recognized in
this table. For specific we ights for your chiller, refer to
your submittal package.
The values in
the following:
• TECU 0.028-i n. (0.71 mm) tube wall.
• 1034.2 kPag (150 psig) non-mari ne waterboxes.
Table 2 representing chiller weights include
Tab le 2 should
• Chillers with starter weights i nclude the weight of
the h eaviest possible starter.
• Heaviest possible bundle and heaviest possible
motor combination for the application family
The values in
Table 2 representing chiller weights do NOT
include the following options:
• INDP (Industrial Contr ol Panel) option—add 23 kg
(50 lb)
• CPTR (Control Panel Transformer) option—add
127 kg (280 lb)
• SMP (Supplemental Motor P rotection) option—add
230 kg (500 lb)
• Oper atin g weights in clude the largest possible
refrigerant charge.
•The stan dard chille r is designed for indoor use only
and as such has NEMA Type 1 or IP 20 enclosures.
•For chillers in unheated equipment rooms, contact
your local Trane service agency for methods to ensure
that the oil temperature is maintained suitable for
proper operation of the chiller.
T o ensure that electrical components operate properly, do
not locate the chiller in an area exposed to dust, dirt,
corrosive fumes, or excessive heat and humidity. The
ambient temperature range for chiller operation is 1.1°C to
40°C (34°F to 104°F).
E quipment Failure!
Unit operating at ambient temperatures exceeding
40°C (104°F) could result in starter component damage
due to the panel’s inabili ty to dissipate heat adequately .
If any of these adverse operating conditions are
present, take necessary action to improve the
equipment room environment.
Foundation Requirements
Chiller mounting surface must be:
• rigid non-warping mounting pads or a concrete
• able to support the chiller at its full operating weight
(including completed piping, and full operating
charges of refrigerant, oil and water.)
F or proper unit operation, the chiller must be level within
1.6 mm (1/16 in.) over its length and width when set into
place on the mounting surface.
approximate weights for various chiller sizes and options.
Note: For specific weigh t information, refer to the unit
submittal package.
Important: Tran e will not assume responsibility for
equipment problems resulting from an
improperly designed or constructed
fou ndation.
Table 2, p . 16 shows
Lifting is the recommended method for moving chillers.
Suggested lifting arrangements for standard units are
described in
Note: The lifting beam used for Simplex units must be at
“ Standard Chiller Lift,” p. 17.
least 4.572 meters (15 feet) long.
Heavy Objects!
Failure to properly lift unit could result in death or
serious injury, or equipment or property-only damage.
Do not use cables (chains or slings) except as s hown in
Figure 5, p. 18. Each of the cables (chains or slings)
used to lift the unit must be capable of supporting the
entire weight of the unit. Lifting cables (chains or
slings) m ay not be of the same length. Adjust as
necessary for even unit lift.
Improper Unit Lift!
Failure to properly lift unit could result in death or
serious injury, or equipment or property-only damage.
•T es t lift unit approximately 61 c m (24 inches ) to verify
proper center of gravity lift point. T o a v oi d dropping
of unit, reposition lifting point if unit is not level.
•Do not lift chiller utilizing waterbox lifting lug.
Waterbox lifting lug is to be used only f o r removing
waterbox from chiller.
•Do not lift chiller utilizing elbow lifting tab. Elbow
lifting tab and approved clevis are used when
removing elbow from chiller.
W iring Damage!
Damage to unit wiring could result in equipment
failure. Care must be t aken during rigging, assembly
and disassembly to avoid damaging unit wiring.
Standard Chiller Lift
1. Insert clevis connections at the points indicated in
Figure 5, p. 18. A 63.5 mm (2.5 in.) diameter lifting hole
is provided at each of these points.
2. Attach the lifting chains or cables.
3. Once the lifting cables are in place, attach a safety chain
or cable between the first-stage casing of the
compressor and the lifting beam.
Important: There should not be tension on this safety
cable; the cable is used only to prevent the
unit from rolling during th e lift.
4. Position isolator pads or spring isolators beneath the
chiller feet (refer to
Note: Follow instructions provided by the spring
isolator man ufacturer, being careful to not
damage isolator adjustment bo lt.
“ Unit Isolation,” p. 19 for
Installation: Mechanical
chain or
Jack slots
4.572 meters
(15 feet)
effective length
5. Once the isolators are in place, lower the chiller—
working from end to end—in small increments to
mai ntain stability.
6. When lift is complete, detach the clevis co nnection s
and safety chain.
Figure 5.Typical rigging arrangements for Simplex
Spec ial Lift Requirements
Oil Loss!
F ailure to prevent oil migration out of the oil tank could
res ult in equipment failure or proper ty-only damage. To
prevent oil migration out of the oil tank during lifting
procedures, remove the oil from the oil tank if the unit
will be lifted at any angle greater than 15° from
horizontal end-to-end. If oil is allowed to run out of the
oil tank into other areas of the chiller, it will be
extremely difficult to return the oil to the oil tank even
during operation.
Equipment Damage!
Moving the chiller using a fork lift could result in
equipment or property-only damage. Do not use a fork
lift to move the chiller!
Compressor Alig nment!
Failure to preserve compressor alignment could result
in equipment or property-only damage. Lifting the
compressor/motor assembly from the shells without
factory-installed doweling in the compressor casting
flanges could result in misalignment of the compres sor
If the chiller cannot be moved using a standard chiller lift,
consider the following:
•When job site conditions require rigging of the chiller
at an angle greater than 45° from horizontal (end-toend), the unit may require removal of the compressor.
Contact Trane or an agent of Trane specifica lly
authorized to perform start-up and warranty of T rane
products reg arding the disassembly and reassembly
work. For more information, refer to
Information,” p. 4
Note: Disassembly and reassembly work includes
dowel-pinning the compressor and removing it
from the unit. Contact Trane or an agent of
Trane specifically authorized to perform startup and warranty of T rane
rigging instructions. Do NOT attempt to rotate
the chiller onto its side.
•When lifti ng the chiller is either i mpractical o r
undesirable, attach cables or chains to the jacking slots
shown in
across a smooth surface. Should the chiller be on a
shippin g skid, it is not necessary to remove the skid
from the chiller before moving it into place.
•If removal of the compressor or economizer assembly
is necessary to move the chiller to the operating
Figure 5, p. 18; th en push or pull the unit
“ Factory Warranty
products for specific
Installation: Mechanical
228.6 mm
(9 in.)
457.2 mm
(18 in.)
9.525 mm
(3/ 8 in.)
I solator Configuration 1
Right front corner of
evap right front foot
I solator Configuration 2
location, contact T rane. F or more information, refer to
“ Factory Warranty Information,” p. 4.
Unit Isolation
T o minimize sound and vibration transmission through the
bui lding structure, and to ensure proper weigh t
distribution over the mount ing surface, always install
isolation pads or spring is olators under the chiller feet.
No te: Isolation pads (see
Figure 6) are provided with each
chiller unless spring isolators are specified on the
sales order.
Specific isolator loading da ta is provided in the unit
submittal package. If necessary, contact your local Trane
sales office for further information.
Important: When determining placement of isolation
pads or spring isolators, remember that the
control panel side of the unit is always
desig nated as the uni t front.
Isolation Pads
When the unit is ready for final placement, position
isolation pads (457.2-mm sides) end for end under the full
length of the chiller leg. The pads measure 228.6 mm x
457.2 mm (9 in. × 18 in.) and on some units there may be
small gaps between pads. Pads are provided to cover
entire foot.
Figure 6.Is olation pad and dimensions
Remember that the chiller must be level within 1.6 mm
(1/16 in.) over its length and width after it is lowered onto
the isolation pads. In addition, all piping connected to the
chiller must be properly isolated and supported so that it
does not place any stress on the unit.
Spring Isolators
Spring isolators should be considered whenever chiller
installation is planned for an upper story location. Base
isolator placement is shown in
Table 3.
Figure 7; also refer to
Figure 7.Isolation spring placement by shell size,
evaporator and condenser lengt h
Table 3.Isolation spring placement, cm (in.)
160M 20HM
160M 200M
100M 100M
130M 130M
100M 10HM
130M 13HM
Width Length
I solator
of Rear
Spring isolators typically ship assembled and ready for
installat ion. To install and adjust the isolators properly,
follow the instructions given.
Installation: Mechanical
Side View of UnitEnd View of Unit
Outside edge
of tube sheet
Center tube
support leg
Center of
Note: The spring isolator must be cent ered
in relation to the tube sheet. Do not
align the isolator with the flat part of
the chiller foot since the tube sheet is
often off center
Note: The length of the
isolator should
be parallel to the
Note: Do not adjust the isolators until the chiller is piped
and charged with refrigerant and water.
1 . Position the spring isolators under the chiller as shown
Figure 7. Ensure that each isolator is centered in
relation to the tube sheet.
No te: Spring isolators shipped with the chiller may
not be identical. Compare the data provided in
the unit submittal package to determine proper
isolator placement.
2. Set the isolators on the sub-base; shim as necessary to
provide a flat, level surface at the same elevation for
the end supports.
Important: Support the full underside of the isolator
base plate; do NOT straddle gaps or small
3. If required, bolt the isolators to the floor through the
slots provided, or cement the pads.
Note: Fastening the isolators to the floor is not
necessary unless specified.
4. If the chiller must be fastened to the isolators, insert
capscrews through the chiller base and into holes
drilled and tapped in the upper housing o f each
Important: Do NOT allow the screws to protrude below
the underside of the isolator upper housing,
or interfere with the adjusting bolts. An
alternative method of fasteni ng the chiller
to the isolators is to ceme nt the neoprene
5. Set the chiller on the isolat ors; refer to
Chiller Lift,” p. 17
. The we ight of the chiller will force
down the upper housing of each isolator, and could
cause it to rest on the isolator’s lower housing (refer to
Figure 8).
“ Standard
Figure 8.Chiller foot and isolator orientation
6. Check the clearance on each isolator. If this dimension
is less than 6.35 mm (1/4 in.) on an y iso lator , use a
wrench to turn the adjusting bolt one complete
revolution upward.
Note: When the load is applied to the isolators (
Step 5),
the top plate of each isola tor moves down to
compress the springs until either the springs
support the load or the top plate rests on the
botto m housing of the isolator. If the springs are
supporting the load, screwing down on the
adjusting bolt (
Step 7) will raise the chiller.
7. Turn the adjusting bolt on each of th e remaining
isolators to obtain the required minimum clearance of
6.35 mm (1/4 in.).
8. Once the minimum required clearance is obtained on
each of the isolators, level the chil ler by turning the
adjusting bolt on each of the isolators on the low side
of the unit. Work from one isol ator to the next.
Important: The chiller must be level to within 1.6mm (1/
16 in.) over its length and width, and the
clearance of each isolator must be at least
6.35 mm (1/4 in.).
Leveling the Unit
The chiller must be set level within 1.6 mm (1/16 in.).
1 . Measure and make a punch mark an equal distance up
from the bottom of each foot of the chiller.
Installation: Mechanical
2. Suspend a clear plastic tube along the length of the
chiller as shown in the following figure.
3. Fill the tube with water u ntil the level aligns with the
punch mark at one end of the chiller.
4. Check the water level at the opposite mark. If the water
level does not align with the punch mark, use full
Figure 9.
Note: Use of a laser level is an acceptable alternative
method to level the unit.
Important: Immediately report any unit damage
incu rr ed during handling or installation at
the job site to the Trane sales office.
length shims to raise one end of the chiller until the
water level at each end of the tube aligns with the
punch mar ks at both ends of the chiller.
5. Once the unit is level across its length, repeat
Step 3 to level the unit across its width.
Step 1
Installation: Water Piping
The following water piping circuits must be installed and
connected to the chiller:
•Pipe the evaporato r in to the chilled water circuit.
•Pipe the condenser into the cooling tower water circuit.
•Optional: A heat-recovery condenser water circuit.
•Optional: An auxiliary condenser water circuit.
No te: Piping must be arranged and supported to avoid
stress on the equipment. It is strongly
recommended that the piping contractor does not
run pipe closer than 0.91 m (3 feet) minimum to the
equipment. This will allow for proper fit upon
arrival of the unit at the job site. Any adjustment
that is necessary can be made to the piping at that
time. Expenses that result from a failure to follow
this recommendation will not be pai d by Trane.
Piping suggestions for each of the water circuits listed
above are ou tli ned in
Piping,” p. 25
installation of field supplied piping compon ents (e.g.,
valves, flow switches, etc.) common to most chiller water
circuits are listed below.
. General recommendations for the
“ Evaporator and Condenser Water
Water Treatment
The use of untreated or improperly treated water in a
CenT raVac may result in inefficient operation and possible
tube damage.
Important: Trane strongly recommends using the
services of a qualified water treatment
specialist to determine necessary water
treatment. A lab el with a customer
disclaimer note is affixed to each unit.
P roper Water Treatment!
Trane assumes no responsibility for equipment failures
which result from untreated or improper l y treated
water, or saline or brackish water. The use of untreated
or improperly treated water in a CenTraVac could result
in scaling, erosi on , corrosion, algae or slime. It is
recommended that the services of a qualified water
treatment specialist be engaged to determine what
water treatment, if any, is required.
Pressure Gauges
Valves—Drains and Vents
W aterbox Damage!
Failure to follow instructions could res ul t in damage to
the waterbox. Do not over-tighten or use excessive
Tef lon® pipe tape when installing valves, drains, plugs
and vents on waterboxes.
1 . Install field-supplied air vents and drain valves on the
waterboxes. Eac h waterbox is provided with a National
Pipe Thread Female (NPTF ) vent and drain connection;
the openi ngs are 19.05 mm (3/4 i n.).
Failure to install pressure-relief valv es in the condenser
and evapora tor water circuits could result in waterbox
damage due to hydrostatic expansion.
2. If necessary for the application, install pressure-relief
valves at the drain connections on the evaporator and
condenser waterboxes. To do so, add a tee with the
relief valve attached to the drain valve. Fol low local
codes for determining if drai n connection is large
enough for relief devices.
T o determine whether or not pressure relief valves are
needed for a specific application, keep in mind that:
a. Vessels with close-coupled shutoff valves may
cause high potentially damaging hydrostatic
pressures as fluid temperature r ises.
b. Relief valves are required by American Society o f
Mechanical Engineers (A SME) codes when the
waterside is ASME. Follow ASME guidelines or
other applicable codes/local regulation to ensure
proper relief valve installation.
Tube Damage!
Failure to install strainers in all water piping entering
the chiller could result in tube plugging conditions that
damage unit components.
Locate pressure gauge taps in a straight length of pi pe.
Place each tap a minimum of one pipe diameter
downstream of any elbow, orifice, etc. F or example, for a
152.4 mm (6 in.) pipe, the tap would be at least 152.4 mm
(6 in.) from any elbow, orifice , etc.
Install a strainer in the entering side of each piping circuit
to av oid possible tube plugging in the chiller with debris.
Required Flow-Sensing Devices
The ifm efector® flow detection controller and sensor (see
“ Water Flow Detection Controller and Sensor—ifm
Installation: Water Piping
A.E40174– 1/2" NPT adapter (for ow probe)
B. SF6200– Flow probe
C. SN0150– Flow control monitor
D.E70231– Combicon connectors (quantity 5)
E.E10965– Micro DC cable, 10m length, PUR jacket
F.F53003– Din rail, 40mm length
Output to
control cabinet
rated using
rail (F) into control cabinet.
in combicon connectors (D) according to
If factory-provided,
located in control panel.
efector,” p. 23) are used to verify evap orat or and
condenser water flows.
If a customer-suppl ied flow sensing device is used to
ensure adequate chiller protection, refer to the wiring
diagrams that shipped with the unit for specific electrical
Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for
device selection and installation.
Water Flow Detection Controller and Sensor—ifm
Figure 10. Installation of ifm efec tor flow detection
controller and sensor
2. Insert the flo w probe through the 1/2-in. NPT adapter
as near the center of the pipe as p ossible (see item
labeled “ 2” in
Figure 10, p. 23). Finger-tighten the
1/2-in. NPT adapter; then, tighten with a wrench an
additional 1-1/4 turns.
Note: When installed, the tip of the ifm efector sensor
probe must be at least 2.54 cm (1 in.) away from
any pipe wall. Placing the tip of the probe at the
center of the pipe is preferred.
3. Install the Micro DC Cable by inserting it through the
wire openings on the back side of the control panel (see
item labeled “ 3” in
Figure 10, p. 23). Install the
supplied Micro DC C able (9 meters [25 feet] in length)
to the Flow Probe and hand-tighten the connector nut.
4. Plug the other end of the Micro DC C able into the Flow
Control Monitor with the Combicon connector (see
item labeled “ 4” in
Figure 10, p. 23). R efer to Figure 11
for cable wiring.
1. Mount the 1/2-in. NPT adapter in a horizonta l or
vertical section of pipe. The maximum distance from
the control panel must not exceed 8.99 meters (29.5 ft)
(see item labeled “ 1” in
five pipe diameters straight run of pipe upstream of the
sensor location, and three pipe diameters straight run
of pipe downstream of the sensor location.
No te: In the case of a horizontal pipe, mounting the
Figure 10, p. 23). Allow at least
sensor in the side of the pipe is preferred. In the
case of a vertical pipe, mounting the sensor in
a place where the water flows upwards is
Installation: Water Piping
Do Not Apply Elec tric al Power to a Unit in
a Vacuum!
Failure to disconnect power to units with
inside-the-delta solid state starters during evacuation
or when the unit is in a deep vacuum could cause
compressor motor damage. Applying electrical power
to a motor in a vacuum could cause damage to the
motor. In addition, on units with inside-the-delta solid
state starters, all power to the unit must be
disconnected prior to evacuating the unit as line power
is directly applied to the motor terminals 4, 5, and 6.
flow setting cutout and adjusting counterclockwise (-)
increases the flow setting cutout.
Note: The “ Temp” potentiometer on the ifm efector
control module has no effect in Trane
application. It is not necessary to make
adjustments to the “ Temp” potentiometer.
8. Once the cutout setting is adjusted, the cutout setpoint
will be indicated with a yellow light on the Flow Control
Monitor LED bar graph display. When the water flows
are higher than the cutout, a green light will indicate
proper flow status. If the flows fall below the cutout
setpoint, a red light will indicat e low/no flow status.
Evaporator and condenser water circuits require proof
of flow switches.
•Failure to include the proof of flow devices and/or
jumping out these devices could cause the unit to
stop on a secondary level of protection.
Note: Graphic lab els (sho wn above) are used for CE
application onl y .
•Before servicing, disconnect all power sources and
allow at least 30 minutes for capacitors to discharg e.
•All electrical enclosures—unit or remote—are IP2X.
5. Apply power to the chiller control panel to verify the
Flow Control Monitor has power and the Low Volt
Broken Wire Re lay light is not lit .
6. Remove all air from the piping circuit prior to adjusting
the low water flow setpoint.
7. Reduce the water flow to the minimum allowable flow
and adjust the Flow setting on the Flow Control
Monitor (see item labeled “ 7” in
the “ Flow” potentiometer clockw ise (+) reduces the
Figure 11). Adjusting
•Frequent cycling on these higher level diagnostic
devices could c ause excessive thermal and pressure
cycling of unit components (O-rings, gaskets,
sensors, motors, controls, etc.) and/or freeze
damage, resulting in premature failure of the chiller.
Failure to provide flow switches or jumping-out of
switches could result in severe equipment damage.
Evaporator and condenser proof of flow switches are
required. These switches are u sed with control logic to
confirm flow prior to starting a unit and to stop a running
unit if flow is lost. For trouble shooting, a viewable
diagnostic is generated if a proof of flow switch does not
close when flow is required.
Installation: Water Piping
Ou tlet
Evaporator and Condenser Water
Figure 12 and Figure 13, p. 25 illustrate the recommended
(typical) water piping arr angements for the evaporator
and condenser.
Figure 12. Typical evaporator water piping circuit
1.Balancing Valve
2. Gate (Iso lation) Valv e or Ball
3. Thermometer (if field supplied)
4. Waterbox Nozzle Connection
5. Drain, Vent, Anode
(a) Flow switch 4B4 may be installed in either the entering or leaving leg
of the chilled wat er circuit.
(b) It is recom mended to pipe the gauge between entering and leavin g
pipes. A shutoff valve on each side of the gauge allows the operator to
read either entering or leaving water pressure.
Figure 13. Typical c o nd en ser water piping circuits
1.Balancing Valve
2. Gate (Iso lation) Valv e or Ball
3. Thermometer (if field supplied)
4. Waterbox Nozzle Connection
5. Drain, Vent, Anode
1 . Som e type of field-supplied temperature control device may be
required to regulate the temperat ure of the heat-recovery condenser
water circuit . For application recom mendations, refer to Heat Recovery Sem inar ( Part 2): "Systems/Equipm ent (AM- FND-8).
2 . Install a bypass valve system to avoid circulating water through the
auxiliary shell when the unit is shut down.
3 . On m ultiple pass condensers, entering condenser water must ent er at
the lowest nozzle.
(a) Flow switch 4B5 may be installed in either the entering or leaving leg
of the water circuit.
(b) It is recomm ended to pipe a single gauge bet ween entering and leaving
6. Strainer
7.Chilled Water Flow Switch
8. P ump
9. Pressure Gauge
6. Strainer
7.Condenser Water Flow
Switch (4B5)
8. 3-Way Valve (Optional)
9. Condenser Water Pump
10. Pressur e Gauge
Piping must be arranged and supported to avoid stress on
the equipment. It is strongly recommended that the piping
contractor does not run pipe closer than 0.91 meters
(3 feet) minimum to the equipment. This will allow for
proper fit upon arrival of the unit at t he jo b site. Any
adjustment that is necessary can be made to the piping at
that time. Expenses that result from a failure to follow this
recommendation will not be paid b y Trane.
Water piping connection sizes and components are
identified in
Table 4, p . 26 and Table 5, p. 27. Remember
that with many waterboxes the entering and leaving
evaporator water can be piped to either waterbox
connection when the tube bundles are split vertically.
However, large evaporator waterboxes, with entering and
leaving connections not at the same level, must be
connected with the entering water at the bottom and the
leaving water at the top.
Waterboxes with multip le pass arrangements uti lize a
baffle to separate the passes. These baffles are designed
for a maximum pressure of 137.9 kPad (20 psid). If larger
pressure drops are expected in the application, contact
your local Trane repr esentative to discuss special
waterbox options.
Impor tant: Water flows must be pi ped i n accordance
with nameplate designation.
Field-provided isolation valves for the evaporator and
condenser water lines should be installed upstream and
downstream of the heat exchangers, and be installed far
enough away from the chiller to also provide practical
service isol ation for flow sensing devices, field
thermometers, flexible connectors, and any removable
pipe spools.
Ensure that the evaporator water piping is clear, check it
after the chilled water pump is operated but before initial
chiller start-up. If any partial blockages exist, they can be
detected and removed to prevent possible tube damage
resulting from evaporator freeze-up or erosion.
For condenser and large evaporator connections, arrange
the water piping so that the water supply enters the shell
at the lower connection, and exits from the top connection.
Operation al problems may result if this piping is n ot
correct. Some shells may be piped as desired since both
connections are at the same level.
For applications th at include an “ infinite source” or
“ multiple-use”, cooling condenser water supply, install a
valved bypass “ leg” (optional) between the supply and
return pi pes. This valved bypass allows the operator to
short-cir cuit water flow through the cooling condenser
when the supply water temperature is too low.
Note: System refrig erant pressure differential must be
maintained ab ove 20.7 kPad (3 psid) at all times.
Fa ilure to do so could result in operating problems.
Installation: Water Piping
Water Piping Connections
All standard units use grooved-pipe connections. These
are grooved-end NSP (Victaulic style) pipe connections.
Flanged connections are optional.
Piping joined using grooved type couplings, like all types
of piping systems, requires proper support to carry the
weight of pipes and equipmen t. The support methods
used must eliminate undue stresses on joints, piping and
other components; allow movement where required, and
provide for any other special requirements (i.e., drainage,
Note: Plug-type sensor extension cables are available for
purchase from Trane P arts Service if needed. These
sensor extension cables may be necessary if the
waterboxes are changed or if the temperature
sensors are moved out into the unit pip ing for
better mixed temperature readings.
Do Not Exchange Positions of Heat
Recovery Waterboxes!
Failure to follow this instruction could prevent proper
unit operation. Contact CenTraVac Technical Service for
switching of heat recovery waterboxes.
If necessary, the non-marine-style waterboxes on each
shell whether evaporator o r condenser can be switched
end-fo r-end to obtain the desired piping arrangement.
If removal of waterboxes is necessary, refer to
Removal and Installation,” p. 98
If the waterboxes on any of the shells are exchanged endfor-end, be sure to reinstall them right side up to maintain
the correct baffle arrangements. Use a new gasket with
each waterbox cover.
“ Waterbox
Installation: Water Piping
Water Box
Flange AdaptorTrane Provided
Wat erbox
Flange Adaptor
Tra n e prov ided
Water Box
Style 77 Flexible
Customer Provided
Wat erbox
Style 77 Flexible
Customer provided
Three-pass waterboxes have lifting lugs on the top and
bottom. When reinstalling, ensure that the waterbox is
oriented the same way it as removed.
Grooved Pipe Coupling
A customer-supplied, standard flexible groo ved pipe
coupling (Victaulic Style 77 or equivalent) should be used
to complete the Victaulic connection for both 1034.2 kPag
or 150 psig and 2068.4 kPag or 300 psig waterboxes.
When a flexible coupling such as this is installed at the
waterbox connections, other flexible piping connectors
(i.e., braided-steel, elastomeric arch, etc.) are usually not
required to attenuate vibration and/or prevent stress on
the connections.
Table 5.Water piping connection components
Custom er Piping Connection
Unit Model
CVHHVictaulic (All others)
Figure 15. Customer piping connection types
•Refer to the coupling manufacturer’s guidelines for
specific information concerning proper piping system
design and construction methods for grooved water
piping systems.
•Flexible coupling gaskets require proper lubrication
before installation to provide a good seal. Refer to the
coupling manufacturer’s guidelines for proper
lubricant type and application.
Flange-Connection Adapters
When flat-face flange connections are specified, flange-togroove adapters are provided (Victaulic Style 741 for
1034.2 kPag or 150 psig systems; Style 743 for 2068.4 kPag
or 300 psig systems). The adapters are shipped bolted to
one of the chi ller end-supports. A dapter descripti ons are
Unit Connection
Flanged (Condenser
032–050 150 psig
[103 4.2 kPag] non-
marine only)
Victaulic coupling
No adapter
Trane provided
flang e adapter
given in
Table 6, p . 28 and Table 7, p. 28. The flange
adapters provide a direct, rigid connection of flanged
components to the grooved-pipe chiller waterbox
Figure 16. Typical shipping location for flange
In this case, the use of flexible type connecto rs (i.e.,
braided steel, elastomeric arch, etc.) are recommended to
attenuate vibration and prevent stress at the waterbox
connections. Flange adapter s are no t provided for CVHH
units with 2068.4 kPa or 300 psig waterboxes that hav e
356 mm (14 in.) and larger piping connections.
All flange-to-flange assembly bolts must be provided by
the installer. Bolt sizes and number required are given in
Table 6, p. 28 and Table 7, p. 28. The four draw-bolts
needed for the 355.6 mm (14 in.) and larger Style 741
(1034.2 kPag or 150 psig) adapters are provided. The
Style 741, 1034.2 kPag or 150 psig flange adapter requires
a smooth, hard surface for a good seal.
Connection to other type flange faces (i.e., raised, serrated,
rubber, etc.) will require the use of a flange washer
between the faces. Refer to the flange adapter
manufacturer’s guidelines for specific information.
The Style 743 (2068.4 kPa or 300 psig) flange adapters are
designed to mate with raised-face flanges. They can be
used with flat-faced flanges; however, only if t he raised
projections on the outside face of the adapter are
removed; see
Figure 17. The flange-adapter gasket must
be placed with the color-coded lip on the pipe and the other
lip facing the mating flange.
Piping Connection Leaks!
Failure to provide effective seal could result in
equipment or property-only damage. To provide
effective s eal, gasket contact surfaces of adapter must
be free of gouges, undulations or deformities.
Installation: Water Piping
Remove to mate
to flat-faced
Figure 17.Modifying 300 psig or 21 bar flange adaptors
3. Align and bring two pipe ends together and slide
Victaulic Gasket Installation
gasket into position centered between the grooves on
each pipe. No portion of the gasket should extend into
1. Inspect supplied gasket to b e cert ain it is suited for
intended service (code identifies gasket grade). Apply
a thin coat of silicone lubricant to gasket tips and
outside of gasket.
2. Install gasket, placing gasket over pipe end and making
sure gasket lip does not overh ang pipe end. Refer to
Figure 18 f or gasket configuration.
the groove on either pipe.
4. Open fully and place hinged Victaulic flange around
the grooved pipe end with the circular key section
locating into the groove.
5. Insert a standard bolt through the mating holes of the
Victaulic flange to secure the flange firmly i n the
6. Tighten fasteners alternately and equally until housing
bolt pads are firmly together (metal to metal); refer to
“ Bolt-Tightening Sequence for Water Piping
Connections,” p. 29
. Do not excessivel y tighten
Note: Uneven tightening may cause gasket to pinch.
Table 6.Installation data for 150 psig flange adapters (Style 741)
Nominal Pipe Size
As sem bly Bolt
20083/ 4 x 3-1/2829811.757.516.6
250107/8 x 41236214.251124.2
300127/8 x 4124321721.246.8
350141 x 4-1/ 21247618.7528.162
400161 x 4-1/ 21654021.2535.879
450181-1/ 8 x 4-3/ 41657822.7537.382.3
500201-1/ 8 x 5-1/ 4206352546.9103.3
600241-1/ 4 x 5-3/ 42074929.564.4142
(a) Bolt size for conventional flange to flange connect ion. Longer bolts are required when flange washer m ust be used.
( a )
Number of
Assem bly Bolts
Bolt Pattern Diam eterWeight
Table 7.Installation data for 350 psig flange adapters (Style 743)
Nominal Pipe Size
219.183/ 4 x 4-3/ 4123301315.634.3
273.0101 x 5-1/ 41638715.2521.948.3
323.9121-1/ 8 x 5-3/ 41645117.7532. 070.5
(a) Bolt size for conventional flange to flange connect ion. Longer bolts are required when flange washer m ust be used.
Assem bly Bolt
( a)
Number of
As sem bly Bolts
Bolt Pattern Diam eterWeight
Bolt-Tightening Sequence for
8 bolt flange
12 bolt flange
16 bolt flan ge20 bolt flan ge
Water Piping Connections
This section describes a bolt-tightening sequence for
flanges with flat gaskets or O-rings. Remember that
improperly tightened flanges may leak.
No te: Before tightening any of the bolts, align the flanges.
Flanges with 8 or 12 Bolts
Tighten all bolts to a snug tightness, following the
numerical sequence for the appropriate bolt pattern as
shown below. Repeat this sequence to apply the final
torque to each bolt.
Installation: Water Piping
Flanges with 16 or 20 Bolts
Tighten only the first half of the total number of bolts to a
snug tightness, following the numerical sequence for the
appr opriate bolt pattern as shown below. Nex t,
sequentially tighten the remaining half of the bolts in
numerical order.
Pressure Testing Waterside Piping
E quipment Damage!
Failure to follow these instructions could result in
equipment damage. Do not over pressurize the system
or exceed design pressure. Always perform as a hydro
pressure test with water present in piping and
Waterside design pressure is either 1034.2 or 2068.4 kP ag
(150 or 300 psig); refer to unit nameplate or to submittal
Vent Piping
Refrigerant Vent Line
General Requirements
State and local codes, and ASHRAE Standard 15 contain
requirements for venting the relief device on the chiller to
the atmosphere outside of the building. These
requirements include, but are not limited to, permitted
mat erials, sizing, and pro per termination.
No te: The following information is a general outline of
vent-line installation requirements based on
ASHRAE Standard 15. Most codes contain similar
requirements but may vary in some significant
areas. The i nstaller must check state and local
codes and follow the specific requirements
applicable to the location.
Purge Discharge
To comply with ASHRAE Standard 15, the discharge
piping from purge units that remove noncondensible gas
from refrigerating systems must conform to the ASHRAE
Standard 15 requirements for relief piping. To h elp meet
this requirement, the purge discharge is factory-piped to
the relief device assembly.
Vent Line Materials
All materials in the relief device vent system must be
compatible with the refrigerant in use. Commonly used
and accepted p iping materials include steel and DWV
(drain/ waste/vent) copper. Consult local codes for
restrictions on materials. Consult with the manufacturers
of any field-provided components or materials for
acceptable material compatibility.
No te: PVC piping is acceptable for use as a v ent line
material with R-1233
the sections of plastic pipe may not be. When
considering a v ent system constructed of plastic
piping, such as PVC, ensure that both the pipe
material and the adhesive have been tested for
refrigerant compatibility. In addition, verify that the
local codes permit PVC for refrigerant vent lines;
even though ASHRAE Standard 15 doesn’t prohibit
its use, some local codes do.
The following materials for PVC pipe construction are
recommended for use with R-1233
• Hercules—PVC Primer #60-465
• Hercules—Clear PVC, Medium Body/Medium Set,
• RECTORSEAL—PVC Cement, Gene™ 404L
PV C Cleaner—Sam™ CL-3L
(E), but the glue that joins
Vent Line Sizing
Vent line size must conform to lo cal codes and
requirements. In most cases, local codes are based on
ASHRAE Standard 15. ASHRAE Standard 15 provides
specific requirements for the discharge piping that allows
pressure-relief devices to safely vent refrigerant to the
atmosphere if over pressurization occurs. In part, the
standard mandates that:
•The minimum pipe size of the vent line must equal the
size of the discharge connection on the pressure-relief
device. A larger vent line size may be necessary,
depending on the length of the run.
•T wo or more relief devices can be piped together only if the vent line is sized to handle all devices that could
relieve at the same time.
•When two or more relief devices share a common vent
line, the shared line must equal or exceed the sum of
the outlet areas of all upstream relief devices,
depending on the resulting back pressure.
ASHRAE Standard 15 provides guidance for determining
the maximum vent line length. It also provides the
equation (shown in
properly size the vent line at the outlet of a pressure-relief
device or fusible plug.
The equation accounts for the relationship between pipe
diameter, equivalen t pipe len gth, and the pr essure
difference bet ween the vent line inlet and outlet to help
ensure that the vent line syst em provides sufficient flow
Table 8, p. 35 provides additional information based on
ASHRAE Standard 15, including:
•Capacities of various vent line sizes and l engths.
However, this data applies only to conventional
pressure-relief valves and NOT to balanced relief
valves, rupture members (as used on Trane
centrifu gal chill ers), fusible plugs, or pilot-operated
•A simplified meth od to determine the appropriate
vent-line size, with
with the total C value, read across to a pipe curve and
down to find the maximum allowable length for that
size pipe.
To determine the total C value for a specific unit, add
the appropriate C values for the evaporator, standard
condenser, and economizer. If the unit is equipped with
any options (e.g., heat recovery, free cooling, or an
auxiliary condenser), add the applicable C value(s) for
those options to the total as well.
Table 8, p. 35 and Figure 23, p. 36 are applicable
only for non-manifolded vent-line runs connected
to a 344.7 kPa (50 psi) rupture disk relief device. The
pipe length provided by the table is in “equivalent
feet.” The vent-line length in equivalent feet is the
Figure 23, p. 36) and data necessary to
Figure 23, p. 36. Enter the figure
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