Trane Custom Climate Changer Air Handlers, CAH-SVX01A-EN User Manual

Installation Operation Maintenance
Custom Climate Changer™ Air Handlers
Part No. X39640745010
July 2005 CAH-SVX01A-EN
Warnings and Cautions appear at appropriate sections throughout this manual. Read these carefully.
...indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
...indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
...indicates a situation that may result in equipment or property-damage-only accidents.
Use this manual to install, startup, operate, and maintain the Custom Climate Changer™ air handler. Carefully review the procedures discussed in this manual to minimize installation and startup difficulties.
Unit Description
Custom Climate Changer™ air handlers are designed for a variety of controlled-air applications. The basic unit consists of a fan, heating and/or cooling coils, filters, and dampers. See the unit submittal drawings for detailed descriptions.
Each unit is provided with a nameplate. This nameplate includes unit model number, serial number and electrical data.
The fans are internally isolated. To insure fan stability, the unit ships with a minimum of four lock-down devices that prevent the fan from shifting during shipment and installation. These spacers must be removed prior to fan operation to assure proper vibration isolation. Retain these spacers for use in adjusting fan isolators if required.
The units are available with factory
mounted controls for climate and humidity control. These can be use as stand-alone devices or operate with a complete controls system. End devices include factory-mounted starters and variable speed drives.
Custom Climate Changer™ air handlers ship as complete assemblies or in sections. Some jobsite assembly is required when the units ship in sections.
Protecting the Environment
World environmental scientists have concluded, based on the best currently available evidence, that ozone in our upper atmosphere is being reduced due to the release of CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) fully halogenated compounds.
Trane urges that all HVAC servicers working on Trane equipment, or any manufacturer’s products, make every effort to eliminate, if possible, or vigorously reduce the emission of CFC, HCFC (halocarbon that contains fluorine, chlorine, carbon, and hydrogen), and HFC (halocarbon that contains only fluorine, carbon, and hydrogen) refrigerants to the atmosphere resulting from installation, operation, routine maintenance, or major service on this equipment. Always act in a responsible manner to conserve refrigerants for continued use even when acceptable alternatives are available.
Refrigerant used in any type of air­conditioning or refrigerating equipment should be recovered for reuse, recovered and/or recycled for reuse, reprocessed (reclaimed), or properly destroyed, whenever it is removed from equipment. Never
release it to the atmosphere!
Introduction .........................................................................3
Unit Description .................................................................................. 3
Protecting the Environment ................................................................ 3
Contents ............................................................................... 4
General Information ............................................................ 5
Operating Environment ....................................................................... 5
Controls ............................................................................................... 5
Ultraviolet (UV) Germicidal Irradiation Lights (optional) ....................... 6
Pre-Installation Requirements ...........................................7
Receiving Checklist ............................................................................. 7
Resolving Shipping Damage ............................................................... 7
Job Site Storage Recommendations ................................................... 7
Preparing the Unit Site ........................................................................ 8
Roof Curb Installation .......................................................................... 9
Installation ......................................................................... 10
Lifting and Rigging .............................................................................10
Unit Assembly ....................................................................................11
TCP Model Assembly Instructions .................................................... 12
TCC Model Assembly Instructions .....................................................17
Duct Connections ............................................................................. 24
Component Installation Requirements ............................................. 24
Coil Piping and Connections ............................................................. 28
Wiring ................................................................................................ 41
External Insulating Requirements ..................................................... 42
Startup ............................................................................... 43
Pre-Startup Checklist ......................................................................... 43
Unit Operation................................................................................... 44
Determine Fan Speed ....................................................................... 47
Sheave Alignment ............................................................................. 47
Multibelt Check ................................................................................. 47
Routine Maintenance ........................................................48
Air Filters ........................................................................................... 49
Drain Pans ......................................................................................... 50
Fans ................................................................................................... 50
Coils .................................................................................................. 52
Moisture Purge Cycle ........................................................................ 53
Internal Insulation .............................................................................. 54
Ultraviolet (UV) Germicidal Irradiation Lights ..................................... 55
Troubleshooting ................................................................56
General Information
Operating Environment
When considering the placement of the Custom Climate Changer air handler, it is important to consider the operating environment. The acceptable ambient temperature range for unit operation is -40ºF to 140ºF (-40ºC to 60ºC).
For heating applications, a special motor may be required to withstand the higher temperatures. Motors with Class B insulation are acceptable for ambient temperatures up to 104º F, while motors with Class F insulation can withstand ambient temperatures to +140º F (60º C).
For the units furnished with gas furnaces, the heating demands require a special motor to withstand the higher temperatures. These motors are furnished with Class “H” insulation to withstand this rigorous duty.
Note: The customer should provide adequate freeze protection for the coils.
Wiring Sizes and Connections
As a standard, there are no penetrations into the Custom air handler for any field-provided wiring or device. Before installation, consider overall unit serviceability and accessibility before mounting, running wires (power), making cabinet penetrations, or mounting any components to the module cabinet.
Wiring to the unit must be provided by the installer and must comply with all national and local electrical codes. The fan motor nameplate includes a wiring diagram. If there are any questions concerning the wiring of the motor, be sure to write down the information from the motor nameplate and contact your local fan motor manufacturer representative for assistance.
Factory-Mounted Controls
Small items that cannot be factory mounted will ship inside the control enclosures. Larger items may ship inside the fan module.
Note: All control valves ship directly to the “ship-to address” from the vendor unless another address is given on the Trane sales order.
Depending on job requirements, the customer may need to provide 120 Vac control power. A dedicated 15-amp circuit is recommended.
Factory-mounted control systems ordered with factory-mounted starters or VFDs are supplied with line to 24 Vac control transformers. No additional power wiring is required.
For a more in-depth understanding of controls, refer to the following manuals:
For factory-configured AH540/ AH541 controllers, CNT-SVX05B-EN
For programmable MP580 controllers, CNT-SVP01A-EN
For hardware installation, CNT-SVN01A-EN
For Danfoss VFD, TR1-SVX10A-EN
For universal programmable control modules (UPCMs):
Custom air handlers and/or field­installed accessories that must be stored for a period of time prior to being installed must be protected from the elements. All controllers and electrical/ electronic components should be stored in conditions of -20 to 120°F and 5- to 95-percent relative humidity non­condensing. Electrical components are not moisture-tolerant.
Note: The warranty will not cover damage to the unit or controls due to negligence during storage. A controlled indoor environment is recommended for proper storage. For further storage considerations, refer to “Job Site Storage Recommendations” on page 7.
General Information
Ultraviolet (UV) Germicidal Irradiation Lights (optional)
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) believes that molds and bacteria inside buildings have the potential to cause health problems in sensitive individuals provides ultraviolet lights (UV-C) as a factory-engineered and installed option in select commercial air handling products.
When UV lights are factory provided, polymer materials that are susceptible to deterioration by the UV-C light will be substituted or shielded from direct exposure to the light.
In addition, UV-C radiation can damage human tissue, namely eyes and skin. To reduce the potential for inadvertent exposure to the lights by operating and maintenance personnel, electrical interlocks that automatically disconnect power to the lights are provided at all unit entry points to equipment where lights are located.
1.United Sates Environmental Protection Agency; A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture and your Home; Brochure EPA 402-K-02-003.
. If specified, Trane
Equipment Damage From Ultraviolet (UV) Lights!
Trane does not recommend field installation of ultraviolet lights in its air handling equipment for the intended purpose of improving indoor air quality. High intensity C­band ultraviolet light is known to severely damage polymer (plastic) materials and poses a personal safety risk to anyone exposed to the light without proper personal protective equipment (can cause damage to eyes and skin). Polymer materials commonly found in HVAC equipment that may be susceptible include insulation on electrical wiring, fan belts, thermal insulation, various fasteners and bushings. Degradation of these materials can result in serious damage to the equipment.
Trane accepts no responsibility for the performance or operation of our air handling equipment in which ultraviolet devices were installed outside of the Trane factory.
Pre-Installation Requirements
Receiving Checklist
Based on customer requirements, Custom Climate Changer air handlers can ship as complete units or as individual sections to be field assembled.
Upon receipt of the unit(s) and prior to unloading, remove any shipping material and inspect the unit for damage and verify that the shipment is complete.
Note: Delivery cannot be refused. Trane is not responsible for shipping damage.
1 Visually inspect components for
any damage that may have occurred during shipment.
2 Check all access doors to confirm
that the latches and hinges are not damaged.
3 Inspect the interior of each
section for any internal damage.
Note: Concealed damage must be reported within 15 days of receipt.
4 Inspect the coils for damage to
the fin surface and/or coil connections.
5 If the unit was ordered with
factory-mounted controls, locate all sensors.
Note: Items that cannot be factory­mounted should ship inside the control enclosures or should be packaged inside the fan module or mixing box module.
6 Check all devices attached to the
unit exterior and confirm that they are not damaged.
7 Manually rotate the fan wheel to
ensure free movement of the shaft, bearings, and drive. Inspect the fan housing for any foreign objects.
8 Locate assembly hardware.
9 Inspect and test all piping for
possible shipping damage. Nipples may be installed on coils at the factory but should always be tightened and tested before any connections are made. Rough handling during shipping, in addition to other factors can cause pipe connections to become loose.
Note: Trane will not be responsible for any leak at the field connections. Coils have been factory pressure tested before shipping.
Resolving Shipping Damage
Trane air handlers ship free on board (FOB), meaning that the unit belongs to the customer the moment the delivery truck leaves the factory. If damage has occurred to the unit during shipment, follow these instructions:
Note: Trane is not responsible for shipping damage.
1 Make specific notation,
describing the damage, on the freight bill. Take photos of the damaged material, if possible.
2 Report all claims of shipping
damage to the delivering carrier immediately and coordinate carrier inspection, if necessary.
Note: Do not attempt to repair the unit without consulting the delivering carrier.
3 Notify your Trane sales
representative of the damage and arrange for repair.
Note: Do not attempt to repair the unit without consulting the Trane sales representative.
4 Keep the damaged material in
the same location as it was received.
Note: It is the receiver's responsibility to provide reasonable evidence that concealed damage was not incurred after delivery.
Job Site Storage Recommendations
Custom units and/or field-installed accessories that must be stored for a period of time before installation must be protected from the elements. A controlled indoor environment is recommended for proper storage.
Note: The warranty does not cover damage to the unit or controls due to negligence during storage.
CAUTION Use Canvas Only!
Use only canvas tarps to cover air handlers. Plastic tarps cause condensation to form in and on the equipment, which can result in corrosion damage or wet storage stains.
Pre-Installation Requirements
General Storage
The unit controller and all other electrical/electronic components should be stored in conditions of
-20ºF to 120°F and 5 to 95 percent relative humidity, non-condensing. Electrical components are not moisture-tolerant. Factory protective coverings should be removed prior to storage.
Long-Term Storage
For longer periods of storage, allow proper clearance around the unit to perform periodic inspection and maintenance of the equipment.
While the unit is in storage:
Every two weeks, rotate the fan and motor shaft 30 revolutions by hand.
Every six months, check fan shaft bearings and grease lines. Add grease using a manual grease gun following the lubrications recommendations in “Fan Bearing Lubrication” on page 51.
Outdoor Storage Considerations
Outdoor storage is not recommended; however, when outdoor storage is necessary, several things must be done to prevent damage:
Note: Keep the equipment in the original shipping container for protection and ease of handling.
1 Select a well-drained area,
preferably a concrete pad or blacktop surface.
2 Place the unit on a dry surface or
raised off the ground to assure adequate air circulation beneath the unit and to assure no portion of the unit will contact standing water at any time.
3 Loosen the belt tension on the
drive belts.
4 Cover the unit securely with a
canvas tarp.
5 Do not stack units.
6 Do not pile other material on the
Preparing the Unit Site
1 Ensure the installation site can
support the total weight of the unit. The building roof must be able to support the entire weight of the unit, roof curb and accessories. Refer to the unit submittals for weights.
2 Allow sufficient space to allow
adequate free air and necessary service access. Refer to submittals for specific minimums.
3 Allow room for supply and
return piping, ductwork, electrical connections, and coil removal.
4 Ensure there is adequate height
for condensate drain requirements. See “Drain Pan Trapping” on page 29.
Note: Inadequate height may necessitate core-drilling the floor to attain proper trap height. Insufficient height could inhibit condensate drainage and result in flooding the unit and/or equipment room.
Level Foundation!
The floor or foundation must be level and the condensate drain at the proper height for proper coil drainage and condensate flow. Standing water and wet surfaces inside air-handling units could result in microbial growth, which may cause unpleasant odors, serious health problems, or death.
5 Confirm the foundation of the
mounting platform is level and large enough to include the unit dimensions (refer to the unit submittals for specific dimensions).
6 Provide adequate lighting for
maintenance personnel to perform maintenance duties.
7 Provide permanent power
outlets in close proximity to the unit for installation and maintenance.
8 Depending upon job
requirements, the customer may need to provide 120 Vac power to the unit controller. Refer to submittals for more information. A dedicated 15-amp circuit is recommended.
9 Wiring for Custom units must be
provided by the installer and must comply with all national and local electrical codes.
10 Rooftop curb mounted units
must be sealed tightly to the curb. Use proper sealants and roof to curb sealing techniques to prevent water and air leakage.
Note: Preparation of the roof curb or pier mount and roof openings should be completed prior to lifting the unit to the roof.
Pre-Installation Requirements
Roof Curb Installation
It is recommended that the curb be installed directly on the support members and fastened to the supports using tack welds or other equivalent methods. Properly supported decking should be installed inside the air handler section of the curb when this method is used. (See Figure 1)
Figure 1. Cross section of typical curb installation on new construction
Typical Curb Installation Checklist
Verify that the roof structure can adequately support the combined weight of the unit and curb assembly.
Ensure that the selected installation location provides sufficient service and operational clearances.
Remove any twist within the curb due to roof supports and square the curb.
Level the curb.
Secure the curb to the roof support members.
Install 2-inch thick boards or rigid insulation around the curb.
Install cant strips around the curb.
Bring field supplied roofing felt up to the top of the curb nailing strips. ail felt into place.
Install field supplied flashing under the lip of the curb flanges and over the felt.
Apply sealant to the four corners. Caulk all joints between the curb and the roof. Attach the gasket material to the curb’s top flanges (entire perimeter) and to the supply and return air duct opening panel flanges
Lifting and Rigging
Lifting and Rigging!
Do not lift, rig, or ceiling-suspend from the top of the unit. Lift from lifting lugs only, located at the bottom of the unit. Use all lifting lugs provided.
Do not use cables (chains or slings) except as shown. Each of the cables (chains or slings) used to lift the unit must be capable of supporting the entire weight of the unit. Lifting cables (chains or slings) may not be of the same length. Adjust as necessary for even unit lift.
Do not use a fork lift for handling units. This may result in equipment damage. Trane is not responsible for equipment damage resulting from improper forklifting practices.
Test lift unit approximately 24 inches to verify proper center of gravity lift point. To avoid dropping of unit, reposition lifting point if unit is not level.
Always place, assemble, and suspend sections one at a time.
Failure to follow instructions could result in death or serious injury or equipment damage.
Figure 2. Recommended attachment to lifting lugs.
Figure 3. Use proper lifting and rigging methods
Per job requirements, air handlers will ship as a complete assembly or in sections.
Trane recommends that the contractor use spreader bars and slings to rig units and subassemblies.
Before preparing the unit for lifting, estimate the approximate center of gravity for lifting safety. Because of the placement of internal components, the unit weight may be unevenly distributed, with more weight in the coil and fan areas. Refer to the unit submittals for section weights. Test the unit for proper balance and rigging before lifting.
General Lifting Considerations
Always rig subassemblies or
Always assemble unit at the
Make the loop of the sling
Each of the cables used to lift the
When hoisting the unit into
sections as they ship from the factory. See the unit submittal drawings for correct placement of sections.
installation site. Never bolt sections together before rigging.
parallel to the direction of airflow, if possible.
unit must be capable of supporting the entire weight of the unit.
position, use the proper rigging method, such as straps, slings, spreader bars, or lifting lugs for protection and safety.
Note: Never lift units in windy conditions.
Personnel should be positioned overhead and on the ground to guide the crane or helicopter operator in positioning the sections.
The air handler is not designed to be lifted, rigged or ceiling suspended from the top of the unit.
Never stack the pipe cabinet and inlet hoods on the unit as the unit is being lifted.
Do not attach the intake/exhaust hoods to the unit prior to lifting the unit. Doing so may damage the equipment. Attach the hoods to the unit only after all sections are in place.
Unit Assembly
Note: If the unit is shipped as a complete assembly, go to “Coil Piping and Connections” on page 28.
Prior to unit assembly, refer to the unit submittal drawings and unit tagging for correct placement of sections. Failure to review the submittal drawings could result in performance or assembly problems. If there are any discrepancies, contact your local Trane sales representative before proceeding.
All shipping supports and crating on the face of the sections must be removed and discarded to permit proper fit-up and sealing of the surfaces.
Units may be mounted on the roof with a roof curb or pier mount. Units may be mounted indoors on housekeeping pads. Refer to submittals for unit dimensions and openings.
Note: For proper operation, the unit must be supported around the entire unit base perimeter. If the unit is shipped in sections, the entire section perimeter must be supported, as well as at the base channels of the unit splits.
Provide clearance around the unit to allow adequate free air and necessary service access. Also, allow room for supply and return piping, ductwork, electrical connections, and coil removal.
The building roof must be able to support the entire weight of the unit, roof curb and accessories. See submittals for approximate unit weights.
Preparation of the roof curb or pier mount and roof openings should be completed prior to lifting the unit to the roof.
Check that the gasketing or sealant on the roof curb is intact and provides an airtight seal with the unit base.
Complete all ductwork, piping and electrical connections only after mounting the unit.
Assembly Hardware
Air handlers ship with all necessary assembly hardware and gasket material. This hardware is packaged in either a clear plastic envelope or cardboard box and can be found inside one of the sections. If space inside a section is not adequate, a crate or pallet will be loaded onto the bed of the truck. Check the Parts List on the Field Assembly drawing against the contents of the crate. Do not proceed with unit assembly until verification that all materials are present. The number of sections to be assembled often makes it necessary to use more than one section to ship the material. Please check all sections thoroughly before contacting your local Trane sales engineer to report missing hardware.
TCP Model Assembly Instructions
If your nameplate model number begins with TCP, use the assembly instructions below.
Joining Sections Edge-to­Edge
Units must be installed level for proper drainage of condensate from the drain pan. In addition, each section in a multi-section unit must be properly supported.
Note: Leveling each section, beginning with the first, is critical. Failure to level and align the sections immediately creates greater misalignment or even structural damage afterward.
1 Remove all crating and wrapping
from the surfaces to be joined.
two sections should be within 12 inches to reduce the amount of dragging required.
6 Remove lifting lugs on mating
section as required.
7 Insert threaded rods through
each hole of each mating connecting plate (see Figure 4). Bring each connecting surface together uniformly until gasketing is contacted.
Note: Use field provided threaded rods inserted in all holes of each connecting plate to prevent damage and distortion of the sections as they are joined. Tighten all rods in sequence. Do not try to join sections by tightening only some of the rods.
Figure 4. Insert threaded rods through each hole of mating connecting plate.
Note: Failure to compress the gasketing may result in air leakage.
8 Secure the unit sections at the
base using the field provided bolts, nuts and washers at the connecting plates.
9 Once the sections are pulled
together, install the assembly hardware as applicable for the walls, roof, and the base as demonstrated in the following assembly sections.
2 Place one section of the air
handler into the desired position. Verify each section is level and properly supported prior to proceeding with assembly. Each unit must be level side-to-side and front to back. Check squareness measuring the critical dimensions given.
3 When the unit is positioned and
squareness is assured within 1/8­inch, remove all lifting lugs located along the split plane.
4 Install 4-inch x 1/4-inch neoprene
gasket to all mating surfaces of the section, including the internal walls. This gasket must be applied to the full perimeter of the section split of both sections to be joined.
5 Move the next mating section
into alignment with the positioned section. Alignment of sections must be completed before gasket surfaces meet. The
TCP Base Section Assembly (Typical)
Note: Failure to completely compress the gasketing may result in air leakage.
1 Join the two units and secure
with field provided 5/8-inch flat washers and 5/8-inch X 2-1/2-inch grade 9 bolts though each of the six holes.
2 Caulk the overlapping flange
along the length of each split to maintain a seal.
Note: Use a polyurethane or equivalent caulk.
Figure 5. TCP base assembly
3 Apply the 3-inch X 1/8-inch
gasket evenly across the two joined edges of the splits.
4 Before installing the pre-cut 4-
inch 18 gauge joining strip over the gasket, pre-drill holes in the floor using the 4-inch strip as a guide with a 7/32-inch drill bit at 12 inch centers.
5 Apply the 4-inch joining strip
over the gasket and uniformly straddle the splits. Secure with number 14 sheet-metal screws at 12-inch centers.
WITH 7/32"
5/8" X 2 1/2" GRADE 9 BOLTS
3" X 1/8" GASKET
@ 12" CTR'S.
4" X 1/4" GASKET.
TCP Wall Section Assembly (Typical)
1 Apply the walls and join at the
inside angles with number 14 sheet-metal screws on 12-inch centers along the length of the angles.
2 Apply the 1/8-inch gasket evenly
to the exterior of the walls across the two joined edges of the splits.
3 Before installing the pre-cut
joining strip over the gasket, pre­drill holes in the wall using the strip as a guide with a number 29 drill bit at 12-inch centers.
Figure 6. TCP outdoor roof assembly
4 Apply the joining strip over the
gasket and uniformly straddling the splits. Secure with number 10 sheet metal screws.
5 Fit the pre-cut hub cap over the
joining strip the vertical height of the wall flush with the roof and secure it to the wall with number 8 sheet metal screws. Fill the top and bottom openings with caulk as moisture seal. Pre drill holes with a number 29 bit.
TCP Outdoor Roof Section Assembly (Typical)
1 Align the roof splits and join the
interior section trim with number 14 sheet metal screws on 12 inch centers.
2 Add a bead of caulk along the
length of the roof seams. Install the pre-cut J-cap over the seam and secure with number 14 sheet metal screws on 12-inch centers.
Note: Use a polyurethane or equivalent caulk. It may be necessary to clamp the joint together or predrill to prevent separation when drilling with screws.
3 Apply caulk to the end cap
interior surface. Secure the end cap on the J-cap with one number 10 screw.
4" X 1/4" GASKET
SECURE w/#14 S.M. @ 12" CENTERS.
TCP Indoor Roof Section Assembly (Typical)
1 Align the walls and join the
inside angles with number 14 sheet metal screws on 12-inch centers along the length of the angles.
2 Apply a bead of caulk along the
length of the roof seam joint.
3 Apply the 1/8-inch gasket on the
exterior of the roof evenly across the roof split.
Figure 7. TCP indoor roof assembly
WITH #29
4 Before installing the pre-cut
joining strip over the gasket, pre­drill holes in the roof using the strip as a guide with a number 29 drill bit at 12-inch centers.
5 Apply the joining strip over the
gasket and uniformly straddling the splits. Secure with #10 sheet metal screws.
6 Fit the pre-cut hub cap and
secure it to the roof with #8 sheet metal screws. Fill the end openings with caulk as moisture seal. Note: Pre drill the screw holes with a number 29 bit.
(2) 1 1/4" X 6" GALVANIZED ANGLE
4" X 1/4" GASKET
TCP Base to Interior Wall Section Assembly (Typical)
Note: Failure to completely compress the gasketing may result in air leakage.
1 Join the two units and secure
with field provided 5/8-inch flat washers and 5/8-inch X 2-1/2-inch grade 9 bolts though each of the six holes.
Figure 8. TCP base to interior wall sections
2 Apply caulk the length of the
base between the 2-inch X 2-inch angle on the one base section and the wall on the adjoining section. See Illustration below. Note: Use a polyurethane or equivalent caulk.
3 Secure the 2-inch X 2-inch angle
to the adjoining wall with number 14 sheet-metal crews on 12-inch centers along the length of the angle and wall.
4" X 1/4" GASKET
W/#14 S.M. SCREWS @ 12" CTR'S
TCC Model Assembly Instructions
If your nameplate model number begins with TCC, use the assembly instructions below.
Joining sections - Edge to Edge
Units must be installed level for proper drainage of condensate from the drain pan and for squareness of the sections during installation. In addition, each section in a multi­section unit must be properly supported.
Note: Leveling each section, beginning with the first section, is critical. Failure to level and align the sections immediately creates greater misalignment or even structural damage afterward.
Remove all wooden blocks under the unit and shipping protection from adjoining surfaces (see Figure 9).
Place the first section of the air handler on the end of the roof curb or the housekeeping pad. The section must be level from side-to-side and front to back. Section squareness should be within 1/8-inch. Remove the bottom bolts from lifting lugs located at the shipping split (see Figure 10).
Figure 9. Remove shipping blocks
Figure 10. Remove lifting lug bolts
Apply 1.25-inch x 0.33-inch ribbed butyl tape to the shipping split channel and shipping split plates (see Figure 11).
Verify the section is level prior to proceeding with the next section of the unit.
Figure 11. Apply butyl tape to shipping splits
Move the next unit section as close as possible from the previous section. The two sections should be close enough to reduce the amount of dragging required. This is particularly important when mounting on a roof curb to minimize damage to the sealant on the roof curb. Alignment of sections must be completed before drawing sections together.
Remove the bottom bolts from the shipping split lifting lugs (see Figure 12).
Figure 12. Remove bottom bolts from lifting lugs
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